debops.nginx default variables
Basic Settings
- nginx__deploy_state
What is the desired state which this role should achieve? Possible options:
Default. Ensure that Nginx is installed and configured as requested.
Highly optional. In this state you are responsible for manually installing nginx packages which are compatible with this role. The role maintains configuration only. This state is designed for very specific deployments which require out-of-tree nginx binaries.
Ensure that Nginx is uninstalled and it's configuration is removed.
The roles is currently not able to dismantle from
state. This needs to be implemented. This state can only be achieved currently whenpresent
has never been set before on a host.
nginx__deploy_state: 'present'
- nginx_base_packages
List of Debian packages installed by this role
nginx_base_packages: []
- nginx_flavor
What type of nginx server to install (see nginx_flavor_package_map
nginx_flavor: 'full'
- nginx__flavor_distribution_release
Specify the OS distribution release to use in flavored repositories.
nginx__flavor_distribution_release: '{{ ansible_local.core.distribution_release
| d(ansible_distribution_release) }}'
- nginx__flavor_apt_key_id
The APT GPG key id of the currently selected flavor.
nginx__flavor_apt_key_id: '{{ nginx__flavor_apt_key_id_map[nginx_flavor] | d() }}'
- nginx__flavor_apt_repository
The APT repository of the currently selected flavor.
nginx__flavor_apt_repository: '{{ nginx__flavor_apt_repository_map[nginx_flavor] | d() }}'
- nginx__flavor_apt_key_id_map
Dicrionary which maps the APT GPG key ids to their respective flavors.
'': '573BFD6B3D8FBC641079A6ABABF5BD827BD9BF62'
'passenger': '16378A33A6EF16762922526E561F9B9CAC40B2F7'
- nginx__flavor_apt_repository_map
Dicrionary which maps the APT GPG repositories to their respective flavors.
'': 'deb{{ ansible_distribution | lower }}/ {{ nginx__flavor_distribution_release }} nginx'
'passenger': 'deb {{ nginx__flavor_distribution_release }} main'
- nginx__flavor_packages
The list of APT packages installed depending on the currently selected flavor.
nginx__flavor_packages: '{{ nginx_flavor_package_map[nginx_flavor] }}'
- nginx_flavor_package_map
There are many versions of nginx server to choose from, but only 1 can be installed at a time. This is a list of APT packages which will be installed for a specific flavor.
# Default version from Debian
'full': [ 'nginx-full' ]
# Light version from Debian
'light': [ 'nginx-light' ]
# Extras version from Debian
'extras': [ 'nginx-extras' ]
# nginx with support for Phusion Passenger compiled in. Requires external APT
# repository. See for more details.
- 'nginx-extras'
- 'ruby'
- '{{ "passenger"
if (nginx__flavor_distribution_release in
["trusty", "xenial"])
else "libnginx-mod-http-passenger" }}'
# Upstream version from packaged for Debian
'': [ 'nginx' ]
- nginx_user
System user used by nginx.
nginx_user: 'www-data'
- nginx_www
nginx base path for website directories It is exposed using Ansible local facts as 'ansible_local.nginx.www'
nginx_www: '/srv/www'
- nginx_public_dir_name
public folder foreach website It cat be overwritten per servers
nginx_public_dir_name: 'public'
- nginx_etc_path
Directory where nginx configuration is stored.
nginx_etc_path: '/etc/nginx'
- nginx_private_path
Directory where private files used by nginx are stored (for example htpasswd files).
nginx_private_path: '{{ nginx_etc_path + "/private" }}'
- nginx_run_path
Directory where runtime nginx files are stored.
nginx_run_path: '/run'
- nginx_log_path
Directory where nginx log files are stored. Socket where nginx sends logs to, if nginx_log_to_syslog is true. A socket can be unix:/path/to/socket or ipaddress:port
nginx_log_path: '{{ "unix:/dev/log" if nginx_log_to_syslog else "/var/log/nginx" }}'
- nginx_log_to_syslog
If this variable is true, nginx logs to the socket stored in nginx_log_path.
