debops.atd default variables

Job scheduler configuration


Enable or disable support for at and batch commands. Setting this variable to False will uninstall the at package.

atd_enabled: True

List of default UNIX user accounts which are allowed to use at and batch commands. If this list is empty and atd_allow is also empty, any account is allowed to use these commands.

atd_default_allow: [ '{{ (ansible_user
                          if (ansible_user | d() and
                              ansible_user != "root")
                          else lookup("env", "USER")) }}' ]

List of UNIX user accounts which are allowed to use at and batch. If this list is empty any user can use them as long as the /etc/at.deny file is present, otherwise only the superuser is granted access. This list is meant to be used for user accounts on all hosts in the cluster.

atd_allow: []

List of UNIX user accounts which are allowed to use at and batch. If this list is empty any user can use them as long as the /etc/at.deny file is present, otherwise only the superuser is granted access. This list is meant to be used for user accounts on a group of hosts in the cluster, only one group is supported at a time.

atd_group_allow: []

List of UNIX user accounts which are allowed to use at and batch. If this list is empty any user can use them as long as the /etc/at.deny file is present, otherwise only the superuser is granted access. This list is meant to be used for user accounts on specific hosts.

atd_host_allow: []

List of default UNIX user accounts which are denied access to at and batch commands.

atd_default_deny: []

List of UNIX user accounts which are denied access to at and batch commands.

atd_deny: []

Batch job scheduler configuration


Base number of CPU threads that will be used to calculate minimum load average which prevents job execution.

atd_batch_base: '{{ ansible_processor_vcpus }}'

Minimum percentage of CPU load average boundary.

atd_multiplier_min: '80'

Maximum percentage of CPU load average boundary.

atd_multiplier_max: '100'

This variable will be multiplied the by number of CPUs available on a host to modify the final CPU load average which prevents batch job execution.

atd_batch_multiplier: '{{ ((atd_multiplier_max | int |
                            random(atd_multiplier_min | int)) / 100) }}'

CPU load average which will prevent batch job execution and will hold the batch queue.

atd_batch_load: '{{ (ansible_local.atd.batch_load
                     if (ansible_local.atd.batch_load | d())
                     else ((atd_batch_base | float) *
                           (atd_batch_multiplier | float))) }}'

Minimum time between batch job execution in seconds.

atd_interval_min: '30'

Maximum time between batch job execution in seconds.

atd_interval_max: '120'

Time in seconds between batch job execution.

atd_batch_interval: '{{ (ansible_local.atd.batch_interval
                         if (ansible_local.atd.batch_interval | d())
                         else (atd_interval_max | int |
                               random(atd_interval_min | int))) }}'