Usage guides

Design of global variables in DebOps

When Ansible playbooks are designed to be read-only, to be able to get the updated versions, Ansible does not have good support for variables that are supposed to be accessed by different roles at any point. The issues arise when the user starts to use --tags or --skip-tags parameters to selectively run parts of playbooks or roles – Ansible does not evaluate variables from roles that weren't included, which can change the environment and break the idempotency.

The solution to use the group_vars/all/ directory in the playbook directory doesn't work, because variables defined there cannot be overwritten by Ansible inventory, thereby they cannot be changed as needed by the user. A separate Ansible role could be used with variables defined in it's defaults/main.yml, but it would need to be a dependency of all the roles that used these variables, so virtually all roles would need to use it for consistency.

A different solution, which is implemented by the debops.core role, is to use Ansible local facts defined on the remote hosts themselves as a data store for variables that are meant to be visible to all roles at all times. Ansible gathers these facts on any playbook execution and they are accessible from anywhere in the playbook or roles.

To make the configuration easier to modify by the user, values for these local facts are derived from debops.core default variables, which means that the user can redefine them in the Ansible inventory. For consistency and idempotency this role will take care to use existing values even if their definitions are removed from the inventory.

By moving the variables to the remote host itself, debops.core does not need to be included in all other roles as a dependency, and it can be simply executed once at the start of the playbook. To resolve issues with missing dict keys during Ansible runs, debops.core is "artificially required" by all other DebOps roles. If the main DebOps playbook is used, this doesn't change anything, but if roles are used separately, or from a custom playbook, the debops.core role should be included at the start, preferably in a separate play to make sure that Ansible re-gathers the local facts after the role has configured them.

To make the local facts consistent and managed centrally, debops.core provides a custom set of fact scripts which are used to dynamically gather certain facts about a given host. Any new custom fact scripts which is independent of a specific role, will be included in this one.

Custom local facts

The debops.core role allows the user to specify custom variables which will be configured in the Ansible local facts on a given host. Three levels of variables that can be used:


Dictionary which should be defined in the inventory/group_vars/all/ group which applies to all hosts in the inventory.


Dictionary which should be defined in the inventory/group_vars/*/ group to set variables on specific sets of hosts. Only one group level is supported.


Dictionary which should be defined in inventory/host_vars/*/ for a particular host.

The key specifies the name of a variable in the ansible_local.core.* namespace, with value being it's value. You can use normal YAML variables as values, even lists and dictionaries.

All variables defined in the inventory will be merged in one namespace, more specific variables overriding the less specific ones (global -> group -> host).

The role takes care to reuse already set local facts even if their definition has been removed from the inventory, however changes in the inventory will override local facts. It's best not to change already defined variables like file and directory paths, because that might break already configured software if the involved directories/files are not taken care of.

Additional variables can be used to manipulate facts defined on remote hosts:


List of fact names in ansible_local.core.* which will be removed if found.


Boolean. If set to True, debops.core role will ignore facts already defined on remote hosts and recreate the ansible_local.core.* namespace using only facts defined in Ansible inventory.


Create a set of custom facts:

  'fact_name': 'fact_value'
  'extra_list': [ 'list', 'of', 'values' ]
    'some_key': 'some_value'

When above variables are defined they can be accessed using Jinja variables:

fact_name: '{{ ansible_local.core.fact_name }}'
extra_list: '{{ ansible_local.core.extra_list | join(" ") }}'
nested_dict: '{{ ansible_local.core.nested_dict.some_key }}'

Above code will work correctly if debops.core has been executed previously on a host. If you want your role to be compatible with installations that don't use it, you need to write your variable like this:

var: '{{ ansible_local.core.fact_name|d("fact_value") }}'

That way Ansible won't emit an error about missing dictionary keys at each level of the ansible_local variable namespace.

Custom host tags

"Host tags" work similar to custom local facts. The difference is that this is only a single list of items, merged from separate variables on all levels of the inventory. You can set host tags using the variables:


Global list of tags, should be defined in inventory/group_vars/all/


List of tags for a specific group, should be defined in inventory/group_vars/*/


List of tags for a specific host, should be defined in inventory/host_vars/*/


Any list specified here will override already defined tags.

Tags can be accessed using the ansible_local.tags list variable. Other roles can check if a given item is or is not present in this global list and perform actions depending on that state.


Check if a given value is in the tag list:

- name: Show debug output
  debug: msg="Test"
  when: ansible_local|d() and ansible_local.tags|d() and
        'value' in ansible_local.tags

Check if a given value is not in the tag list:

- name: Show debug output
  debug: msg="Test"
  when: ansible_local|d() and ansible_local.tags|d() and
        'value' not in ansible_local.tags

You can find a list of host tags in the documentation of various roles which use them.

System administrator accounts

Common feature in various services is creation of an administrator account. The debops.core role provides two Ansible local facts which can be used by other roles to make creation of these accounts easier.


List of the UNIX system groups which contains system administrator accounts.


List of the UNIX user accounts which are members of the above UNIX groups. These accounts should be used by the other Ansible roles to create administrator accounts if none were set by the user through the Ansible inventory.

You can use the corresponding role default variables to control what admin accounts are available to other roles.


Define list of admin accounts to create in the application:

application__admins: '{{ ansible_local.core.admin_users|d([]) }}'

Custom distribution and release facts

Ansible sometimes detects the installed OS distribution and release incorrectly. For example, current Debian Testing release is not detected at all, and the ansible_distribution_release variable is set to NA which, if used in the roles, can break a lot of existing configuration.

The debops.core role provides alternative set of the ansible_distribution and ansible_distribution_release variables through Ansible local facts, accessible as ansible_local.core.distribution and ansible_local.core.distribution_release. They use the original Ansible facts if they are not NA and refer to the ansible_lsb otherwise; they can also be overridden through Ansible inventory. By using these local facts in your roles, you can have a centralized place to control these facts if necessary.


In your role default variables, create separate variables that hold the information about current distribution and release:

application__distribution: '{{ ansible_local.core.distribution|d(ansible_distribution) }}'

application__distribution_release: '{{ ansible_local.core.distribution_release|d(ansible_distribution_release) }}'

Global unsafe writes

Many Ansible modules related to file operations support the unsafe_writes parameter to allow operations that might be dangerous or destructive in certain conditions, but allow Ansible to work in specific environments, like bind-mounted files or directories. The core__unsafe_writes default variable allows to activate this mode per-host using Ansible inventory, for all roles that implement it.

To have an effect, roles that depend on the unsafe writes to function, should use the parameter in relevant tasks, like this:

- name: Generate configuration file
    src: 'etc/application.conf.j2'
    dest: '/etc/application.conf'
    owner: 'root'
    group: 'root'
    mode: '0644'
    unsafe_writes: '{{ True if (core__unsafe_writes|d(ansible_local.core.unsafe_writes|d()) | bool) else omit }}'

Note that the way core__unsafe_writes is checked and takes precedence even from the context of another role is not otherwise done in DebOps. This was done in this case to allow to only enable core__unsafe_writes when necessary without the need to run the debops.core role first and ensuring that it’s facts are made persistent as well.