Default variable details

Some of debops.nginx default variables have more extensive configuration than simple strings or lists, here you can find documentation and examples for them.


Common role options


Required, string or list of strings. Domain names for the Nginx server_name option documentation.

The first element is used to create the name of the nginx configuration file and must be a normal domain name, other elements can include wildcards and regexp matches.

The list can also be empty (but needs to be defined) in which case the configuration it is included in will be named default.


Optional, string. Alternative name of the nginx configuration file under the /etc/nginx/sites-available/ directory. The suffix .conf will be added automatically. This can be used to distinguish different server configurations for the same For example separate configuration for HTTP and HTTPS.


Optional. String or a list of hostnames or subdomain names without dots. If it's defined, the role will generate server { } blocks that support redirecting the short hostnames or subdomains in the *.local domain managed by Avahi/mDNS to their corresponding FQDNs. For example:

  • host/ ->

  • host.local ->

The domain will be based on the hostname_domain parameter, or if not specified on the first value of the name parameter. Users can use the short hostnames in browsers by appending / character after the short name. Specifying directories or arguments is also supported.

This allows the nginx webserver to correctly handle short subdomains passed to it via DNS suffixes defined in /etc/resolv.conf, or subdomains reachable via Avahi *.local domain.

If the hostname parameter is not specified, the role will automatically generate subdomains based on the value of the name parameter; only alphanumeric subdomains with optional dashes and underscores are supported in this mode. To tell the role to not autogenerate the redirection, set the hostname parameter to False.


Optional. Specify the base DNS domain to use for short hostnames and subdomains. You can use this to set the base domain in multi-subdomain environments. For example, setting it to will result in redirects:

  • host/ ->

  • ->

Supporting more than one level of subdomains with DNS suffixes on the clients depends on the resolv.conf(5) configuration, the ndots parameter.

If this parameter is not specified, the role will check the list in the nginx__hostname_domains for possible domain suffixes and use the first one found there that matches the current server subdomain.


Optional, boolean. Defaults to True. Specifies if the configuration should be enabled by creating a symlink in /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/.


Optional, string. Defaults to present. Whether the Nginx server should be present or absent.


Deprecated, optional, boolean. Use state: 'present' instead.


Deprecated, optional, boolean. Use state: 'absent' instead.


Optional, string. Name of a Ansible role in the format ROLE_OWNER.ROLE_NAME which is responsible for the server configuration.


Optional. Specify name of the template to use to generate nginx server configuration. Templates can extend other templates.


Optional, boolean. Whether the role will create a server's root directory. Overrides nginx_webroot_create.


Optional, string. Sets the owner of the server root. Overrides nginx_webroot_owner.

If specified, nginx will configure the server root to /srv/www/<owner>/sites/<name[0]>/public/.

If not specified, nginx will configure the server root to /srv/www/sites/<name[0]>/public/.

If it is set and no group is specified, the group is set to owner.


Optional, string. Explicitly sets the group of the server root. Overrides owner and nginx_webroot_group.


Optional, string. The permissions of the server root directory. Overrides nginx_webroot_mode.

Common webserver options


Optional, string or boolean (False). Space separated list of index filenames. The directive will be omitted if set to False.


Optional, string. Absolute path to server root to use for this server configuration. Defaults to /srv/www/sites/<name[0]>/public/. See also owner parameter. The directive will be omitted if set to False.


Optional, string. Folder name witch will be concatenated to /srv/www/sites/<name[0]>/ Defaults to public.


Optional, string. Used in scenario when the site root is in another subfoder. Example. The files are stored in /srv/www/sites/<name[0]>/public, but in nginx the root needs to be /srv/www/sites/<name[0]>/public/current/pub. Defaults to empty string.


Optional, string. Defaults to nginx_default_try_files. Checks for the existence of files in order, and returns the first file that is found for location /. Refer to the Nginx try_files directive for details.


Optional, integer. Defaults to nginx_default_keepalive_timeout. Set custom KeepAlive timeout for this server, in seconds.


Optional, boolean. Defaults to True. If True deny access to all hidden files.


Optional, boolean. Defaults to True. Ignore /favicon.ico requests in server logs to reduce noise if True.