nginx_log_to_syslog: False
- nginx_syslog_config
Examples from nginx documentation are: nohostname facility=local7,tag=nginx,severity=info
nginx_syslog_config: 'nohostname'
Phusion Passenger support
- nginx_passenger_root
Specify Phusion Passenger root paths manually (by default this variable is detected automatically at Ansible run time).
nginx_passenger_root: ''
- nginx_passenger_ruby
Specify path to Ruby executable for Phusion Passenger manually (by default this variable is detected automatically at Ansible run time).
nginx_passenger_ruby: ''
- nginx_passenger_max_pool_size
Maximum number of Passenger processes.
nginx_passenger_max_pool_size: '{{ (ansible_processor_cores | int * 5) }}'
- nginx_passenger_options
Additional Phusion Passenger global options.
nginx_passenger_options: False
- nginx_passenger_default_min_instances
Minimum Passenger instances per nginx server.
nginx_passenger_default_min_instances: '{{ ansible_processor_cores }}'
Global server access and authentication
- nginx_http_allow
List of IP addresses or CIDR networks which can access this server. If the list is empty, access is allowed from anywhere.
nginx_http_allow: []
- nginx_http_auth_basic
Enable or disable HTTP Basic Auth for all nginx servers on this host. By default it depends on the contents of 'nginx_http_auth_users' variable, if the list is not empty, authorization is automatically enabled.
nginx_http_auth_basic: '{{ nginx_http_auth_users }}'
- nginx_http_auth_basic_name
Name of the htpasswd file in '/etc/nginx/private/' with list of global HTTP Basic Auth accounts.
nginx_http_auth_basic_name: 'nginx_http'
- nginx_http_auth_users
List of HTTP Basic Auth accounts which need to login before accessing this server. Passwords are generated automatically and stored in 'secret/' directory (see debops.secret role). If this list empty, access is not restricted.
nginx_http_auth_users: []
- nginx__http_auth_htpasswd
Default htpasswd file used for global HTTP Basic Auth accounts.
name: '{{ nginx_http_auth_basic_name }}'
users: '{{ nginx_http_auth_users }}'
- nginx_http_server_names_hash_bucket_size
The default value of 'server_names_hash_bucket_size' depends on the size of the processor’s cache line. If a large number of server names are defined, or unusually long server names are defined, tuning the 'server_names_hash_max_size' and 'server_names_hash_bucket_size' directives at the http level may become necessary. More information can be found at:
nginx_http_server_names_hash_bucket_size: 64
- nginx_http_server_names_hash_max_size
Sets the maximum size of the server names hash tables. More information can be found at:
nginx_http_server_names_hash_max_size: 512
- nginx_http_options
Default http { } options.
nginx_http_options: |
ssl_session_cache shared:SSL:10m;
ssl_session_timeout 5m;
sendfile on;
tcp_nopush on;
tcp_nodelay on;
types_hash_max_size 2048;
gzip on;
gzip_disable "msie6";
gzip_comp_level 5;
gzip_min_length 256;
gzip_proxied any;
gzip_vary on;
- nginx_http_extra_options
A string or YAML text block with additional nginx options placed in the
inside of the "http" block.
nginx_http_extra_options: ''
- nginx_extra_options
A string or YAML text block with additional nginx options placed in the
outside of the "http" block.
nginx_extra_options: ''
- nginx_manage_ipv6only
If this variable is enabled, debops.nginx
role will automatically add
to the default nginx server configuration. You can disable
it and manage IPv4 and IPv6 listen directives yourself. nginx daemon needs to
be restarted when this variable changes. More information can be found at:
nginx_manage_ipv6only: True
- nginx_listen_port
Default listen port for HTTP connections.
nginx_listen_port: [ '[::]:80' ]
- nginx_listen_ssl_port
Default listen port for HTTPS connections.
nginx_listen_ssl_port: [ '[::]:443' ]
- nginx_listen_socket
Default listen socket for HTTP connections.
nginx_listen_socket: []
- nginx_listen_ssl_socket
Default listen socket for HTTPS connections.
