Getting started
Quick start guide
Here are some quick examples to get you started if you already know how to use
DebOps roles. These examples are supposed to go into your Ansible inventory,
specifically to the host configuration, for example
Create an anonymous bridge:
'br2': {}
Create a bridge with static IP address and IPv4 NAT using SNAT translation:
inet: 'static'
inet6: 'static'
addresses: [ '', '2001:db8:feed:beef::1/64' ]
nat: True
Default network configuration
Without any additional configuration, debops.ifupdown
role will try to
select one of two default interface layouts depending on whether the host is an
OpenVZ/LXC container or not. If it's a container, the role will use the
interface layout which defines 1 or 2 network interfaces that are
configured via DHCP (IPv4) and SLAAC (IPv6).
If the host is not a container, the role will select the bridge
which defines 1 or 2 network interfaces with attached bridges that are
configured with DHCP (IPv4) and SLAAC (IPv6). This configuration is beneficial
when a machine is used as a KVM, LXC or even a Docker host. With the bridges
in place you can connect the VMs or containers to your external or internal
network with ease.
Automatic upgrades from older version
The debops.ifupdown
role tracks its own version used on a host using the
debops.debops_fact as an intermediary. If the currently applied
version is older than 0.3.0
or the version cannot be found, role will
remove the /etc/network/interfaces.config.d/
directory to make sure
that the network configuration state is consistent. You might want to review
and update your interface configuration in the Ansible inventory before
applying a new version of the role to ensure that it has accurate information
about interfaces present on the host.
Example inventory
To enable the ifupdown interface management, you need to add the
host to the [debops_service_ifupdown]
Ansible inventory group:
The role does not check if the host can manage network interfaces, therefore
you should only enable this role on hosts that are allowed to do so. One
of the limiting factors can be the presence of the cap_net_admin
capability. Make sure that it is present on the host so that it can manage its
own networking.
Example playbook
If you are using this role without DebOps, here's an example Ansible playbook
that uses the debops.ifupdown
- name: Manage network configuration using ifupdown
collections: [ 'debops.debops', 'debops.roles01',
'debops.roles02', 'debops.roles03' ]
hosts: [ 'debops_service_ifupdown' ]
become: True
environment: '{{ inventory__environment | d({})
| combine(inventory__group_environment | d({}))
| combine(inventory__host_environment | d({})) }}'
- name: Prepare ifupdown environment
name: 'ifupdown'
tasks_from: 'main_env'
tags: [ 'role::ifupdown', 'role::kmod', 'role::ferm', 'role::sysctl' ]
- role: resolvconf
tags: [ 'role::resolvconf', 'skip::resolvconf' ]
resolvconf__enabled: True
- role: python
tags: [ 'role::python', 'skip::python', 'role::kmod' ]
- '{{ kmod__python__dependent_packages3 }}'
- '{{ kmod__python__dependent_packages2 }}'
- role: kmod
tags: [ 'role::kmod', 'skip::kmod' ]
- '{{ ifupdown__env_kmod__dependent_load }}'
- role: ferm
tags: [ 'role::ferm', 'skip::ferm' ]
- '{{ ifupdown__env_ferm__dependent_rules }}'
- role: sysctl
tags: [ 'role::sysctl', 'skip::sysctl' ]
- '{{ ifupdown__env_sysctl__dependent_parameters }}'
- role: ifupdown
tags: [ 'role::ifupdown', 'skip::ifupdown' ]