
This project adheres to Semantic Versioning and human-readable changelog.

This file contains only general overview of the changes in the DebOps project. The detailed changelog can be seen using git log command.

You can read information about required changes between releases in the Upgrade notes documentation.


The stable-2.1 branch has been retired, there will be no more updates. Consider upgrade to the newer release of DebOps.

debops v2.1.9 - 2022-02-17



  • New Ansible custom lookup plugin dig_srv can be used in Ansible variables and tasks to simplify DNS SRV record parsing. The plugin can retrieve an existing SRV record or if none is found, fall back to a predefined default values for the hostname and port.

debops.apt role

  • The role will refresh APT cache if needed, to ensure that package installaction can be done correctly on freshly installed hosts or containers.

debops.ferm role

  • The arptables and ebtables APT packages will be installed by default. This is needed so that various alternatives for iptables backends can be correctly synchronized.

debops.netbox role

  • The role can now automatically generate SSH keys on the netbox UNIX account for use with NAPALM services.

debops.nginx role

  • The item.location_list entries in the server configuration can now define access policy for a specific location and use subnet ranges or password authentication to control access.
  • Lemgth and characters included in the passwords generated by the role for HTTP Basic Authentication can now be controlled using default variables.
  • The nginx server can now be configured to send logs to the syslog service via a /dev/log UNIX socket, instead of storing them in separate configuration files.

debops.slapd role

  • The SCHema for ACademia (schac) LDAP schema has been added to the role to provide more LDAP attributes and object classes useful in university environments.


Updates of upstream application versions

  • In the debops.ipxe role, the Debian Bullseye netboot installer version has been updated to the next point release, 11.2.

Continuous Integration

  • The default box used by Vagrant for DebOps VMs has been updated from debian/buster64 to debian/bullseye64.


  • Multiple roles that use the DNS SRV Resource Records to find related services have been updated to utilize the new dig_srv Ansible lookup plugin to find the records. This change should make the role code easier to maintain.

debops.apt_cacher_ng role

  • The role has been updated to include new configuration options added in the Debian Bullseye release.

debops.apt_preferences role

  • The provided presets for Backports repositories have a slightly higher priority to ensure that they are preferred over third-party APT repositories.

debops.dhparam role

  • The role will no longer install the cron service directly; instead it depends on the debops.cron role to ensure that the service is present. This allows replacing the cron Debian package with a different backend, for example systemd-cron package.

debops.docker_server role

debops.etckeeper role

  • Add etckeeper__gitattributes option to be able to appended to the /etc/.gitattributes file.

debops.ferm role

  • The iptables backend management will not be performed on Ubuntu Bionic and Focal releases by default, in addition to already defined OS releases.

  • The backend configuration will now manage all relevant alternatives for arptables, ebtables, iptables and ip6tables commands to keep various parts of the firewall synchronized.


    The variable which controls what backend is used has been renamed to ferm__iptables_backend_type due to value change. You might need to update your Ansible inventory to select the correct backend.

  • The default backend for iptables is changed to legacy on newer OS releases, because there's no plans to support nftables backend by the ferm project. You might want to check if the firewall configuration is correctly applied after running the role against already configured hosts.

debops.grub role

  • The role now enables the serial console by default.

debops.machine role

  • The default contact information is now based on the public administrator e-mail address set in the debops.core role.

debops.logrotate role

  • The role will no longer install the cron service directly; instead it depends on the debops.cron role to ensure that the service is present. This allows replacing the cron Debian package with a different backend, for example systemd-cron package.

debops.netbox role

  • Add netbox__config_custom option to be able to configure not explicitly supported options in a raw format.

debops.pki role

  • The RootCA certificate for the Let's Encrypt ACME certificates has been changed to mozilla/ISRG_Root_X1.crt, the previous CA certificate is now expired. Existing PKI realms will not be modified, you might need to recreate them or replace the acme/root.pem symlink manually.

debops.postfix role

  • The milter_* configuration options will be added in the filter configuration section in the /etc/postfix/ configuration file.

debops.slapd role

  • The LDAP indexes for sudoUser, sudoHost attributes have been modified and the modifyTimestamp index has been added to the default configuration.


    This change will require a manual modification on the slapd server before the role can be executed indepotently. You need to change the sudoUser eq,sub index in the configuration to sudoHost,sudoUser eq,sub in the cn=config database before applying the role on the host to avoid issues.

debops.sshd role

  • Keep the SSH_CONNECTION environment variable when running commands with sudo.

debops.system_users role

  • The role will check if the host is included in the debops_service_ldap Ansible inventory group. This will enable LDAP integration by default to avoid idempotency issues during playbook execution.

debops.system_groups role

  • A specific task will be throttled to avoid high load on the Ansible Controller during role execution on a large number of hosts (>100). The throttle amount and thus the number of hosts executed at one time can be controlled by a variable.
  • The role will check if the host is included in the debops_service_ldap Ansible inventory group. This will enable LDAP integration by default to avoid idempotency issues during playbook execution.

debops.unattended_upgrades role



  • Fixed an issue with user and group management roles where the UNIX account home directories were created even if they were specifically disabled. Roles should now be more careful and respect the administrator wishes.


  • The *__ldap_bindpw variables in various roles have been modified to create the passwords only when LDAP support is enabled. This should fix an issue in non-LDAP environments where Ansible would stop playbook execution when a single password file for an LDAP object was created by multiple hosts, generating a race condition due to empty domain part of the Distinguished Name.

debops.apt role

  • The role will ignore the "/debian-security" APT mirror added in some LXC container templates during generation of the APT sources, to avoid issues.
  • The role no longer disables the backports repository of a Debian LTS or archive release.

debops.dnsmasq role

  • The DHCPv6 service does not use the TCP protocol, therefore it will not be opened in the firewall anymore.
  • Ensure that the configuration entries with a or aaaa parameter are correctly recognized as host entries.

debops.etckeeper role

  • Fixed role execution failure with git ls-files command.

debops.grub role

  • Fixed password generation issue.

debops.libvirtd role

  • The root account will no longer be added to the 'libvirt' group by default.
  • The role will now install UEFI firmware for amd64 VMs, alongside traditional BIOS.

debops.netbox role

  • Set client_max_body_size to 25m in Nginx as in the NetBox Nginx config example. Before, it was at the Nginx default of 1m which caused Nginx to reject larger picture uploads to NetBox.

debops.owncloud role

  • Role execution with the role::owncloud:occ Ansible tag should now work again as expected.

debops.pki role

  • Fixed regression in the pki-realm script introduced by adding the certbot support. Now the script should work as expected on existing installations which use acme-tiny for Let's Encrypt certificates.

debops.postwhite role

  • Fixed name of the ./scrape_yahoo script executed by the cron service.

debops.sshd role

  • The /run/sshd/ directory will be created by default in environments which don't use the systemd as the service manager. This should fix an issue with sshd checking its configuration and failing due to missing runtime directory.
  • The role will no longer create an LDAP account when it is not needed.
  • The default sshd__login_grace_time has been increased from 30 to 60 seconds. This mitigates a lock-out issue when sshd__use_dns is enabled (the default) and your DNS resolvers are unreachable.

debops.sysctl role

  • The role's default of explicitly disabling packet forwarding conflicted with the sysctl configuration done by Docker Server. The role would disable essential (for Docker) packet forwarding, which would only be enabled again when the Docker daemon was manually restarted or the sysctl parameter was manually corrected. This has been fixed by letting the role default to enabling packet forwarding on Docker Server hosts.

debops.unattended_upgrades role

  • Use correct Origin pattern for Debian Security repository on Debian Bullseye and later.

debops v2.1.8 - 2021-10-14



  • New Jinja filters from_toml and to_toml are available to DebOps roles, provided using a custom Ansible plugin. The filters require the toml Python package to be installed on the Ansible Controller. The package has been included as the debops Python package dependency.

debops.apache role

  • The paths to the ErrorLog and CustomLog files for each Apache vhost are now configurable.
  • The alias_path parameter can be used to define an Alias target path if it should be different than the DocumentRoot used by default.

debops.apt role

  • You can now purge specific APT packages along with their configuration and unused dependencies. This might be useful during bootstrap or provisioning process to remove unused or conflicting services installed by the provider.

debops.dokuwiki role

  • The role now provides a set of variables and tasks which can be used to add or remove custom files in the DokuWiki installation, useful in certain setups.

debops.netbase role

  • The hosts(5) database FQDN entries defined as strings will automatically create hostname aliases when the role uses a template to generate the /etc/hosts database.

debops.pki role

  • The role gained support for Certbot tool as an alternative to acme-tiny script. Certbot provides Lets' Encrypt DNS-01 challenge functionality with wildcard and internal certificates. See role documentation for more details.


Updates of upstream application versions

  • In the debops.ipxe role, the Debian Buster netboot installer version has been updated to the next point release, 10.11. Debian Bullseye has been updated to the next point relase as well, 11.1.


  • The APT configuration by the debops.apt and debops.apt_proxy roles in the common.yml playbook has been moved to a separate play to ensure feature parity with the bootstrap playbooks.

debops.dokuwiki role

  • The git repository URL of the "codemirror" DokuWiki plugin has been switch from GitHub to GitLab, since the upstream moved the repository.

debops.mariadb role

  • The percona entry in the mariadb__packages_map dictionary has been corrected to percona-8.0 to bring them in line with the flavor comments. If you use Percona on your hosts, you might need to update the Ansible inventory to point the role to the correct package configuration map.

debops.php role

  • php7.4 has been added to the php__version_preference list. This ensures that PHP-related packages are installed on Debian 11 (Bullseye) systems.


debops.icinga_web role

  • The version of the businessprocess Icinga Web plugin has been upgraded to fix an issue that broke the web interface.

debops.ldap role

  • The role will refresh the local facts when the /etc/ldap/ldap.conf configuration changes to ensure that other roles have correct information available, for example when a new set of LDAP servers is used.

debops.netbase role

  • Fixed an issue where the initial bootstrap and common playbook execution didn't provide the correct configuration for the debops.netbase role, resulting in a non-idempotent execution and wrong /etc/hosts database contents. The order of the debops.python role in bootstrap and common playbooks has been adjusted to ensure that the Python packages required by the debops.netbase role are installed before its execution.
  • The deprecated resolver.query() function call in the role fact script has been replaced with resolver.resolve() function call.

debops.owncloud role

  • Enable the APC module in PHP cli to fix issue with the occ script not working in Nextcloud >= 21.0.

debops.rabbitmq_server role

  • Correctly interpret the list of RabbitMQ user accounts to not create unwanted vhosts.

debops.redis_server role

  • Fixed an issue with facts not showing Redis instances correctly when password is empty.

debops.reprepro role

  • Added missing architectures (all expected architectures for Bookworm, and some missing architectures for older releases).



  • Specific DebOps roles (debops.dovecot, debops.owncloud, debops.postldap) used password generation lookups with invalid parameters which might have resulted in a weaker passwords generated during their deployment. The parameters in the password lookups have been fixed; you might consider regenerating the passwords created by them by removing existing ones from the debops.secret storage on the Ansible Controller and re-running the roles.

debops v2.1.7 - 2021-09-01


debops.icinga role

  • Upstream Icinga APT packages will now be considered for upgrades by the unattended-upgrades service.

debops.lvm role

debops.lxc role

  • The role can define a list of SSH identities added to the root UNIX account in new LXC containers by default. This can be used to grant multiple system administrators access to the containers.

debops.mariadb_server role

  • The role will reserve TCP ports used by Galera Cluster in the /etc/services database.

debops.nginx role

  • The role can now install nginx-light flavor package if requested.

debops.sysctl role

  • The role can now disable "TCP Slow Start" algorithm if requested, to improve the network connection performance. See sysctl__tcp_performance_enabled variable for more details.


Updates of upstream application versions

  • Debian 11 (Bullseye) has been released. The debops.ipxe role will now prepare a netboot installer with this release and set Bullseye as the default Stable installation option.


  • DebOps tasks that import local SSH keys will now recognize FIDO U2F security keys used via the SSH agent.

debops.apt role

  • The role defaults have been updated, Bullseye is the new Stable.

debops.ipxe role

  • You can now define what kernel parameters are used by default in the Debian Installer, using an iPXE variable.

debops.ldap role

  • The role will include the host* network interfaces created by systemd-nspawn command in the list of network interface MAC addresses saved in the host LDAP objects.

debops.redis_server role

  • The Redis service will listen on and ::1 IP addresses instead of localhost by default to allow both IPv4 and IPv6 communication.



  • Version checks in a few role fact scripts which used dpkg-query to check the package version have been updated to output the strings correctly.

debops.apt_preferences role

  • The APT pin priority for the NeuroDebian repositories is lowered to allow easier migration to repositories managed by the exrepo project.

debops.docker_server role

  • The aufs-tools APT package has been removed in Debian Bullseye and will not be installed on newer releases.

debops.libvirt role

  • The virt-top APT package is not part of the Debian Bullseye release, therefore the role will not try to install it by default.

debops.libvirtd role

  • The virt-top APT package is not part of the Debian Bullseye release, therefore the role will not try to install it by default.

debops.lxc role

  • Use the Ubuntu GPG keyserver by default to download LXC container signing keys when the container is created by the lxc-new-unprivileged script as well as through the lxc_container Ansible module (the SKS keyserver pool has been deprecated).
  • Enable AppArmor nesting configuration in LXC v4.0.x version, used in Debian Bullseye. Without this, various systemd services inside of the LXC containers cannot start and SSH/console login is delayed ~25 seconds.

debops.netbase role

  • Ignore commented out lines in /etc/hosts database during fact gathering.

debops.nginx role

  • Do not remove the whole PKI hook directory when the nginx hook script is removed by the role.

debops.owncloud role

  • Correctly handle the exit code of the occ ldap:show-config command when the LDAP configuration is not yet available.

debops.pki role

  • Ensure that the X.509 certificate requests generated by the pki-realm script to renew Let's Encrypt/ACME certificates include SubjectAltNames defined in the PKI realm.

debops.postfix role

  • Do not remove the whole PKI hook directory when the postfix hook script is removed by the role.

debops.prosody role

  • Do not remove the whole PKI hook directory when the prosody hook script is removed by the role.

debops.slapd role

  • The role will install the libldap-common APT package to ensure that all needed OpenLDAP dependencies are installed in minimal Debian environments.

debops.sshd role

  • Fixed wrong variable name in file:sshd_config.j2 template.

debops.sudo role

  • Fixed an issue in the fact script which resulted in a wrong string being picked up as the version number when sudo was configured to use LDAP, but the LDAP service was not available.

debops.system_users role

  • The create_home parameter was not functional because of typos in the Ansible task.

debops v2.1.6 - 2021-06-30


debops.apt role

  • The role can now enable additional Debian architectures on a given host, which allows for Multiarch installations.

debops.rsyslog role

  • It is now possible to override the default netstream_driver, driver_mode and driver_authmode parameters in every rsyslog__forward forwarding rule.

debops.sshd role

  • The sshd__ferm_interface variable can now be used to limit access to SSH via the host firewall based on interface.

debops.sysctl role

  • The systemd Debian package in Debian Bullseye provides a sysctl configuration file which increases the maximum number of PIDs allowed by the kernel. The role will create a "masked" configuration file to ensure that sysctl configuration works in LXC containers, where the kernel.pid_max parameter will be commented out since it cannot be modified from inside of a container. On hardware and VM hosts the configuration will be applied as expected.


Updates of upstream application versions

  • In the debops.ipxe role, the Debian Buster netboot installer version has been updated to the next point release, 10.10.

debops.keyring role

  • The default keyserver used by the role has been changed to Ubuntu keyserver due to deprecation of the SKS Keyserver pool.

debops.rsyslog role

  • The default NetStream driver mode and authentication mode are now set based on whether the gtls driver is enabled.

debops.sysctl role

  • The role will configure protection for FIFOs and regular files along with protection for symlinks and hardlinks, introduced in Debian Bullseye.

debops.system_users role

  • The role assumes that Ansible Controller has Python 3 available and will not check for Python 2.7 anymore while gathering local UNIX account details, to avoid issues with non-existent host facts.


debops.apt_cacher_ng role

  • The role no longer creates an unnecessary NGINX webroot directory.

debops.kmod role

  • Fixed an issue with role facts where the script ended with exception when the kmod package wasn't installed and the lsmod command was not available.

debops.lxd role

  • The LXD build dependencies and build script have been updated to reflect changes in upstream.

debops.netbase role

  • Fixed an issue where the fact script broke when it tried to find the host's IP address using DNS and the host does not have an entry in the DNS or in /etc/hosts database.

debops.nginx role

  • Access to the ACME challenge directories is now always allowed, even if a server-wide allowlist configuration or HTTP basic authentication enforcement has been applied. This ensures that it is always possible to request and renew certificates through the ACME protocol.

debops.rsyslog role

  • Role now allows configuration of log streaming in cleartext, useful in trusted networks.
  • The rsyslog role always configured the streamDriverPermittedPeers option, even when the anon network driver authentication mode was selected.

debops v2.1.5 - 2021-06-04



debops.core role

  • The role will ignore the pi UNIX account used on Raspbian and other Raspberry Pi OSes and not include it in a list of administrator accounts.

debops.etckeeper role

  • The etckeeper script can be configured to send e-mail messages with changes to the system administrator.

debops.ferm role

  • You can now configure the iptables backend (nft or legacy) after installing ferm service using the alternatives system. This might be needed on newer OS releases to keep ferm usable.

debops.lxc role

  • The default backing store for LXC containers created by the role can now be configured via Ansible inventory.

debops.mariadb_server role

  • The role can now define a list of databases which should be excluded from regular backups by the automysqlbackup script.

debops.postgresql_server role

  • Provide control over the file permissions of backup files created by the autopostgresqlbackup script using a default role variable.


