debops.ipxe default variables

APT packages


List of the default APT packages to install for iPXE support.

ipxe__base_packages: [ 'ipxe', 'pax', 'cpio', 'syslinux-common',
                       'openssl', 'ca-certificates' ]

List of additional APT packages to install with iPXE.

ipxe__packages: []

TFTP environment


Absolute path to the TFTP root directory.

ipxe__tftp_root: '{{|d(ansible_local.dnsmasq.boot_tftp_root|d("/srv/tftp")) }}'

List of files on the remote host which will be copied to the TFTP root directory. These files are boot loaders called during the PXE boot via the DHCP options. Bootloaders are provided by the installed APT packages.

  - '/usr/lib/syslinux/memdisk'
  - '/usr/lib/ipxe/undionly.kpxe'
  - '/boot/ipxe.efi'

Debian Installer network boot


Enable or disable support for configuring a set of Debian Installer instances which can be used to install Debian releases over the network.

ipxe__debian_netboot_enabled: True

Enable or disable inclusion of the non-free firmware packages in the Debian Installer images. The non-free firmware might be required to use certain hardware (network cards, storage drivers, etc.).

ipxe__debian_netboot_firmware: '{{ ansible_local.apt.nonfree|d()|bool }}'

The base directory where the Debian netboot and firmware tarballs will be downloaded. The final directory depends on a given OS release and hardware architecture.

ipxe__debian_netboot_src: '{{ (ansible_local.fhs.src | d("/usr/local/src"))
                              + "/ipxe/debian/netboot" }}'

The base directory where Debian Installer tarballs will be unpacked. The final directory depends on a given OS release and hardware architecture.

ipxe__debian_netboot_pxe_root: '{{ ipxe__tftp_root + "/pxe/linux/debian" }}'

The base URL from which the Debian netboot tarballs will be downloaded. This should be a fully-fledged Debian mirror.

ipxe__debian_netboot_mirror: ''

The base URL from which the Debian firmware tarballs will be downloaded.

ipxe__debian_netboot_firmware_mirror: ''

Specify which Debian releases will be prepared for iPXE boot on a given host. The releases need to be defined in the OS release map below.

ipxe__debian_netboot_releases: [ 'buster', 'bullseye', 'bookworm' ]

Specify which Debian architectures will be prepared for iPXE boot on a given host. The architectures need to be defined in the OS release map below.

ipxe__debian_netboot_architectures: [ 'amd64', 'i386', 'arm64' ]

Debian Installer release maps

These lists define the Debian Installer releases that will be downloaded and prepared for use via iPXE boot. See ipxe__debian_netboot_release_map for more details.


The list of the default Debian Installer releases defined by the role.


  - name: 'buster-amd64'
    release: 'buster'
    architecture: 'amd64'
    netboot_version: '20190702+deb10u13'
    netboot_checksum: 'sha256:b53335ff1737b810f1e963e8e2b248bdf8fb82ee25814566f6e69028fd6404d8'  # netboot.tar.gz
    firmware_version: '20220910'
    firmware_checksum: 'sha256:99a0fb05239940e3427ac25ea4ea0bd8a90b029c92facb058d74f9b1cf5a55bf'  # firmware.cpio.gz

  - name: 'buster-amd64-gtk'
    release: 'buster'
    architecture: 'amd64'
    netboot_subdir: '/gtk'
    netboot_version: '20190702+deb10u13'
    netboot_checksum: 'sha256:5ee7c015826be526a354b465359dad7ca5fd403f58bba3279ac4add760ed7336'  # netboot.tar.gz
    firmware_version: '20220910'
    firmware_checksum: 'sha256:99a0fb05239940e3427ac25ea4ea0bd8a90b029c92facb058d74f9b1cf5a55bf'  # firmware.cpio.gz

  - name: 'bullseye-amd64'
    release: 'bullseye'
    architecture: 'amd64'
    netboot_version: '20210731+deb11u10'
    netboot_checksum: 'sha256:4041076bae75b2ddb891d178878b57ad00edf101c905c726f605110130e256d2'  # netboot.tar.gz
    firmware_version: '20240210'
    firmware_checksum: 'sha256:c4da5ed43aade331d2ee7a959ece87e2eebd08a90e8ca3fd40c3a5c445dd4313'  # firmware.cpio.gz

  - name: 'bullseye-amd64-gtk'
    release: 'bullseye'
    architecture: 'amd64'
    netboot_subdir: '/gtk'
    netboot_version: '20210731+deb11u10'
    netboot_checksum: 'sha256:93e9faa9a7b6360d31cc5d86c61f43a678285223ee7d46014dd9afcc5720842d'  # netboot.tar.gz
    firmware_version: '20240210'
    firmware_checksum: 'sha256:c4da5ed43aade331d2ee7a959ece87e2eebd08a90e8ca3fd40c3a5c445dd4313'  # firmware.cpio.gz

