Default variable details

Some of the debops.etc_aliases default variables have more extensive configuration than simple strings or lists, here you can find documentation and examples for them.


The etc_aliases__*_recipients variables define mail aliases and their recipients which should be present in the /etc/aliases file. Each variable is a YAML list with dictionaries as the entries. Multiple entries that define the same mail alias are combined together in order of appearance.

Each entry can be a YAML dictionary with a dictionary key being the alias to define, and dictionary value being a string with one recipient, or a YAML list of recipients to set for a given alias:


  - root: 'admin'

  - admin: [ 'user1', 'user2' ]

The more complex version uses a set of parameters that allow greater control over a particular alias:

name, alias
The mail alias to configure.
dest, to
Required. The string or an YAML list of recipients for a given mail alias.
add_dest, add_to, cc, bcc
Optional. A string or an YAML list of recipients to add to existing list of recipients. This is useful in subsequent entries to modify the list of recipients if necessary.
del_dest, del_to
Optional. A string or an YAML list of recipients to remove from the existing list of recipients. This is useful in subsequent entries to modify the list of recipients if necessary.
Optional. A string or YAML text block with a comment added to a particular alias.

Optional. If not specified or present, a given alias entry will be defined in the database file.

If absent, the alias will not be included in the database file.

If hidden, the entry itself won't be included, but the optional comment will be in the file.

If comment, the entry will be present in the database file, but commented out.

Optional. Name of the section in the database file in which a given alias should be included. If not specified, the unknown section is used automatically.
Optional. A numeric value which is used to sort the entries in the final database file. The entries with higher numbers have bigger "weight" and will be put lower in the file. Negative numbers can be used to put the entries higher than normal. If not specified, a default 0 will be set.


Create a set of aliases:


  - name: 'root'
    dest: 'admin'

  - alias: 'admin'
    to: [ 'user1', 'user2' ]

  - alias: 'admin'
    cc: 'user3'


The /etc/aliases file is managed using informal "sections", each section groups the common mail aliases. The etc_aliases__sections contains a list of sections defined by YAML dictionaries with specific parameters:

Required. Short name of the section, used in the alias configuration parameters to put the aliases in a particular section.
Optional. A short description of the section included as its header.
Optional. If not specified or present, the section will be added in the database file. If absent, the section will not be included in the file.


Define a set of alias sections:


  - name: 'general'
    title: 'General-purpose mail aliases'

  - name: 'admin'
    title: 'Administrator mail aliases'

  - name: 'unknown'
    title: 'Other mail aliases'