debops.system_groups default variables

General configuration


Enable or disable support for managing UNIX system groups.

system_groups__enabled: True

Enable or disable support for /etc/sudoers.d/ configuration.

system_groups__sudo_enabled: '{{ True
                                 if (ansible_local|d() and ansible_local.sudo|d() and
                                 else False }}'

If enabled, the role will add the NOPASSWD: tag in the sudoers configuration of the admins and wheel UNIX groups. This allows execution of sudo commands without password authentication. See sudoers(5) for more details.

You can disable this and configure the ansible_become_pass variable in the Ansible inventory for each affected host to provide password authentication. You can use the Ansible Vault functionality to encrypt the password in inventory variables, or store the password in the secret/ directory and use the lookup('file') module to retrieve it. See debops.secret documentation for details.

The NOPASSWD: tag is disabled by default if Ansible manages the local host so that local users can still control access to root account using a password.

system_groups__admins_sudo_nopasswd: '{{ False
                                         if (system_groups__fact_ansible_connection == "local")
                                         else True }}'

Add a prefix to the custom UNIX system group names created by DebOps. By default, no prefix is added.

If the role detects that the LDAP support has been, or will be, enabled on a host by the debops.ldap Ansible role, custom UNIX group names created locally on the host will have the _ prefix to indicate that they are local to a given host and not create conflicts with any UNIX groups defined in LDAP.

If the LDAP support was enabled after the system groups have been created, the role will keep the current prefix value to not duplicate the UNIX groups.

system_groups__prefix: '{{ ansible_local.system_groups.local_prefix
                           if (ansible_local|d() and ansible_local.system_groups|d() and
                               ansible_local.system_groups.local_prefix is defined)
                           else ("_"
                                 if ("debops_service_ldap" in group_names or
                                     (ansible_local|d() and ansible_local.ldap|d() and
                                 else "") }}'

Number of the CPU cores available on the ansible controller. This variable is used to throttle the number of parallel tasks on one specific CPU intensive task and helps to reduces memory consumption on big environments (> 100).

system_groups__throttle: '8'

UNIX system groups

These lists define what UNIX system groups should be present on DebOps-managed hosts and configure additional facilities like sudo access. See system_groups__list for more details.


List of UNIX system groups defined by default by the role.


  # This is the current default UNIX group which grants unrestricted 'root'
  # shell access via the `sudo` command.
  # Users in the 'admins' UNIX group are allowed to connect to the host via SSH
  # service and gain shell access on the host. They can also use the `sudo`
  # command to execute commands as any UNIX account or gain superuser ('root')
  # access.
  - name: '{{ system_groups__prefix }}admins'
    sudoers_filename: 'system_groups-admins'
    sudoers: |
      # This might be required to allow Ansible pipelining connections
      Defaults: %{{ system_groups__prefix }}admins !requiretty

      # This variable is used to configure access by Ansible Controller hosts
      Defaults: %{{ system_groups__prefix }}admins env_check += "SSH_CLIENT"

      # Allow execution of any command as any user on the system.
      # This is required for Ansible operation.
      {{ ('%' + system_groups__prefix + 'admins ALL = (ALL:ALL) '
          + ('NOPASSWD: ' if system_groups__admins_sudo_nopasswd|bool else '')
          + 'ALL') }}
    members: '{{ ansible_local.core.admin_users|d([]) }}'
    access: [ 'root', 'sshd' ]

  # This might be a new future UNIX system group that grants admin access, it
  # is not currently created on the hosts.
  # See for rationale.
  # Users in the 'wheel' UNIX group are allowed to connect to the host via SSH
  # service and gain shell access on the host. They can also use the `sudo`
  # command to execute commands as any UNIX account or gain superuser ('root')
  # access.
  - name: '{{ system_groups__prefix }}wheel'
    sudoers_filename: 'system_groups-wheel'
    sudoers: |
      # This might be required to allow Ansible pipelining connections
      Defaults: %{{ system_groups__prefix }}wheel !requiretty

      # This variable is used to configure access by Ansible Controller hosts
      Defaults: %{{ system_groups__prefix }}wheel env_check += "SSH_CLIENT"

      # Allow execution of any command as any user on the system.
      # This is required for Ansible operation.
      {{ ('%' + system_groups__prefix + 'wheel ALL = (ALL:ALL) '
          + ('NOPASSWD: ' if system_groups__admins_sudo_nopasswd|bool else '')
          + 'ALL') }}
    members: '{{ ansible_local.core.admin_users|d([]) }}'
    access: [ 'root', 'sshd' ]
    state: 'init'

  # This group is present on Debian installations by default.
  # Users in the 'adm' UNIX group have read-only access to various log files in
  # the '/var/log/' directory as well as firewall configuration in the
  # '/etc/ferm/' directory.
  - name: 'adm'
    members: '{{ ansible_local.core.admin_users|d([]) }}'

  # This group is present on Debian installations by default.
  # Users in the 'staff' UNIX group have write access to the '/usr/local/' and
  # '/var/local/' directories and can manage content inside of them.
  - name: 'staff'
    members: '{{ ansible_local.core.admin_users|d([]) }}'

  # Users in the 'sshusers' UNIX group are allowed to connect to the host via
  # SSH service and gain shell access on the host.  See the 'debops.sshd' role
  # for more details.
  - name: '{{ system_groups__prefix }}sshusers'
    access: [ 'sshd' ]

  # Users in the 'sftponly' UNIX group have access to chrooted SFTP service,
  # without full shell access. They cannot use SSH public keys in the
  # '~/.ssh/authorized_keys' file, only keys in the
  # '/etc/ssh/authorized_keys.d/<user>' file are allowed.
  # See the 'debops.sshd' and 'debops.authorized_keys' roles for more details.
  - name: '{{ system_groups__prefix }}sftponly'
    access: [ 'sshd' ]

  # This is a UNIX group used in multiple DebOps roles. Its configuration will
  # be conditional in the future so that it's not created on DebOps hosts that
  # don't provide webserver services.
  # Users in the 'webadmins' UNIX group can reload webserver services using
  # specific `sudo` commands. See the 'debops.nginx' or 'debops.php' roles for
  # more details.
  - name: '{{ system_groups__prefix }}webadmins'
    access: [ 'webserver' ]

List of UNIX system groups that should be present on all hosts in the Ansible inventory.

system_groups__list: []

List of UNIX system groups that should be present on hosts in a specific Ansible inventory group.

system_groups__group_list: []

List of UNIX system groups that should be present on specific hosts in the Ansible inventory.

system_groups__host_list: []

List of UNIX system groups that are defined by other Ansible roles via role dependent variables.

system_groups__dependent_list: []

List which combines all of the other UNIX group lists and is used in the role tasks.

system_groups__combined_list: '{{ system_groups__default_list
                                  + system_groups__dependent_list
                                  + system_groups__list
                                  + system_groups__group_list
                                  + system_groups__host_list }}'