  - name: 'bookworm-amd64'
    release: 'bookworm'
    architecture: 'amd64'
    netboot_version: '20230607+deb12u5'
    netboot_checksum: 'sha256:9ae301b2f6b31d6c94ca0a46b6428b550bd84416113e34054cd9167033e2c18b'  # netboot.tar.gz
    firmware_version: '20240210'
    firmware_checksum: 'sha256:f793903fbc94328d28babe4bebc17dbc2d4e4a8cc0765dca23fed9c61f386232'  # firmware.cpio.gz

  - name: 'bookworm-amd64-gtk'
    release: 'bookworm'
    architecture: 'amd64'
    netboot_subdir: '/gtk'
    netboot_version: '20230607+deb12u5'
    netboot_checksum: 'sha256:5ef80e1c38124aaa89aa3dd4d5f168bc7ac62cab63319a12907f7f0aead1447f'  # netboot.tar.gz
    firmware_version: '20240210'
    firmware_checksum: 'sha256:f793903fbc94328d28babe4bebc17dbc2d4e4a8cc0765dca23fed9c61f386232'  # firmware.cpio.gz

The list of Debian Installer releases defined by the administrator. This variable can be used to modify the default release list if necessary.

ipxe__debian_netboot_release_map: []

The variable which combines the lists of the Debian Installer releases and is used in the role tasks and templates.

ipxe__debian_netboot_combined_release_map: '{{ ipxe__debian_netboot_default_release_map
                                               + ipxe__debian_netboot_release_map }}'

iPXE scripts

These lists define the iPXE menu scripts stored in the FTFP root directory. See ipxe__scripts for more details.


The list of the default iPXE scripts defined by the role.


  - name: 'variables.ipxe'
    comment: 'iPXE global variables'

      - name: 'main_menu_title'
        comment: 'The main menu title'
        value: '{{ ansible_local.machine.organization|d("DebOps") + " Boot Menu" }}'

      - name: 'debian_installer_mirror'
        comment: 'Debian mirror used during automated installation'
        value: ''

      - name: 'debian_installer_preseed'
        comment: 'Default preseed subdomain to use'
        value: 'debian.seed'

      - name: 'debian_installer_keymap'
        comment: 'Default keymap to set for the preseeding'
        value: 'us'

      - name: 'debian_installer_kernel_params'
        comment: 'Kernel parameters passed to the Debian Installer at boot'
        value: [ 'quiet' ]

      - name: 'ipxe_boot_path'
        comment: 'Subdirectory with boot configuration files'
        value: 'boot/'

  - name: 'boot.ipxe'
    raw: |
      # iPXE configuration based on

      # Global variables used by all other iPXE scripts
      chain --autofree variables.ipxe ||

      # Boot using a dynamic script if it's specified
      isset ${ipxe_boot_url} && chain --replace --autofree ${ipxe_boot_url} ||

      # Boot <boot-url>/<boot-path>/hostname-<hostname>.ipxe
      # if hostname DHCP variable is set and script is present
      isset ${hostname} && chain --replace --autofree ${ipxe_boot_path}hostname-${hostname}.ipxe ||

      # Boot <boot-url>/<boot-path>/uuid-<UUID>.ipxe
      # if SMBIOS UUID variable is set and script is present
      isset ${uuid} && chain --replace --autofree ${ipxe_boot_path}uuid-${uuid}.ipxe ||

      # Boot <boot-url>/<boot-path>/mac-010203040506.ipxe if script is present
      chain --replace --autofree ${ipxe_boot_path}mac-${mac:hexraw}.ipxe ||

      # Boot <boot-url>/<boot-path>/pci-8086100e.ipxe if one type of
      # PCI Intel adapter is present and script is present
      chain --replace --autofree ${ipxe_boot_path}pci-${pci/${busloc}.0.2}${pci/${busloc}.2.2}.ipxe ||

      # Boot <boot-url>/<boot-path>/chip-82541pi.ipxe if one type of
      # PCI Intel adapter is present and script is present
      chain --replace --autofree ${ipxe_boot_path}chip-${chip}.ipxe ||

      # Boot <boot-url>/menu.ipxe script if all other options have been exhausted
      set post_boot true
      chain --replace --autofree menu.ipxe ||
    state: 'present'

  - name: 'menu.ipxe'