Optional, list of strings/integers or boolean (False). Defaults to nginx_listen_port. List of ports, IP addresses or sockets this server configuration should listen on for HTTP connections.


Optional, list of strings/integers or boolean (False). Defaults to nginx_listen_ssl_port. List of ports, IP addresses or sockets this server configuration should listen on for HTTPS connections.


Optional, list of strings. List of files that will be included at the beginning of the server configuration using include.


Optional, list of strings. List of files that will be included at the end of the server configuration using include.


Optional, String or YAML text block with top-level options (i.e. before any server blocks in the generated configuration) for this server configuration. Semicolons at the end of each line are required.


Optional, String or YAML text block with options (included inside the relevant server block) for this server configuration. Semicolons at the end of each line are required.



Optional, string. Redirect incoming requests on the HTTP port to the given URL. FIXME: Rename to redirect_http


Optional, string. Redirect incoming requests on the HTTPS port to the given URL. FIXME: Rename to redirect_https


Optional, string. Specify HTTP code used in the redirect response, by default 307 Temporary Redirect. FIXME: Rename to redirect_http_code


Optional, string. Specify HTTP code used in the redirect response from HTTP to HTTPS, by default 301 Moved Permanently. FIXME: Rename to redirect_https_code


Optional, list of strings or boolean. Create a separate Nginx server block documentation which will automatically redirect requests from specified list of server names (or all but the first name in the name list if redirect_from is set to True) to the first server name specified in the name list.


Optional, string. Create separate Nginx server block documentation which redirects all requests on servers specified in the name list to the server specified in redirect_to. The specified server name will be used as the only name in subsequent HTTP and HTTPS configuration.


Optional, boolean. Defaults to True If True, redirect connection from HTTP to the HTTPS version of the site. Set to False to allow to serve the website via HTTP and HTTPS and don't redirect HTTP to HTTPS. FIXME: Rename to redirect_to_https



Optional, boolean. Defaults to nginx_acme. Enable or disable support for Automated Certificate Management Environment challenge queries for this server.


Optional, boolean. Defaults to nginx_pki. Enable or disable HTTPS for this server configuration. FIXME: Rename to https_enabled


Optional, string. Absolute path to a custom X.509 certificate to use. If not supplied, a certificate managed by debops.pki will be used. FIXME: Rename to tls_cert


Optional, string. Absolute path to custom private key to use. If not supplied pki_key will be used instead. FIXME: Rename to tls_key


Optional, string. Specifies the absolute path to the client CA certificate used to authenticate clients. If not specified, pki_ca will be used instead.


Optional, string. Specifies the absolute path to the intermediate+root CA server certificates which will be used for OCSP stapling verification. If not specified, the value of pki_trusted will be used instead.


Optional, string. Absolute path to custom DHE parameters to use. If not supplied, nginx_ssl_dhparam will be used instead. FIXME: Rename to tls_dhparam_file


Optional, strings. Defaults to nginx_default_ssl_ciphers. Name of the list of preferred server ciphers defined in nginx_ssl_ciphers to use.


Optional, string. Defaults to nginx_default_ssl_curve. ECC curve enabled for this server.


Optional, boolean. Requests the client certificate and verifies it if the certificate is present.


Optional, string. Specifies a file with trusted CA certificates in the PEM format used to verify client certificates.


Optional. Specifies a file with revoked certificates (CRL) in PEM format used to verify client certificates.


Optional, string. Overwrites the default PKI realm used by nginx for this server configuration. See the debops.pki role for more information, as well as the /etc/pki/realms directory on remote hosts for a list of available realms.


Optional, string. Path to custom X.509 certificate to use, relative to the currently enabled PKI realm.


Optional, string. Path to custom private key to use, relative to the currently enabled PKI realm.


Optional, string. Path to custom client CA certificate to use for client authentication, relative the to currently enabled PKI realm.


Optional, string. Path to custom intermediate+root CA certificate to use for OCSP stapling verification, relative to currently enabled PKI realm.


