debops.icinga default variables
Upstream configuration, APT packages
- icinga__upstream
Enable or disable support for Icinga 2 upstream packages instead of the ones included in a given OS release.
icinga__upstream: '{{ True
if (ansible_distribution_release in
[ "wheezy", "precise", "trusty" ])
else False }}'
- icinga__upstream_apt_key_id
The GPG key id of the upstream Icinga 2 APT repository.
icinga__upstream_apt_key_id: 'F51A 91A5 EE00 1AA5 D77D 53C4 C6E3 19C3 3441 0682'
- icinga__upstream_apt_repo
The sources.list
entry of the upstream Icinga 2 APT repository.
icinga__upstream_apt_repo: 'deb{{ icinga__distribution | lower }} icinga-{{ icinga__distribution_release | lower }} main'
- icinga__distribution
Name of the OS distribution used to select the correct upstream APT repository.
icinga__distribution: '{{ ansible_local.core.distribution|d(ansible_distribution) }}'
- icinga__distribution_release
Name of the OS release used to select the correct upstream APT repository.
icinga__distribution_release: '{{ ansible_local.core.distribution_release|d(ansible_distribution_release) }}'
- icinga__version
The version of the installed Icinga 2 package, detected by the Ansible local fact script. This variable can be used in conditional Icinga 2 configuration.
icinga__version: '{{ ansible_local.icinga.version|d("0.0.0") }}'
- icinga__base_packages
List of APT packages to install for Icinga 2 support.
- 'icinga2'
- 'ssl-cert'
- 'monitoring-plugins'
- 'nagios-plugins-contrib'
- icinga__packages
List of additional APT packages to install with Icinga 2.
icinga__packages: []
User and group configuration
- icinga__user
Name of the UNIX system account which is used to run Icinga 2. This account is created by the APT package and you shouldn't change it here.
icinga__user: 'nagios'
- icinga__group
Name of the UNIX system group which is used to run Icinga 2. This group is created by the APT package and you shouldn't change it here.
icinga__group: 'nagios'
- icinga__additional_groups
List of additional UNIX groups which the Icinga 2 user should be a member of.
- 'ssl-cert'
- '{{
if (|d() and
else [] }}'
Network, DNS configuration, API configuration
- icinga__fqdn
The Fully Qualified Domain Name of this Icinga 2 node. This variable is used during the node registration in the Icinga 2 Director and in the zone configuration.
icinga__fqdn: '{{ ansible_fqdn }}'
- icinga__display_name
The short display name of this Icinga 2 node. This variable is used during the node registration in the Icinga 2 Director and in the zone configuration.
icinga__display_name: '{{ (inventory_hostname_short | d(inventory_hostname.split(".")[0]))
if (inventory_hostname_short | d(inventory_hostname.split(".")[0]) != "localhost")
else ansible_hostname }}'
- icinga__ipv4_address
The IPv4 address (or FQDN used to lookup the IPv4 address) of this Icinga 2 node. This variable is used during the node registration in the Icinga 2 Director (and will be used to contact the node for monitoring purposes).
icinga__ipv4_address: '{{ ansible_default_ipv4.address
| d(ansible_all_ipv4_addresses | d([]) | first)
| d(icinga_fqdn) }}'
- icinga__ipv6_address
The IPv6 address (or FQDN used to lookup the IPv4 address) of this Icinga 2 node. This variable is used during the node registration in the Icinga 2 Director (and will be used to contact the node for monitoring purposes).
icinga__ipv6_address: '{{ ansible_default_ipv6.address
| d(ansible_all_ipv6_addresses | d([]) | first)
| d(omit, true) }}'
- icinga__domain
The main DNS domain used by the role to configure Icinga 2.
icinga__domain: '{{ ansible_domain }}'
- icinga__master_nodes
List which contains the result of the DNS query for Icinga 2 master node
resource records in the host's domain. This is a DebOps-specific
feature, which does not have a corresponding RFC.