nginx_listen_ssl_socket: []
- nginx_real_ip_from
List of IP addresses or CIDR subnets that the server should trust about real IP addresses of clients. If this list is specified, nginx will read the client IP address from the specified header. This is useful when nginx server is used behind another proxy server (local or remote).
nginx_real_ip_from: []
- nginx_real_ip_header
Specify the header used to lookup client IP addresses given by another server.
nginx_real_ip_header: 'X-Forwarded-For'
- nginx_real_ip_recursive
If this variable is enabled, nginx will ignore client IP addresses that match the ones from list of trusted upstream servers. This is useful when the upstream server is also a proxy.
nginx_real_ip_recursive: False
- nginx_default_keepalive_timeout
nginx_default_keepalive_timeout: 60
- nginx_multi_accept
If enabled a worker process will accept all new connections at a time, instead of a new connection at a time.
nginx_multi_accept: 'off'
- nginx_pki
Enable or disable support for PKI/SSL/TLS in nginx.
Defaults to True
if debops.pki is enabled on the remote host.
nginx_pki: '{{ ansible_local | d() and ansible_local.pki | d() and
(ansible_local.pki.enabled | d() | bool) }}'
- nginx_pki_path
Directory path where PKI realm live.
nginx_pki_path: '{{ ansible_local.pki.path | d("/etc/pki/realms") }}'
- nginx_pki_realm
Default PKI realm to use.
nginx_pki_realm: '{{ ansible_local.pki.realm | d("domain") }}'
- nginx_pki_ca_realm
PKI realm to use for client CA.
nginx_pki_ca_realm: '{{ ansible_local.pki.ca_realm | d("domain") }}'
- nginx_pki_crt
Path to default certificate, key and DH parameters file used by all nginx servers if not specified otherwise in server configuration. Relative to 'nginx_pki_realm' variable.
nginx_pki_crt: 'default.crt'
- nginx_pki_key
The name of the file which contains the private key file of the X.509 certificate, relative to the 'nginx_pki_realm' variable.
nginx_pki_key: 'default.key'
- nginx_pki_ca
The name of the file which contains the Root Certificate used to authenticate other servers, relative to the 'nginx_pki_realm' variable.
nginx_pki_ca: 'CA.crt'
- nginx_pki_trusted
The name of the file which contains the Root Certificate used to authenticate client certificates, relative to the 'nginx_pki_realm' variable.
nginx_pki_trusted: 'trusted.crt'
- nginx_pki_hook_name
Name of the hook script which will be stored in hook directory.
nginx_pki_hook_name: 'nginx'
- nginx_pki_hook_path
Directory with PKI hooks.
nginx_pki_hook_path: '{{ ansible_local.pki.hooks | d("/etc/pki/hooks") }}'
- nginx_pki_hook_action
Specify how changes in PKI should affect nginx, either 'reload' or 'restart'.
nginx_pki_hook_action: 'reload'
- nginx_ssl_dhparam
Path to the file with Diffie-Hellman parameters to use by the webserver.
nginx_ssl_dhparam: '{{ (""
if nginx_default_tls_protocols | length == 1 and
nginx_default_tls_protocols[0] == "TLSv1.3"
if (ansible_local | d() and ansible_local.dhparam | d() and
ansible_local.dhparam[nginx_ssl_dhparam_set] | d())
else "")) }}'
- nginx_ssl_dhparam_set
Name of the dhparam
set to use.
nginx_ssl_dhparam_set: 'default'
- nginx_default_ssl_ciphers
Default set of cipher suites to use.
Refer to nginx_ssl_ciphers
for details.
nginx_default_ssl_ciphers: '{{ "mozilla_modern"
if nginx_default_tls_protocols | length == 1 and
nginx_default_tls_protocols[0] == "TLSv1.3"
else "mozilla_intermediate" }}'
- nginx_default_tls_protocols
Default set of TLS protocols to use. TLSv1.3 is only supported on nginx version 1.13.0 and up.
