Use as a dependent role
The debops.ldap role is designed to be used as an API between Ansible roles and the LDAP directory. Roles can define a list of LDAP tasks which are passed to the debops.ldap role using role dependent variables on the playbook level. These LDAP tasks will be executed using the LDAP tasks and administrative operations interface in the LDAP directory.
This API allows the LDAP integration to be focused in a single, specific role (debops.ldap), so that other Ansible roles don't have to implement different ways of accessing and manipulating the LDAP directory by themselves. The LDAP data like passwords, names of objects and attribute values can be defined by the "parent" role in its own variables, and passed to the debops.ldap role to create or change LDAP objects as needed.
Examples of usage and integration between roles will be provided in the future using existing DebOps roles.
LDAP directory structure organized by DebOps
LDAP directory has a hierarchical structure defined by objects and their attributes. Various Ansible roles included in DebOps can interface with the LDAP directory to create or maintain their own set of objects and attributes. The hierarchy of these objects is called the Directory Information Tree.
Each DebOps role that is integrated with the debops.ldap role defines
a special page in its documentation section, ldap-dit.rst
. In this
file, users can find a human-readable description of the LDAP objects and their
attributes, which are linked to their corresponding role default variables and
Ansible local facts. This can be used to quickly locate the relevant source of
a particular LDAP object or attribute.
The objects and attributes have example values and Distinguished Names, real objects in the LDAP directory will be named differently depending on the configuration, but the general structure of the LDAP directory should be accurately reflected in the documentation.
The DIT documentation of different roles is cross-referenced between the roles that interact with each other at the LDAP directory level. This allows travelsal between the documentation pages of different roles to quickly find parent and child nodes, and see the relation between them.
The root of the DebOps DIT is defined by the debops.ldap Ansible role. Other roles will rely on it as a dependency, and will use the Ansible local facts defined by this role to create their own LDAP objects. Some of these roles will have their own "child" roles that depend on them, and so on.