See DNS SRV records for details if you want to specify this list manually.
icinga__master_nodes: '{{ q("dig_srv", "_icinga-master._tcp." + icinga__domain,
"icinga-master." + icinga__domain, icinga__api_port) }}'
- icinga__master_delegate_to
The host to which tasks that must execute on the master node will be delegated.
It's used when icinga__master_*_configuration
is set and configuration
files are written on the master node.
icinga__master_delegate_to: '{{ icinga__master_nodes[0]["target"] }}'
- icinga__director_nodes
List which contains the result of the DNS query for Icinga 2 director node
resource records in the host's domain. This is a DebOps-specific
feature, which does not have a corresponding RFC.
Only the first entry in the list will be used to register a node.
See DNS SRV records for details if you want to specify this list manually.
icinga__director_nodes: '{{ q("dig_srv", "_icinga-director._tcp." + icinga__domain,
"icinga-director." + icinga__domain, 443) }}'
- icinga__node_type
Specify the type of this Icinga 2 node, either master
or client
Master nodes are not registered automatically in the Icinga 2 Director, and have the default API user configured automatically.
Client nodes are registered in the Icinga 2 Director if one is available.
icinga__node_type: '{{ "master"
if (icinga__fqdn in
(icinga__master_nodes | map(attribute="target")) or
not icinga__director_enabled|bool)
else "client" }}'
- icinga__allow
List of IP addresses or subnets that are allowed to talk to the Icinga 2 Agent over the network, configured on all hosts in the Ansible inventory. If no entries are specified, access through the firewall is disabled.
icinga__allow: []
- icinga__group_allow
List of IP addresses or subnets that are allowed to talk to the Icinga 2 Agent over the network, configured on hosts in a specific Ansible inventory group. If no entries are specified, access through the firewall is disabled.
icinga__group_allow: []
- icinga__host_allow
List of IP addresses or subnets that are allowed to talk to the Icinga 2 Agent over the network, configured on specific hosts in the Ansible inventory. If no entries are specified, access through the firewall is disabled.
icinga__host_allow: []
- icinga__api_listen
IP address on which the Icinga 2 REST API should listen. Defaults to all IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.
icinga__api_listen: '::'
- icinga__api_port
The TCP port on which the Icinga 2 REST API should listen.
icinga__api_port: '5665'
- icinga__api_user
The default user account for the REST API with superuser privileges. This account will be defined only on the master Icinga 2 nodes.
This account is used by the debops.icinga_web Ansible role to perform
the configuration kickstart and to access the Icinga REST API. It should be
synchronized with the corresponding icinga_web__icinga_api_user
icinga__api_user: 'root'
- icinga__api_password
The password for the Icinga 2 REST API "root" account. It will be generated
only on the master Icinga 2 nodes. It should be synchronized with the
corresponding icinga_web__icinga_api_password
icinga__api_password: '{{ lookup("password", secret + "/icinga/api/"
+ icinga__fqdn + "/credentials/"
+ icinga__api_user + "/password")
if (icinga__node_type == "master")
else "" }}'
- icinga__api_permissions
List of the default permissions for the "root" account accessible via the REST API.
icinga__api_permissions: [ '*' ]
Icinga 2 Director options
- icinga__director_enabled
Enable or disable support for the Icinga 2 Director configuration. Support
will be automatically enabled if DNS SRV
records exist for the Icinga 2
master and director nodes.
See DNS SRV records for more details.
icinga__director_enabled: '{{ True
if (icinga__master_nodes[0]["dig_srv_src"]|d("") != "fallback" and
icinga__director_nodes[0]["dig_srv_src"]|d("") != "fallback")
else False }}'
- icinga__director_register
Enable or disable automatic registration of configured hosts in Icinga 2 Director.
icinga__director_register: '{{ True
if (icinga__director_enabled|bool)
else False }}'
- icinga__director_register_api_fqdn
The Fully Qualified Domain Name of the Icinga 2 Director host where a given
host will be registered. The address will be found using DNS SRV
by default. See DNS SRV records for more details.
icinga__director_register_api_fqdn: '{{ icinga__director_nodes[0]["target"] }}'
- icinga__director_register_api_url
The URL of the Icinga 2 Director REST API which will be used to register the host in Icinga 2 Director.
