Default variable details

Some of debops.redis_server default variables have more extensive configuration than simple strings or lists, here you can find documentation and examples for them.


The role can manage multiple Redis Server instances on a single host via the redis_server__*_instances default variables. Each variable is a list of YAML dictionaries, each dictionary defines an instance of Redis managed by systemd unit template.

Configuration specified in the instance YAML dictionary is parsed by the role and used to generate the final configuration which is then used to manage the Redis instances (see Redis Server configuration pipeline).

Multiple dictionaries with the same name parameter will be merged together; this can be used to override previously defined instance configuration without copying everything to the Ansible inventory.


Define multiple Redis Server instances:


# Configure all Redis instances to listen for network connections
redis_server__bind: [ '', '::' ]

# Allow connections from specific subnets to all Redis instances
redis_server__allow: [ '', '2001:db8::/32' ]

# Define minimal parameters for additional Redis Server instances with
# autogenerated configuration

  - name: 'second'
    port: '6380'

  - name: 'third'
    port: '6381'

Modify existing instance configuration:


# Change the default bind of the specific Redis Server instance 'main' to
# listen on all network interfaces and configure it as a slave to another Redis
# server

  - name: 'main'
    bind: [ '', '::' ]
    master_host: ''
    master_port: '6379'


Each entry can contain specific parameters:


Required. The name of a given Redis instance. This parameter is used as an anchor for merging of multiple YAML dictionaries that specify Redis instances together.

The instance name main is significant and used in Ansible local fact script and the password script to denote the "default" Redis instance if none is specified.


Required. The TCP port on which a given instance listens for network connections. Only ports defined in the instance list will be included in the automatically managed firewall configuration.


Optional. If not specified or present, a given Redis instance will be created or managed by the role. If absent, a given instance will be removed by the role. If ignore, a given instance entry will not be included in the configuration.


Optional. Absolute path to a PID file of a given Redis instance. If not specified, the role will generate one based on the instance name.


Optional. Absolute path to an UNIX socket file of a given Redis instance. If not specified, the role will generate one based on the instance name.


Optional. A string or a YAML list of IP addresses to which a given Redis instance should bind to to listen for network connections. If not specified, the instance will bind on the IP addresses specified in the redis_server__bind variable, by default localhost.


Optional. Name of the Redis database file which will contain the persisten storage, stored in the /var/lib/redis/ directory. If not specified, the role will generate the name based on the instance name.


Optional. Absolute path to a log file of a given Redis instance. If not specified, the role will generate one based on the instance name.


Optional. A short string that identifies a given Redis instance in the syslog stream. If not specified, the role will generate one based on the instance name.


Optional. Plaintext password which will be required by Redis to allow certain operations. If not specified, the value of the redis_server__auth_password will be used automatically.


Optional. An YAML text block that contains systemd unit configuration entries. This can be used to override the configuration of a Redis instance managed by systemd.

master_host and master_port

Optional. The FQDN address of the host with the Redis master instance, and its TCP port. If these parameters are set, a given Redis instance will be configured as a slave of the specified Redis master on the initial configuration, but not subsequent ones.

Other configuration options for a given Redis instance should be specified in the redis_server__*_configuration variables. Some of the instance parameters like port are used in other parts of the role and should be overridden only on the list of instances.


The redis_server__*_configuration variables define the configuration of the Redis Server instances. A Redis Server instance consists of a set of configuration files in /etc/redis/<instance>/ subdirectory, as well as systemd service template configuration. See Redis Server configuration pipeline for more details.


Define additional instance configuration:


# Disable certain Redis commands in a specific Redis Server instance. This
# cannot be done in the instance parameters and needs to be done on the
# configuration level.

  - name: 'main'

      - appendonly: False

      - 'auto-aof-rewrite-percentage': 100
      - 'auto-aof-rewrite-min-size': '64mb'

      - name: 'rename-command'
          - 'FLUSHDB ""'
          - 'FLUSHALL ""'
          - 'KEYS ""'
          - 'CONFIG ""'
          - 'PEXPIRE ""'
          - 'DEL ""'
          - 'CONFIG ""'
          - 'SHUTDOWN ""'
          - 'BGREWRITEAOF ""'
          - 'BGSAVE ""'
          - 'SAVE ""'
          - 'SPOP ""'
          - 'SREM ""'
          - 'RENAME ""'
          - 'DEBUG ""'

To replace options which are lists you have to reset them first:


# Overwrite default snapshoting configuration.

  - name: 'main'

      - name: 'save'
        value: ''
        dynamic: True

      - name: 'save'
          - '1200 1'
        dynamic: True

You can also remove some items from the list:


# Remove single save command and add another one.

  - name: 'main'

      - name: 'save'
          - '90 1000'
          - name: '60 10000'
            state: 'absent'
        dynamic: True


Each variable contains a list of YAML dictionaries, each dictionary defines a Redis Server instance using specific parameters:


Required. Name of a given Redis Server instance, should be a short alphanumeric string. This parameter is used as an anchor to merge multiple instance entries together.


Required. The TCP port on which a given instance listens for network connections.


Optional. If not specified or present, a given Redis Server instance will be created and/or managed on a given host. If absent, a given Redis Server instance will be stopped and its configuration will be removed. If ignore, a given configuration entry will be ignored by the role during the Ansible run; this can be used to conditionally enable or disable instance options if needed.


Optional. Plaintext password which will be required by Redis to allow certain operations.


Optional. An YAML text block that contains systemd unit configuration entries. This can be used to override the configuration of a Redis instance managed by systemd.

master_host and master_port

Optional. The FQDN address of the host with the Redis master instance, and its TCP port. If these parameters are set, a given Redis instance will be configured as a slave of the specified Redis master on the initial configuration, but not subsequent ones.


A list of configuration options for the Redis Server instance. The options lists from multiple instance configuration entries are merged together. Each element of the options list is a YAML dictionary with specific parameters:


Redis Server parameter name. Parameter names containing hypens should be quoted to avoid any issues with YAML parsing.


Redis Server parameter value. It can be a number, a string or a list of strings. If a list is used, by default the configuration file will contain multiple parameters with the same name and values specified on separate lines. you can also use the Python True and False values to represent booleans.


Optional. If not specified or present, a given parameter will be present in the generated configuration. If absent, a given parameter will be removed from the configuration.


Optional, bollean. If True, a given parameter will be marked as a "dynamic" Redis configuration and will not be included in the static configuration file. Instead, it will be applied dynamically via a configuration script during deployment.


Optional, boolean. If False, and the parameter is not dynamic, and it's a list, the values will be concatenated into one string, separated by spaces. This is required by some of the Redis Server configuration options, for example bind.

If the name and value parameters are not present, each key of the YAML dictionary will be interpreted as a separate Redis Server parameter. This can be used as a shorthand to define Redis Server parameters, but for more complicated parameters (dynamic, with custom requirements), you should use the expanded form explained above.