See also:
nginx_default_tls_protocols: '{{ ["TLSv1.2", "TLSv1.3"]
if ansible_local.nginx.version | d("0.0.0") is version("1.13.0", ">=")
else ["TLSv1.2"] }}'
- nginx_default_ssl_curve
Default SSL ECDH curve used on servers, to see a list of supported curves, run:
openssl ecparam -list_curves
See also:
Set to False
to disable ECC.
nginx_default_ssl_curve: 'secp384r1'
- nginx_default_ssl_verify_client
Default ssl verify client.
nginx_default_ssl_verify_client: False
- nginx_default_ssl_client_certificate
Default ssl client certificate
nginx_default_ssl_client_certificate: ''
- nginx_default_ssl_crl
Default ssl revocation client certificate
nginx_default_ssl_crl: ''
- nginx_ocsp
Enable or disable OCSP Stapling.
nginx_ocsp: True
- nginx_ocsp_verify
Verify OCSP responses from the server which requires chained intermediate and Root CA certificates.
nginx_ocsp_verify: '{{ nginx_ocsp | bool }}'
- nginx_ocsp_resolvers
List of DNS servers used to resolve OCSP stapling and other dns queries (e.g. for proxy_path). If it's empty, nginx role will try to use the nameservers from /etc/resolv.conf Currently only the first nameserver is used
nginx_ocsp_resolvers: []
- nginx_hsts_age
HTTP Strict-Transport-Security Maximum age in seconds for which clients should remember to only make secure connections. Defaults to two earth years.
nginx_hsts_age: '{{ 2 * 365 * 24 * 60 * 60 }}'
- nginx_hsts_subdomains
Should HSTS also include subdomains? Note that all subdomains have to support HTTPS if you use this!
nginx_hsts_subdomains: True
- nginx_hsts_preload
Should the preload
parameter be added to the HSTS header?
Refer to the HSTS Preload List Submission page to make use of this
It is disabled by default because setting this to True
alone does
nothing, it is just one requirement to get included in the preloading list.
Please feel encouraged to get to know HSTS preloading and enable it when you
are ready!
nginx_hsts_preload: False
- nginx_enable_http2
Enable HTTP/2 (formerly HTTP QUICK) on nginx. HTTP/2 enables a server to pre‑emptively push resources to a remote client, anticipating that the client may soon request those resource, hence reducing the number of RTTs (Round Trip Times). Available with nginx version >= 1.9.5
nginx_enable_http2: True
- nginx__http_csp_append
CSP directives to append to all policies. This can be used to set the
The string MUST end with a semicolon but MUST NOT begin with one.
Refer HTTP security headers for details.
nginx__http_csp_append: ''
- nginx_default_name
Specify HTTP server name which will be marked as default_server.
nginx_default_name: ''
- nginx_default_ssl_name
Specify HTTPS server name which will be marked as default_server.
nginx_default_ssl_name: ''
- nginx_default_type
Default server template used if no type is selected
nginx_default_type: 'default'
- nginx_webroot_create
Create global webroot directories?
Path: /srv/www/sites/*/public
nginx_webroot_create: True
- nginx_webroot_owner
The name of the UNIX account which will be the default owner of the webroot directories created by the role, if not specified otherwise.
nginx_webroot_owner: 'root'
- nginx_webroot_group
The name of the UNIX group which will be the default group of the webroot directories created by the role, if not specified otherwise.
nginx_webroot_group: 'root'
- nginx_webroot_mode
The default mode of the webroot directories created by the role.
nginx_webroot_mode: '0755'
- nginx_welcome_template
Name of the Jinja2 template used as a welcome page.
nginx_welcome_template: 'srv/www/sites/welcome/public/index.html.j2'
- nginx_welcome_domain
The domain used on the default welcome page.
nginx_welcome_domain: '{{ ansible_domain }}'
- nginx_acme
Enable or disable support for Automated Certificate Management Environment
(ACME) on all servers. This can be overridden per server using item.acme
nginx_acme: True
- nginx_acme_root
Global directory where ACME challenges will be served from. It's not created by the role automatically and left to be managed by other Ansible roles.
nginx_acme_root: '{{ nginx_www + "/sites/acme/public" }}'
- nginx_acme_server
Enable or disable custom ACME challenge server configuration. It will answer
queries on a specified domain, from nginx_acme_root
directory. It can be
used for other things as well, for example to serve certificates to
other hosts.
nginx_acme_server: False
- nginx_acme_domain
Specifies the DNS domain to which ACME challenge queries will be redirected if
they are not found on the host. The domain must exist in the DNS and a web
server needs to be configured to answer the queries.
