Ansible integration

Support for other Ansible roles

The debops.hashicorp Ansible role is designed to be used by other Ansible roles as role dependency. By design, the application binaries are installed in the specified path and the rest of the service configuration, including service process manager configuration, firewall, TCP/UDP port registration in /etc/services, etc. is left to the user or other Ansible roles.

To facilitate seamless role integration, debops.hashicorp role provides a set of default variables and Ansible local facts that can be used by other Ansible roles idempotently. Thus, the modification of the role itself shouldn't be needed, and it can should be easily integrated in the different playbooks and environments.

Default variables available to other roles

You can use these variables in the playbook to influence the operation of the debops.hashicorp role from another role:


List of APT packages which should be installed when the debops.hashicorp role is executed.


List of HashiCorp applications which should be installed by the debops.hashicorp role. For the list of available applications, refer to the hashicorp__default_version_map variable.


Boolean variable which enables installation of additional files needed to serve the Consul Web UI page. The role will remember the Web UI installation state to ensure idempotence.


In a hypothetical consul Ansible role create a default variable:

consul__hashicorp_application: 'consul'

Next, in the playbook that executes your role, include the debops.hashicorp role with your custom variable:

- name: Deploy Consul
  hosts: all
  become: True


    - role: hashicorp
        - '{{ consul__hashicorp_application }}'

    - role: consul

This playbook will then install the Consul application after verification, and configure it using your own Ansible role. Make sure that you use YAML list syntax correctly, otherwise the debops.hashicorp role will fail due to wrong variable type mismatch. To install multiple applications at once, you can use a different variant of the variables and playbook.

The variables, with addition of the Consul Web UI:

consul__hashicorp__dependent_applications: [ 'consul', 'consul-template' ]
consul__hashicorp__consul_webui: True

The playbook:

- name: Deploy Consul and Consul Template
  hosts: all
  become: True


    - role: hashicorp
      hashicorp__dependent_applications: '{{ consul__hashicorp__dependent_applications }}'
      hashicorp__consul_webui: '{{ consul__hashicorp__consul_webui | bool }}'

    - role: consul

Ansible local facts

The debops.hashicorp role maintains a set of Ansible local facts with information about the installed applications. Other roles can use these facts in an idempotent way to prepare their own configuration. These facts are:


Boolean. If True, the role has been correctly configured.


YAML dictionary which specifies all currently installed HashiCorp applications as keys and their versions as values.


Path to the directory where binaries are installed, by default /usr/local/bin.


Boolean. If True, the Consul Web UI files have been downloaded and installed.


Path to the Consul Web UI files, by default /srv/www/consul/sites/public.


Check if specific HashiCorp application is installed on a host:

consul_is_installed: '{{ True
                         if (ansible_local.hashicorp.applications|d() and
                             'consul' in ansible_local.hashicorp.applications.keys())
                         else False }}'

Register the installed application version to conditionally check when the version changed and restart the daemon:

consul_version: '{{ (ansible_local.hashicorp.applications["consul"]|d())
                     if (ansible_local.hashicorp.applications|d())
                     else "") }}'