debops.apt_mark default variables

General configuration


Enable or disable support for marking APT package state.

apt_mark__enabled: True

If True (default), APT will consider packages installed via Recommends: dependencies as important and not remove them automatically.

Any entries in the apt_mark__*_packages lists will enable autoremoval of APT packages installed via Recommends: dependencies, which you can then control by marking them as installed manually or automatically.

apt_mark__autoremove_recommends_important: '{{ False
                                               if (apt_mark__default_packages|d()
                                                   or apt_mark__packages|d()
                                                   or apt_mark__group_packages|d()
                                                   or apt_mark__host_packages|d())
                                               else True }}'

If True (default), APT will consider packages installed via Suggests: dependencies as important and not remove them automatically.

Any entries in the apt_mark__*_packages lists will enable autoremoval of APT packages installed via Suggests: dependencies, which you can then control by marking them as installed manually or automatically.

apt_mark__autoremove_suggests_important: '{{ False
                                             if (apt_mark__default_packages|d()
                                                 or apt_mark__packages|d()
                                                 or apt_mark__group_packages|d()
                                                 or apt_mark__host_packages|d())
                                             else True }}'

APT package state configuration

These lists define the APT packages which the role will operate on, and their desired state. See apt_mark__packages for more details.


List of APT package states defined by the role

apt_mark__default_packages: []

List of APT package states which should be applied on all hosts in the Ansible inventory.

apt_mark__packages: []

List of APT package states which should be applied on hosts in a specific Ansible inventory group.

apt_mark__group_packages: []

List of APT package states which should be applied on specific hosts in the Ansible inventory.

apt_mark__host_packages: []

List of APT package states defined by other Ansible roles via role dependent variables.

apt_mark__dependent_packages: []

Variable which combines all of the APT state lists and is passed to the role tasks.

apt_mark__combined_packages: '{{ apt_mark__default_packages
                                 + apt_mark__dependent_packages
                                 + apt_mark__packages
                                 + apt_mark__group_packages
                                 + apt_mark__host_packages }}'