Set to False
to disable the redirect.
nginx_acme_domain: 'acme.{{ ansible_domain }}'
- nginx__hostname_domains
Specify the domains which will be used as a base domains for automatic short name generation. It will not be used if it's defined on the server level. First domain from the list that matches, wins.
nginx__hostname_domains: [ '{{ ansible_domain }}' ]
- nginx_status
List of IP addresses or CIDR ranges to allow access to the status page
nginx_status: []
- nginx_status_localhost
By default allow access to the status page from webserver itself
nginx_status_localhost: '{{ ["", "::1/128"] + ansible_all_ipv4_addresses | d([]) +
(ansible_all_ipv6_addresses | d([])
| difference(ansible_all_ipv6_addresses | d([])
| ansible.utils.ipaddr("link-local"))) }}'
- nginx_status_name
Name of the nginx status page location
nginx_status_name: '/nginx_status'
- nginx_local_servers
Hash of symlinks to local server definitions stored in /etc/nginx/sites-local/ Entries with empty values or False will be removed Symlinks will be created in /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/
nginx_local_servers: {}
#'symlink': 'file'
#'other-symlink.conf': 'sub/directory/file.conf'
#'removed-file': False
#'symlink\ with\ spaces.conf': 'other-file.conf'
- nginx_default_satisfy
Default "satisfy" mode used if not specified, choices: any, all
nginx_default_satisfy: 'any'
- nginx_default_auth_basic_realm
Default HTTP Basic Auth "realm" presented to the user
nginx_default_auth_basic_realm: 'Access to this website is restricted'
- nginx_htpasswd_secret_path
Path on the Ansible Controller used to lookup htpasswd passwords (see debops.secret role). You can change this to for example share a set of passwords between different hosts in case you use nginx in a HA setup
nginx_htpasswd_secret_path: '{{ secret + "/credentials/" + inventory_hostname + "/nginx/htpasswd" }}'
- nginx__htpasswd_crypt_scheme
The encryption scheme used by the htpasswd
Ansible module to generate
password hashes. You should use schemes supported by passlib
nginx__htpasswd_crypt_scheme: 'sha512_crypt'
- nginx__htpasswd_password_length
Default length of the automatically generated passwords.
nginx__htpasswd_password_length: 32
- nginx__htpasswd_password_characters
Set of characters allowed in passwords autogenerated by the role.
nginx__htpasswd_password_characters: 'ascii_letters,digits,.-_~&()*='
- nginx__htpasswd
List of htpasswd files with user accounts managed by debops.nginx
. Example
entries are included below
nginx__htpasswd: []
# Create specified user accounts
#- name: 'server_domain'
# users: [ 'username1', 'username2@domain' ]
# Delete specified user accounts
#- name: 'server_domain'
# users: [ 'username1', 'username2@domain' ]
# delete: True
# Delete htpasswd file
#- name: 'server_domain'
# users: []
# state: 'absent'
- nginx__default_htpasswd
List of the default htpasswd file configuration created by the role.
- '{{ nginx__http_auth_htpasswd }}'
- nginx__dependent_htpasswd
List of htpasswd file configurations defined by other roles via role dependent variables.
nginx__dependent_htpasswd: []
Nginx server access policy
Using the dicts below you can define a named "access policy" consisting of a list of allowed hosts/CIDR networks and/or a name of a htpasswd file in '/etc/nginx/private/' with a list of user accounts to allow access. You can also define if any or all restrictions need to be met to gain access to a website. In website configuration dict, you can define an 'item.access_policy' key with a name of a particular policy. The nginx role will then use this information to generate a proper config file with given restrictions in place.