icinga__director_register_api_url: 'https://{{ icinga__director_register_api_fqdn }}/director/host'
- icinga__director_register_api_user
The user account in the Icinga 2 Director REST API which will be used for
host registration. This variable corresponds to the
icinga__director_register_api_user: 'director-api'
- icinga__director_register_api_password
The password of the Icinga 2 Director REST API user used to register the host
in Icinga. This variable corresponds to the
icinga__director_register_api_password: '{{ lookup("password", secret + "/icinga_web/api/"
+ icinga__director_register_api_fqdn + "/credentials/"
+ icinga__director_register_api_user + "/password") }}'
- icinga__director_register_default_templates
List of default host templates to use for a given host during registration. The templates need to be prepared beforehand in the Icinga 2 Director.
- 'icinga-agent-host'
- icinga__director_register_templates
List of host templates to use for a given host during registration. These templates are used for all hosts in the Ansible inventory. The templates need to be prepared beforehand in the Icinga 2 Director.
icinga__director_register_templates: []
- icinga__director_register_group_templates
List of host templates to use for a given host during registration. These templates are used for hosts in a specific Ansible inventory group. The templates need to be prepared beforehand in the Icinga 2 Director.
icinga__director_register_group_templates: []
- icinga__director_register_host_templates
List of host templates to use for a given host during registration. These templates are used for specific hosts in the Ansible inventory. The templates need to be prepared beforehand in the Icinga 2 Director.
icinga__director_register_host_templates: []
- icinga__director_register_default_vars
YAML dictionary that contains default environment variables defined for a given host during registration. The key is the variable name, and the value is the variable value.
'ansible_managed': True
- icinga__director_register_vars
YAML dictionary that contains environment variables defined for a given host during registration. These variables will be set for all hosts in the Ansible inventory. The key is the variable name, and the value is the variable value.
icinga__director_register_vars: {}
- icinga__director_register_group_vars
YAML dictionary that contains environment variables defined for a given host during registration. These variables will be set for hosts in a specific Ansible inventory group. The key is the variable name, and the value is the variable value.
icinga__director_register_group_vars: {}
- icinga__director_register_host_vars
YAML dictionary that contains environment variables defined for a given host during registration. These variables will be set for specific hosts in the Ansible inventory. The key is the variable name, and the value is the variable value.
icinga__director_register_host_vars: {}
- icinga__director_register_host_object
The host object data passed to the Icinga 2 Director via the REST API during host registration.
object_type: 'object'
object_name: '{{ icinga__fqdn }}'
display_name: '{{ icinga__display_name }}'
address: '{{ icinga__ipv4_address }}'
address6: '{{ icinga__ipv6_address }}'
imports: '{{ q("flattened",
+ icinga__director_register_templates
+ icinga__director_register_group_templates
+ icinga__director_register_host_templates)) }}'
vars: '{{ icinga__director_register_default_vars
| combine(icinga__director_register_vars,
icinga__director_register_host_vars) }}'
- icinga__director_deploy
Enable or disable automatic deployment of new Icinga configuration via Icinga 2 Director. The deployment will be triggered only once if any host on the current run is registered in Icinga.
icinga__director_deploy: '{{ True
if (icinga__director_register|bool)
else False }}'
- icinga__director_deploy_api_fqdn
The Fully Qualified Domain Name of the Icinga 2 Director host where the deployment will be performed. The address will be found using DNS SRV records by default. See DNS SRV records for more details.
icinga__director_deploy_api_fqdn: '{{ icinga__director_nodes[0]["target"] }}'
- icinga__director_deploy_api_url
The REST API URL used to execute new configuration deployment.
