Default variable details

Some of debops.icinga default variables have more extensive configuration than simple strings or lists, here you can find documentation and examples for them.


The icinga__*_configuration variables specify the contents of the Icinga 2 configuration located in the /etc/icinga2/ directory. The variables are combined together using the icinga__combined_configuration variable, which means that users don't need to copy entire values to the inventory to change it.

Because Icinga 2 configuration language is extensive, the role is focused only on conditional activation of the specific files and sections inside. You will want to read the upstream documentation to learn how to configure Icinga 2 using its DSL.

The vriables contain lists of YAML dictionaries, each dictionary can be defined using specific parameters:


Required. The name of the file located in the /etc/icinga2/ directory, for example icinga2.conf. This can also include subdirectories, for example conf.d/templates.conf. Missing subdirectories will be automatically created by the role.

This parameter is used as a handle for merging multiple configuration entries together.


Optional. Alternative filename with optional subdirectories. Can be used to override the filename specified in the name parameter. Usually not used.


Optional, boolean. When defined and True, this parameter marks the file as belonging to a .deb package. The original file will be diverted or reverted depending on the state parameter to allow for unobtrusive package upgrades. Diverted files have .dpkg-divert suffix and are ignored by Icinga 2.


Optional. Specify the desired state of a given configuration file. Possible states:

  • present: default if not defined. The configuration file will be generated, any original files will be diverted to preserve them.

  • absent: the file will be removed. Any diverted files will be returned to their original state.

  • init: the configuration of a given file will be primed, but will not be actually implemented by the role. This can be used to prepare configuration files to be activated conditionally.

  • ignore: a given configuration entry will be ignored during template generation. This can be used to disable specific configuration entries conditionally.

  • divert: only divert a given configuration file without generating a custom one. The files will be reverted back when the state is set to absent.

  • feature: only enable/disable the feature state in the /etc/icinga2/features-enabled/ directory.


Optional. Specify name of the symlink managed in the /etc/icinga2/features-enabled/ directory, without the .conf suffix. This should be only used with configuration files located in the features-available/ subdirectory, otherwise the generated symlinks will be broken.

The name parameter is not correlated with the feature_name, and is used only for configuration merging.


Optional. If set and present, the symlink to a particular feature file will be created. If absent, the symlink to a particular feature will be removed, thus disabling it.


Optional. Specify the UNIX account owner of the configuration file. If not specified, root will be the owner.


Optional. Specify the UNIX group of the configuration file. If not specified, root will be the group.


Optional. Specify the file attributes. If not specified, 0644 will be used by default.


Optional, boolean. If set and True, Ansible will not log the generation of a given configuration file. This might be useful for files with sensitive data like passwords.


Optional. String or YAML text block with a comment, included in the beginning of the configuration file.


Optional. String or YAML text block that contains the Icinga 2 configuration, specified using Icinga 2 DSL. It will be included in the configuration file as-is.


Optional. List of configuration snippets that will be included in the file. It's an alternative to a single value entry which can be used to conditionally enable or disable parts of the configuration file. Options lists from different configuration entries are merged together and can affect each other.

Each list element is a YAML dictionary with specific parameters:


An element identifier, it is used for merging options lists from different configuration entries and is ignored otherwise. It should be an unique string.


Required. String or YAML text block with Icinga 2 configuration written in is DSL. Will be included as-is in the configuration file.


Optional. String or YAML text block with a comment which will be added before a given element.


Optional. If not set or present, the configuration option will be included in the generated file. If absent, the configuration option will not be included in the generated file. If ignore, a given list element is not evaluated by Ansible and will be ignored. If comment, the configuration option will be included in the configuration file, but commented out.


Optional. A positive or negative number that affects the order of the elements in the options list. It can be used to move configuration lower or higher in the configuration file.


Many examples can be found in the role defaults/main.yml file.

Add simple host checks in separate directory:


  - name: 'conf.d/hosts/host1.{{ ansible_domain }}/host.conf'
    comment: 'Custom host configuration'


      - name: 'host'
        value: |
          object Host "host1.{{ ansible_domain }}" {
            address = "host1.{{ ansible_domain }}"
            check_command = "hostalive"
        state: 'present'

  - name: 'conf.d/hosts/host2.{{ ansible_domain }}/host.conf'
    value: |
      object Host "host2.{{ ansible_domain }}" {
        address = "host2.{{ ansible_domain }}"
        check_command = "hostalive"
    state: 'present'

Define a set of services and apply them to hosts in a specific zone:


  - name: 'zones.d/master/services.conf'
    state: 'present'

      - name: 'service_load'
        value: |
          apply Service "load" {
            import "generic-service"
            check_command = "load"
            command_endpoint = host.vars.client_endpoint
            assign where host.vars.client_endpoint
        state: 'present'

      - name: 'service_procs'
        value: |
          apply Service "procs" {
            import "generic-service"
            check_command = "procs"
            command_endpoint = host.vars.client_endpoint
            assign where host.vars.client_endpoint
        state: 'present'

  - name: 'zones.d/master/host1.{{ ansible_domain }}.conf'

      - name: 'object_zone'
        value: |
          object Zone "host1.{{ ansible_domain }}" {
            endpoints = [ "host1.{{ ansible_domain }}" ]
            parent = "master"
        state: 'present'

      - name: 'object_endpoint'
        value: |
          object Endpoint "host1.{{ ansible_domain }}" {
            host = "host1.{{ ansible_domain }}"
        state: 'present'

      - name: 'object_host'
        value: |
          object Host "host1.{{ ansible_domain }}" {
            import "generic-host"
            address = "host1.{{ ansible_domain }}"
            vars.notification["mail"] = {
              groups = [ "icingaadmins" ]
            vars.client_endpoint = name
        state: 'present'


The icinga__*_custom_files variables can be used to copy additional hosts to hosts managed with the debops.icinga role. The variables are lists, each list entry is a YAML dictionary with specific parameters:


String or YAML text block with file contents. Cannot be set with the src parameter at the same time.


Absolute path to the file located on the Ansible Controller which will be copied to the remote host. Cannot be set with the content parameter at the same time.


Required. Absolute path where the file will be placed on the remote host.


Optional. Specify the owner of the file. If not specified, root will be the owner.


Optional. Specify the default group of the file. If not specified, root will be the default group.


Optional. Specify the file attributes. If not specified, 0755 will be set (by default the role assumes that the managed custom files are scripts).


Optional, boolean. If True (default), the role will override already existing file. If False, the role will not override an existing file.


Optional. If not set or present, the file will be copied to the remote host. This can be used to conditionally copy files depending on other factors.


Add a simple hello world script in Icinga 2 scripts/ directory:

  - content: |

      echo "Hello, world!"
    dest: '/etc/icinga2/scripts/'