debops.nscd default variables

Global options, APT packages


Select the "flavor" of the Name Service Cache Daemon to use. Available flavors are: nscd, unscd. The unscd flavor is simpler, but more resilient.

nscd__flavor: 'unscd'

List of the base APT packages to install for Name Service Cache support.

nscd__base_packages: [ '{{ nscd__flavor }}' ]

List of additional APT packages to install with nscd.

nscd__packages: []

Service configuration

These variables define the contents of the /etc/nscd.conf configuration file. See nscd__configuration for more details.


The default configuration options for the nscd service defined by the role.


  - name: 'global'

      - name: 'logfile'
        value: '/var/log/nscd.log'
        state: 'comment'

      - name: 'threads'
        value: 4
        state: 'comment'

      - name: 'max_threads'
        value: 32
        state: 'comment'

      - name: 'server_user'
        value: '{{ "unscd"
                   if (nscd__flavor == "unscd")
                   else "nobody" }}'
        state: '{{ "present"
                   if (nscd__flavor == "unscd")
                   else "comment" }}'

      - name: 'stat_user'
        value: 'somebody'
        state: 'comment'

      - name: 'debug_level'
        value: 0

      - name: 'reload_count'
        value: 5
        state: 'comment'

      - name: 'paranoia'
        value: False

      - name: 'restart_interval'
        value: 3600
        state: 'comment'

  - name: 'passwd'
    enable_cache: True
    positive_time_to_live: 600
    negative_time_to_live: 20
    suggested_size: 1001
    check_files: True
    persistent: True
    shared: True
    max_db_size: 33554432
    auto_propagate: True

  - name: 'group'
    enable_cache: True
    positive_time_to_live: 3600
    negative_time_to_live: 60
    suggested_size: 1001
    check_files: True
    persistent: True
    shared: True
    max_db_size: 33554432
    auto_propagate: True

  - name: 'hosts'
    comment: |
      hosts caching is broken with gethostby* calls, hence is now disabled
      by default. Specifically, the caching does not obey DNS TTLs, and
      thus could lead to problems if the positive-time-to-live is
      significantly larger than the actual TTL.

      You should really use a caching nameserver instead of nscd for this
      sort of request. However, you can easily re-enable this by default.
    enable_cache: False
    positive_time_to_live: 3600
    negative_time_to_live: 20
    suggested_size: 1001
    check_files: True
    persistent: True
    shared: True
    max_db_size: 33554432
    state: 'comment'

  - name: 'services'
    enable_cache: True
    positive_time_to_live: 28800
    negative_time_to_live: 20
    suggested_size: 1001
    check_files: True
    persistent: True
    shared: True
    max_db_size: 33554432
    state: '{{ "absent"
               if (nscd__flavor == "unscd")
               else "present" }}'

  - name: 'netgroup'
    enable_cache: True
    positive_time_to_live: 28800
    negative_time_to_live: 20
    suggested_size: 1001
    check_files: True
    persistent: True
    shared: True
    max_db_size: 33554432
    state: '{{ "absent"
               if (nscd__flavor == "unscd")
               else "present" }}'

The configuration options for the nscd service defined on all hosts in the Ansible inventory.

nscd__configuration: []

The configuration options for the nscd service defined on hosts in a specific Ansible inventory group.

nscd__group_configuration: []

The configuration options for the nscd service defined on specific hosts in the Ansible inventory.

nscd__host_configuration: []

The variable that combines all other configuration variables and is used in role tasks and templates.

nscd__combined_configuration: '{{ nscd__default_configuration
                                  + nscd__configuration
                                  + nscd__group_configuration
                                  + nscd__host_configuration }}'