Optional, boolean. Defaults to nginx_ocsp. Enable or disable OCSP stapling for a given server. FIXME: Rename to ocsp_stapling_enabled


Optional, boolean. Defaults to nginx_ocsp_verify Enable or disable OCSP stapling verification for a given server. An intermediate+root CA certificate is required for this. FIXME: Rename to ocsp_stapling_verify


Optional, string. List of DNS servers used to for resolving. Among other things used to resolve OCSP stapling but in general all dns queries (e.g. for proxy_path). If it's empty, nginx role will try to use the nameservers from /etc/resolv.conf. Currently only the first nameserver is used


Optional, boolean. Defaults to True. If this is set to True and HTTPS is enabled for this item, the HTTP Strict Transport Security header is set in the server's responses. If this is set to False, the header will not be set in the server's responses.


Optional, boolean. Defaults to nginx_hsts_preload. Add a "preload" parameter to the HSTS header which can be used with the site to configure HSTS preloading for a given website.

User authentication


Optional, boolean. Enable HTTP Basic Authentication for this server.


Optional. String which will be displayed to the user in the HTTP Basic Auth dialog box. Defaults to nginx_default_auth_basic_realm.


Optional, string. Required with auth_basic. Specifies the name of the htpasswd file used for this server authentication. htpasswd files are stored in /etc/nginx/private/ directory.

You can use auth_basic_filename and specify the full path to the htpasswd file to use; file needs to be readable by nginx system user.



Optional. Dict of location sections to include in this server configuration, in YAML text block format (semicolons at end of each configuration line required). Each key defines a string used as "location" option, values are strings or text blocks to be included inside each location section. Examples:

1 location:
2   '/': 'try_files $uri $uri/ /index.html =404;'
4   '~ ^/doc$': |
5     alias /usr/share/doc;
6     autoindex on;

Optional. Dict which adds "allow" entries to each location section defined above from a list. Each location needs to have a corresponding entry in location dict. If item.location_deny is not defined, 'deny all;' is added at the end. Examples:

1 location_allow:
2   '~ ^/doc$': [ '', '::1' ]

Optional. Dict which adds "deny" entries to each location section defined above from a list. Each location needs to have corresponding entry in location dict. Examples:

1 location_deny:
2   '/': [ '' ]
3   '~ ^/doc$': [ 'all' ]

Optional. Dict with lists of valid referrers accepted for a given location, all other referrers will be blocked by nginx. Each location needs to have corresponding entry in location dict. Examples:

1 location_referers:
2   '/': [ '{{ ansible_fqdn }}', 'www.{{ ansible_fqdn }}', '*.{{ ansible_domain }}' ]

Optional, list of dicts. This is an alternative syntax of location_* entries; instead of using text blocks directly, it uses dict keys and values to configure each location, which allows for greater control and nesting. List of known keys and their descriptions:


Location string pattern, for example: / or ~ ^/doc$ or gitlab


String prepended to the location pattern, for example: @ which will create the named location @gitlab


Boolean value specifying if the location should be included in configuration, defaults to True.


List of allowed valid referer strings.

1 referers: [ '{{ ansible_fqdn }}' ]

Optional, string. Specify a named "access policy" to use for this location. Refer to nginx_access_policy_allow_map and similar variables for more information.


Optional, string. Defaults to nginx_default_satisfy. Set the location behaviour to either accept any of allow, auth configuration restrictions, or require all of them to match. By default, any restriction by itself will match. Choices: any, all


Optional, string or list of strings. IP addresses or CIDR networks which can access the given location. Automatically adds deny: all at the end of the list.


Optional, boolean. Enable HTTP Basic Authentication for this location.


Optional. String which will be displayed to the user in the HTTP Basic Auth dialog box. Defaults to nginx_default_auth_basic_realm.


Optional, string. Required with auth_basic. Specifies the name of the htpasswd file used for this location authentication. htpasswd files are stored in /etc/nginx/private/ directory.

You can use auth_basic_filename and specify the full path to the htpasswd file to use; file needs to be readable by nginx system user.


String or YAML text block with options for this location block, semicolons at the end of each line are required.


Nested list of locations to create in this location section.

HTTP security headers


Optional, string. Defaults to nosniff, which indicates to browsers that MIME types advertised in the Content-Type headers should not be changed and be followed. This prevents MIME type sniffing and is the reason why site security testers usually expect this header to be set. Set this variable to {{ omit }} to exclude the header from all responses.