Updates of upstream application versions

  • In the debops.ipxe role, the Debian Buster netboot installer version has been updated to the next point release, 10.9.
  • The connection plugin that enables management of LXC containers without the need of an sshd server installed inside of the containers has been refreshed to get latest changes in the upstream project and make it work correctly on newer Ansible releases.

Continuous Integration

  • The ansible-lint check will use autodetection mode to find Ansible playbooks and roles to validate. This is consistent with how ansible-lint project uses the DebOps repository to validate their codebase and helps avoid breaking both projects' test suites.

debops.boxbackup role

  • Some of the default variables in the role have been renamed to aoid using uppercase letters in variables.

debops.fhs role

  • Use a custom mode for the /var/log/ directory on specific OS distributions to support unprivileged syslog operation.

debops.ldap role

  • The role will not use the value of the ansible_user variable to create an LDAP Distinguished Name of an admin account to perform LDAP admin tasks; instead it will use the name of the local UNIX account with expectation that the administrator has his/her own LDAP account with privileged access to the directory.

debops.lxc role

  • On hosts which use LXC v4.0.x, for example with Debian Bullseye as the operating system, the role will configure new LXC containers to not drop the CAP_SYS_ADMIN capability by default. This is required for correct container operation on this version of LXC.

debops.postgresql_server role

  • The autopostgresqlbackup script will not be installed on Debian Bullseye because the package was dropped from that release.

debops.python role

  • The support for Python 2.7 environment will be enabled only when explicitly requested using the python__v2 variable. This should avoid issues with installation of Python 2.7 packages on Debian Bullseye and later.

debops.saslauthd role

  • The SMTPd service will search for mailRecipient LDAP Object Class instead of the inetOrgPerson Object Class to authenticate mail senders.

debops.tinc role

  • The role will now use the ipaddr('host') Ansible filter to parse IP addresses configured in the Tinc VPN. This change will permit use of IPv4 addresses without specified CIDR prefix, which will default to /32 prefix in such case.

debops.yadm role

  • Instead of checking the presence of a git repository in a specific path, role will use the yadm status command to detect the state, to avoid issues with changes introduced in the yadm v2.x release.


Continuous Integration

  • Fixed the Python script detection in Debian Bullseye.


  • The debops-defaults script should now correctly use the roles from DebOps repository cloned into the debops/ directory inside of the project directory.
  • The debops script will no longer check Ansible version to work around an issue that was fixed in Ansible 2.0.

debops.ansible_plugins role

  • In the parse_kv_config custom Ansible filter, correctly skip configuration entries which have been marked with the ignore state.

debops.apache role

  • Fixed management of virtual hosts marked as dont-create type, which are expected to be already configured on the remote hosts.

debops.apt role

  • Fixed an issue where role did not work correctly on Linux Mint and other OS distributions not known to it.

debops.core role

  • The role playbook will be applied correctly on hosts in the [debops_service_bootstrap] Ansible inventory group.

  • Fixed local fact script execution on hosts without a defined DNS domain. You might need to remove the core.fact script from the remote host manually so that Ansible can gather facts correctly before the fixed version of the script can be installed. To do that on all affected hosts, execute the command:

    ansible all -b -m file -a 'path=/etc/ansible/facts.d/core.fact state=absent'
  • The role should now correctly ignore UNIX accounts with blacklisted names and not add them to the list of administrator accounts.

debops.cron role

  • Fix role execution on hosts without systemd as the service manager.

debops.ferm role

  • The management of the iptables backend symlink using the 'alternatives' system is disabled on Debian 9, where it is unsupported.

debops.ifupdown role

  • Fixed an issue where role stopped with an "unexpected token" error during configuration of network interfaces.

debops.nginx role

  • Fixed an issue wich resulted in HTTP 404 errors on specific paths in various PHP applications.

debops.opendkim role

  • Restored compatibility with Ansible versions prior to 2.10 by omitting the regenerate parameter of the openssl_privatekey module on those versions.

debops.php role

  • The role should now work correctly on Ubuntu Groovy Gorilla distribution.
  • Fixed an issue where role did not have a list of PHP packages for an unknown OS release which stopped its execution. Now the role should fallback to a defult list in this case.

debops.pki role

  • The pki-realm script will now attempt another ACME certificate request in case the previous attempt failed and was more than two days ago. The previous situation was that the script would not perform any ACME requests if the acme/error.log file was present in the PKI realm, because performing multiple certificate issuance requests could easily trigger a rate limit. The downside of this was that the script would also completely give up on renewal attempts if the first attempt happened to fail (e.g. due to some issue at Let's Encrypt).

debops.postgresql role

  • The passwords generated by the client and server PostgreSQL roles will avoid use of the ; character which can be used by some applications as a separator inside database configuration strings.

debops.python role

  • Fixed an issue where the "raw" Python play used during host bootstrapping hanged indefinitely, stopping the playbook execution. The role will now reset the connection to the host after preparing the Python environment, allowing Ansible to re-estabilish the communication channel properly.

debops.saslauthd role

  • The saslauthd daemon should correctly use the local and realm parts in the user@realm logins for authentication using LDAP directory.

debops.sudo role

  • Use the English locale to read the sudo version information since the output differs in different languages.

debops.tcpwrappers role

  • Correctly store the IP addresses of Ansible Controllers known by the debops.core role in local facts and use them in /etc/hosts.allow configuration file.


debops.hashicorp role

  • Due to a security incident, the existing Hashicorp release GPG key has been rotated. The role will remove the revoked GPG key and install new one when applied on a host.

debops v2.1.4 - 2021-03-03


debops.netbox role

  • Added wrapper around called netbox-manage for NetBox power users.


Updates of upstream application versions

  • In the debops.ipxe role, the Debian Buster netboot installer version has been updated to the next point release, 10.8.

Continuous Integration

  • The Vagrant provisioning script now installs Cryptography from the Debian archive instead of from PyPI.

debops.redis_server role

  • Improved control over what parameters are in a list in the Redis configuration files.

debops.roundcube role

  • The address autocompletion will show only a specific e-mail address instead of all available ones for a given recipient.
  • The role will configure Roundcube to search the LDAP directory for a given user's Distinguished Name when their LDAP entry uses a different attribute than uid as RDN. Directory will be searched using the Roundcube's own login credentials. See LDAP Directory Information Tree for details.
  • The new_user_identity plugin will be re-enabled by default and adjusted to use the mail attribute to search for user identities. Roundcube v1.4.x installations might need to be patched for the plugin to work correctly with user-based LDAP logins.

debops.sshd role



  • Fixed various issues detected by the ansible-lint v5.0.0 linter.
  • DebOps Dockerfile will use the python3-cryptography Debian package to avoid Rust compiler dependency issues.
  • The debops-defaults script should now correctly display role defaults, without trying to add the debops. prefix to the role names.
  • The debops-update script should now correctly detect cloned DebOps monorepo.

debops.apt role

  • The role configured the Debian Bullseye security repository with the 'bullseye/updates' suite name. This is incorrect, the Bullseye security suite is called 'bullseye-security'.

debops.etesync role

  • The EteSync playbook is now included in the default DebOps playbook.

debops.gitlab_runner role

  • Fix the [runners.docker.tmpfs] option name in configuration template.

debops.iscsi role

  • Fixed a typo that caused the iSCSI target discovery task to fail.

debops.sudo role

  • The role no longer adds a duplicate includedir line to /etc/sudoers. This was an issue with sudo 1.9.1 (and later), which changed the includedir syntax from '#includedir' to '@includedir'.

debops.system_users role

  • Use the Python version detected on the Ansible Controller instead of the remote host to run the UNIX account fact gathering script.

debops v2.1.3 - 2021-01-31



  • The code in the DebOps monorepo is now checked using GitHub Actions, which will replace Travis-CI. Thank you, Travis, for years of service. :)


  • The next available UID and GID values can now be tracked using special LDAP objects in the directory. These can be used by the client-side account and group management applications to easily allocate unique UID/GID numbers for newly created accounts and groups.

    The objects will be created automatically with the next available UID/GID values by the ldap/init-directory.yml playbook. In existing environments users might want to create them manually to ensure that the correct uidNumber and gidNumber values are stored instead of the default ones which might already be allocated.

debops.apache role

  • Custom Apache logs can have optional conditions that specify when webserver requests are logged.

debops.apt role

  • Include a list of enabled APT repository components (main, contrib, non-free, etc.) in the Ansible local fact for use by other Ansible roles.
  • The role facts now include the main APT architecture (amd64, for example) and a list of foreign architectures if any are enabled. The ansible_local.apt.architecture fact can be used in other roles that need that information.

debops.apt_install role

  • The role now installs CPU microcode packages on physical hosts by default. These firmware updates correct CPU behaviour and mitigate vulnerabilities like Spectre and Meltdown. You still need to take measures to protect your virtual machines; for this, take a look at the QEMU documentation.

debops.dovecot role

  • Add support for checkpassword to support checking passwords via an external application.

debops.gitlab_runner role

  • Users can define "pre-" and "post-" scripts to be executed when certain actions are performed by the Runner: before cloning the repository, before build is executed, after build is executed.
  • Role can configure more parameters for Docker executor, related to memory, CPU and process management inside of the containers.

debops.ldap role

  • Users can now specify a regex pattern which will be used to detect what network interfaces should be used to gather IP and MAC addresses to add in the host LDAP object.

debops.lvm role

  • Default LVM2 configuration for Debian Stretch and Buster has been added.

debops.monit role

  • Provide default monit configuration for Apache 2.x webserver. It will be enabled automatically when debops.apache Ansible local facts are detected by the role.

debops.opendkim role

  • Add the regenerate parameter to DKIM key configuration which allows for control when the private keys are regenerated.

debops.owncloud role

  • The role can now specify what release channel should be used to deploy the application.

debops.python role

  • Install the future Python 2.7 and Python 3.x packages by default, to aid in transition to Python 3.x.

debops.slapd role

  • New orgstructure schema provides the organizationalStructure LDAP object class which is used to define the base directory objects, such as ou=People, ou=Groups, etc.

debops.sysctl role

  • The role can now be enabled or disabled conditionally via Ansible inventory. This might be required in certain cases, for example LXD containers or systems protected with AppArmor rules, which make the /proc/sys/ directory read-only.


Updates of upstream application versions

  • The debops.mariadb and debops.mariadb_server roles now support installation of Percona Server/Client v8.0 from upstream APT repositories.
  • In the debops.ipxe role, the Debian Buster netboot installer version has been updated to 10.6.
  • In the debops.roundcube role, the Roundcube version installed by default has been updated to 1.4.9.


  • The dependency on pyOpenSSL has been removed. This dependency was required in Ansible < 2.8.0 because these versions were unable to use the cryptography module, but DebOps is nowadays developed against Ansible 2.9. pyOpenSSL was used only to generate private RSA keys for the debops.opendkim role. Switching to cryptography is also a security precaution and the Python Cryptographic Authority recommends doing so.
  • The official DebOps project logo has been replaced with a new design, created by Tasos Alvas. Thanks!

debops.core role

  • The fact script will generate the list of private e-mail addresses used to send administrative mail notifications based on the list of admin accounts and the detected domain of the host; this can be overriden via the core__admin_private_email variable. The change is done to avoid sending mail messages to 'account-only' addresses on hosts without local mail support.

debops.etherpad role

  • The role can now configure the Etherpad systemd service to log to a file instead of syslog daemon.

debops.fhs role

  • The role will create the /srv/www/ directory by default to allow for home directories used by web applications.

debops.gitlab role

  • The systemd services no longer require Redis to be installed on the same host as GitLab itself.
  • Improved support for GitLab Pages, including optional access control and fixed configuration of the systemd service.

debops.gitlab_runner role

  • The Amazon S3 cache configuration is now defined under its own configuration key in the generated configuration file, due to changes in upstream.

debops.grub role

  • The role will now activate both the serial console and the (previously disabled) native platform console when grub__serial_console is True.

debops.icinga_web role

  • The role now automatically configures LDAP user and group support.
  • The role will install and configure the Icinga Certificate Monitoring module.

debops.lvm role

  • Linux Software RAID devices are now scanned by default.

debops.lxd role

  • During installation, the role will enable trust for the GitHub's GPG signing key to allow for verification of the LXD source code. Check the LXD installation details for more information.

debops.mount role

  • The role will restart the systemd unit when there are defined mount points that rely on the systemd.automount(5) functionality.

debops.nfs role

  • The role will restart the systemd unit when NFS shares mounted using systemd.automount(5) functionality are defined.
  • The mount points for the NFS shares will be created before they are defined in the /etc/fstab to allow for automount to operate correctly.

debops.owncloud role

  • Changes in the nginx configuration for Nextcloud have been backported from the master branch.
  • Tasks that download GPG keys and application tarballs from the upstream servers will now retry the download operation a few times in case of network issues.

debops.php role

  • Add Debian Bullseye OS release to supported releases, to allow installation of PHP packages.

debops.pki role

  • Symlink the acme-tiny script from the upstream git repository instead of copying it over. The role will forcefully replace an existing copy with a symlink, if it already exists.

debops.postfix role

  • Remove trailing whitespace in lookup tables to allow for them to be used as lists, for example in the $mynetworks or $relaydomain parameters. This can be done with the default_action parameter defined as an empty string.
  • The DSN command is now disabled by default. DSN (RFC 3464) gives senders control over successful and failed delivery status notifications. This allows spammers to learn about an organization's internal mail infrastructure, and gives them the ability to confirm that an address is in use. When DSN support is disabled, Postfix will still let the SMTP client know that their message has been received as part of the SMTP transaction; they just will not get successful delivery notices from your internal systems.
  • The ETRN command is now disabled by default. ETRN, also known as Remote Message Queue Starting (RFC 1985), was designed for sites that have intermittent Internet connectivity, but is rarely used nowadays.

debops.secret role

  • Ensure that the secret variable contains a real path to the secret/ directory.



