Default variable details

Some of debops.icinga_web default variables have more extensive configuration than simple strings or lists, here you can find documentation and examples for them.


The icinga_web__*_modules variables define what Icinga Web modules will be installed by the role. The variables are merged together and each list entry from the default list can be overwritten using the icinga_web__modules variable. List entries are YAML dictionaries with specific parameters:


Required. The name of the Icinga Web module. It will be used as the name of the symlink in the /usr/share/icingaweb2/modules/ directory.

This parameter is also used as a marker for merging of different entries.

Optional. An URL of the git repository which contains the module. External modules will be cloned to the /usr/local/src/icinga_web/ directory with subdirectories based on their URL.
Optional. Specify the version (tag) or branch of a given module to install.
Optional, boolean. If True, the module will be enabled by default. If False, module will be disabled but can still be enabled via the web interface.
Optional. Specify the desired state of the module. If present, the module will be installed and enabled. If absent, existing modules will be disabled but not removed entirely; non-installed modules won't be installed.


See the icinga_web__default_modules variable for examples.


The icinga_web__initial_account_groups variable defines a list of account groups added to the Icinga Web database during initialization. The list is ordered sequentially and groups are numbered from 1, therefore the first group listed should be "Administrators".

Each list entry is a YAML dictionary with specific parameters:

Required. Name of the group to create.
Optional. If not specified or present, the group will be created in the database. If absent, the group will not be created.


See the icinga_web__initial_account_groups variable for examples.


The icinga_web__initial_accounts variable defines a set of administrator accounts added to the Icinga Web database during initialization. These accounts allow users to login to the web interface and use the Icinga Director REST API. All accounts listed will be added to the account grup with id 1, ie. the first one created, usually "Administrators".

Each list entry is a YAML dictionary with specific parameters:

Required. The name of the user account to add to the database.
Optional. If not specified or present, the account will be added to the database. If absent, the account will not be created during initialization.

Optional. A plaintext password which will be hashed and encoded in the format expected by Icinga Web application and stored in the database.

If not specified, the value of the icinga_web__default_account_password variable will be used by default.

Optional. A hash of the password to store in the database for a given user account. Icinga 2 Web uses native password hashing from PHP 5.6+ and the password hash should be specified in this format.
Optional. Specify the numeric group id to which a given account should be added. If not specified, 1 is used by default.


See the icinga_web__initial_accounts variable for examples.


The debops.icinga_web role uses a set of default variables to create and maintain the INI configuration files of Icinga 2 Web application, located in the /etc/icingaweb2/ directory. Because these files can be modified through the Web interface, the role combines the current configuration gathered at runtime from the host with the default configuration defined by the role and custom user configuration defined in the Ansible inventory variables.

Each set of variables maintains one INI configuration file. The variables are defined as list of INI configuration sections with options defined as keys and values. Each section is defined using specific parameters:

Required. The INI section name. This variable is used as a marker to merge multiple configuration entries together.
Optional. If not specified or present, a given configuration section will be included in the generated file. If absent, a given configuration section will be removed from the generated file. If ignore, a given configuration entry will be ignored by the role and not evaluated.

Optional. Specify the INI configuration options in a given section. The options lists from multiple configuration entries with the same name are merged together, this allows to modify existing options or add new ones seamlessly.

Each element of the list is a YAML dictionary with specific parameters:

Required. The option name.
Required. The option value.
Optional. If not specified or present, the option will be included in the generated file. If absent, the option will be removed from the generated file. If ignore, the given element will not be evaluated by the role.


See the icinga_web__default_config or the icinga_web__default_resources variables for example usage.