Default variable details

Some of debops.gunicorn default variables have more extensive configuration than simple strings or lists, here you can find documentation and examples for them.


The gunicorn__applications and gunicorn__dependent_applications lists manage the information about the WSGi-compatible applications served by Gunicorn. Each entry is a YAML dictionary with specific parameters. Most of the parameters are passed directly to the configuration file after some processing.

List of known parameters:


Required. Name of the application server to use, it will be used as the configuration file name in the /etc/gunicorn.d/ directory, as well as the process name.


Optional. Additional comments added to the beginning of the configuration file; can be specified as a string or a YAML text block.


Optional. If not specified or present, the configuration file will be generated. If absent, the configuration file will be removed.

The rest of the parameters specified in a given entry should be dictionary keys with either a string, a YAML list or a YAML dictionary as values.


Required, string. Path to the working directory of a given application.


Optional, string. Path to the Python executable to use. If not specified, the system Python version will be used.


Optional, string. Either gunicorn (default) or gunicorn3 to run Python 3 compatible applications.


Optional, string. What mode to use for the application, usually wsgi or django. This is only relevant on the older OS releases.


Optional, string. UNIX user account which will be used to run the application processes. If not specified, www-data user account will be used. The role will create the user account if it doesn't exist, as long as the home parameter is also specified.


Optional, string. UNIX group which will be used to run the application processes. If not specified, www-data group will be used. The role will create the group if it doesn't exist.


Optional, string. The absolute path of the application account home directory. Required for automatic account creation.


Optional, boolean. If not specified or True, the created UNIX account and group will be a system variant, with UID/GID <1000, which is typical for UNIX services.


Optional. YAML dictionary with environment variables to set for a given application. Each dictionary key should be the variable name, and dictionary value will be its value.


Required. YAML list of arguments to pass to the gunicorn daemon. The last element of the list should be an application "entry point" module.

The next set of dictionary keys contains less used parameters, which can be used to modify the internal service configuration.


Optional. Specify either a UNIX socket path as unix:/path/to/socket, or a TCP socket in the form of ipaddr:port (the role does not configure firewall).

If not specified, the role will configure an UNIX socket in the path:


The socket directory will be created with the item.user parameter as the UNIX account owner, and as the UNIX account group.

On older OS releases, the socket will be created as:


Optional. Specify the file mode of the UNIX socket directory. If not specified, 0755 is used by default


Optional. Specify an absolute path to the file with the PID of the main Green Unicorn process.

If not specified, the role will create a PID file in the path:


On older OS releases, the PID file will be created as:


Optional. Maximum number of clients that are allowed to connect, usually between 64-2048. Clients that exceed this number will receive a connection error.



# Manage Green Unicorn applications

  # Deploy a system-wide WSGI application with Python 3
  - name: 'system-app'
    working_dir: '/path/to/deploy/dir'
    binary: 'gunicorn3'
    user: 'worker-user'
    group: 'worker-group'
    args: [ '--bind=',
            '--workers={{ ansible_processor_vcpus | int + 1 }}',
            '--timeout=10', 'system-app.wsgi' ]

  # Deploy a virtualenv WSGI application (requires gunicorn of the same version
  # to be installed inside the virtualenv)
  - name: 'virtualenv-app'
    comment: 'This application is deployed in a virtualenv'
    working_dir: '/path/to/virtualenv/app/src'
    python: '/path/to/virtualenv/bin/python'
    mode: 'wsgi'
    user: 'custom-user'
    group: 'custom-group'
    args: [ '--bind=unix:/run/gunicorn/virtualenv-app.sock',
            '--workers={{ ansible_processor_vcpus | int + 1 }}',
            '--timeout=10', 'virtualenv-app.wsgi' ]

  # Remove an old application configuration
  - name: 'old-app'
    state: 'absent'