  • Fixed an issue with custom lookup plugins (task_src, file_src, template_src) which resulted in Ansible 2.10 not finding them correctly.
  • Fixed issue on Asible 2.10 where some roles used the src parameter with file module unconditionally, which caused errors with operations on symlinks.

debops.docker_gen role

  • Fixed an issue with nginx configuration file generated by the docker-gen service. The template file will use the Go text/template package syntax in the header comment to hide it from the generated file.

debops.docker_server role

  • The role's virtual environment is no longer created by default when docker_server__upstream is False. This does not impact existing virtualenvs. You can remove /usr/local/lib/docker/virtualenv yourself if you like.

debops.etckeeper role

  • The role now installs etckeeper on all hosts by default, not just on hosts that have a Python 2 environment. etckeeper is also installed from buster-backports instead of the main Debian 10 repository, which provides a version ported to Python 3.

debops.fail2ban role

  • Fixed the configuration support on Ubuntu Focal due to bantime feature changes in the fail2ban v0.11.

debops.fcgiwrap role

  • The role can now be used in check mode without throwing an AnsibleFilterError.

debops.gitlab role

  • Fixed an issue where the git UNIX account was not added to the _sshusers local group when LDAP support was enabled on the host. This prevented the usage of GitLab via SSH.

debops.iscsi role

  • Fixed uninitialized local fact ansible_local.iscsi.discovered_portals.

debops.journald role

  • The FSS verification task should no longer be executed if the role has been called via the Ansible --tags argument and persistent journal is disabled.
  • Fixed the issue with non-existent secret/journald/ subdirectories by reordering the role tasks.

debops.librenms role

  • Fixed installation procedure which has been changed in upstream.

debops.logrotate role

  • Fixed the dpkg-divert command execution when log rotation perion is changed.

debops.lvm role

  • Fixed an issue where the role would fail in check mode. The role tries to simulate creating a filesystem, but this failed when the underlying LVM volume did not actually exist (which is to be expected when running in check mode).

debops.lxd role

  • The LXD project no longer depends on a forked sqlite3 library, therefore the role has been updated to reflect that fact, which should fix issues with building LXD from source.

debops.netbox role

  • The role will try to clone the NetBox source code multiple times in case of timeouts or network failures.

debops.nfs role

  • Ensure that with default mount options disabled, options specified by the user still are added in the configuration.

debops.nginx role

  • Don't add the "always" add_header parameter into configuration files for nginx < 1.7.5.
  • Disabled gzip compression of text/vcard MIME types. Vcards contain, by nature, sensitive information and should not be gzipped to prevent successful BREACH attacks.

debops.nullmailer role

  • Set the default file mode for public /etc/nullmailer/* configuration files to be world-readable.

debops.postfix role

  • Fix an issue with the version string in the Postfix fact script by removing the \n character from the dpkg command output.

debops.postgresql_server role

  • Rename the wal_keep_segments PostgreSQL configuration option to wal_keep_size on PostgreSQL 13 and later to avoid issues with starting the database service. You might need to update the inventory configuration if you use this parameter.
  • Fixed an issue with the role always reporting "changed" state due to postgresql_privs Ansible module not detecting changes in the PUBLIC PostgreSQL role.

debops.python role

  • The python-pip APT package will be installed only on older OS releases, since it has been removed from newer OS releases like Debian Bullseye and Ubuntu Focal.

debops.rsyslog role

  • Fixed _syslog._tcp DNS SRV resource record detection on hosts with an undefined DNS domain.

debops.saslauthd role

  • Fixed SMTP AUTH e-mail authentication for satellite hosts. Mail messages sent by nullmailer and authenticated using LDAP should now be accepted by the SMTP server.

debops.slapd role

  • The slapd-snapshot script will now correctly create database snapshots when the cn=Monitor database is disabled or not configured.

debops.snmpd role

  • Do not create the home directory of the snmpd service UNIX account to avoid issues on Ubuntu Focal. This directory is created automatically by the .deb package.

debops.system_users role

  • Ensure that the ansible_connection variable has a default value if it's not defined in the Ansible inventory.
  • The role uses the correct variable name to enable or disable ACL support.

debops.tinc role

  • Fixed an issue with the role where setting tinc__modprobe variable to False did not turn off support for loading required kernel modules.

debops v2.1.2 - 2020-08-30


debops.icinga role

  • The role can now create Icinga configuration on the Icinga "master" node via task delegation. This can be useful in centralized environments withoout Icinga Director support.

debops.system_users role

  • The UNIX account name in the system_users__self_name variable can be specified with the _ prefix used in LDAP environments. The prefix will be automatically trimmed from the username when necessary.


Updates of upstream application versions

  • In the debops.roundcube role, the Roundcube version installed by default has been updated to v1.4.8.
  • In the debops.phpipam role, the phpIPAM version installed by default has been updated to v1.4.1. The change was backported because otherwise the role is broken.


  • The LDAP-POSIX integration can now be disabled using a default variable. This will disable LDAP support in the POSIX environment and specific services (user accounts, PAM, sshd, sudo) while leaving higher-level services unaffected.

debops.nginx role

  • The default SSL configuration used by the role has been updated to bring it to the modern standards. By default only TLSv1.2 and TLSv1.3 protocols are enabled, along with an improved set of ciphers. The HTTP Strict Transport Security age has been increased from 6 months to 2 years. The configuration is based on the intermediate Mozilla SSL recommendations to support wide range of possible clients.
  • The server can be configured to support TLSv1.3 protocol only using the nginx_default_tls_protocols variable, which will disable the use of custom Diffie-Hellman parameters and allow the HTTPS clients to select their own preferred ciphers to use for connections. The preferred set of ciphers will also change to Mozilla modern variant. Keep in mind that not all clients support this configuration.

debops.roundcube role

  • The uid=roundcube LDAP account will be created only when support for password changes is enabled.



  • The missing mode parameter which specifies file/directory permissions has been added to various roles to satisfy ansible-lint requirements. Nested Jinja patterns and required pipefail errors have also been fixed.
  • The installation of the python-pip APT package has been removed from various roles; they use the debops.python as a dependency which already installs this package.

debops.etherpad role

  • Fixed the installation of Etherpad with the PostgreSQL backend by removing unused dependent variables.

debops.ifupdown role

  • Network configuration with bonded interfaces should now be correctly applied by the reconfiguration script.

debops.nslcd role

  • Enabled idle_timelimit to make sure that connections to the LDAP server are properly closed. A disabled or too high idle_timelimit causes the LDAP server to time out, resulting in nslcd errors like "ldap_result() failed: Can't contact LDAP server".

debops.ntp role

  • Don't try to disable or stop the systemd-timesyncd service when using an alternative NTP service implementation and systemd-timesyncd is not available.

debops.pki role

  • The acme-tiny script will be installed from Debian/Ubuntu repositories on Debian Buster, Ubuntu Focal and newer OS releases. This solves the issue with acme-tiny script in upstream having #!/usr/bin/env python shebang hard-coded which makes the script unusable on hosts without Python 2.7 installed.

    The installation location of the script from upstream is changed from /usr/local/lib/pki/ to /usr/local/bin/ to leverage the $PATH variable so that the OS version is used without issues.

debops.rsyslog role

  • Fixed the forgotten rsyslog__send_permitted_peers variable which defines what server is accepted by the client during TLS handshakes. The value will now be defined using the streamDriverPermittedPeers parameter in rsyslog configuration.

debops.system_users role

  • Fixed an issue where the role execution broke if the system_users__self_name variable was set to an UNIX account which does not exist on the Ansible Controller, for example ansible. The role will now correctly create such UNIX accounts on the remote hosts with default GECOS and shell values.

debops v2.1.1 - 2020-08-03


debops.mailman role

  • The nginx service will be configured to reditect old /mailman/listinfo URLs to the new /postorius/lists/ URLs to help with migration from Mailman 2.1 installations.

debops.ntp role

  • The chrony cmdport parameter is now configurable using a default variable.

debops.owncloud role

  • Role can now specify separate LDAP base Distinguished Names for groups and user accounts that should be used by Nextcloud/ownCloud for searches via new default variables.

debops.postgresql role

  • The role can now drop PostgreSQL databases and remove roles when their state is set to absent in the Ansible inventory.

debops.resources role

  • Support manipulating file privileges using the Linux capabilities(7) with the help of the Ansible capabilities module.

debops.roundcube role

  • The role will enable more plugins by default: help, markasjunk, password (only with LDAP).
  • Roundcube will offer local spell checking support by default with Enchant library. English language is supported by default, more languages can be added via Ansible inventory.


Updates of upstream application versions

  • In the debops.ipxe role, the Debian Stretch and Debian Buster netboot installer versions have been updated to their next point releases, 9.13 and 10.5 respectively.
  • In the debops.roundcube role, the Roundcube version installed by default has been updated to v1.4.7.


  • The debops-contrib.* roles included in the DebOps monorepo have been renamed to drop the prefix. This is enforced by the new release of the ansible-lint linter. These roles are not yet cleaned up and integrated with the main playbook.

debops.postfix role

  • Postfix configuration overrides are now written to the configuration file using 'long form' notation supported since Postfix 3.0. This allows specifying parameter values that contain whitespace.

debops.slapd role

  • In the OpenLDAP ACL rules, authenticated object owners can now re-authenticate themselves using the userPassword attribute. This is needed for the LDAP Password Modify Extended Operation (RFC 3062) to work correctly in Roundcube.



  • Fixed an issue where the debops scripts did not expand the ~/ prefix of the file and directory paths in user home directories.
  • Issues found by shellcheck v0.7.0 in various Ansible roles have been fixed or triaged by disabling the checks.


  • The ldap/init-directory.yml playbook will correctly initialize the LDAP directory when the local UNIX account does not have any GECOS information.

debops.apt role

  • Fixed an issue where the role would attempt adding APT keys from a PGP keyserver without installing gnupg first.

debops.dokuwiki role

  • A few custom DokuWiki plugins will be removed if installed, otherwise they will not be installed anymore due to issues with newest DokuWiki release. Affected plugins: advrack, rst, gitlab, ghissues.
  • Ensure that the authldap DokuWiki plugin is enabled when LDAP support is configured by the role.

debops.ldap role

  • Fixed multiple issues with adding and updating hosts to the LDAP directory when these hosts were configured for network bonding.

debops.owncloud role

  • Fixed multiple issues which caused dry runs of the debops.owncloud role to incorrectly show pending changes or fail altogether.

debops.pki role

  • Fixed activation of the Diffie-Hellman parameter support based on the status of the debops.dhparam role.

debops.php role

  • Set correct APT preferences for the Backports or Sury APT repository to the libapache2-mod-php* APT packages to ensure that the selected repository is the same as the php* APT packages.

debops.root_account role

  • Fixed conditional installation of dotfiles for the root account based on the status of the debops.yadm role.

debops.roundcube role

  • Redirect standard output of the cron job to /dev/null to avoid sending e-mails about cleaning the Roundcube database. Errors will still be sent.

debops.rsnapshot role

debops.sudo role

debops.system_users role

  • Fixed conditional installation of dotfiles for the UNIX accounts based on the status of the debops.yadm role.

debops.tinc role

  • Fix issue with Tinc VPN interfaces starting before the general host networking is set up and failing to bind to the selected bridge interface. The Tinc systemd service will wait for the unit to start up before activation.

debops v2.1.0 - 2020-06-21


New DebOps roles

  • The debops.etesync role allows to setup a EteSync server. EteSync is a cross-platform project to provide secure, end-to-end encrypted, and privacy respecting sync for your contacts, calendars and tasks.
  • The debops.journald role can be used to manage the systemd-journald service, supports configuration of Forward Secure Sealing and can configure persistent storage of the log files. The role is included by default in the common.yml playbook.
  • The debops.dpkg_cleanup role can create dpkg hooks that help clean up custom and diverted files created by other roles when a given Debian package is removed. This should aid in cases of multiple roles managing services that provide the same functionality.
  • The debops.influxdata role configures the APT repository and repository GPG keys of InfluxData company, creator of InfluxDB, Telegraf and other metric and time series tools.
  • The debops.influxdb_server and debops.influxdb roles can be used to install the InfluxDB time series database service and manage its databases and users, respectively.
  • The debops.fhs role will be used to define base directory hierarchy used by other DebOps roles (previously done by the debops.core role). The role is included in the common.yml playbook.
  • The debops.tzdata role manages the host time zone configuration and provides the ansible_local.tzdata.timezone local fact with the time zone in the Area/Zone format. The role is included in the common.yml playbook.

debops.pki role

  • The role can now instruct acme-tiny to register an ACME account with one or more contact URLs. Let's Encrypt for example uses this information to notify you about expiring certificates and emergency revocation.
  • The debops.dovecot and debops.postfix roles now include the PKI hook scripts which will reload their corresponding services when the X.509 certificates used by them are changed.

debops.postconf role

  • The additional Postfix configuration managed by the role can now be added or removed conditionally, controlled by the postconf__deploy_state variable.

debops.python role

  • Introduce python__pip_version_check which defaults to False to disable PIP update checks outside of the system package manager. Before, this was not configured by DebOps leaving it at PIP default which meant it would check for updates occasionally.

debops.resources role

  • Add support for the access_time and modification_time parameters of the Ansible file module to the role.

debops.roundcube role

  • The role can now be configured to install Roundcube from private or internal git repositories that might contain additional modifications to the application code required by some organizations. See the Deployment from private or internal git repository section in the documentation for details.


Updates of upstream application versions

  • In the debops.ipxe role, the Debian Stretch and Debian Buster netboot installer versions have been updated to their next point releases, 9.11 and 10.4 respectively.

  • In the debops.owncloud role, the Nextcloud version installed by default has been updated to v17.0. The ownCloud version has been updated to v10.4.

  • In the debops.roundcube role, the Roundcube version installed by default has been updated to v1.4.4.

  • In the debops.lxd role, the LXD version installed by default has been changed to the stable-4.0 branch, which is a LTS release. The role uses a git branch instead of a specific tagged release to bypass broken LXD build dependency which is not yet fixed in a tagged release.

  • In the debops.gitlab role, the GitLab release installed on Debian Buster and newer OS releases is updated to 12-10-stable.

    This release requires Golang packages from buster-backports APT repository, which will be installed by default via the debops.golang role. Existing installations need to upgrade the Golang packages before the playbook is applied.

  • In the debops.ansible role, Ansible 2.9.x from the buster-backports repository will be installed on Debian Buster by default, when backports are enabled.

  • The debops.mailman role has been redesigned and now installs and configures Mailman 3.x instead of Mailman 2.x. Read the Migration from Mailman 2.x to Mailman 3.x guide and the rest of the debops.mailman documentation for details.

Continuous Integration

  • The Vagrant provisioning script will install Ansible from PyPI by default. The version included in the current Debian Stable (Buster) is too old for the DebOps playbooks and roles.


  • The DebOps Collection published on Ansible Galaxy has been split into multiple Collections due to the number of Ansible roles present in DebOps. The debops.debops collection will install additional debops.rolesXY collections automatically via collection dependencies. The playbooks have been updated to include new Collections.

  • The DebOps repository is now compliant with the REUSE Specification. The SPDX License Identifiers have been added to the files contained in the repository and a valid copyright and license information will be required to pass the test suite.

  • In new DebOps environments, Ansible will ignore any missing inventory groups using the host_pattern_mismatch parameter. This will disable the "Could not match supplied host pattern" warning message present in most of the playbooks included in DebOps. To disable this message in an existing environment, add in the .debops.cfg configuration file:

    [ansible inventory]
    host_pattern_mismatch = ignore
  • The debops script will now use the Ansible inventory path defined in the .debops.cfg configuration file [ansible defaults] section instead of the static ansible/inventory/ path.

  • The variables in various DebOps roles that define filesystem paths have been switched from using the ansible_local.root.* Ansible local facts to the new ansible_local.fhs.* facts defined by the debops.fhs role. The new facts use the same base paths as the old ones; there should be no issues if the variables have not been modified through Ansible inventory.

    If you have redefined any core__root_* variables in the Ansible inventory to modify the filesystem paths used by DebOps roles, you will need to update the configuration. See the debops.fhs role documentation for details.

  • The use of ansible_local.core.fqdn and ansible_local.core.domain local facts in roles to define the host DNS domain and FQDN has been removed; the roles will use the ansible_fqdn and ansible_domain facts directly. This is due to issues with the debops.core local facts not updating when the host's domain is changed and causing the roles to use wrong domain names in configuration.

debops.cran role

  • The custom cran Ansible module used by the role has been moved to the debops.ansible_plugins role to allow it to be used via Ansible Collection system, which requires all plugins to be centralized.

debops.etc_aliases role

  • The custom filter plugin used by the role has been moved to the debops.ansible_plugins role to allow it to be used via Ansible Collection system, which requires all plugins to be centralized.

debops.golang role

  • On Debian Buster, Golang APT packages from the buster-backports APT repository will be preferred instead of their Buster version. This allows for installation of applications that depend on a newer Go runtime environment, like GitLab or MinIO.

debops.lxd role

  • The support for the LXC containers managed by the debops.lxc role will be applied on the host when the LXD is configured, due to the build dependency on the lxc APT package. In this case, the lxcbr0 network bridge will not be configured by default.

debops.mosquitto role

  • Update the role for Debian Buster. No need anymore to install Python packages outside of the system package management.

debops.nginx role

  • TLSv1.3 is now enabled by default for nginx version 1.13.0 and up.

debops.nullmailer role

  • The Nullmailer smtpd service can now listen on both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. It listens on both loopback addresses by default, where it used to only listen on the IPv6 loopback address.

debops.owncloud role

  • Support has been added for Nextcloud 17.0 and 18.0.

debops.pki role

  • Use inventory_hostname variable instead of the ansible_fqdn variable in paths of the directories used to store data on Ansible Controller. This decouples the host FQDN and domain name from the certificate management tasks in the role.