      - name: 'initialization'
        raw: |

          chain --autofree variables.ipxe ||

          set space:hex 20:20
          set space ${space:string}

          iseq ${cls} serial && goto ignore_cls ||
          set cls:hex 1b:5b:4a  # ANSI clear screen sequence - "^[[J"
          set cls ${cls:string}

          isset ${arch} && goto skip_arch_detect ||
          cpuid --ext 29 && set arch x86_64 || set arch i386
          iseq ${arch} i386   && set arch5 i586   || set arch5 ${arch}
          iseq ${arch} x86_64 && set arch_a amd64 || set arch_a ${arch}

          isset ${menu} && goto ${menu} ||

          isset ${ip} || dhcp || echo DHCP failed

          isset ${post_boot} || chain --replace --autofree boot.ipxe ||

      - name: 'main-menu-header'
        raw: |
          isset ${main_menu_cursor} || set main_menu_cursor exit
          clear version
          menu ${main_menu_title} [IP: ${netX/ip}]
          item --gap Default:
          item --key x exit ${space} Boot from hard disk [x]
          item --gap Main menu:

      - name: 'main-menu'
        raw: |
          item --key d debian-installer ${space} Install Debian GNU/Linux on this host [d]

      - name: 'main-menu-footer'
        raw: |
          item netboot_xyz_boot_menu ${space} -> Boot Menu
          item sal_boot_menu         ${space} -> SAL Boot Menu
          item rackspace_boot_menu   ${space} -> Rackspace Boot Menu
          item --gap Tools:
          item sysinfo ${space} System info
          item reboot ${space} Reboot
          item shell ${space} iPXE shell

          isset ${menu} && set timeout 0 || set timeout 4000
          choose --timeout ${timeout} --default ${main_menu_cursor} menu || goto cancel
          set main_menu_cursor ${menu}
          set timeout 0
          goto ${menu} ||
          chain ${menu}.ipxe || goto error
          goto main_menu

      - name: 'cancel-shell'
        raw: |
          echo You cancelled the menu, dropping you to a shell

          echo Type "exit" to return to menu.
          set menu main_menu
          goto main_menu

      - name: 'other-boot-menu'
        raw: |
          chain || goto error
          goto main_menu

          chain || goto error
          goto main_menu

          chain --autofree || goto error
          goto main_menu

      - name: 'reboot-exit-error'
        raw: |

          echo ${cls}

          echo Error occured, press any key to return to menu ...
          goto main_menu

          echo Reloading menu.ipxe ...
          chain menu.ipxe

      - name: 'sysinfo'
        raw: |
          menu System info
          item --gap UUID:
          item mac ${space} ${uuid}
          item --gap MAC:
          item mac ${space} ${netX/mac}
          item --gap IP/mask:
          item ip ${space} ${netX/ip}/${netX/netmask}
          item --gap Gateway:
          item gw ${space} ${netX/gateway}
          item --gap Hostname:
          item hostname ${space} ${hostname}
          item --gap Domain:
          item domain ${space} ${netX/domain}
          item --gap DNS:
          item dns ${space} ${netX/dns}
          item --gap DHCP server:
          item dhcpserver ${space} ${netX/dhcp-server}
          item --gap Next-server:
          item nextserver ${space} ${next-server}
          item --gap Filename:
          item filename ${space} ${netX/filename}
          choose empty ||
          goto main_menu

  - name: 'debian-installer.ipxe'
    raw: |
      chain --autofree variables.ipxe ||

      goto ${menu}

      isset ${debian-installer-cursor} || set debian-installer-cursor stable
      set os debian
      set domain ${netX/domain}

      iseq ${manufacturer} Xen && set netcfg netcfg/get_ipaddress=${netX/ip} netcfg/get_netmask=${netX/netmask} netcfg/get_gateway=${netX/gateway} netcfg/get_nameservers=${dns} netcfg/confirm_static=true netcfg/choose_interface=auto netcfg/disable_autoconfig=true ||

      menu Install Debian GNU/Linux / ${arch_a}
      item --gap Select suite:
      item --key e bookworm ${space} Debian Stable (Bookworm) [e]
      # Enable this when Debian Trixie gets an installer
      #item trixie ${space} Debian Testing (Trixie)
      item --gap Select release:
      item bookworm ${space} Debian GNU/Linux 12 (Bookworm)
      item bullseye ${space} Debian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye)
      item buster ${space} Debian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)
      choose --default ${debian-installer-cursor} version || goto debian_exit
      set debian-installer-cursor ${version}

      set mirrorcfg mirror/suite=${version} mirror/country=manual mirror/http/hostname=${debian_installer_mirror} mirror/http/directory=/${os}