Optional, string. Defaults to: default-src https: ; (force all assets to be loaded over HTTPS). Sets the first part of the Content-Security-Policy header. The string MUST end with a semicolon but MUST NOT begin with one. Make sure that you only use single quotes and no double quotes in the string. If no item.csp_report is given, it also determines the first part of the Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only header. Which headers are actually enabled is defined by item.csp_enabled and item.csp_report_enabled. Refer to the Content Security Policy Reference.


Optional, string. This allows to set a different/potentially experimental Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only header than defined by item.csp.


Optional, string. Defaults to: nginx__http_csp_append. CSP directives to append to all policies (item.csp and item.csp_report). This can be used to overwrite the default nginx__http_csp_append as needed. The string MUST end with a semicolon but MUST NOT begin with one.


Optional, boolean. Defaults to False. If set to True and HTTPS is enabled for this item, the Content-Security-Policy header is set in server responses.


Optional, boolean. Defaults to False. If this is set to True and HTTPS is enabled for this item, the Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only header is set in the server responses.


Optional, string. Value of the X-XSS-Protection HTTP header field. Set to {{ omit }} to not send the header field. Defaults to nginx__http_xss_protection.


Browsers should enable there build in cross-site scripting protection.


In case a cross-site scripting attack is detected, block the page from rendering.

Note that the this option might create a vulnerability in old versions of Internet Explorer <>.

For more details and discussion see What is the http-header “X-XSS-Protection”?.


Optional, string. Value of the Referrer-Policy HTTP header field. Set to {{ omit }} to not send the header field. Defaults to nginx__http_referrer_policy. Refer to Referrer Policy for more details. Note that this header is a draft as of 2016-10-11 but it is already supported by the majority of web browsers.


Optional, string. Value of the X-Permitted-Cross-Domain-Policies HTTP header field. Set to {{ omit }} to not send the header field. Defaults to nginx__http_permitted_cross_domain_policies.

Should cross domain policies be permitted?


Optional, string. Value of the X-Frame-Options HTTP header field. Set to {{ omit }} to not send the header field. Defaults to SAMEORIGIN.

Search engine optimization


Optional, list of strings or string. Value of the X-Robots-Tag HTTP header field. Set to {{ omit }} to not send the header field. Defaults to nginx__http_robots_tag.

This allows you to give search engine bots hints how they should handle the website. For example, when you don’t want that search engines don’t "index" your website, you can set this variable to none.


This header field is merely a hint for the search engine bot, nothing more and they might ignore it. For example, Google sets this straight in their first sentence in the documentation which says "This document details how the page-level indexing settings allow you to control how Google makes content available through search results." So you will need to prevent the search engine bots from crawling the site in the first place in case you want to prevent that.

Refer to robots meta tag and X-Robots-Tag HTTP header specifications for more details.

Access control


Optional, string. Specify a named "access policy" to use for this server. Refer to nginx_access_policy_allow_map and similar variables for more information.


Optional, string. Defaults to nginx_default_satisfy. Set the server behaviour to either accept any of allow, auth configuration restrictions, or require all of them to match. By default, any restriction by itself will match. Choices: any, all


Optional, string or list of strings. IP addresses or CIDR networks which can access the given server. Automatically adds deny: all at the end of the list.


Optional, string. Add custom options to this server configuration using a YAML text block (semicolons at the end of each line are required).

Logging and monitoring


Optional, string. Absolute path where log files should be stored. If not specified, logs will be saved to /var/log/nginx/ directory. You should take care of log rotation if you specify a custom log path. The specified path needs to exist before nginx is reloaded/restarted.


Optional, string. Defaults to <``name[0]>_access. Name of the access log file. The suffix .log will be added automatically.


Optional, boolean. Defaults to True. If access logging should be enabled.


Optional, string. Defaults to <``name[0]>_error. Name of the error log file. The suffix .log will be added automatically.


Optional, boolean. Defaults to True. If error logging should be enabled.


Optional. Name of the access log format. Custom log formats can be defined using nginx__log_format variable.


Optional, list of strings. Enable nginx server status page and allow access from the given list of IP addresses or CIDR ranges.


