debops.yadm default variables
General configuration
- yadm__enabled
Enable or disable support for Yet Another Dotfiles Manager.
yadm__enabled: True
- yadm__dotfiles_enabled
Enable or disable download of the custom dotfiles to a local centralized
directory. The dotfiles will be cloned using the root
account, but no
code will be executed at this point. See below for the configuration of the
custom dotfile lists.
yadm__dotfiles_enabled: False
- yadm__dotfiles_root
Absolute path to the directory where the role will clone dotfile repositories. The repositories will be cloned in subdirectories based on the URL path. Users can then install the dotfiles from a local mirror of the repository instead of directly from the Internet.
yadm__dotfiles_root: '{{ (ansible_local.fhs.src | d("/usr/local/src"))
+ "/yadm" }}'
- yadm__dotfiles_host
The host of the default dotfiles defined in the Ansible local facts.
yadm__dotfiles_host: ''
- yadm__dotfiles_owner
The owner of the default dotfiles defined in the Ansible local facts; usually
a GitHub account which owns a dotfiles
The current owner is temporary, until DebOps will have its own set of default
dotfiles available.
yadm__dotfiles_owner: 'drybjed'
- yadm__dotfiles_path
Absolute path of the default dotfiles to use, exposed in Ansible local facts.
If custom dotfiles are not enabled, the fact will be empty.
The role clones the dotfiles as a bare repository with the .git
in the directory name; be sure to include it in the inventory definition.
yadm__dotfiles_path: '{{ (yadm__dotfiles_root + "/" + yadm__dotfiles_host + "/"
+ yadm__dotfiles_owner + "/dotfiles.git")
if yadm__dotfiles_enabled|bool
else "" }}'
APT packages
- yadm__base_packages
List of the default APT packages installed with yadm. Including shells here ensures that users with login shells other than /bin/bash will be able to login to the host regardless of their dotfiles configuration.
- 'git'
- 'less'
- 'ncurses-term'
- 'tmux'
- '{{ [] if yadm__upstream_enabled|bool else "yadm" }}'
- yadm__packages
List of additional APT packages to install on all hosts in the Ansible inventory.
yadm__packages: []
- yadm__group_packages
List of additional APT packages to install on hosts in a specific Ansible inventory group.
yadm__group_packages: []
- yadm__host_packages
List of additional APT packages to install on specific hosts in the Ansible inventory.
yadm__host_packages: []
Upstream yadm installation
- yadm__upstream_enabled
Enable or disable installation of the yadm script from upstream git repository.
yadm__upstream_enabled: '{{ True
if (ansible_distribution_release in
[ "wheezy", "jessie", "precise", "trusty", "xenial" ])
else False }}'
- yadm__upstream_gpg_id
The GPG fingerprint of the key used to sign the yadm releases.
yadm__upstream_gpg_id: '31B9 62F7 CC57 473B 0329 CB9A 6CBE 24C2 FD8C F76E'
- yadm__upstream_repo
The URL of the yadm upstream git repository.
yadm__upstream_repo: ''
- yadm__upstream_dest
Absolute path to the directory where the yadm upstream git repository will be cloned into.
yadm__upstream_dest: '{{ (ansible_local.fhs.src | d("/usr/local/src"))
+ "/yadm/" + yadm__upstream_repo.split("://")[1] }}'
- yadm__upstream_version
The version of the upstream git repository to check out.
yadm__upstream_version: '1.12.0'
- yadm__upstream_link
The absolute path of the symlink created to expose the yadm binary
in the $PATH
yadm__upstream_link: '/usr/local/bin/yadm'
Custom dotfiles
These variables define custom dotfile repositories to clone to the host, so that they are available locally to users. See yadm__dotfiles for more details.
- yadm__default_dotfiles
List of the custom dotfile repositories defined by the role.
- name: 'drybjed'
gpg: '2706 7A91 D620 EE91 D503 09D9 2DCC F53E 9BC7 4BEC'
git: ''
- yadm__dotfiles
List of the custom dotfile repositories defined on all hosts in the Ansible inventory.
yadm__dotfiles: []
- yadm__group_dotfiles
List of the custom dotfile repositories defined on hosts in a specific Ansible inventory group.
yadm__group_dotfiles: []
- yadm__host_dotfiles
List of the custom dotfile repositories defined on specific hosts in the Ansible inventory.
yadm__host_dotfiles: []
- yadm__combined_dotfiles
Variable which combines custom dotfile lists and is used in the role tasks.
yadm__combined_dotfiles: '{{ yadm__default_dotfiles
+ yadm__dotfiles
+ yadm__group_dotfiles
+ yadm__host_dotfiles }}'
Configuration for other Ansible roles
- yadm__apt_preferences__dependent_list
Configuration for the debops.apt_preferences Ansible role.
- package: 'yadm'
backports: [ 'stretch' ]
reason: 'Version parity with Debian Buster'
by_role: 'debops.yadm'
- yadm__keyring__dependent_gpg_keys
Configuration for the debops.keyring Ansible role.
- id: '{{ yadm__upstream_gpg_id }}'
state: '{{ "present" if yadm__upstream_enabled|bool else "absent" }}'
# Extract a list of GPG keys from the dotfile configuration; they will be
# added to the 'root' GPG keyring.
- '{{ (yadm__combined_dotfiles | parse_kv_items
| selectattr("gpg", "defined") | selectattr("state", "equalto", "present")
| map(attribute="gpg") | list)
if yadm__dotfiles_enabled|bool else [] }}'