- nginx_access_policy_allow_map
List of IP addresses or CIDR networks which can access a particular site
nginx_access_policy_allow_map: {}
#'my_policy': [ '', '2002:db8::/64' ]
- nginx_access_policy_auth_basic_map
Name of an HTTP Basic Auth htpasswd file in '/etc/nginx/private/' directory
nginx_access_policy_auth_basic_map: {}
#'my_policy': 'htpasswd_file'
- nginx_access_policy_satisfy_map
Should all or any restrictions be met to gain access?
nginx_access_policy_satisfy_map: {}
#'my_policy': 'any' or 'all'
- nginx__maps
List of nginx map definitions Each map should be defined in it's own hash variable, similar to upstreams and servers
nginx__maps: []
- nginx__default_maps
List of default nginx map definitions
# Extract the subdomain from the '*.local' domain managed by Avahi and expose
# it as a variable which can be used to redirect the HTTP clients to websites
- name: 'host_without_local'
map: '$host $host_without_local'
mapping: '~*^(?<subdomain>[a-zA-Z0-9\-\_\.]+)\.local$ $subdomain;'
# Support WebSocket connection upgrade as a proxy
# Documentation:
- name: 'connection_upgrade'
map: '$http_upgrade $connection_upgrade'
mapping: |
'' Close;
default: 'Upgrade'
- nginx__dependent_maps
List of nginx maps defined in Ansible roles
nginx__dependent_maps: []
- nginx__upstreams
List of nginx upstream definitions
nginx__upstreams: []
- nginx__default_upstreams
List of default nginx upstream definitions
- '{{ nginx_upstream_php5_www_data }}'
- nginx__dependent_upstreams
List of nginx upstreams defined in Ansible roles
nginx__dependent_upstreams: []
- nginx_upstream_php5_www_data
Upstream for default php5-fpm configuration Legacy.
state: 'absent'
name: 'php5_www-data'
type: 'php5'
php5: 'www-data'
Nginx servers
- nginx__servers
List of nginx server definitions
Refer to the documentation of all options for more details.
nginx__servers: []
- nginx__default_servers
List of default nginx servers defined by the role.
- '{{ nginx_server_welcome }}'
- nginx__internal_servers
List of internal nginx servers.
- '{{ nginx_server_localhost }}'
- '{{ nginx_server_acme }}'
- nginx__dependent_servers
List of nginx servers defined in Ansible roles.
nginx__dependent_servers: []
- nginx_server_welcome
Default nginx site
List and description of available parameters can be found in nginx server
templates templates/etc/nginx/sites-available/*.conf.j2
enabled: True
name: [ 'welcome' ]
welcome: True
welcome_domain: '{{ nginx_welcome_domain }}'
csp: "default-src 'none'; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; img-src 'self';"
csp_enabled: True
- nginx_server_localhost
Default nginx localhost
server. It can be used to access nginx status
page by other services.
enabled: True
name: [ 'localhost', '', '[::1]' ]
acme: False
ssl: False
welcome: True
welcome_css: False
- nginx_server_acme
Custom server for ACME challenge queries
enabled: '{{ nginx_acme_server | bool }}'
delete: '{{ not nginx_acme_server | bool }}'
name: [ '{{ nginx_acme_domain }}' ]
filename: 'acme-challenge'
root: '{{ nginx_acme_root }}'
- nginx_default_try_files
Checks for the existence of files in order, and returns the first file that is found for location /.