    The role will try to recreate existing X.509 certificates making the playbook execution idempotent. Removing the PKI realms and recreating them will fix this issue.

debops.postfix role

  • The persistent configuration stored on the Ansible Controller has been refactored and does not use multiple separate tasks to handle the JSON files.

debops.rsyslog role

  • The role has been refreshed and uses the custom Ansible filter plugins to manage the rsyslog configuration files. The default configuration was rearranged, the /etc/rsyslog.conf configuration file has the default contents that come with the Debian package and can be configured by the role. The configuration model has been redesigned; any changes in the configuration of the role set in the Ansible inventory need to be reviewed before applying the new version.
  • The rsyslog APT package and its service can be cleanly removed from the host, either via the role or by uninstalling the package itself.


debops.console role

  • The local and NFS mount support has been removed from the debops.console role. Local mounts can be managed using the debops.mount role; NFS mounts can be managed by the debops.nfs role.

debops.core role

  • The ansible_local.uuid local fact and corresponding variables and tasks have been removed from the role. A replacement fact, ansible_machine_id is an Ansible built-in.
  • The ansible_local.init fact has been removed from the role. A native ansible_service_mgr Ansible fact is it's replacement.
  • The ansible_local.cap12s fact has been removed from the role. A native set of Ansible facts (ansible_system_capabilities, ansible_system_capabilities_enforced is be used as a replacement.
  • The root.fact script, corresponding variables and documentation have been removed from the role. This functionality is now managed by the debops.fhs role.
  • The ansible_local.core.fqdn and ansible_local.core.domain local facts and their corresponding default variables have been removed from the role. In their place, ansible_fqdn and ansible_domain facts should be used instead.

debops.ntp role

debops.nullmailer role

  • The script and dpkg hook that cleaned up the additional files maintained by the role has been removed; the debops.dpkg_cleanup role will be used for this purpose instead.



  • Fix an issue with Ansible Collections where roles used via the include_role Ansible module broke due to the split into multiple collections. All roles will now have the debops.debops collection included by default in the meta/main.yml file to tell Ansible where to look for dependent roles.
  • Fix an issue with the collection creation script where the role files that contained multiple uses of a particular custom Ansible plugin, for example template_src or file_src, were modified multiple times by the script.

debops.apt role

  • Fix BeagleBoards detection with Debian 10 image. Tested with a BeagleBoards Black.

debops.cron role

  • Fix creation of empty environment variables in cron configuration files managed by Ansible.

debops.dnsmasq role

debops.ferm role

  • Fixed incorrect removal of the ferm rule set by debops.avahi on IPv6-enabled systems.

debops.gitlab_runner role

  • Don't re-create removed /etc/machine-id contents during Vagrant box creation. This should fix issues with IP addresses received from DHCP by the Vagrant machines.


    This fix is applied using the patch command on the files packaged by APT. Existing installations will have to be updated manually, alternatively the changes applied previously should be removed from the affected files before the role is applied. See the patch files in the role files/patches/ directory for more information.

  • The GitLab package repository signing key has been replaced with the new key that has been in use since 2020-04-06, allowing APT to update package lists again. See the blog for more information about this change.

debops.minio role

  • Fix an issue during installation of recent MinIO releases, where during an initial restart the MinIO service would switch into "safe mode" when a problem with configuration is detected; this would prevent the service to be restarted correctly. Now the service should be properly stopped by systemd after a stop timeout.

debops.netbase role

  • Use short timeout for DNS queries performed by the Ansible local fact script, in case that the DNS infrastructure is not configured. This avoids 60s timeouts during Ansible fact gathering in such cases.

debops.nginx role

  • The role now always sets the HTTP Strict Transport Security header when it is enabled, regardless of the response code.

debops.postgresql_server role

  • In the autopostgresqlbackup script, use the su - postgres command instead of the su postgres command to start a login shell and switch to the correct home directory of the postgres user instead of staying in the /root/ home directory. This avoids the issue during execution of the script via cron where it would emit errors about not being able to change to the /root/ home directory due to the permissions.

debops.roundcube role

  • Use the Roundcube version from Ansible local facts instead of the one defined in role default variables to detect if a database migration is required after Roundcube git repository is updated.

debops.slapd role

  • Move the Private Enterprise Number and LDAP namespace OIDs of the DebOps organization to a separate debops.schema file to avoid duplicated OIDs in the cn=schema LDAP subtree.

    Existing installations might need to be recreated to avoid warnings about duplicate OIDs emitted during OpenLDAP operations.

debops v2.0.0 - 2020-01-30


New DebOps roles

  • The debops.lxd role brings support for LXD on Debian hosts by building the Go binaries from source, without Snap installation.


  • The DebOps Python package now includes the debops.<role>(5) manual pages for most of the DebOps roles with details about role usage, variable definition and the like. The manual pages are based on the existing role documentation.
  • The DebOps project directories can now include the ansible/global-vars.yml file which can be used to define global Ansible variables that can affect playbook initialization.

debops.docker_registry role

debops.docker_server role

  • Add docker_server__install_virtualenv setting to disable python virtualenv installation.

debops.gitlab_runner role

  • The role can now use DNS SRV resource records to find the GitLab API host address. Additionally, GitLab Runner token can be stored in the secret/ directory in a predetermined location to avoid exposing it via the Ansible inventory. See the role documentation for details.

debops.icinga role

  • The role now configures the Icinga REST API to also listen on IPv6 addresses. It is possible to change the listen address and port through the icinga__api_listen and icinga__api_port variables.

debops.nslcd role

  • The role will now use a LDAP host filter by default, to allow for easy control over what UNIX accounts and UNIX groups are present on which hosts using the host LDAP attribute.

debops.postgresql_server role

  • A given PostgreSQL server cluster can be configured to enable standby replication mode, and receive streaming replication data from a master PostgreSQL server. See role documentation for examples.
  • The autopostgresqlbackup script can be configured to tell the pg_dump command to compress the generated backup files on the fly instead of creating a separate .sql file and compressing it afterwards. This mode is currently disabled by default.

debops.resolvconf role

  • The role can now define static DNS configuration to be merged with other DNS data sources in the /etc/resolv.conf configuration file.

debops.roundcube role

  • The Roundcube installation is now more integrated with the DebOps environment. The role will automatically configure Redis and memcached support if they are detected on the Roundcube host, which should improve application performance.
  • If LDAP infrastructure is detected on the host, Roundcube will be configured to use the LDAP directory managed by DebOps as an address book.
  • The ManageSieve Roundcube plugin will be enabled by default to allow configuration of Sieve filter scripts. The role will use the DNS SRV resource records to find the Sieve service host and port to use.
  • The role can now use PostgreSQL as a database backend. The database server can be managed with the debops.postgresql_server role.

debops.slapd role

  • The mailservice LDAP schema has been added to the debops.slapd role. It provides a set of object classes and attributes useful for defining e-mail recipients and simple mail distribution lists in the LDAP directory.



  • Reorder bootstrap.yml Ansible playbook to also work for systems freshly installed from CD. debops.apt needs to be run early to regenerate /etc/apt/sources.list which might still contain a now not functional CD entry.
  • Most of the role dependencies have been moved either to the playbooks or to the role task lists using the import_role Ansible module.
  • The official DebOps roles have been renamed and the debops. prefix has been dropped from the directory names to better support Ansible Collections. Custom playbooks and role dependencies which use the DebOps roles have to be updated to work again.
  • The <role_name>/env "sub-roles" in various DebOps roles have been redesigned for use via the import_role Ansible module to improve support for Ansible Collections. Existing Ansible playbooks that use such "sub-roles" will have to be updated; check the playbooks included in DebOps for the new usage examples.
  • The collections: keyword was added in all DebOps playbooks to support usage with roles, modules and other plugins in an Ansible Collection. Due to this, Ansible 2.8+ is required to use DebOps playbooks.
  • The paths to the passwords stored in the secret/ directory by various roles have been changed to use the inventory_hostname variable instead of the ansible_fqdn variable. This change will result in passwords set in various services to be regenerated, which might have an impact on service availability. See Upgrade notes for details.

Updates of upstream application versions

  • The RoundCube version installed by the debops.roundcube role has been updated to the 1.4.1 release, which includes a new "Elastic" theme compatible with mobile devices, and other improvements.
  • The Nextcloud version installed by the debops.owncloud role is updated to Nextcloud 16.0 release. The ownCloud version has been updated to 10.3.
  • The Icinga Director version installed by the debops.icinga_web role has been updated to the v1.7.2 release. Notable changes in v1.7.x are new German and Japanese translations, side-by-side sync previews, a new background daemon to replace the job runner and new module dependencies. Other Icinga Web modules have also been updated to their latest versions.


  • The authorizedService and host LDAP attribute values used for access control in various DebOps roles and the ldap/init-directory.yml playbook have been updated and made consistent with the LDAP Access Control documentation. You need to update the LDAP entries that use them before applying these changes on the hosts managed by DebOps. See Upgrade notes for detailed list of changed values.

Mail Transport Agents

  • The nullmailer__mailname and the postfix__mailname variables will use the host's FQDN address instead of the DNS domain as the mailname. This was done to not include the hostnames in the e-mail addresses, however this is better handled by Postfix domain masquerading done on the mail relay host, which allows for exceptions, supports multiple DNS domains and does not break mail delivery in subtle ways. See the debops.nullmailer role documentation for an example configuration.

debops.docker_server role

debops.dovecot role

  • The role gained support for mail accounts stored in the LDAP directory, based on the DebOps LDAP infrastructure. When the LDAP environment is detected on the host, the LDAP support will be enabled automatically, and mail accounts based on POSIX accounts will be disabled.
  • The default mailbox format used by Dovecot has been changed from mbox to Maildir; the user mailboxes will be stored by default in the ~/Maildir/ subdirectory of a given user account. On existing installations, the mailboxes might need to be converted and moved manually.
  • Dovecot will use the host DNS domain as the default SASL realm when users will not specify their domain in their login username.
  • The role should better integrate with the DebOps PKI environment and gracefully disable TLS support when it has not been configured.
  • The firewall configuration has been redesigned and the debops.dovecot role no longer generates the ferm configuration files directly, instead using the debops.ferm role as a dependency.
  • Add option to enable ManageSieve by default without the need to update the config_maps, to allow configuration of Sieve filter scripts.
  • Restored dovecot_mail_location to original value of maildir:~/Maildir. It was wrongfully changed to /var/vmail/%d/%n/mailbox if LDAP was enabled. See also dovecot_vmail_home.
  • If the LDAP support is enabled, the role will no longer configure Postfix via the debops.postfix role to deliver local mail via Dovecot LMTP service; this breaks mail delivery to local UNIX accounts (for example root) which might not have corresponding aliases in the virtual mail database. Instead, virtual_transport option will be configured to pass mail via LMTP to Dovecot, which then will deliver it to the virtual mailboxes in /var/vmail/ subdirectories.

debops.icinga_web role

  • The icinga2-director-jobs.service systemd service has been replaced with icinga-director.service. This service manages a new daemon that is required for Icinga Director v1.7.0+.

debops.memcached role

  • All variables in the role have been renamed from memcached_* to memcached__* to create the role namespace. You need to update the inventory accordingly.

debops.nullmailer role

  • The upstream SMTP relay will be detected automatically using DNS SRV resource records, if they are defined.

debops.owncloud role

  • Drop Nextcloud 15 support because it is EOL. You need to upgrade Nextcloud manually if you are running version 15 or below. The role now defaults to Nextcloud 16 for new installations.

debops.postconf role

  • If both Dovecot and Cyrus services are installed on a host, Postfix will be configured to prefer Cyrus for SASL authentication. This permits mail relay via the authenticated nullmailer Mail Transfer Agents with accounts in the LDAP directory. The preference can be changed using the postconf__sasl_auth_method variable.

debops.roundcube role

  • The variable that defines the FQDN address of the RoundCube installation has been changed from roundcube__domain to roundcube__fqdn. The default subdomain has also been changed from roundcube to webmail to offer a more widely used name for the application.

  • The default RoundCube installation path defined in the roundcube__git_dest variable has been changed and no longer uses the web application FQDN. This should make changing the web application address independent from the installation directory.

    Due to this change, existing installations will be re-installed in the new deployment path. Checking the changes in a development environment is recommended before deploying them in production environment.

  • The role will use DNS SRV resource records to find the IMAP and/or SMTP (submission) services to use in the RoundCube Webmail configuration, with a fallback to static subdomains. See IMAP, SMTP and Sieve server detection for more details.

  • RoundCube will use the user login and password credentials to authenticate to the SMTP (submission) service before sending e-mail messages. This allows the SMTP server to check the message details, block mail with forged sender address, etc. The default configuration uses encrypted connections to the IMAP and SMTP services to ensure confidentiality and security.

  • User logins that don't specify a domain will have the host domain automatically appended to them during authentication. This solves an issue where use of logins with or without domain for authentication would result in separate RoundCube profiles created in the database.

  • The Roundcube configuration has been redesigned and now uses the custom Ansible filter plugins to generate the config/ configuration file. The format of the configuration variables has been changed, you will need to update the Ansible inventory. See roundcube__configuration for more details.

  • Roundcube installation tasks have been cleaned up and the old method of keeping track of the git checkout is replaced by new functionality of the git Ansible module. This requires full reinstallation of Roundcube application; see Upgrade notes for more details.

  • Support for Roundcube plugins has been redesigned and now uses custom Ansible filters included in DebOps to manage plugins. The role can install plugins from the Roundcube plugin repository and manage their configuration files. A set of default plugins has been defined to make the default Roundcube installation a bit more user-friendly.

debops.ntp role

  • Chrony will not listen on udp control port on loopback anymore. Unix sockets are a better way for chronyc to talk to chronyd where local access is controlled by file permissions. This is suggested in the Chrony FAQ "How can I make chronyd more secure?".
  • Chrony: Support ntp__listen value * to make transitioning away from ntpd easier.
  • Chrony: Reduce default NTP servers considered as time source from 4 pool addresses (from which Chrony used 4 NTP servers each – 16 in total) to just 1 pool address – 4 NTP time sources in total.



  • Old [debops_<role_name>] Ansible inventory groups have been removed from DebOps playbooks. Users should use the [debops_service_<role_name>] group names instead.


debops.docker_server role

  • Do not add empty entries from docker_server__listen to daemon.json. This causes the docker daemon to not parse the config and crash.

debops.ferm role

  • The dmz firewall configuration will now not interpret the port as part of a IPv6 address anymore. We now protect the IPv6 address by surrounding it by [].

debops.gitlab_runner role

  • Fix issue with GitLab Runner failing test jobs due to the default ~/.bash_logout script wiping the terminal on logout. The role will skip copying the /etc/skel/ contents on the new installations; existing script will be removed.

debops.nullmailer role

  • Again, redirect the e-mail messages for local recipients to the central root e-mail account (but local to the SMTP relay). This fixes an issue where e-mail messages were left in the mail queue and filled the disk space.

debops.php role

  • Change the default list of preferred PHP versions to include PHP 7.3 as the preferred version. This should ensure that on hosts with the Ondřej Surý PHP repositories enabled, PHP 7.3 will be installed by default even though newer versions are available. This should solve installation issues with many PHP applications that don't have full support for PHP 7.4+ release yet.

debops v1.2.0 - 2019-12-01


New DebOps roles

  • Add debops.postldap Ansible role to configure and enable debops.postfix to host multiple (virtual) domains,and thus provide email service to several domains with just one mail server. Currently the Virtual Mail support works only with LDAP enabled, in the future mariaDB could be enabled.
  • The debops.minio and debops.mcli Ansible roles can be used to install and configure MinIO object storage service and its corresponding client binary.
  • The debops.tinyproxy role can be used to set up a lightweight HTTP/HTTPS proxy for an upstream server.
  • The debops.libuser Ansible role configures the libuser library and related commands. This library is used by some of the other DebOps roles to manage local UNIX accounts and groups on LDAP-enabled hosts.


  • Add more entries to be ignored by default by the git command in the DebOps project directories:
    • debops: ignore DebOps monorepo cloned or symlinked into the project directory.
    • roles and playbooks: ignore roles and playbooks in development; production code should be put in the ansible/roles/ and the ansible/playbooks/ directories respectively.
  • The debops-init script now also creates the .gitattributes file for use with git-crypt. It is commented out by default.
  • The debops-defaults command will check what pagers (view, less, more) are available and use the best one automatically.
  • A new Ansible module, dpkg_divert, can be used to divert the configuration files out of the way to preserve them and avoid issues with package upgrades. The module is available in the debops.ansible_plugins role.


  • The ldap/init-directory.yml Ansible playbook will create the LDAP objects cn=LDAP Replicators and cn=Password Reset Agents to allow other Ansible roles to utilize them without the need for the system administrator to define them by hand.
  • The ldap/get-uuid.yml Ansible playbook can be used to convert LDAP Distinguished Names to UUIDs to look up the password files if needed.

debops.apt_install role

  • The open-vm-tools APT package will be installed by default in VMware virtual machines.

debops.dnsmasq role

  • The role will tell the client applications to disable DNS-over-HTTPS support using the DNS record. This should allow connections to internal sites and preserve the split-DNS functionality.

debops.dokuwiki role

  • The role will configure LDAP support in DokuWiki when LDAP environment managed by the debops.ldap Ansible role is detected. Read the LDAP support chapter in the documentation for more details.

debops.cron role

  • The execution time of the hourly, daily, weekly and monthly cron jobs will be randomized on a per-host basis to avoid large job execution spikes every morning. See the role documentation for more details.

debops.nullmailer role

  • When the LDAP environment is configured on a host, the debops.nullmailer role will create the service account in the LDAP directory and configure the nullmailer service to use SASL authentication with its LDAP credentials to send e-mails to the relayhost.

debops.pki role

  • Newly created PKI realms will have a new public/full.pem file which contains the full X.509 certificate chain, including the Root CA certificate, which might be required by some applications that rely on TLS.

    Existing PKI realms will not be modified, but Ansible roles that use the PKI infrastructure might expect the new files to be present. It is advisable to recreate the PKI realms when possible, or create the missing files manually.

debops.saslauthd role

  • The role can now be used to authenticate users of different services against the LDAP directory via integration with the debops.ldap role and its framework. Multiple LDAP profiles can be used to provide different access control for different services.

debops.slapd role

  • Add support for eduPerson LDAP schema with updated schema file included in the role.

  • The role will configure SASL authentication in the OpenLDAP service using the debops.saslauthd Ansible role. Both humans and machines can authenticate to the OpenLDAP directory using their respective LDAP objects.

  • The lastbind overlay will be enabled by default. This overlay records the timestamp of the last successful bind operation of a given LDAP object, which can be used to, for example, check the date of the last successful login of a given user account.

  • Add support for nextcloud LDAP schema which provides attributes needed to define disk quotas for Nextcloud user accounts.

  • The Access Control List rules can now be tested using the slapacl(8) command via a generated test suite script.

  • The default ACL rules have been overhauled to add support for the ou=Roles,dc=example,dc=org subtree and use of the organizationalRole LDAP objects for authorization. The old set of rules is still active to ensure that the existing environments work as expected.

    If you use a modified ACL configuration, you should include the new rules as well to ensure that changes in the debops.ldap support are working correctly.

  • You can now hide specific LDAP objects from unprivileged users by adding them to a special cn=Hidden Objects,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=org LDAP group. The required ACL rule will be enabled by default; the objects used to control visibility will be created by the ldap/init-directory.yml playbook.

  • New "SMS Gateway" LDAP role grants read-only access to the mobile attribute by SMS gateways. This is needed for implementing 2-factor authentication via SMS messages.

debops.unbound role

  • The role will tell the client applications to disable DNS-over-HTTPS support using the DNS record. This should allow connections to internal sites and preserve the split-DNS functionality.
  • The role will configure the unbound daemon to allow non-recursive access to DNS queries when a host is managed by Ansible locally, with assumption that it's an Ansible Controller host. This change unblocks use of the dig +trace and similar commands.


Updates of upstream application versions

  • In the debops.gitlab role, GitLab version has been updated to 12.2. This is the last release that supports Ruby 2.5 which is included in Debian Buster.
  • In the debops.ipxe role, the Debian Stretch and Debian Buster netboot installer versions have been updated to their next point releases, 9.10 and 10.2 respectively.
  • In the debops.netbox role, the NetBox version has been updated to v2.6.3.

Continuous Integration

  • The $DEBOPS_FROM environment variable can be used to select how DebOps scripts should be installed in the Vagrant environment: either devel (local build) or pypi (installation from PyPI repository). This makes Vagrant environment more useful on Windows hosts, where /vagrant directory is not mounted due to issues with symlinks.
  • The make test command will not run the Docker tests anymore, to make the default tests faster. To run the Docker tests with all other tests, you can use the make test docker command.


  • External commands used in the DebOps scripts have been defined as constants to allow easier changes of the command location in various operating systems, for example Guix.

  • The default Ansible callback plugin used by DebOps is changed to yaml, which gives a cleaner look for various outputs and error messages. The callback plugin will be active by default in new DebOps project directories; in existing directories users can add:

    [ansible defaults]
    stdout_callback = yaml

    in the .debops.cfg configuration file.


  • The ldap/init-directory.yml playbook has been updated to use the new ou=Roles,dc=example,dc=org LDAP subtree, which will contain various organizationalRole objects. After updating the OpenLDAP Access Control List using the debops.slapd role, you can use the playbook on an existing installation to create the missing objects.

    The cn=UNIX Administrators and cn=UNIX SSH users LDAP objects will be created in the ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=org LDAP subtree. On existing installations, these objects need to be moved manually to the new subtree, otherwise the playbook will try to create them and fail due to duplicate UID/GID numbers which are enforced to be unique. You can move the objects using an LDAP client, for example Apache Directory Studio.

    The ou=System Groups,dc=example=dc,org subtree will not be created anymore. On existing installations this subtree will be left intact and can be safely removed after migration.

  • The access to the OpenLDAP service configured using the debops.slapd role now requires explicit firewall and TCP Wrappers configuration to allow access from trusted IP addresses and subnets. You can use the slapd__*_allow variables in the Ansible inventory to specify the IP addresses and subnets that can access the service.

    To preserve the old behaviour of granting access by default from anywhere, you can set the slapd__accept_any variable to True.

debops.apt_preferences role

debops.gitlab role

  • The LDAP support in GitLab has been converted to use the debops.ldap infrastructure and not configure LDAP objects directly. LDAP support in GitLab will be enabled automatically if it's enabled on the host. Some of the configuration variables have been changed; see the Upgrade notes for more details.

  • The default LDAP filter configured in the gitlab__ldap_user_filter variable has been modified to limit access to the service to objects with specific attributes. See the GitLab LDAP access control documentation page for details about the required attributes and their values.

  • The GitLab project has changed its codebase structure, because of that the Gitlab CE git repository has been moved to a new location, The role has been updated accordingly. Existing installations should work fine after the new codebase is cloned, but if unsure, users should check the change first in a development environment.

    More details can be found in GitLab blog posts here and here, as well as the Frequently Asked Questions page.

debops.golang role

  • The role has been redesigned from the ground up, and can be used to install Go applications either from APT packages, build them from source, or download precompiled binaries from remote resources. See the role documentation for more details.

debops.ldap role

  • The role will reset the LDAP host attributes defined in the ldap__device_attributes variable on first configuration in case that the host has been reinstalled and some of their values changed (for example different IP addresses). This should avoid leaving the outdated attributes in the host LDAP object.

debops.nginx role

  • The role will create the webroot directory specified in the item.root parameter even if the item.owner and parameters are not defined. This might have idempotency issues if the debops.nginx role configuration and the application role configuration try to modify the same directory attributes. To disable the webroot creation, you can set the item.webroot_create parameter to False. Alternatively, you should specify the intended owner, group and directory mode in the nginx server configuration.

debops.nullmailer role

  • The nullmailer__adminaddr list is set to empty by default to not redirect all e-mail messages sent through the nullmailer service to the root account. This should be done on the relayhost instead.

debops.owncloud role

  • Drop Nextcloud 14 support because it is EOL. You need to upgrade Nextcloud manually if you are running 14 or below. Add Nextcloud 16 support. Now default to Nextcloud 15 for new installations.
  • The LDAP support in Nextcloud has been converted to use the debops.ldap infrastructure and not configure LDAP objects directly. LDAP support in Nextcloud will be enabled automatically if it's enabled on the host. Some of the configuration variables have been changed; see the Upgrade notes for more details.
  • The default LDAP filter configured in the owncloud__ldap_login_filter variable has been modified to limit access to the service to objects with specific attributes. See the Nextcloud LDAP access control documentation page for details about the required attributes and their values.
  • The default LDAP group filter configured in the owncloud__ldap_group_filter variable has been modified to limit the available set of groupOfNames LDAP objects to only those that have the nextcloudEnabled attribute set to true.
  • Support for disk quotas for LDAP users has been added in the default configuration, based on the nextcloud LDAP schema. The default disk quota is set to 10 GB and can be changed using the nextcloudQuota LDAP attribute.

debops.postconf role

  • Support for the 465 TCP port for message submission over Implicit TLS is no longer deprecated (status changed by the RFC 8314 document) and will be enabled by default with the auth capability.
  • The role will configure Postfix to check the sender address of authenticated mail messages and block those that don't belong to the authenticated user. This will be enabled with the auth and the unauth-sender capabilities, and requires an user database to work correctly.

debops.postfix role

  • The default primary group of the lookup tables has been changed to postfix, default mode for new lookup tables will be set to 0640. This change helps secure lookup tables that utilize remote databases with authentication.
  • Postfix lookup tables can now use shared connection configuration defined in a YAML dictionary to minimize data duplication. See the postfix__lookup_tables documentation for more details.

debops.resolvconf role

  • The role will install and configure resolvconf APT package only on hosts with more than one network interface (not counting lo), or if local DNS services are also present on the host.

debops.slapd role

  • Enable substring index for the sudoUser attribute from the sudo LDAP schema. Existing installations should be updated manually via the LDAP client, by setting the value of the sudoUser index to eq,sub.
  • Add indexes for the authorizedService and host attributes from the ldapns LDAP schema and the gid attribute from the posixGroupId LDAP schema. This should improve performance in UNIX environments connected to the LDAP directory.
  • The number of rounds in SHA-512 password hashes has been increased from 5000 (default) to 100001. Existing password hashes will be unaffected.
  • The employeeNumber attribute in the ou=People,dc=example,dc=org LDAP subtree will be constrained to digits only, and the LDAP directory will enforce its uniqueness in the subtree. This allows the attribute to be used for correlation of personal LDAP objects to RDBMS-based databases.
  • The mail attribute is changed from unique for objects in the ou=People,dc=example,dc=org LDAP subtree to globally unique, due to its use for authentication purposes. The attribute will be indexed by default.
  • Access to the carLicense, homePhone and homePostalAddress attributes has been restricted to privileged accounts only (administrators, entry owner). The values cannot be seen by unprivileged and anonymous users.
  • Write access to the ou=SUDOers,dc=example,dc=org LDAP subtree has been restricted to the members of the "UNIX Administrators" LDAP group.

debops.sshd role

  • The role will allow or deny access to the root account via password depending on the presence of the /root/.ssh/authorized_keys file. See Access to the root account via password for more details. This requires updated root_account.fact script from the debops.root_account role.
  • The role will use Ansible local facts to check if OpenSSH server package is installed to conditionally enable/disable its start on first install.

debops-contrib.dropbear_initramfs role

  • Better default value for dropbear_initramfs__network_device by detecting the default network interface using Ansible facts instead of the previously hard-coded eth0.


debops.ansible_plugins role

  • The ldappassword Ansible filter plugin has been removed as it is no longer used in DebOps roles. The preferred method for storing passwords in LDAP is to pass them in plaintext (over TLS) and let the directory server store them in a hashed form. See also: RFC 3062.

debops.ldap role

  • The use of the params option in the ldap_attrs and ldap_entry Ansible modules is deprecated due to their insecure nature. As a consequence, the debops.ldap role has been updated to not use this option and the ldap__admin_auth_params variable has been removed.

debops.nginx role

  • Set nginx_upstream_php5_www_data to absent. If you are still using that Nginx upstream which was enabled by default then update your Ansible role and switch to a supported PHP release.



  • The "Edit on GitHub" links on the role default variable pages in the documentation have been fixed and now point to the correct source files on GitHub.

debops.dnsmasq role

  • On Ubuntu hosts, the role will fix the configuration installed by the lxd package to use bind-dynamic option instead of bind-interfaces. This allows the dnsmasq service to start correctly.

debops.ferm role

  • The dmz firewall configuration will use the dport parameter instead of port, otherwise filtering rules will not work as expected.

debops.nfs_server role

debops.nginx role

  • Fix an issue in the php.conf.j2 server template when an item.location parameter is specified, overridding the default set of location blocks defined in the default.conf.j template. If the / location is not specified in the item.location dictionary, a default one will be included by the role.

debops.postconf role

  • Disable the smtpd_helo_restrictions option on the submission and smtps TCP ports when the authentication and MX lookups are enabled. This should fix an issue where SMTP client sends the host's IP address as its HELO/EHLO response, which might not be configurable by the user.


debops.nginx role

  • Mitigation for the CVE-2019-11043 vulnerability has been applied in the nginx php and php5 configuration templates. The mitigation is based on the suggested workaround from the PHP Bug Tracker.

debops.owncloud role

debops v1.1.0 - 2019-08-25


New DebOps roles

  • The debops.keyring role is designed to be used by other Ansible roles to manage the GPG keys, either in the APT keyring or the GPG keyrings of specific UNIX accounts. It replaces and centralizes the use of the apt_key and the apt_repository Ansible modules in separate roles and provides additional functionality, like GPG key lookup in a local key store on the Ansible Controller, or the Keybase service.
  • The debops-contrib.neurodebian Ansible role has been migrated to the main DebOps role namespace as the debops.neurodebian role. This role can be used to configure the NeuroDebian APT repository on Debian/Ubuntu hosts.
  • The debops.wpcli role can be used to install the WP-CLI framework to allow management of WordPress websites in a shared hosting environment.
  • The debops.nscd role configures the Name Service Cache Daemon, used to cache NSS entries from remote databases, for example LDAP, Active Directory or NIS. The role is included in the bootstrap-ldap.yml playbook.
  • The debops.backup2l role configures the backup2l script which can create differential backups of a given host and store them on an external hard drive connected to that host.
  • The debops.resolvconf role fixes a few issues in the resolvconf Debian package and modifies the interface order in the generated /etc/resolv.conf configuration file depending on presence of a local DNS resolver like dnsmasq or unbound. The role is included in the bootstrap and common playbooks.

Continuous Integration

  • The Vagrant test environment will use the libeatmydata library to make specific commands like apt-get, rsync, pip, etc. faster by avoiding excessive fsync(2) operations.


  • The pyopenssl Python package has been added as a dependency of DebOps when the project is installed with Ansible included. This package is required by the openssl_* modules in Ansible 2.7; some of the DebOps roles like debops.opendkim use these modules on the Ansible Controller.
  • The distro Python package has been added as the DebOps dependency. The package is used by the debops-init script to detect the operating system used on the Ansible Controller, and is a replacement for the deprecated platform.linux_distribution() function.


  • The ldap/init-directory.yml Ansible playbook will create an LDAP group object for SSH users, equivalent to the sshusers group created by the debops.system_groups role. LDAP accounts in this group will be able to access SSH service from any host. Existing installations might need to be updated manually to fix UID/GID or LDAP DN conflicts.

debops.ferm role

  • If Avahi/mDNS support is present on a host, the debops.ferm role will allow access through the mdns UDP port by default. This will most likely happen on workstations and laptops with full desktop environments installed, but not on servers with minimal install. To configure Avahi service or enable it on servers, you can use the debops.avahi Ansible role.

debops.libvirtd role

  • The role will configure the libvirt and libvirt_guest NSS modules in /etc/nsswitch.conf database using the debops.nsswitch role to allow accessing the virtual machines or containers via their hostnames on the virtual machine host.

debops.lxc role

  • The lxc-prepare-ssh script can now look up the SSH keys of the current user in LDAP if support for it is enabled on the LXC host.

debops.nginx role

  • Add support to disable logging per Nginx server.
  • If a nginx server configuration uses a domain with lxc. prefix, for example inside of an internal LXC container, the role will include a redirect from host.lxc "virtual" domain to the real domain. This ensures that HTTP requests to the http://host.lxc/ URLs are redirected to the real LXC container hosts, depending on the DNS records and the HTTP client's resolver configuration.

debops.slapd role

  • The role can now control on which ports and services OpenLDAP listens for connections. The ldaps:/// service is enabled by default when support for the debops.pki role is enabled on the OpenLDAP host.

debops.sysctl role

  • The kernel protection for symlinks and hardlinks will be enabled by default on Debian/Ubuntu hosts.
  • Don't use special configuration for containers to determine what kernel parameters can be modified. The role will rely on its own Ansible local facts for that.

debops.unbound role

  • The unbound service will be configured to forward *.lxc.{{ ansible_domain }} DNS queries to the dnsmasq service managed by the debops.lxc role (lxc-net), if LXC configuration is detected via local Ansible facts. The *.consul DNS queries will be forwarded to the consul service, if its Ansible facts are detected.

debops.users role


Updates of upstream application versions

  • The debops.netbox role has been updated to NetBox version v2.6.1. Redis service is now required for NetBox; it can be installed separately via the debops.redis_server Ansible role.

    The NetBox version installed by DebOps has been changed from using the master branch, to specific tags, with the latest release (v2.6.1) set by default. The git commit signature in the NetBox repository is also verified using the GitHub GPG key when the repository is cloned.