icinga__director_deploy_api_url: 'https://{{ icinga__director_deploy_api_fqdn }}/director/config/deploy'
- icinga__director_deploy_api_user
The user account in the Icinga 2 Director REST API which will be used for
configuration deployment. This variable corresponds to the
icinga__director_deploy_api_user: 'director-api'
- icinga__director_deploy_api_password
The password of the Icinga 2 Director REST API user used to perform the
configuration deployment. This variable corresponds to the
icinga__director_deploy_api_password: '{{ lookup("password", secret + "/icinga_web/api/"
+ icinga__director_deploy_api_fqdn + "/credentials/"
+ icinga__director_deploy_api_user + "/password") }}'
DebOps PKI support
- icinga__pki_enabled
Enable or disable support for DebOps PKI. If disabled, Icinga will be configured with the default certificate and key paths, but no further configuration will be done to create the internal PKI.
icinga__pki_enabled: '{{ True
if (ansible_local|d() and ansible_local.pki|d() and
else False }}'
- icinga__pki_path
The base path where the PKI realms are located.
icinga__pki_path: '{{ ansible_local.pki.path|d("/etc/pki/realms") }}'
- icinga__pki_realm
Name of the PKI realm to use for Icinga REST API.
icinga__pki_realm: '{{ ansible_local.pki.realm|d("domain") }}'
- icinga__pki_ca
Name of the file which contains the Root Certificate Authority certificate.
icinga__pki_ca: '{{|d("CA.crt") }}'
- icinga__pki_crt
Name of the file which contains the server certificate.
icinga__pki_crt: '{{ ansible_local.pki.crt|d("default.crt") }}'
- icinga__pki_key
Name of the file which contains the private key.
icinga__pki_key: '{{ ansible_local.pki.key|d("default.key") }}'
- icinga__pki_cert_path
Absolute path of the X.509 server certificate used by Icinga.
icinga__pki_cert_path: '{{ icinga__pki_path + "/" + icinga__pki_realm
+ "/" + icinga__pki_crt }}'
- icinga__pki_key_path
Absolute path of the X.509 private key used by Icinga.
icinga__pki_key_path: '{{ icinga__pki_path + "/" + icinga__pki_realm
+ "/" + icinga__pki_key }}'
- icinga__pki_ca_path
Absolute path of the Root Certificate Authority used by Icinga.
icinga__pki_ca_path: '{{ icinga__pki_path + "/" + icinga__pki_realm
+ "/" + icinga__pki_ca }}'
Icinga configuration files
These lists manage the files and directories stored in the
directory. See the icinga__configuration for
more details.
- icinga__default_configuration
The default Icinga configuration files defined by the role.
- name: 'icinga2.conf'
divert: True
comment: |
Icinga 2 configuration file
- this is where you define settings for the Icinga application including
which hosts/services to check.
For an overview of all available configuration options please refer
to the documentation that is distributed as part of Icinga 2.
- name: 'constants'
comment: 'The constant.conf defines global constants.'
value: |
include "constants.conf"
state: 'present'
- name: 'zones'
comment: |
The zones.conf defines zones for a cluster setup.
Not required for single instance setups.
value: |
include "zones.conf"
state: 'present'
- name: 'itl'
comment: |
The Icinga Template Library (ITL) provides a number of useful templates
and command definitions.
Common monitoring plugin command definitions are included separately.
value: |
include <itl>
include <plugins>
include <plugins-contrib>
include <manubulon>
state: 'present'
- name: 'windows_plugins'
comment: |
This includes the Icinga 2 Windows plugins. These command definitions
are required on a master node when a client is used as command endpoint.
value: |
include <windows-plugins>
state: 'present'
- name: 'nscp'
comment: |
This includes the NSClient++ check commands. These command definitions
are required on a master node when a client is used as command endpoint.
value: |
include <nscp>
state: 'present'
- name: 'features_enabled'
comment: |
The features-available directory contains a number of configuration
files for features which can be enabled and disabled using the
icinga2 feature enable / icinga2 feature disable CLI commands.
