Getting started

Real world use

Telegraf requires at least one input and output defined. Default debops.telegraf configuration will include a few basic input plugins (cpu, mem, disk, etc.) but output will be discarded by default using the outputs.discard plugin.

You can check the /etc/telegraf/telegraf.conf.sample file on a host with installed Telegraf for many examples of input and output plugins available as well as documentation of the supported configuration options. The configuration is written using TOML format, however it's very easy to convert it to a format usable in DebOps, either directly including it as YAML text blocks, or converting it into a YAML format.

Example inventory

To install a Telegraf agent on a host, you need to add it to [debops_service_telegraf] Ansible group:


This will install telegraf package and create basic configuration required by the service.

You can also configure Telegraf to be installed on all DebOps hosts in the inventory:



Example playbook

Here's an example Ansible playbook that uses the debops.telegraf role:

  collections: [ 'debops.debops', 'debops.roles01',
                 'debops.roles02', 'debops.roles03' ]
  hosts: [ 'debops_service_telegraf' ]
  become: True

  environment: '{{ inventory__environment | d({})
                   | combine(inventory__group_environment | d({}))
                   | combine(inventory__host_environment  | d({})) }}'


    - role: keyring
      tags: [ 'role::keyring', 'skip::keyring', 'role::influxdata' ]
        - '{{ influxdata__keyring__dependent_apt_keys }}'

    - role: influxdata
      tags: [ 'role::influxdata', 'skip::influxdata' ]
        - '{{ telegraf__influxdata__dependent_packages }}'

    - role: telegraf
      tags: [ 'role::telegraf', 'skip::telegraf' ]

Ansible tags

You can use Ansible --tags or --skip-tags parameters to limit what tasks are performed during Ansible run. This can be used after a host was first configured to speed up playbook execution, when you are sure that most of the configuration is already in the desired state.

Available role tags:


Main role tag, should be used in the playbook to execute all of the role tasks as well as role dependencies.

Other resources

List of other useful resources related to the debops.telegraf Ansible role: