Automated Certificate Management Environment (ACME)
ACME is an initiative designed by Internet Security Research Group for the Let's Encrypt service. It can be used to provision trusted X.509 certificates in a fully automated way.
One of the challenges to prove control over a domain to an ACME CA server is
called http-01
, which uses a well-known path on the client web server to
serve files which can then be validated by the CA server. This should be
sufficient to prove that a given domain is controlled by the entity that
requests the certificate.
The debops.nginx
Ansible role includes support for the http-01
They are enabled by default for all server configurations and can be used to
prove control over specified domains using a ACME client.
Ansible local facts
The following ACME related Ansible local facts are exposed by the role:
How ACME support works
By default, all servers that have enabled ACME support, will answer queries on URL:
These queries will be answered over HTTP. Files will be served from the
particular server root
directory, for example:
If the challenge file is not found at the server location, nginx will
switch the request to the "global" server root
directory, by default:
This directory can be configured in the debops.nginx
default variables, and
is not managed by the role itself. Other Ansible roles are expected to create
it and secure it using UNIX permissions as necessary.
If the requested file is not found on the "global" server root
the ACME challenge will be redirected over the same protocol (HTTP or HTTPS) to
a different host on configured domain, by default:
$scheme://acme.{{ nginx_acme_domain }}$request_uri?redirect=yes
The redirected host should provide a configured webserver to respond to the
ACME challenges. A default server is provided in the debops.nginx
configuration and can be enabled on a given host (see below). The additional
parameter redirect=yes
is used by the nginx server to detect and
terminate redirect loops.
Manual nginx configuration
The above steps are configured in a separate file on the webserver host:
To enable a given nginx server to respond to ACME challenges, all you
need to do is to include that file in the server {}
section, for example:
server {
listen [::]:80
root /srv/www/sites/;
include snippets/acme-challenge.conf;
location / {
try_files $uri $uri/ /index.html =404;
Above configuration should be sufficient to satisfy local or remote ACME challenges. Similar configuration can be done on HTTPS server to achieve the same results.