These commands work by creating and removing symbolic links in
the features-enabled directory.
value: |
include "features-enabled/*.conf"
state: 'present'
- name: 'repository.d'
comment: |
The repository.d directory contains all configuration objects
managed by the 'icinga2 repository' CLI commands.
value: |
include_recursive "repository.d"
state: '{{ "absent"
if (icinga__version is version("2.8.0", ">="))
else "present" }}'
- name: 'conf.d'
comment: |
Although in theory you could define all your objects in this file
the preferred way is to create separate directories and files in the conf.d
directory. Each of these files must have the file extension ".conf".
value: |
include_recursive "conf.d"
state: '{{ "absent" if (icinga__director_enabled|bool) else "present" }}'
- name: 'api_users'
comment: |
Read the API User objects on master node.
value: |
include "conf.d/api-users.conf"
state: '{{ "present"
if (icinga__director_enabled|bool and
icinga__node_type == "master")
else "absent" }}'
- name: 'zones.conf'
divert: True
comment: |
Endpoint and Zone configuration for a cluster setup
This local example requires 'NodeName' defined in
- name: 'object_master'
value: |
{% for record in icinga__master_nodes %}
{% if|d() %}
object Endpoint "{{ | regex_replace('\.$','') }}" {
host = "{{ | regex_replace('\.$','') }}"
port = "{{ record.port }}"
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
object Zone "master" {
endpoints = [ "{{ icinga__master_nodes | map(attribute='target') | join('", "') }}" ]
state: '{{ "present"
if (icinga__node_type != "master" and
icinga__master_nodes[0]["dig_srv_src"]|d("") != "fallback")
else "absent" }}'
- name: 'object_node'
value: |
object Endpoint NodeName {
host = NodeName
object Zone ZoneName {
endpoints = [ NodeName ]
{% if (icinga__director_enabled|bool and icinga__node_type != 'master') %}
parent = "master"
{% endif %}
state: 'present'
- name: 'object_global_templates'
value: |
object Zone "global-templates" {
global = true
state: 'present'
- name: 'object_director_global'
value: |
object Zone "director-global" {
global = true
state: '{{ "present" if (icinga__director_enabled|bool) else "absent" }}'
- name: 'conf.d/api-users.conf'
comment: 'The APIUser objects are used for authentication against the API.'
group: '{{ icinga__group }}'
mode: '0640'
no_log: True
state: '{{ "present"
if (icinga__node_type == "master")
else "absent" }}'
- name: 'api_user_root'
value: |
object ApiUser "{{ icinga__api_user }}" {
password = "{{ icinga__api_password }}"
permissions = [ "{{ icinga__api_permissions | join('", "') }}" ]
state: 'present'
- name: 'features-available/api.conf'
divert: True
comment: 'The API listener is used for distributed monitoring setups.'
value: |
object ApiListener "api" {
bind_host = "{{ icinga__api_listen }}"
bind_port = {{ icinga__api_port }}
{% if icinga__pki_enabled|bool %}
cert_path = "{{ icinga__pki_cert_path }}"
key_path = "{{ icinga__pki_key_path }}"
ca_path = "{{ icinga__pki_ca_path }}"
{% else %}
cert_path = SysconfDir + "/icinga2/pki/" + NodeName + ".crt"
key_path = SysconfDir + "/icinga2/pki/" + NodeName + ".key"
ca_path = SysconfDir + "/icinga2/pki/ca.crt"
{% endif %}
accept_config = {{ 'false' if (icinga__director_enabled|bool and icinga__node_type == 'master') else 'true' }}
accept_commands = {{ 'false' if (icinga__director_enabled|bool and icinga__node_type == 'master') else 'true' }}
ticket_salt = TicketSalt
state: 'present'
feature_name: 'api'
feature_state: 'present'
- name: 'features-available/notification.conf'
divert: True
state: '{{ "init" if (icinga__node_type == "master") else "feature" }}'
feature_name: 'notification'
feature_state: '{{ "present" if (icinga__node_type == "master") else "absent" }}'
- name: 'features-available/checker.conf'
divert: True
state: '{{ "init" if (icinga__node_type == "master") else "feature" }}'
feature_name: 'checker'
feature_state: '{{ "present" if (icinga__node_type == "master") else "absent" }}'
- icinga__configuration
List of the Icinga configuration files managed on all hosts in the Ansible inventory.
icinga__configuration: []
- icinga__group_configuration
List of the Icinga configuration files managed on hosts in a specific Ansible inventory group.
icinga__group_configuration: []
- icinga__host_configuration
List of the Icinga configuration files managed on specific hosts in the Ansible inventory.
icinga__host_configuration: []
- icinga__dependent_configuration
List of the Icinga configuration files defined by other Ansible roles using role-dependent variables. See Usage as a role dependency for more details about the usage.
icinga__dependent_configuration: []
- icinga__dependent_configuration_filter
Variable which contains the parsed list of Icinga configuration files defined by other Ansible roles.
icinga__dependent_configuration_filter: '{{ lookup("template",
| from_yaml }}'
- icinga__combined_configuration
Variable which combines all of the other Icinga configuration lists and is used in the role tasks.
icinga__combined_configuration: '{{ icinga__default_configuration
+ icinga__dependent_configuration_filter
+ icinga__configuration
+ icinga__group_configuration
+ icinga__host_configuration }}'
Icinga master node's configuration files
These lists manage the files and directories stored in the
directory on the Icinga master node.
It may be used when the setup of an Icinga agent needs to add config files
to the master node. It's useful when Director module is not used and
Icinga objects (Zone, Endpoint, Host, ...) need to be defined both
on the agent and the master nodes.
The syntax for icinga__master_*_configuration
variables is the
same as icinga__configuration.
- icinga__master_configuration
List of the Icinga configuration files defined on the master node for every host.
icinga__master_configuration: []
- icinga__master_group_configuration
List of the Icinga configuration files defined on the master node for hosts in a specific Ansible inventory group.
icinga__master_group_configuration: []
- icinga__master_host_configuration
List of the Icinga configuration files defined on the master node for specific hosts in the Ansible inventory.
icinga__master_host_configuration: []
- icinga__master_combined_configuration
Variable which combines Icinga master node configuration from previous variables.
icinga__master_combined_configuration: '{{ icinga__master_configuration
+ icinga__master_group_configuration
+ icinga__master_host_configuration }}'
Custom files managed with Icinga
These lists can be used to manage custom files (by default scripts) on the hosts along with Icinga. See icinga__custom_files for more details.
- icinga__custom_files
List of custom files managed on all hosts in the Ansible inventory.
icinga__custom_files: []
- icinga__group_custom_files
List of custom files managed on hosts in a specific Ansible inventory group.
icinga__group_custom_files: []
- icinga__host_custom_files
List of custom files managed on specific hosts in the Ansible inventory.
icinga__host_custom_files: []
Configuration for other Ansible roles
- icinga__apt_preferences__dependent_list
Configuration for the debops.apt_preferences Ansible role.
- packages: [ 'icinga2', 'icinga2*', 'icingaweb2', 'icingaweb2*', 'libicinga2',
'monitoring-plugins', 'monitoring-plugins*',
'nagios-plugins', 'nagios-plugins*' ]
backports: [ 'jessie' ]
reason: 'Parity with Debian Stretch release'
by_role: 'debops_icinga'
- icinga__etc_services__dependent_list
Configuration for the debops.etc_services Ansible role.
- name: 'icinga-api'
port: '{{ icinga__api_port }}'
comment: 'Icinga 2 REST API'
- icinga__keyring__dependent_apt_keys
Configuration for the debops.keyring Ansible role.
- id: '{{ icinga__upstream_apt_key_id }}'
repo: '{{ icinga__upstream_apt_repo }}'
state: '{{ "present" if icinga__upstream|bool else "absent" }}'
- icinga__ferm__dependent_rules
Configuration for the debops.ferm Ansible role.
- type: 'accept'
dport: [ 'icinga-api' ]
saddr: '{{ icinga__allow + icinga__group_allow + icinga__host_allow }}'
accept_any: False
weight: '40'
by_role: 'icinga'
name: 'icinga_api'
- icinga__unattended_upgrades__dependent_origins
List of origin patterns managed by the debops.unattended_upgrades role.
- origin: ''
by_role: 'debops.icinga'
state: '{{ "present" if icinga__upstream|bool else "absent" }}'