debops.fhs default variables

General configuration


Enable or disable support for base directory hierarchy management.

fhs__enabled: True

Base directories

These variables define what base directories should be present on the host. See fhs__directories for more details.


List of the default base directories defined by the role.


  # Path where Ansible local facts are stored. This shouldn't really be changed
  # because Ansible uses this path explicitly.
  - name: 'facts'
    path: '/etc/ansible/facts.d'

  # Directory where user binaries accessible via "$PATH" should be stored.
  - name: 'bin'
    path: '/usr/local/bin'

  # Directory where additional configuration files not related to existing or
  # packaged services will be stored. Very rarely used.
  - name: 'etc'
    path: '/usr/local/etc'

  # Directory where various scripts which don't or shouldn't be directly
  # accessible from the interactive shell should be stored, so that they don't
  # pollute Tab-completion. Roles can create subdirectories here in case when
  # more than a handful of scripts are used.
  - name: 'lib'
    path: '/usr/local/lib'

  # Directory where administrator binaries accessible via "$PATH" should be
  # stored.
  - name: 'sbin'
    path: '/usr/local/sbin'

  # Path where static data files should be stored, similar to
  # the '/usr/share' directory. Rarely used.
  - name: 'share'
    path: '/usr/local/share'

  # Path where application sources (tarballs, 'git' repositories) can be stored
  # and operated on, usually in a separate subdirectory for each role or user.
  - name: 'src'
    path: '/usr/local/src'

  # Directory that stores application data, things served by a given host, for
  # example webpages. Web application system accounts may have their home
  # directories there.
  - name: 'data'
    path: '/srv'

  # Alternative directory for application data.
  - name: 'srv'
    path: '/srv'

  # Directory used commonly for home directories of UNIX accounts used by web
  # applications, or for the websites installed system-wide. An alternative
  # location of the '/var/www/' directory for non-packaged content.
  - name: 'www'
    path: '/srv/www'

  # Path where local backups generated by automated scripts are stored, usually
  # in separate subdirectories for each user/role.
  - name: 'backup'
    path: '/var/backups'

  # Path where home directories of local system accounts are stored ('/home' is
  # reserved for regular users and home directories of users stored in remote
  # filesystems like NFS).
  - name: 'home'
    path: '/var/local'
    mode: '02775'

  # Path where variable internal data are stored. Examples include databases,
  # spools, transient files. Usually a separate subdirectory is used, especially
  # when the application has its own home directory.
  - name: 'var'
    path: '/var/local'
    mode: '02775'

  # Directory where non-web applications are installed. By default it's in
  # a subdirectory, usually home directory of an application, but the root path
  # might be different.
  - name: 'app'
    path: '/var/local'
    mode: '02775'

  # Path where cache files are stored, optionally with a separate subdirectory.
  - name: 'cache'
    path: '/var/cache'

  # Path where log files are stored, optionally with a separate subdirectory.
  - name: 'log'
    path: '/var/log'
    mode: '{{ "u=rwX,g=rwX,o=rX"
              if (ansible_distribution in [ "Ubuntu", "Linux Mint" ])
              else omit }}'

  # Path where spool files are stored, optionally with a separate subdirectory.
  - name: 'spool'
    path: '/var/spool'

List of additional base directories defined by the user.

fhs__directories: []

Variable which combines all of the base directory lists and is used in role tasks and templates.

fhs__combined_directories: '{{ fhs__default_directories
                               + fhs__directories }}'