Default variable details

Some of the debops.imapproxy default variables have more extensive configuration than simple strings or lists, here you can find documentation and examples for them.


The imapproxy__*_configuration variables define the contents of the /etc/imapproxy.conf configuration file. The contents are defined using YAML data structures and converted to a valid configuration file via the role template.

The imapproxy__*_configuration variables are implemented using the universal configuration syntax.

/etc/imapproxy.conf is a simple configuration file which contains configuration parameters in a key value syntax (note: not key = value), meaning that the universal configuration variables are also a simple list of name and value parameters which end up as key value in /etc/imapproxy.conf.

imapproxy__default_configuration already contains a list of all the configuration parameters which are supported by imapproxy and may appear in /etc/imapproxy.conf together with comments documenting the parameters.

If you need to override any parameter, you can do so by changing imapproxy__configuration, imapproxy__group_configuration or imapproxy__host_configuration according to your needs.


Changing a couple of configuration options:


  - name: 'dns_rr'
    value: 'yes'
    state: 'present'

  - name: 'chroot_directory'
    state: 'comment'

You can see more examples in the imapproxy__default_configuration variable.


The imapproxy configuration options can be configured using a number of configuration entries, each containing a name parameter and a number of additional parameters (see the example above).

Supported parameters are:


Required. imapproxy configuration option name. Configuration entries with the same name parameter are merged in order of appearance; this can be used to change configuration options conditionally.

If the option parameter is specified, it is used instead of the name parameter as the key value in the generated configuration file.


Optional. The value of the imapproxy configuration option. It can be specified as a string, a YAML list, True or False boolean, a null value, a positive or negative number. if the value parameter is not specified, the result will be empty.

The value parameters from multiple configuration entries override each other.


Optional. String or YAML text block with text which will be included in the generated configuration file "as is". If the raw parameter is defined, it takes precedence over value parameter.


Optional. If not specified or present, a given imapproxy option will be present in the configuration file. If absent, a given option will be removed from the configuration file (or not included if not present). If init, the configuration option will be prepared, but will not be active and won't show up on the generated configuration file - this can be used to prepare configuration that will be activated conditionally in another configuration entry. If ignore, a given configuration entry will not be evaluated during role execution. If comment, a given imapproxy configuration option will be present in the generated file, but commented out.


Optional. String or YAML text block with comments about a given configuration option.


Optional. Copy the internal "id" of a configuration option specified by the name parameter to the current configuration option. This parameter can be used to reorder configuration options relative to a specific option.


Optional. Positive or negative number which defines the additional "weight" of an option. Smaller or negative weight will move the option higher in the configuration file, Bigger weight will move the configuration option lower in the configuration file.


Optional. Specify the type of a given value to use in the configuration file. Supported types: int/integer, str/string, float, null/none, bool/boolean. This parameter is onlu useful when the value is defined using another variable, in which case the type information is not preserved by Jinja templating.