debops.sysctl default variables
General configuration
- sysctl__enabled
Enable or disable management of the kernel configuration in the
directory using Ansible.
sysctl__enabled: True
- sysctl__writable
List of paths in /proc/sys/
directory that are considered writable in
the current namespace (host, VM, container). The path elements need to be
separated by a dot (.
) instead of a slash (/
See sysctl__writable for more details.
sysctl__writable: '{{ ansible_local.sysctl.writable | d([]) }}'
- sysctl__hardening_enabled
Should the hardening options be applied?
sysctl__hardening_enabled: True
- sysctl__system_ip_forwarding_enabled
Should the system forward IP traffic for all interfaces?
Refer to debops.ifupdown
which can selectively enable traffic forwarding.
sysctl__system_ip_forwarding_enabled: '{{ True
if ansible_local.docker_server.installed | d(False)
else False }}'
- sysctl__hardening_ipv6_disabled
Whether IPv6 should be disabled.
sysctl__hardening_ipv6_disabled: False
- sysctl__hardening_experimental_enabled
Should experimental settings in the hardening options be applied?
sysctl__hardening_experimental_enabled: False
Performance parameters
- sysctl__tcp_performance_enabled
Should the TCP performance options be applied? The current options are:
(enabled by default, enabling performance mode will disable this kernel parameter)
sysctl__tcp_performance_enabled: False
Kernel parameters
These variables define the kernel parameters managed by the role. See sysctl__parameters for more details.
- sysctl__default_parameters
The default kernel parameters defined by the role.
- name: 'memory'
weight: 10
- name: 'kernel.shmmax'
value: '{{ sysctl__shared_memory_shmmax }}'
- name: 'kernel.shmall'
value: '{{ sysctl__shared_memory_shmall }}'
- name: 'vm.swappiness'
comment: |
How aggressively the kernel swaps out anonymous memory relative to
pagecache and other caches. Increasing the value increases the amount
of swapping. Can be set to values between 0 and 100 inclusive.
value: 60
- name: 'vm.vfs_cache_pressure'
comment: |
Tendency of the kernel to reclaim the memory which is used for caching of VFS
caches, versus pagecache and swap. Increasing this value increases the rate
at which VFS caches are reclaimed.
value: 100
- name: 'network'
weight: 20
- name: 'net.ipv4.ip_forward'
value: '{{ sysctl__system_ip_forwarding_enabled | bool | ternary(1, 0) }}'
comment: 'Enable or disable IPv4 traffic forwarding'
state: 'present'
- name: 'net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding'
value: '{{ sysctl__system_ip_forwarding_enabled | bool | ternary(1, 0) }}'
comment: 'Enable or disable IPv6 traffic forwarding'
state: 'present'
- name: 'net.ipv6.conf.all.accept_ra'
value: 0
comment: 'Ignore IPv6 RAs.'
state: '{{ sysctl__hardening_enabled | bool | ternary("present", "absent") }}'
- name: 'net.ipv6.conf.default.accept_ra'
value: 0
comment: 'Ignore IPv6 RAs.'
state: '{{ sysctl__hardening_enabled | bool | ternary("present", "absent") }}'
- name: 'net.ipv4.conf.all.rp_filter'
value: 1
comment: 'Enable RFC-recommended source validation feature.'
state: '{{ sysctl__hardening_enabled | bool | ternary("present", "absent") }}'
- name: 'net.ipv4.conf.default.rp_filter'
value: 1
comment: 'Enable RFC-recommended source validation feature.'
state: '{{ sysctl__hardening_enabled | bool | ternary("present", "absent") }}'
- name: 'net.ipv4.icmp_echo_ignore_broadcasts'
value: 1
comment: |
Reduce the surface on SMURF attacks.
Make sure to ignore ECHO broadcasts, which are only required in broad
network analysis.
state: '{{ sysctl__hardening_enabled | bool | ternary("present", "absent") }}'
- name: 'net.ipv4.icmp_ignore_bogus_error_responses'
value: 1
comment: |
Do not log bogus ICMP error responses.
