Default variable details

Some of the debops.nscd default variables have more extensive configuration than simple strings or lists, here you can find documentation and examples for them.


The nscd__*_configuration variables define the contents of the /etc/nscd.conf configuration file. The variables are merged in order defined by the nscd__combined_configuration variable, which allows modification of the default configuration through the Ansible inventory. See nscd.conf(5) for possible configuration parameters and their values.


See nscd__default_configuration variable for an example of existing configuration.


The variables contain a list of YAML dictionaries, each dictionary can have specific parameters:


Required. Name of the NSS service to cache. If the name parameter is set to 'global', and the options parameter is defined, this creates a special "global" section at the beginning of the configuration file.

The name parameter is used as an anchor to merge multiple configuration entries with the same name together.


Optional. If not specified or present, a given configuration section will be included in the generated configuration file. If absent, a given configuration section will be removed from the generated file. If comment, the configuration section will be present, but commented out.


Optional. String or YAML text block with a comment added before a given configuration section.


Optional. A list of configuration options which should be included in a given configuration section. This parameter only makes sense in the "global" section, and otherwise should not be present in configuration entries. See the nscd.conf(5) manual page for the possible configuration options.

Each list element is defined as a YAML dictionary with specific parameters:


Required. The configuration option name.


Required. The configuration option value. Can be defined as a string, an integer or a boolean.


Optional. If not specified or present, a given configuration option will be included in the generated configuration file. If absent, a given configuration option will be removed from the generated file. If comment, the configuration option will be present, but commented out.

The parameters described below are based on the configuration options defined in the nscd.conf(5) manual page. All of the parameters are usually required for a given configuration section to work; different nscd flavors will use different parameters.


Boolean. Enable or disable cache for a given NSS service.


Number of seconds after which an existing entry is removed from cache.


Number of seconds after which a non-existent entry is removed from cache.


Size of the hash that is used to store cached entries. Its value should be a prime number.


Boolean. If True, the service checks the contents of the /etc/passwd, /etc/group and /etc/hosts files and invalidates the cached entries if the files changed.


Boolean. If True, cached entries of a given NSS service will be kept between nscd daemon restarts.


Boolean. If True, the memory mapped for cache is shared with the service clients directly instead of forcing them to talk to the daemon.


Specify the maximum size of the cache for a given NSS service.


Boolean. When set to False for the passwd or group service, then the .byname requests are not added to passwd.byuid or group.bygid cache. This may help for tables containing multiple records for the same id value.