External certificates

The PKI realms managed by the debops.pki role support management of private keys and certificates from external Certificate Authorities. You can either provide a set of valid certificates with corresponding private keys, or use a script with a custom environment to request a certificate remotely from an external Certificate Authority.

Required files

For the pki-realm script to correctly recognize and enable external certificates, you need to provide a set of specific files, either statically through the secret/ directory or by creating them using a script (see below). All paths are relative to the main PKI realm directory, for example /etc/pki/realms/example.com/:

Private key used by a specific PKI realm. If not present, the pki-realm script will generate one automatically before executing the external script.
Required. The certificate signed by an external Certificate Authority, in PEM format.
Set of intermediate CA certificates which signed the realm certificate. They will be chained together with the realm certificate automatically.
The certificate of the Root Certificate Authority. It will be chained with the intermediate CA certificates for OCSP stapling purposes.
A custom script (any language should work, however you need to take care of additional dependencies) which will be executed on the remote host if found, with a set of environment variables. The script will be executed inside the external/ directory of a given realm.

Static private keys and certificates

When the debops.pki Ansible role is run, it creates a set of directories on the Ansible Controller in the secret/ directory:

└── realms/
    ├── by-group/
    │   ├── all/
    │   │   └── domain/
    │   │       ├── external/
    │   │       └── private/
    │   └── inventory_group/
    │       └── domain/
    │           ├── external/
    │           └── private/
    └── by-host/
        └── hostname.example.com/
            └── domain/
                ├── external/
                ├── internal/
                └── private/

As you can see, the directory structure reflects the Ansible inventory model:

  • realms/by-group/all/ -> inventory/group_vars/all/
  • realms/by-group/inventory_group/ -> inventory/group_vars/inventory_group/
  • realms/by-host/hostname.example.com/ -> inventory/host_vars/hostname.example.com/

Each of those directories has a set of subdirectories for configured PKI realms, with the external/, internal/ and private/ directories corresponding to the same ones on the remote hosts. Ansible at different stages of the debops.pki role run will copy contents of these directories to remote hosts, in a specific order:

  • contents of the realms/by-host/<hostname> directories for each host will be copied and overwrite already present files;
  • contents of the realms/by-group/<group_name>/ directories will be copied next, but will not overwrite already existing files. Only hosts that are in a given inventory group will receive the corresponding files;
  • and finally, contents of the realms/by-group/all/ directory will be copied to all currently managed remote hosts, but won't overwrite already present files;

You can use this to distribute already issued certificates with their private keys. Putting them in realms/by-group/all/ directory will ensure that all hosts will have the same set of keys and certificates. If you put them in a specific group directory, only hosts in that group will receive the files. Files put in a specific host directory will only be copied to that host.

The private keys will be copied to remote hosts before the PKI realm is created, which means that any potential ACME or internal certificates will use them instead of automatically generated ones. This might be useful if you need to have several hosts which use the same set of private keys.

The above mechanism is used to distribute certificates from internal Certificate Authorities, using the internal/ directory.

Because files copied from by-group/all/ and by-group/inventory_group/ directories are not overwritten automatically, you will need to remove the corresponding files on remote hosts yourself if you want to update them.

The pki_inventory_groups default variable is a list of Ansible inventory groups that will have their corresponding directories. You need to specify your custom inventory groups in order to have them "active".

Certificates managed by a custom script

You can create a custom script and store it in above directories as external/script (permissions are not important). It will be copied to the remote host, made executable and run by the pki-realm script with the external/ directory as the current working directory. You can use this to provide additional files needed by the Certificate Authority. The expected output of the script is a set of files mentioned above.

The script will be executed under the root account, with a set of $PKI_SCRIPT_* environment variables:

Contains the name of the current PKI realm, set in item.name parameter.
Contains Fully Qualified Domain Name used as the default domain if the realm does not specify one in it's name.
Contains the Distinguished Name, or subject of the certificate, each element separated by the / character, similar to the format of the openssl req -subj option.
List of apex (root) domains configured for the realm, separated by the / character.
List of subdomains which should be added to each apex domain, each one separated by the / character. The special _wildcard_ name means a wildcard subdomain (*.example.com).
Absolute path to the private key of the current PKI realm.
Absolute path to the current PKI realm certificate chain, expected to be used in the application configuration files.
Absolute path to the current PKI realm private key, expected to be used in the application configuration files.
Absolute path to the current PKI realm combined private key and certificate chain, expected to be used in the application configuration files.
A list of PKI realm states separated by the , character. You can inspect this variable to determine the current state of the current realm (initialization, activation of new certificates, changed files) and react to it in the script.

Because the operation of the PKI realm is stateless, the external script will be executed multiple times during debops.pki run. The state in which the realm is in will be present in the $PKI_SCRIPT_STATE variable and using that you can perform various operations, like issuing a new certificate request when the realm is created.