debops.lldpd default variables

Installation and packages


Enable or disable installation and management of LLDP service.

lldpd__enabled: True

List of the APT packages required for LLDP service.

lldpd__base_packages: [ 'lldpd' ]

List of additional APT packages installed with LLDP service.

lldpd__packages: []

Variable which holds the lldpd version information gathered via local facts. It can be used in conditional configuration.

lldpd__version: '{{ ansible_local.lldpd.version | d("0.0.0") }}'

LLDP daemon configuration


List of default daemon arguments to pass to the process during startup, they will be separated by spaces. See the lldpd(8) manual page for details. Common arguments include -c (CDP), -s (SONMP) and -e (EDP) protocol support. If the list is empty, the defaults will not be modified.


  # Enable support for SNMP subagent when the 'debops.snmpd' role is detected
  # on the host
  - '{{ "-x" if (ansible_local.snmpd.installed|d())|bool else [] }}'

List of daemon arguments to pass to the process during startup, they will be separated by spaces. See the lldpd(8) manual page for details. Common arguments include -c (CDP), -s (SONMP) and -e (EDP) protocol support. If the list is empty, the defaults will not be modified.

lldpd__daemon_arguments: []

LLDP service configuration

The lists below define the contents of the /etc/lldpd.d/ directory and configuration files inside. See lldpd__configuration for more details.


List of the default configuration files defined by the role.


  # Overload the 'ChassisID' attribute to show that a given host is a virtual
  # and not a physical one. It should have been the 'Platform' attribute, but
  # the "lldpd" daemon does not support advertising it using LLDP, only CDP.
  - name: 'chassisid'
    comment: |
      Override the default ChassisID value in virtual machines and containers
      to disthinguish them from physical hosts. The value needs to be unique
      across all neighbors, otherwise LLDP information is mangled.

      - name: 'chassis-container'
        option: 'configure system chassisid'
        value: 'Container ({{ ansible_hostname }})'
        state: '{{ "present"
                   if (ansible_virtualization_type == "container")
                   else "absent" }}'

      - name: 'chassis-docker'
        option: 'configure system chassisid'
        value: 'Docker container ({{ ansible_hostname }})'
        state: '{{ "present"
                   if (ansible_virtualization_type == "docker")
                   else "absent" }}'

      - name: 'chassis-kvm'
        option: 'configure system chassisid'
        value: 'KVM virtual machine ({{ ansible_hostname }})'
        state: '{{ "present"
                   if (ansible_virtualization_type == "kvm")
                   else "absent" }}'

      - name: 'chassis-lxc'
        option: 'configure system chassisid'
        value: 'LXC container ({{ ansible_hostname }})'
        state: '{{ "present"
                   if (ansible_virtualization_type == "lxc")
                   else "absent" }}'

      - name: 'chassis-openstack'
        option: 'configure system chassisid'
        value: 'Openstack virtual machine ({{ ansible_hostname }})'
        state: '{{ "present"
                   if (ansible_virtualization_type == "openstack")
                   else "absent" }}'

      - name: 'chassis-openvz'
        option: 'configure system chassisid'
        value: 'OpenVZ container ({{ ansible_hostname }})'
        state: '{{ "present"
                   if (ansible_virtualization_type == "openvz")
                   else "absent" }}'

      - name: 'chassis-podman'
        option: 'configure system chassisid'
        value: 'Podman container ({{ ansible_hostname }})'
        state: '{{ "present"
                   if (ansible_virtualization_type == "podman")
                   else "absent" }}'

      - name: 'chassis-virtualbox'
        option: 'configure system chassisid'
        value: 'VirtualBox virtual machine ({{ ansible_hostname }})'
        state: '{{ "present"
                   if (ansible_virtualization_type == "virtualbox")
                   else "absent" }}'

      - name: 'chassis-virtualpc'
        option: 'configure system chassisid'
        value: 'VirtualPC virtual machine ({{ ansible_hostname }})'
        state: '{{ "present"
                   if (ansible_virtualization_type == "VirtualPC")
                   else "absent" }}'

      - name: 'chassis-vmware'
        option: 'configure system chassisid'
        value: 'VMware virtual machine ({{ ansible_hostname }})'
        state: '{{ "present"
                   if (ansible_virtualization_type == "VMware")
                   else "absent" }}'

      - name: 'chassis-xen'
        option: 'configure system chassisid'
        value: 'Xen virtual machine ({{ ansible_hostname }})'
        state: '{{ "present"
                   if (ansible_virtualization_type == "xen")
                   else "absent" }}'

    state: '{{ "present"
               if (ansible_virtualization_role == "guest" and
                   lldpd__version is version("1.0.0", ">="))
               else "absent" }}'

List of the lldpd configuration files which should be present on all hosts in the Ansible inventory.

lldpd__configuration: []

List of the lldpd configuration files which should be present on hosts in a specific Ansible inventory group.

lldpd__group_configuration: []

List of the lldpd configuration files which should be present on specific hosts in the Ansible inventory.

lldpd__host_configuration: []

Variable which combines all of the lldpd configuration lists and is used in role tasks and templates.

lldpd__combined_configuration: '{{ lldpd__default_configuration
                                   + lldpd__configuration
                                   + lldpd__group_configuration
                                   + lldpd__host_configuration }}'