debops.dpkg_cleanup default variables
Global options
- dpkg_cleanup__enabled
Enable or disable support for the role. By default it's only enabled on hosts which use the APT package manager with assumption that dpkg command is present.
dpkg_cleanup__enabled: '{{ True if (ansible_pkg_mgr == "apt") else False }}'
Configuration paths
- dpkg_cleanup__facts_path
Absolute path where Ansible local fact scripts are stored. The hook script will automatically remove the fact created by a given role.
dpkg_cleanup__facts_path: '/etc/ansible/facts.d'
- dpkg_cleanup__scripts_path
Absolute path where the dpkg hook scripts are stored.
dpkg_cleanup__scripts_path: '/usr/local/lib/dpkg-cleanup'
- dpkg_cleanup__hooks_path
Absolute path where dpkg configuration snippets are stored.
dpkg_cleanup__hooks_path: '/etc/dpkg/dpkg.cfg.d'
Hook script definitions
- dpkg_cleanup__dependent_packages
List which sets the contents of the hook scripts generated by the role, defined by other Ansible roles via role dependent variables. See dpkg_cleanup__packages for more details.
dpkg_cleanup__dependent_packages: []