      set boot_params -- ${debian_installer_kernel_params}

      set type text

      set dir pxe/linux/debian/${version}/${arch_a}/current

      menu Install Debian GNU/Linux / ${arch_a} / ${version}
      item --gap Select installer mode:
      item text ${space} Text install
      item graphical ${space} Graphical install
      item rescue ${space} Rescue mode
      item expert ${space} Expert install
      item --key b preseed ${space} Preseed install [b]
      item --gap Preseed parameters:
      item config_hostname ${space} Hostname: ${hostname}
      item config_domain ${space} Domain: ${domain}
      item config_preseed ${space} Preseed: ${debian_installer_preseed}
      item config_keymap ${space} Keymap: ${debian_installer_keymap}
      item --gap Installer parameters:
      item config_mirror ${space} Mirror: ${debian_installer_mirror}
      item config_boot_params ${space} Boot: ${boot_params}
      choose --default ${type} type || goto debian-installer

      echo ${cls}
      goto deb_${type}

      echo -n Set Debian mirror [${debian_installer_mirror}]: && read change_debian_installer_mirror
      isset ${change_debian_installer_mirror} && set debian_installer_mirror ${change_debian_installer_mirror} || goto deb_boot_type
      clear change_debian_installer_mirror
      set mirrorcfg mirror/suite=${version} mirror/country=manual mirror/http/hostname=${debian_installer_mirror} mirror/http/directory=/${os}
      goto deb_boot_type

      echo -n Edit boot options: && read boot_params
      goto deb_boot_type

      echo -n Set keymap [${debian_installer_keymap}]: && read change_debian_installer_keymap
      isset ${change_debian_installer_keymap} && set debian_installer_keymap ${change_debian_installer_keymap} || goto deb_boot_type
      clear change_debian_installer_keymap
      goto deb_boot_type

      echo -n Set hostname: [${hostname}]: && read change_hostname
      isset ${change_hostname} && set hostname ${change_hostname} || goto deb_boot_type
      clear change_hostname
      goto deb_boot_type

      echo -n Set domain [${domain}]: && read change_domain
      isset ${change_domain} && set domain ${change_domain} || goto deb_boot_type
      clear change_domain
      goto deb_boot_type

      echo -n Set preseed URL for ${os} ${version} [${debian_installer_preseed}]: && read change_debian_installer_preseed
      isset ${change_debian_installer_preseed} && set debian_installer_preseed ${change_debian_installer_preseed} || goto deb_boot_type
      clear change_debian_installer_preseed
      goto deb_boot_type

      set install_params rescue/enable=true
      goto deb_text

      set install_params priority=low
      goto deb_text

      echo -n Set preseed URL for ${os} ${version} [${debian_installer_preseed}]: && read preseedurl || goto deb_boot_type
      isset ${hostname} || goto deb_preseed_get_hostname
      isset ${preseedurl} && set install_params auto=true priority=critical preseed/url=${preseedurl} keymap=${debian_installer_keymap} netcfg/hostname=${hostname} domain=${domain} ||
      set install_params auto=true priority=critical preseed/url=${debian_installer_preseed} keymap=${debian_installer_keymap} netcfg/hostname=${hostname} domain=${domain} ||
      goto deb_text

      echo -n Set hostname [${hostname}]: && read hostname || goto deb_preseed_no_hostname
      isset ${hostname} || goto deb_preseed_no_hostname
      goto deb_preseed_has_hostname

      echo Error: Preseeding requires a valid hostname. Press <Enter> to continue.
      goto deb_boot_type

      set dir ${dir}/debian-installer/${arch_a}
      goto deb_boot

      set dir ${dir}/gtk/debian-installer/${arch_a}
      set install_params vga=788
      goto deb_boot

      echo Boot parameters: ${install_params} ${boot_params}
      kernel ${dir}/linux initrd=initrd.gz ${netcfg} ${mirrorcfg} ${install_params} ${boot_params}
      initrd ${dir}/initrd.gz
      goto debian_exit

      set menu main_menu
      chain menu.ipxe
    state: 'present'

The list of the iPXE scripts defined for all hosts in the Ansible inventory.

ipxe__scripts: []

The list of the iPXE scripts defined for hosts in a specific Ansible inventory group.

ipxe__group_scripts: []

The list of the iPXE scripts defined for specific hosts in the Ansible inventory.

ipxe__host_scripts: []

The variable which combines all of the iPXE script lists and is used in the role tasks and templates.

ipxe__combined_scripts: '{{ ipxe__default_scripts
                            + ipxe__scripts
                            + ipxe__group_scripts
                            + ipxe__host_scripts }}'