  • In the debops.cran role, the upstream APT repository suite for CRAN has been updated to <release>-cran35/ due to changes in APT repository structure. Existing APT repository URLs might need to be removed manually from /etc/apt/sources.lists.d/ directory to make the APT service work as expected.

  • The debops.nodejs role will now install NodeJS, NPM and Yarn packages from the OS release repository by default. On the Debian Oldstable release, the packages backported from the Debian Stable release will be used by default. Installation of upstream NodeJS and NPM can be enabled using the nodejs__node_upstream variable. Upstream Yarn can be enabled using the nodejs__yarn_upstream variable.

    If the NodeJS upstream support is enabled, the NodeJS 8.x version will be installed on older Debian/Ubuntu releases, for example Debian Stretch and Ubuntu Bionic. Debian Buster and newer releases will use NodeJS 10.x version, to keep the Node version from upstream in sync with the one available in the OS repositories.

  • In the debops.etherpad role, the default version installed by the role is changed from the develop branch to the v1.7.0 version on older OS releases, and the v1.7.5 version on Debian Buster and newer, to not force installation of the upstream NPM package by default.

Continuous Integration

  • DebOps now uses xenial as the default OS release used in Travis-CI tests. The xenial images on Travis use the shellcheck v0.6.0 to test shell scripts; if you want to run the test shell command locally to check the script syntax, you will need to update your shellcheck installation to the v0.6.0 version to match the one on Travis-CI. This version is at present not available in Debian, therefore a custom install will be needed. See the ShellCheck install instructions for your preferred method.
  • The Travis-CI tests will be done using Python 3.7 only. Python 2.7 support will be dropped in 2020, it's time to prepare.
  • The GitLab CI tests are done using a debian/buster64 Vagrant Box.


  • Switch the base Docker image to debian:buster-slim and install Python 3.x environment instead of Python 2.7 in the DebOps Docker image.
  • The docker-entrypoint script has been refreshed to account for the changes in DebOps roles. The debops.sshd role takes care of the /run/sshd/ directory by itself, and running DebOps against the container requires sudo access without password.


  • Various DebOps roles have been modified to use the debops.keyring Ansible role to manage the APT repository keys, or GPG keys on UNIX accounts. If you are using them in custom playbooks, you might need to update them to include the new dependency.
  • The installation of APT and other packages in DebOps roles has been refactored to remove the use of the with_items/with_flattened lookups. Support for package installation via task loops will be removed in Ansible 2.11.
  • The DebOps documentation generator now supports Ansible roles with multiple defaults/main/*.yml files. They are also correctly handled by the debops-defaults script.
  • Various DebOps roles will no longer use the hostname as a stand-in for an empty DNS domain when no DNS domain is detected - this resulted in the "standalone" hosts without a DNS domain to be misconfigured. Existing setups with a DNS domain shouldn't be affected, but configuration of standalone hosts that deploy webservices might require modifications.
  • The debops.resolvconf role has been added as a dpendency in the Ansible playbooks of the roles that interact with the resolvconf service in some way. The modified roles are: debops.dnsmasq, debops.docker_server, debops.ifupdown, debops.lxc, debops.unbound. The installation of the resolvconf APT package has been removed from the roles that contained it.
  • Run debops.apt_proxy from the bootstrap.yml Ansible playbook to ensure that if a proxy is used, it is used all the time without disabling the proxy for a short while during bootstrapping. The bootstrap-ldap.yml Ansible playbook already included debops.apt_proxy.

User management

debops.avahi role

  • The avahi-alias script has been imported into the role itself and will no longer be installed by cloning the upstream git repository. Consequently, support for mDNS *.local CNAME resource records will be enabled by default on hosts with Python 2.7 installed (support for Python 3.x is currently not available).

debops.dokuwiki role

  • The patchpanel DokuWiki plugin has been deprecated in favor of the switchpanel plugin. The role will remove the patchpanel plugin automatically on existing installations. You might need to update the wiki contents to render the patch panels correctly, see the plugin documentation for more details.

debops.docker_server role

  • The debops.docker role has been renamed to debops.docker_server in preparation of adding a role that will provide client functionality like network and container management.

  • The Docker server no longer listens on a TCP port by default, even if debops.pki is enabled.

  • The default storage driver used by the debops.docker_server has been changed to overlay2 which is the default in upstream. The role checks the currently enabled storage driver via Ansible local facts, and should preserve the current configuration on existing installations.

    If needed, the storage driver in use can be overridden via the docker_server__storage_driver variable.

debops.etckeeper role

  • The installation of etckeeper will be disabled by default in Python 3.x-only environments.

debops.gitlab role

  • The playbook will no longer force the installation of the upstream Node.js and Yarn packages via the debops.nodejs role. The upstream versions are currently not required on Debian Buster.

debops.ifupdown role

  • The role will not install the rdnssd APT package if NetworkManager service is detected on the host, to avoid removing the NM service due to package conflict. NetworkManager should gracefully handle adding IPv6 nameservers to /etc/resolv.conf file, and on systems without NM installed the rdnssd script will perform this task as before.

debops.ipxe role

  • The role has been redesigned from scratch, and now supports multiple Debian Netboot installers; the iPXE scripts are defined in default variables instead of the file-based templates and can be easily modified via the Ansible inventory.

debops.kmod role

  • The role will use the debops.python Ansible role to install the kmodpy Python package in Python 2.7 environments. Because the package is not available in Debian as Python 3.x module, the kmod.fact local fact script will use the lsmod command to list the kernel modules in this case.
  • The role gained basic support for defining what kernel modules should be loaded on non-systemd hosts by adding them in the /etc/modules configuration file.

debops.libvirt role

  • The virt-goodies package will be installed only if the Python 2.7 environment is already present on the host.

debops.lxc role

  • The role now checks the version of the installed LXC support and uses the old or new configuration keys accordingly. You can review the changed configuration keys between the old and new LXC version for comparsion.

  • New LXC containers will have the CAP_SYS_TIME POSIX capability dropped by default to ensure that time configuration is disabled inside of the container. This should fix an issue on Debian Buster where unprivileged LXC containers still have this capability enabled.

    On Debian Buster LXC hosts, the CAP_SYS_ADMIN POSIX capability will be dropped in new LXC containers by default.

  • On Debian Buster (specifically on LXC versions below 3.1.0) the AppArmor restrictions on unprivileged LXC containers will be relaxed to allow correct operation of the systemd service manager inside of a container. Check the Debian Bugs #916644, #918839 and #911806 for reasoning behind this modification.

  • Restrict configuration of the poweroff.conf systemd override to Debian Stretch and Ubuntu Xenial only. The containers correctly shut down using SIGRTMIN+3 signal on Debian Buster and beyond.

debops.mariadb_server role

  • The role will no longer set a custom MariaDB root password, because the mysql_user Ansible 2.8 module breaks access to the MariaDB database via the UNIX root account by removing the unix_socket plugin access and not setting the mysql_native_password plugin. A password for the UNIX root account is not needed in the recent MariaDB releases in Debian, therefore this shouldn't impact the usage.

    The mysql_user Ansible module lacks a way to control the authentication plugin for a given MariaDB account, therefore it's not advisable to mess with the root access to the database.

debops.netbase role

  • Do not try to manage the hostname in LXC, Docker or OpenVZ containers by default. We assume that these containers are unprivileged and their hostname cannot be changed from the inside of the container.
  • If a host does not have a proper domain, either defined locally or set via the DNS, don't generate a faux "domain" based on its hostname and assume that this is a standalone host. This might affect availability of some services, for example X.509 certificates managed by debops.pki or reachability of websites created on that host. In this case the host cannot have a FQDN defined in the Ansible inventory as the label or ansible_host variable, only a hostname.
  • Role will check if the configured FQDN of a host exists in the DNS database. If it does, the entry in the /etc/hosts file will be removed to allow the DNS to take over. If it doesn't, the configuration will be left intact with assumtion that the domain is configured locally.

debops.nginx role

  • The role will no longer default to limiting the allowed HTTP request methods to GET, HEAD and POST on PHP-enabled websites.

debops.pki role

  • If there is no domain set on the remote host, don't fallback to the hostname in the pki_ca_domain variable because the generated CA certificates don't make any sense. With this setup the debops.pki role requires to be run against a host with a valid DNS domain for the internal CA to be created.

debops.rsnapshot role

  • The role has been redesigned from the ground up. Instead of using Ansible inventory groups to define hosts to back up, role uses a list of YAML dictionaries with hosts defined explicitly; the old behaviour can be replicated if needed. The backup host itself can also be snapshotted, with support for snapshots on removable media.

debops.snmpd role

  • The local SNMPv3 username and password will be stored in a separate file and retrieved via Ansible local facts, to not break Ansible fact gathering on unprivileged accounts. The password file is protected by strict read permission and accessible only by the root UNIX account.

debops.system_groups role

  • Don't configure the NOPASSWD: tag for the %admins and %wheel UNIX groups in sudo by default when Ansible manages the local host. This allows local admin accounts to control root access using a password.

debops.system_users role

  • The role will set a custom shell based on the users' own shell for the dynamic UNIX account only if the shell is known by the role. This should avoid issues when Ansible users use non-standard shells on Ansible Controller.

debops.tftpd role

  • The role has been refreshed in conjunction with the updates to network boot services in preparation for Debian Buster. All of the role variables have been renamed to put them in their own tftpd__* namespace, and the role dependencies have been moved to the playbook.

debops.unbound role

  • The role will enable remote control management of the unbound daemon via the loopback network interface using the unbound-control command.


Roles removed from DebOps

  • The debops.openvz role has been removed. OpenVZ is not supported in Debian natively since Wheezy; a good replacement for it is LXC which can be managed using the debops.lxc role.

debops.core role

  • The core__keyserver variable and its local fact have been removed from the role. They are replaced by the keyring__keyserver and the corresponding local fact in the debops.keyring role.
  • The resolver.fact script has been removed from the role. Its functionality is provided by the resolvconf.fact script included in the debops.resolvconf role.

debops.docker_server role

  • Support for ferment has been removed from DebOps due to the upstream not being up to date anymore, both with Docker as well as with Python 3.x support. The dockerd daemon will be restarted on any ferm restarts to update the firewall configuration with Docker rules.

debops.lxc role

  • The lxc-prepare-ssh script will no longer install SSH keys from the LXC host root account on the LXC container root account. This can cause confusion and unintended security breaches when other services (for example backup scripts or remote command execution tools) install their own SSH keys on the LXC host and they are subsequently copied inside of the LXC containers created on that host.

debops.nodejs role

  • [debops.nodejs] Support for installing NPM from its git repository has been removed. NPM is included in the NodeSource upstream nodejs package, as well as the Debian archive since Debian Buster release in the npm package.


debops.apache role

  • Refactor the role to not use Jinja 'import' statements in looped tasks - this does not work on newer Jinja versions.

debops.lvm role

  • Make sure logical volumes will only be shrinked when volume item defines force: yes.

debops.nsswitch role

  • Don't restart the systemd-logind service on /etc/nsswitch.conf file changes if DebOps is running against localhost, to avoid breaking the existing user session.

debops.python role

  • The role should now correctly detect Python 3.x interpreter on the Ansible Controller and disable usage of Python 2.7 on the managed hosts.

debops v1.0.0 - 2019-05-22


New DebOps roles

  • The debops.docker_registry role provides support for Docker Registry. The role can be used as standalone or as a backend for the GitLab Container Registry service, with debops.gitlab role.
  • The debops.ldap role sets up the system-wide LDAP configuration on a host, and is used as the API to the LDAP directory by other Ansible roles, playbooks, and users via Ansible inventory. The role is included in the common.yml playbook, but is disabled by default.
  • The debops.nslcd role can be used to configure LDAP lookups for NSS and PAM services on a Linux host.
  • The debops.pam_access role manages PAM access control files located in the /etc/security/ directory. The role is designed to allow other Ansible roles to easily manage their own PAM access rules.
  • The debops.yadm role installs the Yet Another Dotfiles Manager script and ensures that additional shells are available. It can also mirror dotfiles locally. The role is included in the common playbook.
  • The debops.system_users role replaces the debops.bootstrap role and is used to manage the local system administrator accounts. It is included in the common.yml playbook as well as the bootstrap playbooks.


  • The DebOps project has been registered in the IANA Private Enterprise Numbers registry, with PEN number 53622. The project documentation contains an OID registry to track custom LDAP schemas, among other things.
  • Support for Ansible Collections managed by the Mazer Content Manager has been implemented in the repository. Ansible Collections will be usable after June 2019, when support for them is enabled in the Ansible Galaxy service.


  • A new bootstrap-ldap.yml Ansible playbook can be used to bootstrap Debian/Ubuntu hosts with LDAP support enabled by default. The playbook will configure only the services required for secure LDAP access (PKI, SSH, PAM/NSS), the rest should be configured using the common playbook.

debops.ansible_plugins role

  • A new ldap_attrs Ansible module has been added to the role. It's a replacement for the ldap_attr core Ansible module, that's more in line with the ldap_entry module. Used by the debops.slapd and debops.ldap roles to manage the LDAP directory contents.

debops.apt role

  • Systems with the End of Life Debian releases (wheezy) installed will be configured to use the Debian Archive repository as the main APT sources instead of the normal Debian repository mirrors. These releases have been moved out of the main repositories and are not fully available through normal means. The periodic updates of the APT archive repositories on these systems will be disabled via the debops.unattended_upgrades role, since the EOL releases no longer receive updates.

    The Debian LTS release (jessie) APT repository sources will use only the main and security repositories, without updates or backports. See the information about the Debian LTS support for more details.

debops.lxc role

  • Users can now disable default route advertisement in the lxc-net DHCP service. This is useful in cases where LXC containers have multiple network interfaces and the default route should go through a different gateway than the LXC host.
  • The lxc-new-unprivileged script will add missing network interface stanzas in the container's /etc/network/interfaces file, by default with DHCP configuration. This will happen only on the initialization of the new container, when a given LXC container has multiple network interfaces defined in its configuration file.

debops.nginx role

  • The role will automatically generate configuration which redirects short hostnames or subdomains to their FQDN equivalents. This allows HTTP clients to reach websites by specifying their short names via DNS suffixes from /etc/resolv.conf file, or using *.local domain names managed by Avahi/mDNS to redirect HTTP clients to the correct FQDNs.

debops.resources role

  • Some lists can now configure ACL entries on the destination files or directories using the item.acl parameter. Take a look to ACL support section to have the list of compatibles variables.
  • New resources__commands variables can be used to define simple shell commands or scripts that will be executed at the end of the debops.resources role. Useful to start new services, but it shouldn't be used as a replacement for a fully-fledged Ansible roles.

debops.sudo role

  • The role is now integrated with the debops.ldap Ansible role and can configure the sudo service to read sudoers configuration from the LDAP directory.

debops.users role

  • The role can now configure UNIX accounts with access restricted to SFTP operations (SFTPonly) with the new item.chroot parameter. This is a replacement for the debops.sftpusers role.


Updates of upstream application versions

  • The debops.gitlab role will install GitLab 11.10 on supported platforms (Debian Buster, Ubuntu Bionic), existing installations will be upgraded.
  • In the debops.phpipam role, the relevant inventory variables have been renamed, check the Upgrade notes for details. The role now uses the upstream phpIPAM repository and it installs version 1.3.2.
  • In the debops.php role, because of the PHP 7.0 release status changed to End of life at the beginning of 2019, Ondřej Surý APT repository with PHP 7.2 packages will be enabled by default on Debian Jessie and Stretch as well as Ubuntu Trusty and Xenial. Existing debops.php installations shouldn't be affected, but the role will not try to upgrade the PHP version either. Users should consider upgrading the packages manually or reinstalling services from scratch with the newer version used by default.
  • In the debops.rstudio_server role, the supported version has been updated to v1.2.1335. The role no longer installs libssl1.0.0 from Debian Jessie on Debian Stretch, since the current version of the RStudio Server works in the default Stretch environment. The downloaded .deb package will be verified using the RStudio Inc. GPG signing key before installation.
  • In the debops.docker_gen role, the docker-gen version that this role installs by default has been updated to version 0.7.4. This release notably adds IPv6 and docker network support.


  • The debops.cron role will be applied much earlier in the common.yml playbook because the debops.pki role depends on presence of the cron daemon on the host.
  • Bash scripts and shell/command Ansible modules now use relative bash interpreter instead of an absolute /bin/bash. This should help make the DebOps roles more portable, and prepare the project for the merged /bin and /usr/bin directories in a future Debian release.

Mail Transport Agents

  • The /etc/mailname configuration file will contain the DNS domain of a host instead of the FQDN address. This will result in the mail senders that don't specify the domain part to have the DNS domain, instead of the full host address, added by the Mail Transport Agent. This configuration should work better in clustered environments, where there is a central mail hub/MX that receives the mail and redirects it.

debops.gitlab role

  • The GitLab playbook will import the debops.docker_registry playbook to ensure that configuration related to Docker Registry defined in the GitLab service is properly applied during installation/management.

debops.lxc role

  • The lxc-prepare-ssh script will read the public SSH keys from specific files (root key file, and the $SUDO_USER key file) and will not accept any custom files to read from, to avoid possible security issues. Each public SSH key listed in the key files is validated before being added to the container's root account.

    The lxc-new-unprivileged script will similarly not accept any custom files as initial LXC container configuration to fix any potential security holes when used via sudo. The default LXC configuration file used by the script can be configured in /etc/lxc/lxc.conf configuration file.

debops.mariadb_server role

  • The MariaDB user root is no longer dropped. This user is used for database maintenance and authenticates using the unix_auth plugin. However, DebOps still maintains and sets a password for the root UNIX account, stored in the /root/.my.cnf config file.

debops.netbase role

  • The role will be disabled by default in Docker containers. In this environment, the /etc/hosts file is managed by Docker and cannot be modified from inside of the container.

debops.owncloud role

  • The role will not perform any tasks related to occ command if the automatic setup is disabled in the owncloud__autosetup variable. In this mode, the occ tasks cannot be performed by the role because the ownCloud/Nextcloud installation is not finished. The users are expected to perform necessary tasks themselves if they decide to opt-out from the automatic configuration.

debops.php role

  • The PHP version detection has been redesigned to use the apt-cache madison command to find the available versions. The role will now check the current version of the php APT package to select the available stable PHP version. This unfortunately breaks support for the php5 packages, but the php5.6 packages from Ondřej Surý APT repository work fine.

  • The role will install the composer command from the upstream GitHub repository on older OS releases, including Debian Stretch (current Stable release). This is due to incompatibility of the composer APT package included in Debian Stretch and PHP 7.3.

    The custom composer command installation tasks have been removed from the debops.roundcube and debops.librenms roles, since debops.php will take care of the installation.

debops.root_account role

  • If the debops.ldap Ansible role has been applied on a host, the debops.root_account role will use the UID/GID ranges defined by it, which include UIDs/GIDs used in the LDAP directory, to define subUID/subGID range of the root account. This allows usage of the LDAP directory as a source of UNIX accounts and groups in unprivileged containers. Existing systems will not be changed.
  • Management of the root dotfiles has been removed from the debops.users role and is now done in the debops.root_account role, using the yadm script. Users might need to clean out the existing dotfiles if they were managed as symlinks, otherwise yadm script will not be able to correctly deploy the new dotfiles.

debops.slapd role

  • The role has been redesigned from the ground up, with support for N-Way Multi-Master replication, custom LDAP schemas, Password Policy and other functionality. The role uses custom ldap_attrs Ansible module included in the debops.ansible_plugins role for OpenLDAP management.

    The OpenLDAP configuration will definitely break on existing installations. It's best to set up a new OpenLDAP server (or replicated cluster) and import the LDAP directory to it afterwards. See role documentation for more details.

debops.sshd role

  • The access control based on UNIX groups defined in the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file has been removed. Instead, the OpenSSH server uses the PAM access control configuration, managed by the debops.pam_access Ansible role, to control access by users/groups/origins. OpenSSH service uses its own access control file, separate from the global /etc/security/access.conf file.

  • The role will enable client address resolving using DNS by setting the UseDNS yes option in OpenSSH server configuration. This parameter is disabled by default in Debian and upstream, however it is required for the domain-based access control rules to work as expected.

  • When the LDAP support is configured on a host by the debops.ldap role, the debops.sshd role will use the resulting infrastructure to connect to the LDAP directory and create the sshd LDAP account object for each host, used for lookups of the SSH keys in the directory. The SSH host public keys will be automatically added or updated in the LDAP device object to allow for centralized generation of the ~/.ssh/known_hosts files based on the data stored in LDAP.

    The role will no longer create a separate sshd-lookup UNIX account to perform LDAP lookups; the existing sshd UNIX account will be used instead. The ldapsearch command used for lookups will default to LDAP over TLS connections instead of LDAPS.

debops.system_groups role

  • If the LDAP support is enabled on a host via the debops.ldap role, the UNIX system groups created by the debops.system_groups role by default will use a _ prefix to make them separate from any LDAP-based groups of the same name. Existing installations should be unaffected, as long as the updated debops.system_groups role was applied before the debops.ldap role.

debops.unattended_upgrades role

  • The packages from the stable-updates APT repository section will be automatically upgraded by default, the same as the packages from Debian Security repository. This should cover important non-security related upgrades, such as timezone changes, antivirus database changes, and similar.
  • If automatic reboots are enabled, VMs will not reboot all at the same time to avoid high load on the hypervisor host. Instead they will reboot at a particular minute in a 15 minute time window. For each host, a random-but-idempotent time is chosen. For hypervisor hosts good presets cannot be picked. You should ensure that hosts don’t reboot at the same time by defining different reboot times in inventory groups.

debops.users role

  • The management of the user dotfiles in the debops.users role has been redesigned and now uses the yadm script to perform the actual deployment. See debops.yadm for details about installing the script and creating local dotfile mirrors. The users__accounts variable documentation contains examples of new dotfile definitions.

  • The role now uses the libuser library via the Ansible group and user modules to manage local groups and accounts. This should avoid issues with groups and accounts created in the LDAP user/group ranges.

    The libuser library by default creates home directories with 0700 permissions, which is probably too restrictive. Because of that, the role will automatically change the home directory permissions to 0751 (defined in the users__default_home_mode variable). This also affects existing UNIX accounts managed by the role; the mode can be overriden using the item.home_mode parameter.

  • The users__*_resources variables have been reimplemented as the item.resources parameter of the users__*_accounts variables. This removes the unnecessary split between user account definitions and definitions of their files/directories.


Roles removed from DebOps

  • The debops.sftpusers Ansible role has been removed. Its functionality is now implemented by the debops.users role, custom bind mounts can be defined using the debops.mount role.
  • The debops.bootstrap Ansible role has been removed. Its replacement is the debops.system_users which is used to manage system administrator accounts, via the common.yml playbook and the bootstrap playbooks.

debops.auth role

  • The /etc/ldap/ldap.conf file configuration, nslcd service configuration and related variables have been removed from the debops.auth role. This functionality is now available in the debops.ldap and debops.nslcd roles, which manage the client-side LDAP support.

debops.rstudio_server role

  • The role will no longer install the historical libssl1.0.0 APT package on Debian Stretch to support older RStudio Server releases. You should remove it on the existing installations after RStudio Server is upgraded to the newest release.


debops.authorized_keys role

  • Set the group for authorized_keys files to the primary group of the user instead of the group with the same name as the user. This is important because otherwise the readonly mode of the role does not work when the primary group of a user has a different name then the username.

debops.lvm role

  • Make sure a file system is created by default when the mount parameter is defined in the lvm__logical_volumes.
  • Stop and disable lvm2-lvmetad.socket systemd unit when disabling lvm__global_use_lvmetad to avoid warning message when invoking LVM commands.

debops.redis_server role

  • Use the redis.conf file to lookup passwords via the redis-password script. This file has the redis-auth UNIX group and any accounts in this group should now be able to look up the Redis passwords correctly.

debops.slapd role

  • The role will check if the X.509 certificate and the private key used for TLS communication were correctly configured in the OpenLDAP server. This fixes an issue where configuration of the private key and certificate was not performed at all, without any actual changes in the service, with subsequent task exiting with an error due to misconfiguration.


debops.php role

  • Ondřej Surý created new APT signing keys for his Debian APT repository with PHP packages, due to security concerns. The debops.php role will remove the old APT GPG key and add the new one automatically.

debops v0.8.1 - 2019-02-02


New DebOps roles

  • The debops.redis_server and debops.redis_sentinel roles, that replace the existing debops.redis Ansible role. The new roles support multiple Redis and Sentinel instances on a single host.
  • The debops.freeradius role can be used to manage FreeRADIUS service, used in network management.
  • The debops.dhcp_probe role can be used to install and configure dhcp_probe service, which passively detects rogue DHCP servers.
  • The debops.mount role allows configuration of /etc/fstab entries for local devices, bind mounts and can be used to create or modify directories, to permit access to resources by different applications. The role is included by default in the common.yml playbook.

Continuous Integration

  • Ansible roles included in DebOps are now checked using ansible-lint tool. All existing issues found by the script have been fixed.
  • The hosts managed by the DebOps Vagrant environment will now use Avahi to detect multiple cluster nodes and generate host records in the /etc/hosts database on these nodes. This allows usage of real DNS FQDNs and hostnames in the test environment without reliance on an external DHCP/DNS services.


  • DebOps roles are now tagged with skip::<role_name> Ansible tags. You can use these tags to skip roles without any side-effects; for example "<role_name>/env" sub-roles will still run so that roles that depend on them will work as expected.
  • You can use the make versions command in the root of the DebOps monorepo to check currently "pinned" and upstream versions of third-party software installed and managed by DebOps, usually via git repositories. This requires the uscan command from the Debian devscripts APT package to be present.

debops.ifupdown role

  • The role will now generate configuration for the debops.sysctl role and use it in the playbook as a dependency, to configure kernel parameters related to packet forwarding on managed network interfaces. This functionality replaces centralized configuration of packet forwarding on all network interfaces done by the debops.ferm role.

debops.lxc role

  • New lxc-hwaddr-static script can be used to easily generate random but predictable MAC addresses for LXC containers.

    The script can be run manually or executed as a "pre-start" LXC hook to configure static MAC addresses automatically - this usage is enabled by default via common LXC container configuration.

  • The Ansible connection plugin is now included by default in DebOps. This connection plugin can be used to manage remote LXC containers with Ansible via SSH and the lxc-attach command. This requires connection to the LXC host and the LXC container via the root account directly, which is supported by the DebOps playbooks and roles.

  • The role can now manage LXC containers, again. This time the functionality is implemented using the lxc_container Ansible module instead of a series of shell tasks. By default unprivileged LXC containers will be created, but users can change all parameters supported by the module.

  • The role will now configure a lxcbr0 bridge with internal DNS/DHCP server for LXC containers, using the lxc-net service. With this change, use of the debops.ifupdown role to prepare a default bridge for LXC containers is not required anymore.

debops.netbase role

  • When a large number of hosts is defined for the /etc/hosts database, the role will switch to generating the file using the template Ansible module instead of managing individual lines using the lineinfile module, to make the operation faster. As a result, custom modifications done by other tools in the host database will not be preserved.
  • The role can now configure the hostname in the /etc/hostname file, as well as the local domain configuration in /etc/hosts database.

debops.php role

  • The role will install the composer APT package on Debian Stretch, Ubuntu Xenial and their respective newer OS releases.

debops.root_account role

  • The role will reserve a set of UID/GID ranges for subordinate UIDs/GIDs owned by the root account (they are not reserved by default). This can be used to create unprivileged LXC containers owned by root. See the release notes for potential issues on existing systems.
  • You can now configure the state and contents of the /root/.ssh/authorized_keys file using the debops.root_account role, with support for global, per inventory group and per host SSH keys.

debops.users role

  • The role can now configure ACL entries of the user home directories using the item.home_acl parameter. This can be used for more elaborate access restrictions.


Continuous Integration

  • The test suite will now check POSIX shell scripts along with Bash scripts for any issues via the shellcheck linter. Outstanding issues found in existing scripts have been fixed.


  • The debops.root_account role will be executed earlier in the common.yml Ansible playbook to ensure that the root UID/GID ranges are reserved without issues on the initial host configuration.
  • Various filter and lookup Ansible plugins have been migrated from the playbook directory to the debops.ansible_plugins role. This role can be used as hard dependency in other Ansible roles that rely on these plugins.
  • The order of the roles in the common playbook has been changed; the debops.users role will be applied before the debops.resources role to allow for resources owned by UNIX accounts/groups other than root.
  • The debops Python package has dropped the hard dependency on Ansible. This allows DebOps to be installed in a separate environment than Ansible, allowing for example to mix Homebrew Ansible with DebOps from PyPI on macOS. The installation instructions have also been updated to reflect the change.
  • The debops-init script will now generate new Ansible inventory files using the hostname as well as a host FQDN to better promote the use of DNS records in Ansible inventory.

debops.dnsmasq role

  • The role has been redesigned from the ground up with new configuration pipeline, support for multiple subdomains and better default configuration. See the debops.dnsmasq role documentation as well as the Upgrade notes for more details.

debops.docker_server role

  • If the Docker host uses a local nameserver, for example dnsmasq or unbound, Docker containers might have misconfigured DNS nameserver in /etc/resolv.conf pointing to In these cases, the debops.docker_server role will configure Docker to use the upstream nameservers from the host, managed by the resolvconf APT package.

    If no upstream nameservers are available, the role will not configure any nameserver and search parameters, which will tell Docker to use the Google nameservers.

debops.gitlab role

  • The role will now install GitLab 10.8 by default, on Debian Stretch and Ubuntu Xenial. The 11.x release now requires Ruby 2.4+, therefore it will only be installed on newer OS releases (Debian Buster, Ubuntu Bionic).

  • The role has been updated to use Ansible local facts managed by the debops.redis_server Ansible role. Redis Server support has been removed from the GitLab playbook and needs to be explicitly enabled in the inventory for GitLab to be installed correctly. This will allow to select between local Server or Sentinel instance, to support clustered environments.

    Check the Upgrade notes for issues with upgrading Redis Server support on existing GitLab hosts.

debops.grub role

  • The GRUB configuration has been redesigned, role now uses merged variables to make configuration via Ansible inventory or dependent role variables easier. The GRUB configuration is now stored in the /etc/default/grub.d/ directory to allow for easier integration with other software. See the debops.grub documentation for more details.
  • The user password storage path in secret/ directory has been changed to use the inventory_hostname variable instead of the ansible_fqdn variable. This change will force regeneration of password hashes in existing installations, but shouldn't affect host access (passwords stay the same).

debops.gunicorn role

  • The role depends on debops.python now to install the required packages. Please update your custom playbooks accordingly.

debops.ipxe role

  • The role will no longer install non-free firmware by default. This is done to solve the connectivity issues with host.

debops.librenms role

  • The default dashboard in LibreNMS is changed from the pages/front/default.php to pages/front/tiles.php which allows for better customization.

debops.lxc role

  • The role will configure the default subUIDs and subGIDs for unprivileged LXC containers based on the configured subordinate UID/GID ranges for the root account.
  • The lxc-prepare-ssh script will now install SSH public keys from the user account that is running the script via sudo instead of the system's root account, which is usually what you want to do if other people manage their own LXC containers on a host.
  • The LXC configuration managed by the role will use the systemd lxc@.service instances to manage the containers instead of using the lxc-* commands directly. This allows the containers to be shut down properly without hitting a timeout and forced killing of container processes.

debops.owncloud role

  • The role will now use Ansible facts managed by the debops.redis_server role to configure Redis support.
  • Drop support for Nextcloud 12.0 which is EOF. Add support for Nextcloud 14.0 and 15.0 and make Nextcloud 14.0 the default Nextcloud version.

debops.netbase role

  • The hostname and domain configuration during bootstrapping is now done by the debops.netbase Ansible role. The default for this role is to remove the host entry from the /etc/hosts file to ensure that domain resolution relies on DNS.

    If you are using local domain configured in /etc/hosts file, you should define the netbase__domain variable in the Ansible inventory with your desired domain.

  • The role is redesigned to use list variables instead of YAML dictionaries for the /etc/hosts database. This allows for adding the host IPv4 and/or IPv6 addresses defined by Ansible facts when the custom local domain is enabled. See netbase__hosts for details. The role has also been included in the common.yml playbook to ensure that the host database is up to date as soon as possible.

debops.resources role

  • Changed behaviour of used groups for templating. Now all groups the host is in, will be used to search for template files. Read the documentation about resources__templates for more details on templating with debops.


debops.grub role

  • The role should now correctly revert custom patch to allow user authentication in /etc/grub.d/10_linux script, when the user list is empty.

debops.kmod role

  • The role should now work correctly in Ansible --check mode before the Ansible local fact script is installed.

debops.sysctl role

  • The role should correctly handle nested lists in role dependent variables, which are now flattened before being passed to the configuration filter.


Roles removed from DebOps

  • The old debops.redis Ansible role has been removed. It has been replaced by the debops.redis_server and debops.redis_sentinel Ansible roles. The new roles use their own Ansible inventory groups, therefore they will need to be explicitly enabled to affect existing hosts.