Optional, string. Defaults to nginx_status_name. Set the name of the location which should be used for the nginx status page.

Error pages


Optional. Dict of error codes in string format as keys and corresponding error pages to display. Example:

1 error_pages:
2   '403 404': '/400.html'
3   '502':     '/500.html'

Optional. List of dictionaries, each one describing an error page. List of known keys and their descriptions:


Required, String or list strings. Error codes to include in this configuration section.


Required. URI or location to redirect the request to.

location and location_options

Optional. If specified, an additional location section will be added with contents of the location_options parameter. If only location_options is present, the uri parameter will be used as the location.


1 error_pages_list:
2   - code: [ '403', '404', '=500' ]
3     uri: '/error.html'
4     location: '= /error.html'
5     location_options: |
6       internal;

Optional, boolean. Defaults to True. Specifies if the maintenance HTML page configuration should be added to the server or not.


Optional. Path of the maintenance HTML page (by default maintenance.html) located in the website's document root directory. If the file is present, all requests will be redirected to the maintenance page with error "503 Service Unavailable".

Welcome page


Optional, boolean. Defaults to False. If True a welcome index.html page is generated in website root directory using a template.


Optional, boolean. Ensure that the templated file is up-to-date if True. Set to False by default to ensure idempotent operation.


Optional. Specify absolute path to a Jinja2 template which should be used to generate a welcome page.


Optional. Specify a DNS domain which should be used in the generated welcome page. By default, a domain is detected from name[0], or if it's not specified, ansible_domain variables.


Optional. If specified and False, omit custom stylesheet in the generated index.html' file.

User directories


Optional, boolean. Enable UserDir support. Web pages on https://host/~<user>/ will be read from /srv/www/<user>/userdir/public directories.


Optional, string. Specify location regexp pattern used by nginx to determine if a specified URL is an userdir URL.


Optional, string. Specify the absolute path to user directories used as an alias pattern which uses the parameters from location regexp to select the correct user and file to display.


Optional, string. Specify space separated list of index files which will be used by nginx automatically to display a HTML page, if found in the current directory.


Optional, string. Specify additional options added to the userdir location block.

Type: php

Available when item.type is set to php for a server.


Required, string. Name of nginx upstream to use.

If undefined, .php files will be protected by =403.


Optional, string. Space separated list of index filenames. Refer to Common webserver options for details.

If undefined, add index.php at the end of list of index files.

php_limit_except or False

Optional, string or list of strings or boolean (False). Whitelist of allowed HTTP request methods.

If absent or False, limits are disabled.

Refer to the Nginx limit_except directive documentation for details.


Optional, string or boolean (False). File to include instead of fastcgi_params or fastcgi.conf, relative to /etc/nginx/.

If set to False, nothing is included.


Optional. A string or list with try_files option values which should be defined in the PHP location blocks. If not defined, the default is to use the $script_name and =404 values.


Optional. This parameter allows modification of the location matching rule used for PHP scripts without additional parameters, by default:

~ ^(?!.+\.php/)(?<script_name>.+\.php)$

Optional. This parameter allows modification of the location matching rule used for PHP scripts with additional parameters, by default:

~ ^(?<script_name>.+\.php)(?<path_info>/.*)$

Optional, string. Additional options to append to php location.


Optional, boolean. Enable php-fpm server status page.


Optional, string. Defaults to php_status. Set the name of the location which should be used for php fpm status page


Optional, string. Defaults to php_ping. Set the name of the location which should be used for php fpm ping page


Optional, string or list of strings. Allow access the given IP addresses or CIDR ranges.

Type: php5

Deprecated, use Type: php.

Type: proxy

Available when item.type is set to proxy for a server.


Required, string. Set the upstream url for this proxy configuration. This can be omitted if either a location or a location_list is defined.


Optional, string. Defaults to /. Set the location for the proxy, which is used in case not other location or location_list are defined.


Optional, string. Add custom headers to this proxy configuration using a YAML text block (semicolon at the end of each line is required).


Optional, string. Add custom options to this proxy configuration using a YAML text block (semicolon at the end of each line is required).

Type: rails

Available when item.type is set to rails for a server.

FIXME: Documentation missing.