Default variable details

Some of debops.apt_install default variables have more extensive configuration than simple strings or lists, here you can find documentation and examples for them.


These YAML lists can be used to add some values to Debconf database. Each entry has the same keys as the ones used by Ansible ansible.builtin.debconf module. See its documentation for parameter advanced usage and syntax.


Required. Name of the package to configure.


A debconf configuration setting.


Do not set 'seen' flag when pre-seeding.


Value to set the configuration to.


The type of the value supplied.


Define the path to Matlab installation for matlab-support :

  - name: 'matlab-support'
    question: 'matlab-support/matlab-install-glob'
    value: '/usr/local/MATLAB/R2018b'
    vtype: 'string'


This variable holds all YAML lists used by the corresponding Ansible lookup template passed to the apt module. Each element of this list can specify a name of the APT package to install, or a list of packages, or a YAML dictionary which defines conditions for the installation of the package(s).

The different dictionary keys that can be used to specify conditional installation:


Required. Name of the APT package, or YAML list of package names to install.


Optional. Specify if the given package(s) should be included in the list of packages to install (not the status of installation). If not specified or present, package(s) will be included, if absent, packages won't be included.


Optional. Name or list of operating system distributions. If specified, a given package or list of packages will be installed only on these distributions.


Optional. Name or list of distribution release names. If specified, a given package or list of packages will be installed only on systems with given OS releases.


Optional. Name or list of package archive areas (main, non-free, restricted, etc.). If specified, role will check if a given archive area is enabled using Ansible local facts. The specified package(s) will be installed only when a given area is available. This can be used to avoid errors with missing packages on systems where non-free archive areas are not enabled.


Optional. This variable should reference a list of package names. The lookup template that filters the list of packages for installation will compare the names of selected packages against this list, and only packages which are included will be installed. This is used to provide an alternative, easier way to select packages for installation without the need to modify a huge, conditional list.


Install packages on any OS release:

  - 'package1'
  - 'package2'

Install packages only when specified OS release is present:

  - name: 'package1'
    release: [ 'wheezy', 'trusty' ]

Install packages only when specified archive area is available:

  - name: 'package1'
    area: 'non-free'

Install packages using Ansible fact condition:

  - name: [ 'package1', 'package2' ]
    state: '{{ "present"
               if (ansible_virtualization_role == "guest")
               else "absent" }}'


These YAML lists can be used to configure special symlinks (for example, editor, x-terminal-emulator, pager) which can point to different applications that provide similar functionality using the update-alternatives command. Each list element is a YAML dictionary with specific parameters:


Required. Name of the symlink which should be configured.


Optional. Absolute path to the application which should be symlinked. To see available alternatives, you can run the command:

update-alternatives --display <name>

If the path parameter is not specified, the role will configure a given symlink to select an application automatically.


Optional. Absolute path to the file which should be symlinked. This is rarely needed.


Optional. Set a priority for a given application package. This is rarely needed.


Configure Emacs to be the default system editor:

  - name: 'editor'
    path: '/usr/bin/emacs24'

Let the system decide automatically what editor to use as default:

  - name: 'editor'