Nobody would want to accept bogus error responses, so we can safely
ignore them.
state: '{{ sysctl__hardening_enabled | bool | ternary("present", "absent") }}'
- name: 'net.ipv4.icmp_ratelimit'
value: 100
comment: 'Limit the amount of traffic the system uses for ICMP.'
state: '{{ sysctl__hardening_enabled | bool | ternary("present", "absent") }}'
- name: 'net.ipv4.icmp_ratemask'
value: 88089
comment: |
Adjust the ICMP ratelimit to include ping, dst unreachable,
source quench, ime exceed, param problem, timestamp reply,
information reply
state: '{{ sysctl__hardening_enabled | bool | ternary("present", "absent") }}'
- name: 'net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6'
value: 1
comment: 'Disable IPv6.'
state: '{{ sysctl__hardening_ipv6_disabled | bool | ternary("present", "absent") }}'
- name: 'net.ipv4.tcp_timestamps'
value: 0
comment: 'Protect against wrapping sequence numbers at gigabit speeds.'
state: '{{ (sysctl__hardening_enabled | bool and
not (ansible_virtualization_role == "guest" and ansible_virtualization_type == "openvz"))
| ternary("present", "absent") }}'
- name: 'net.ipv4.conf.all.arp_ignore'
value: 1
comment: 'Define restriction level for announcing the local source IP.'
state: '{{ sysctl__hardening_experimental_enabled | bool | ternary("present", "absent") }}'
- name: 'net.ipv4.conf.all.arp_announce'
value: 2
comment: |
Define mode for sending replies in response to received ARP requests
that resolve local target IP addresses
state: '{{ sysctl__hardening_experimental_enabled | bool | ternary("present", "absent") }}'
- name: 'net.ipv4.tcp_rfc1337'
value: 1
comment: 'RFC 1337 fix F1.'
state: '{{ (sysctl__hardening_enabled | bool and
not (ansible_virtualization_role == "guest" and
ansible_virtualization_type == "openvz"))
| ternary("present", "absent") }}'
- name: 'net.ipv4.tcp_slow_start_after_idle'
value: '{{ sysctl__tcp_performance_enabled | bool | ternary(0, 1) }}'
comment: |
If set, provide RFC2861 behavior and time out the congestion window
after an idle period. An idle period is defined at the current RTO.
If unset, the congestion window will not be timed out after an idle
state: 'present'
# The '/proc/sys/fs/' namespace is usually read-only in unprivileged LXC
# containers. The default 'protect-links.conf' file that comes with the
# 'procps' APT package has the 'fs.*' parameters uncommented, which breaks
# the 'sysctl' configuration via the role. Therefore, let's divert the
# original file and regenerate it; the read-only parameters will be
# automatically commented out in unprivileged LXC containers.
- name: 'protect-links'
filename: '{{ "protect-links.conf"
if (ansible_distribution_release in ["stretch", "buster", "bullseye"])
else "99-protect-links.conf" }}'
divert: True
comment: |
Protected links
Protects against creating or following links under certain conditions
Debian kernels have both set to 1 (restricted)
- name: 'fs.protected_fifos'
value: 1
- name: 'fs.protected_hardlinks'
value: 1
- name: 'fs.protected_regular'
value: 2
- name: 'fs.protected_symlinks'
value: 1
# The '/proc/sys/kernel/' namespace is usually read-only in uprivileged LXC
# containers. The '/usr/lib/sysctl.d/50-pid-max.conf' file included in the
# 'systemd' Debian package has the 'kernel.*' parameters uncommented and this
# can cause issues inside unprivileged LXC containers. The configuration
# below creates a "masked" configuration file with kernel parameters
# commented out when they cannot be modified.
- name: 'pid-max'
filename: '50-pid-max.conf'
comment: |
This file is part of systemd.
systemd is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
See sysctl.d(5) and core(5) for documentation.
To override settings in this file, create a local file in /etc
(e.g. /etc/sysctl.d/90-override.conf), and put any assignments
state: '{{ "present"
if ((ansible_local.core.is_64bits | d(True)) | bool)
else "absent" }}'
- name: 'kernel.pid_max'
comment: |
Bump the numeric PID range to its maximum of 2^22 (from the in-kernel default
of 2^16), to make PID collisions less likely.
value: 4194304
- sysctl__parameters
This variable is intended to be used in Ansible’s global inventory.
sysctl__parameters: []
- sysctl__group_parameters
This variable is intended to be used in a host inventory group of Ansible (only one host group is supported).
sysctl__group_parameters: []
- sysctl__host_parameters
This variable is intended to be used in the inventory of hosts.
sysctl__host_parameters: []
- sysctl__dependent_parameters
Kernel parameters defined by other Ansible roles via role default variables. These parameters are not tracked by the role, it's best to create configuration files with "weight" number > 50 to ensure that the desired parameters are correctly overridden by sysctl command.
sysctl__dependent_parameters: []
- sysctl__combined_parameters
Sysctl configuration file path where all kernel parameters will be configured
by debops.sysctl
sysctl__combined_parameters: '{{ sysctl__default_parameters
+ lookup("flattened", sysctl__dependent_parameters, wantlist=True)
+ sysctl__parameters
+ sysctl__group_parameters
+ sysctl__host_parameters }}'