Default variable details

Some of the debops.roundcube default variables have more extensive configuration than simple strings or lists, here you can find documentation and examples for them.


The roundcube__*_configuration variables define the contents of the config/ configuration file located in the Roundcube installation directory. The contents are defined using YAML data structures and converted to PHP via the role template.


Define a few configuration options with simple syntax:


  - string_option: 'string value'

  - number_option: 1234

  - bool_true_option: True

  - bool_false_option: False

  - null_option: null

  - empty_array: []

  - empty_string: ''

  - simple_list: [ 'item1', 'item2', 'item3' ]

Define a few configuration options with more advanced syntax which allows for conditions and better control over values:


  - name: 'string_option'
    value: 'string value'

  - name: 'number_option'
    value: 1234

  - name: 'bool_true_option'
    value: True

  - name: 'bool_false_option'
    value: False

  - name: 'null_option'
    value: null

  - name: 'empty_array'
    value: []

  - name: 'empty_string'
    value: ''

  - name: 'simple_list'
    value: [ 'item1', 'item2, 'item3' ]

  - name: 'option_with_constant'
    value: "'string' . CONSTANT . 'other-string'"
    quotes: False

Insert raw PHP code in the configuration file:


  - name: 'custom_code'
    raw: |
      if( isset( $_SERVER['MACHINE_NAME'] )) {
          $config['syslog_facility'] = LOG_USER;

Add a multi-level option in the configuration (in a "sub-array"):


  - name: 'multi_level_option'
    option: [ 'firstlevel', 'secondlevel' ]
    value: True

Create complex PHP array() definitions parsed directly in the template:


  - name: 'spellcheck_languages'
      - de: 'Deutsch'
      - en: 'English'
      - pl: 'Polish'

  - name: 'compose_responses_static'
      - [ 'name': 'Canned Response 1', 'text': 'Static Response One' ]
      - [ 'name': 'Canned Response 2', 'text': 'Static Response Two' ]

You can see more examples in the roundcube__original_configuration and the roundcube__default_configuration variables.


The Roundcube configuration options can be defined using a simple or expanded syntax. Simple syntax uses YAML dictionary keys as the configuration option names (the name equivalent), and dictionary values as the option values (the value equivalent). In this case, only one YAML dictionary key/value pair should be defined at a time.

The expanded definition is enabled when a given configuration entry contains the name parameter and uses a set of parameters for better control over the final output:


Required. Roundcube configuration option name. Configuration entries with the same name parameter are merged in order of appearance; this can be used to change configuration options conditionally.

If the option parameter is specified, the name parameter is not used as the configuration option name.


Optional. The value of the Roundcube configuration option. It can be specified as a string, a YAML list, True or False boolean, a null value, a positive or negative number. if the value parameter is not specified, the result will be an empty list (array() in PHP).

The value parameters from multiple configuration entries override each other, with exception of YAML lists - the lists are additive and the result will contain only unique values. Only strings are supported in lists.


Optional. Define a PHP array() data structure using YAML. The array parameter is used only when the value or raw parameters are not present. The array parameters from multiple configuration entries override each other. See varius examples in the role default variables for better idea on how to define the data structures.


Optional. String or YAML text block with PHP code, which will be included in the generated configuration file "as is". If the raw parameter is defined, it takes precedence over value or array parameters.


Optional. It can be a string or a YAML list of strings. If defined, the value will be used instead of the name parameter as the Roundcube configuration option name. If a list is defined, each list element will be used as a "subkey", for example [ 'one', 'two' ] value would become $config['one']['two'] in the generated configuration file.


Optional, bollean. If defined and False, the quotes around the string value will not be included in the generated configuration file. This can be used to create values which contain PHP constants; the text strings in the values need to be additionally quoted in this case.


Optional. If not specified or present, a given Roundcube option will be present in the configuration file. If absent, a given option will be removed from the configuration file (or not included if not present). If init, the configuration option will be prepared, but will not be active and won't show up on the generated configuration file - this can be used to prepare configuration that will be activated conditionally in another configuration entry. If ignore, a given configuration entry will not be evaluated during role execution. If comment, a given Roundcube configuration option will be present in the generated file, but commented out.


Optional. String or YAML text block with comments about a given configuration option.


Optional, boolean. If defined and True, the role will add an empty line before a given configuration option, to allow for better readability.


Optional. Specify the configuration file section name to put a given configuration option into. Section names are defined using the roundcube__configuration_sections variables. If not defined, the configuration option will be put into the unknown section.


Optional. Copy the internal "id" of a configuration option specified by the name parameter to the current configuration option. This parameter can be used to reorder configuration options relative to a specific option.


Optional. Positive or negative number which defines the additional "weight" of an option. Smaller or negative weight will move the option higher in the configuration file, Bigger weight will move the configuration option lower in the configuration file.


Optional. Specify the type of a given value to use in the configuration file. Supported types: int/integer, str/string, float, null/none, bool/boolean. This parameter is onlu useful when the value is defined using another variable, in which case the type information is not preserved by Jinja templating.


The roundcube__*_configuration_sections variables define what sections are present in the config/ configuration file. Using these variables, the sections can be reordered and modified as needed.


See the roundcube__default_configuration_sections variable for the list of the sections defined by default.


Configuration sections are defined using a list of YAML dictionaries, each dictionary uses specific parameters:


Required. Name of a given section, used also as its identificator in the main configuration section parameter. Multiple configuration entries with the same name are merged together.


Optional. Set a custom title for a given section. If not specified, the name parameter will be used as the title.


Optional. If not specified or present, a given section will be present in the generated configuration file. If absent, a given section will be removed from the configuration file. if hidden, the section will be present, but the title will not be included in the generated configuration file. if ignore, a given configuration entry will not be evaluated during role execution.


The roundcube__*_plugins lists define what plugins will be enabled in Roundcube and optionally installed from the Roundcube Plugins repository using PHP Composer. The composer command is assumed to be installed by the debops.php role.


Override the default value in the cloud_button plugin configuration file:


  - name: 'cloud_button'
    state: 'append'

      - cloud_button_url: ''

See the roundcube__default_plugins for a list of Roundcube plugin definitions which are enabled by the role.


The plugins are defined using YAML dictionaries with specific parameters:


Required. The name of the plugin, also the directory name in the plugins/ subdirectory where the plugin is located. The name parameter is used in the $config['plugins'] configuration option to enable the plugin, only if the state parameter is set to enabled. Multiple configuration entries with the same name parameter are merged together in the order of appearance.


Optional. If not defined or present, the plugin will be installed (if the package parameter is also defined), and its configuration file will be generated, but the plugin itself will not be active in Roundcube. If enabled, the plugin will be installed if needed, and will be activated in the Roundcube configuration file.

If absent, the plugin will be deactivated, but it will not be uninstalled from the host. If ignore, a given configuration entry won't be evaluated during role execution. If init, a given configuration entry will be prepared but will not be activated - this can be used to prepare configuration for plugins and activate them later conditionally if needed. If append, a given configuration entry is evaluated by the role only if an entry with the same name is already present in the configuration (was defined previously).


Optional. If specified, a given plugin will be installed using PHP Composer from the Roundcube Plugins repository. You need to specify the plugin name using the namespace/plugin format, plugin names can be found on the repository page.

This parameter is passed to the composer Ansible module as the arguments parameter. You can use any valid value, for example by setting a specific version of a plugin to use by defining it as namespace/plugin:version.


Optional. List of configuration options for a specific plugin which will be stored in the plugins/<plugin_name>/ configuration file. The list format is the same as the Roundcube global configuration defined in the roundcube__configuration variables.