Default variable details

Some of debops.influxdb default variables have more extensive configuration than simple strings or lists, here you can find documentation and examples for them.


List of databases that should be present or absent on a given InfluxDB server. Each database is defined as a YAML dict with the following keys:

database or name
Required. Name of the database. Names of databases can contain any unicode character
Optional. If value is present, the database will be created; if absent, the database will be removed. It is defaulted to present.
Optional. Defaults to {{ omit }}. Dict of HTTP(S) proxy to use for Requests to connect to InfluxDB server. Overrides influxdb__proxies.
Optional, boolean. Defaults to True. If set to False, the SSL certificates will not be validated. This should only set to no used on personally controlled sites using self-signed certificates. Overrides influxdb__validate_certs.


Create databases, remove some of the existing ones:


  - name: 'dbname'


List of retention policies that should be present on a given InfluxDB server database. Each retention policy is defined as a YAML dict with the following keys:

policy or name
Required. Name of the retention policy.
Required. Name of the database. Names of databases can contain any unicode character
Required. Determines how long InfluxDB keeps the data. The duration is a duration literal or INF (infinite). The minimum duration for a retention policy is one hour and the maximum duration is INF.
Required. Determines how many independent copies of each point are stored in the cluster. If the replication factor is set to 2, each series is stored on 2 separate nodes. If the replication factor is equal to the number of data nodes, data is replicated on each node in the cluster.
Optional. Defaults to False. Sets the new retention policy as the default retention policy for the database.
Optional. Defaults to {{ omit }}. Dict of HTTP(S) proxy to use for Requests to connect to InfluxDB server. Overrides influxdb__proxies.
Optional, boolean. Defaults to True. If set to False, the SSL certificates will not be validated. This should only set to no used on personally controlled sites using self-signed certificates. Overrides influxdb__validate_certs.


Create retention policies:


  - name: 'fourweeks'
    database: 'dbname'
    duration: '4w'
    replication: 1
    default: True


List of user accounts that should be present or absent on a given InfluxdDB server. Each user account is defined as a dict with a set of keys and values.

User account parameters

user or name
Required. Name of the user.
Optional. If specified, the role will set it as the password for the InfluxDB account. If not present, a random password will be generated automatically and stored in the secret/ directory on the Ansible Controller. Refer to the debops.secret role for more details.
Optional. Privileges to grant to this user. Takes a list of dicts containing the database and privilege keys. If this argument is not provided, the current grants will be left alone. If an empty list is provided, all grants for the user will be removed. It is added in Ansible 2.8.
Optional. Whether the user should be in the admin role or not. Since Ansible 2.8, the role will also be updated. It is defaulted to no.
Optional. If value is present, the database will be created; if absent, the database will be removed. It is defaulted to present.
Optional. Defaults to {{ omit }}. Dict of HTTP(S) proxy to use for Requests to connect to InfluxDB server. Overrides influxdb__proxies.
Optional, boolean. Defaults to True. If set to False, the SSL certificates will not be validated. This should only set to no used on personally controlled sites using self-signed certificates. Overrides influxdb__validate_certs.


Create an user

  - name: 'someuser'
      - database: 'dbname'
        privilege: 'READ'