    You can use the debops.debops_legacy Ansible role to clean up old configuration files, directories and diversions of debops.redis role from remote hosts.


  • The ldap_entry and ldap_attr Ansible modules have been removed. They are now included in Ansible core, there's no need to keep a separate copy in the playbook.

debops.core role

  • The ansible_local.root.flags and ansible_local.root.uuid local facts have been removed. They are replaced by ansible_local.tags and ansible_local.uuid local facts, respectively.

debops.dhcpd role

debops.ferm role

  • Automated configuration of packet forwarding with FORWARD chain rules and sysctl configuration has been removed from the role. Per-interface packet forwarding is now configurable using the debops.ifupdown role, and you can still use the debops.ferm and debops.sysctl roles to design custom forwarding configuration.

    Support for this mechanism has also been removed from related roles like debops.libvirtd and debops.lxc.

debops.netbase role

  • The hostname and domain configuration has been removed from the debops.bootstrap role. This functionality is now handled by the debops.netbase role, which has been included in the bootstrap playbook. The relevant inventory variables have been renamed, check the Upgrade notes for details.

debops.resources role

  • The resources__group_name variable has been removed in favor of using all the groups the current hosts is in. This change has been reflected in the updated variable resources__group_templates.

debops v0.8.0 - 2018-08-06


New DebOps roles

  • The debops.netbase role: manage local host and network database in /etc/hosts and /etc/networks files.
  • The debops.sudo role: install and manage sudo configuration on a host. The role is included in the common.yml playbook.
  • The debops.system_groups role: configure UNIX system groups used on DebOps hosts. The role is included in the common.yml playbook.
  • The debops.debops_legacy role: clean up legacy files, directories, APT packages or dpkg-divert diversions created by DebOps but no longer used. This role needs to be executed manually, it's not included in the main playbook.
  • The debops.python role: manage Python environment, with support for multiple Python versions used at the same time. The role is included in the common.yml playbook.
  • Icinga 2 support has been implemented with debops.icinga, debops.icinga_db and debops.icinga_web Ansible roles.


  • The DebOps installation now depends on the dnspython Python library. This allows usage of the dig Ansible lookup plugin in DebOps roles to gather data via DNS SRV records.
  • The DebOps installation now depends on the future Python library which provides compatibility between Python 2.7 and Python 3.x environments. It is currently used in the custom Ansible filter plugin provided by DebOps, but its use will be extended to other scripts in the future to make the code more readable.

debops.dhparam role

  • The role will set up a systemd timer to regenerate Diffie-Hellman parameters periodically if it's available. The timer will use random delay time, up to 12h, to help with mass DHparam generation in multiple LXC containers/VMs.

debops.nginx role

  • A default set of SSL ciphers can be specified using the nginx_default_ssl_ciphers variable. This disables the ssl_ciphers option in the nginx configuration and forces the server to use the defaults provided by the OS.

debops.ntp role

  • The OpenNTPD service will now properly integrate the ifupdown hook script with systemd. During boot, NTP daemon will be started once network interfaces are configured and will not restart multiple times on each network interface change.

debops.resources role

  • The role can now generate custom files using templates, based on a directory structure. See resources__templates for more details.

debops.sudo role

  • You can now manage configuration files located in the /etc/sudoers.d/ directory using sudo__*_sudoers inventory variables, with multiple level of conditional options.

debops.users role

  • Selected UNIX accounts can now be configured to linger when not logged in via the item.linger parameter. This allows these accounts to maintain long-running services when not logged in via their own private systemd instances.



  • Some of the existing DebOps Policies and Guidelines have been reorganized and the concept of DebOps Enhancement Proposals (DEPs) is introduced, inspired by the Python Enhancement Proposals.
  • The debops script can now parse multiple playbook names specified in any order instead of just looking at the first argument passed to it.

debops.apt_install role

  • The editor alternative symlink configuration has been moved from the debops.console role to the debops.apt_install role which also installs vim by default.

debops.apt_mark role

  • The configuration of automatic removal of APT packages installed via Recommends: or Suggests: dependencies has been moved from the debops.apt role to the debops.apt_mark role which more closely reflects its intended purpose. Variable names and their default values changed; see the Upgrade notes for more details.

debops.core role

  • The role will add any new administrator accounts to the list of existing admin accounts instead of replacing them in the Ansible local fact script. This should allow for multiple administrators to easily coexist and run the DebOps playbooks/roles from their own accounts without issues.

debops.gitlab role

  • Redesign the GitLab version management to read the versions of various components from the GitLab repository files instead of managing them manually in a YAML dictionary. The new gitlab__release variable is used to specify desired GitLab version to install/manage.
  • The gitaly service will be installed using the git UNIX account instead of root. Existing installations might require additional manual cleanup; see the Upgrade notes for details.
  • The role now supports installation of GitLab 10.7.
  • The usage of gitlab__fqdn variable is revamped a bit - it's now used as the main variable that defines the GitLab installation FQDN. You might need to update the Ansible inventory if you changed the value of the gitlab_domain variable used previously for this purpose.

debops.ifupdown role

  • The debops.kmod role is added as a dependency. The debops.ifupdown role will generate modprobe configuration based on the type of configured network interfaces (bridges, VLANs, bonding) and the kernel modules will be automatically loaded if missing.

debops.lxc role

  • Redesign system-wide LXC configuration to use list of YAML dictionaries merged together instead of custom Jinja templates.
  • Add lxc-prepare-ssh script on the LXC hosts that can be used to install OpenSSH and add the user's SSH authorized keys inside of the LXC containers. This is a new way to prepare the LXC containers for Ansible/DebOps management that doesn't require custom LXC template scripts and can be used with different LXC container types.

debops.mariadb_server role

  • The MariaDB/MySQL server and client will now use the utf8mb4 encoding by default instead of the utf8 which is an internal MySQL character encoding. This might impact existing databases, see the Upgrade notes for details.

debops.nodejs role

  • The NPM version installed by the role from GitHub is changed from v5.4.2 to latest which seems to be an equivalent of a stable branch.

  • Recent versions of NPM require NodeJS 6.0.0+ and don't work with other releases. Because of that the newest NPM release is not installable on hosts that use NodeJS packages from older OS releases.

    The debops.nodejs role will install NPM v5.10.0 version in this case to allow NPM to work correctly - on Debian Jessie, Stretch and Ubuntu Xenial. Otherwise, a NPM from the latest branch will be installed, as before.

  • Instead of NodeJS 6.x release, the role will now install NodeJS 8.x release upstream APT packages by default. This is due to the NodeJS 6.x release switching to a Maintenance LTS mode. NodeJS 8.x will be supported as a LTS release until April 2019.

  • The role will install upstream NodeSource APT packages by default. This is due to no security support in Debian Stable, therefore an upstream packages should be considered more secure. The upstream NodeJS packages include a compatible NPM release, therefore it won't be separately installed from GitHub.

    The existing installations shouldn't be affected, since the role will select OS/upstream package versions based on existing Ansible local facts.

debops.owncloud role

  • Support Nextcloud 13 and partially ownCloud 10. Nextcloud 11 and ownCloud 9.1 are EOL, you should update. The role can help you with the update to ensure that everything works smoothly with the new versions. Currently, the role can not do the update for you.

debops.sshd role

  • The role will now check the debops.system_groups Ansible local facts to define what UNIX groups are allowed to connect to the host via the SSH service.

debops.unattended_upgrades role

  • On hosts without a domain set, the role enabled all upgrades, not just security updates. This will not happen anymore, the security updates are enabled everywhere by default, you need to enable all upgrades specifically via the unattended_upgrades__release variable.


debops.apt_install role

  • Don't install the sudo package by default, this is now done via a separate debops.sudo role to easily support switching to the sudo-ldap APT package.

debops.auth role

  • Remove configuration of UNIX system groups and accounts in the admins UNIX group. This is now done by the debops.system_groups Ansible role.

debops.console role

  • Remove support for copying custom files from the role. This functionality is covered better by the debops.resources role.
  • Remove support for managing entries in the /etc/hosts database. This is now covered by the debops.netbase Ansible role.

debops.bootstrap role

  • The sudo configuration has been removed from the debops.bootstrap role. The bootstrap.yml playbook now includes the debops.sudo role which configures sudo service.
  • The UNIX system group management has been removed from the role, the bootstrap.yml playbook now uses the debops.system_groups role to create the UNIX groups used by DebOps during bootstrapping.
  • Remove management of Python packages from the role. The bootstrap.yml playbook uses the debops.python role to configure Python support on the host.

debops.lxc role

  • Remove support for direct LXC container management from the role. This functionality is better suited for other tools like lxc-* set of commands, or the Ansible lxc_container module which should be used in custom playbooks. The 'debops.lxc' role focus should be configuration of LXC support on a host.
  • Remove custom LXC template support. The LXC containers can be created by the normal templates provided by the lxc package, and then configured using DebOps roles as usual.

debops.postgresql_server role

  • The tasks that modified the default template1 database and its schema have been removed to make the PostgreSQL installation more compatible with applications packaged in Debian that rely on the PostgreSQL service. See the relevant commit for more details. Existing installations shouldn't be affected.

debops v0.7.2 - 2018-03-28



  • Add missing python-ldap dependency as an APT package in the Dockerfile.

debops v0.7.1 - 2018-03-28


New DebOps roles

  • The debops.ansible role: install Ansible on a Debian/Ubuntu host using Ansible. The debops.debops role now uses the new role to install Ansible instead of doing it directly.
  • The debops.apt_mark role: set install state of APT packages (manual/auto) or specify that particular packages should be held in their current state. The role is included in the common.yml playbook.
  • The debops.kmod role: manage kernel module configuration and module loading at boot time. This role replaces the debops-contrib.kernel_module role.
  • The debops-contrib.etckeeper role has been integrated into DebOps as debops.etckeeper. The new role is included in the common.yml playbook.

debops.ifupdown role

  • The role has new tasks that manage custom hooks in other services. First hook is The filter-dhcp-options hook which can be used to selectively apply DHCP options per network interface.


Continuous Integration

  • The test suite used on Travis-CI now checks the syntax of the YAML files, as well as Python and shell scripts included in the repository. The syntax is checked using the yamllint, pycodestyle and shellcheck scripts, respectively. Tests can also be invoked separately via the make command.

debops.etherpad role

  • The role can now autodetect and use a PostgreSQL database as a backend database for Etherpad.

debops.ferm role

  • The role should now correctly detect what Internet Protocols are available on a host (IPv4, IPv6) and configure firewall only for the protocols that are present.

debops.lxc role

  • The role will now generate the lxc-debops LXC template script from different templates, based on an OS release. This change should help fix the issues with LXC container creation on Debian Stretch.

debops.pki role

  • The X.509 certificate included in the default domain PKI realm will now have a SubjectAltName wildcard entry for the host's FQDN. This should allow for easy usage of services related to a particular host in the cluster over encrypted connections, for example host monitoring, service discovery, etc. which can be now published in the DNS zone at * resource records.
  • The role now supports Let's Encrypt ACMEv2 API via the acme-tiny Python script. The existing PKI realms will need to be re-created or updated for the new API to work, new PKI realms should work out of the box. Check the Upgrade notes for more details.

debops.proc_hidepid role

  • The role now uses a static GID 70 for the procadmins group to synchronize the access permissions on a host and inside the LXC containers. You will need to remount the filesystems, restart services and LXC containers that rely on this functionality.

debops.sysctl role

  • The configuration of the kernel parameters has been redesigned, instead of being based on YAML dictionaries, is now based on YAML lists of dictionaries and can be easily changed via Ansible inventory. You will need to update your inventory for the new changes to take effect, refer to the role documentation for details.



  • The debops command will now generate the ansible.cfg configuration file with correct path to the Ansible roles provided with the DebOps Python package.

debops.nginx role

  • Fix a long standing bug in the role with Ansible failing during welcome page template generation with Jinja2 >= 2.9.4. It was related to non-backwards compatible change in Jinja that modified how variables are processed in a loop.


Roles removed from DebOps

  • The debops-contrib.kernel_module Ansible role has been removed; it was replaced by the new debops.kmod Ansible role.

debops.ferm role

  • The ferm-forward hook script in the /etc/network/if-pre-up.d/ directory has been removed (existing instances will be cleaned up). Recent changes in the debops.ferm role broke idempotency with the debops.ifupdown role, and it was determined that the functionality provided by the hook is no longer needed, recent OS releases should deal with it adequately.

debops v0.7.0 - 2018-02-11


New DebOps roles

  • New Ansible roles have been imported from the debops-contrib organization: apparmor, bitcoind, btrfs, dropbear_initramfs, etckeeper, firejail, foodsoft, fuse, homeassistant, kernel_module, kodi, neurodebian, snapshot_snapper, tor, volkszaehler, x2go_server. They are not yet included in the main playbook and still need to be renamed to fit with the rest of the debops.* roles.
  • The debops.sysfs role: configuration of the Linux kernel attributes through the /sys filesystem. The role is not enabled by default.
  • The debops.locales role: configure localization and internationalization on a given host or set of hosts.
  • The debops.machine role: manage the /etc/machine-info file, the /etc/issue file and a dynamic MOTD.
  • The debops.proc_hidepid role: configure the /proc hidepid= options.
  • The debops.roundcube role: manage RoundCube Webmail application.
  • The debops.prosody role: configure an xmpp server on a given host.
  • The debops.sysnews role: manage System News bulletin for UNIX accounts.

Continuous Integration

  • DebOps roles and playbooks can now be tested using local or remote GitLab CI instance, with Vagrant, KVM and LXC technologies and some custom scripts.


  • You can now use Vagrant to create an Ansible Controller based on Debian Stretch and use it to manage itself or other hosts over the network.
  • You can now build an Ansible Controller with DebOps support as a Docker container. Official Docker image is also available, automatically rebuilt on every commit.
  • You can now install DebOps on Arch Linux using an included PKGBUILD file.
  • Add new playbook, agent.yml. This playbook is executed at the end of the main playbook, and contains applications or services which act as "agents" of other services. They may contact their parent applications to report about the state of the host they are executed on, therefore the agents are installed and configured at the end of the main playbook.
  • DebOps roles and playbooks will be included in the Python packages released on PyPI. This will allow for easier installation of DebOps via pip (no need to download the roles and playbooks separately) as well as simple stable releases. The DebOps monorepo can still be installed separately.

debops.libvirtd role

  • The role can now detect if nested KVM is enabled in a particular virtual machine and install KVM support.

debops.nodejs role

  • The debops.nodejs role can now install Yarn package manager using its upstream APT repository (not enabled by default).


Continuous Integration

  • The project repository is tested using pycodestyle for compliance with Python's PEP8 Style Guide.


  • The debops-update script will now install or update the DebOps monorepo instead of separate debops-playbooks and DebOps roles git repositories. Existing installations shouldn't be affected.

  • The debops script will now include the DebOps monorepo roles and playbooks in the generated ansible.cfg configuration. The monorepo roles and playbooks are preferred over the old debops-playbooks ones.

    The script is backwards compatible and should work correctly with or without the debops-playbooks repository and roles installed.

  • Improved Python 3 support in the DebOps scripts and throughout the playbooks/roles. DebOps should now be compatible with both Python versions.

debops.gitlab_runner role

  • The GitLab Runner playbook is moved to the agent.yml playbook; it will be executed at the end of the main playbook and should that way include correct information about installed services.

debops.gunicorn role

  • Update the role to work correctly on Debian Stretch and newer releases. The support for multiple gunicorn instances using custom Debian scripts has been removed in Debian Stretch, therefore the role replaces it with its own setup based on systemd instances.

debops.nodejs role

  • The npm package has been removed from Debian Stable. The role will now install NPM using the GitHub source, unless upstream NodeJS is enabled, which includes its own NPM version.



  • Remove the Ansible filter plugin, it is now included in the Ansible core distribution.

debops.console role

  • Remove the locales configuration from the 'debops.console' role, this functionality has been moved to the new 'debops.locales' role. You will need to update the Ansible inventory variables to reflect the changes.
  • Remove management of the /etc/issue and /etc/motd files from the debops.console role. That functionality is now available in the debops.machine role. You will need to update the Ansible inventory variables to reflect the changes.
  • Management of the /proc hidepid= option has been moved to a new role, debops.proc_hidepid. You will need to update the Ansible inventory variables to reflect the changes.
  • Management of the System News using the sysnews Debian package has been removed from the role; it's now available as a separate debops.sysnews Ansible role. You will need to update the Ansible inventory variables related to System News due to this changes.

debops v0.6.0 - 2017-10-21



  • Various repositories that comprise the DebOps project have been merged into a single monorepo which will be used as the main development repository. Check the git log for information about older releases of DebOps roles and/or playbooks.