- '$uri'
- '$uri/'
- '$uri.html'
- '$uri.htm'
- '$uri/index.html'
- nginx__log_format
log_format nginx configuration in /etc/nginx/conf.d/
nginx__log_format: []
#- name: 'main'
# log_format: '$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] "$request_method $scheme://$host$request_uri $server_protocol" $status $body_bytes_sent "$http_referer" "$http_user_agent" "$http_x_forwarded_for"'
- nginx__dependent_log_format
log_format nginx configuration in /etc/nginx/conf.d/
nginx__dependent_log_format: []
- nginx__custom_config
Custom nginx configuration in /etc/nginx/conf.d/
nginx__custom_config: []
#- name: 'other_config'
# custom: |
# text block {
# }
- nginx__http_xss_protection
Default value for xss_protection.
nginx__http_xss_protection: '1; mode=block'
- nginx__http_referrer_policy
Default value for http_referrer_policy.
nginx__http_referrer_policy: 'same-origin'
- nginx__http_permitted_cross_domain_policies
Default value for permitted_cross_domain_policies.
nginx__http_permitted_cross_domain_policies: '{{ omit }}'
- nginx__http_robots_tag
Default value for robots_tag.
nginx__http_robots_tag: '{{ omit }}'
- nginx_apt_preferences_dependent_list
Configuration of custom APT preferences.
nginx_apt_preferences_dependent_list: '{{ nginx__apt_preferences__dependent_list }}'
- nginx__apt_preferences__dependent_list
Configuration for the debops.apt_preferences Ansible role.
- package: 'nginx nginx-*'
pin: 'release o=Phusion'
reason: 'Support for Phusion Passenger'
priority: '600'
suffix: '_passenger'
by_role: 'debops.nginx'
state: '{{ ((nginx__deploy_state in ["present"]) and (nginx_flavor in ["passenger"])) | ternary("present", "absent") }}'
- nginx_php5_status
Name of the php5 fpm status page location
nginx_php5_status: False
- nginx_php5_status_name
Name of the PHP5 status page used in the URL.
nginx_php5_status_name: 'php5_status'
- nginx_php5_ping_name
Name of the PHP5 ping page used in the URL.
nginx_php5_ping_name: 'php5_ping'
- nginx_privileged_group
What system group has privileged access to nginx service.
nginx_privileged_group: 'webadmins'
- nginx_ssl_ciphers
Hash of SSL ciphers available to use in nginx server definitions You can select a set of ciphers using 'ssl_ciphers' variable Default set of ciphers is set in nginx_default_ssl_ciphers variable
# This will come at a certain cost of excluding many clients!
# If you want even higher security then the default values of this role then
# consider to use a preset for this role maintained by ypid:
bettercrypto_org__set_a: 'EDH+aRSA+AES256:EECDH+aRSA+AES256:!SSLv3'
# But only cipher suites which support PFS. Only drops support for Android 2.3.7 which is negligible.
# Perfect Forward Secrecy (
# String taken on 2014-04-11
# Perfect Forward Secrecy + RC4
# String taken on 2014-04-11
# Hardened SSL cipher list (
# String taken on 2014-04-11
# TLS recommendations from Mozilla Foundation (
# String taken on 2014-04-11
# Modern TLS recommendation from Mozilla (
# Actually they do not specify a ciphersuite, because "modern" means TLSv1.3 only,
# which has its own ciphers, while TLSv1.2 and lower ciphers are not used.
# Therefore, we just repeat mozilla_intermediate here, to avoid a security hole
# that would be created with nginx default ciphersuite and accidental
# activation of TLSv1.2 or lower.
# String taken on 2020-07-27
# Intermediate TLS recommendation from Mozilla (
# String taken on 2020-07-27
# Old TLS recommendation from Mozilla (
# String taken on 2020-07-27
# FIPS 140-2 compliant (
# 'good' cipher suite from NCSC-NL TLS Guidelines v2.0
# This cipher set disables the 'ssl_ciphers' option in 'nginx' and the
# default set of SSL ciphers for a given platform will be used.
# This is recommended when TLSv1.3 is the only protocol in use.
default: ''
Firewall Configuration
- nginx_allow
List of IP addresses or CIDR networks allowed to connect to HTTP or HTTPS service. It will be configured in iptables firewall via the debops.ferm role. If there are no entries, nginx will accept connections from any IP address or network. If you have multiple web services on a host, you might want to control access using 'item.location_allow' option instead.
nginx_allow: []
- nginx_group_allow
List of the CIDR subnets or IP addresses which are allowed to connect to the HTTP or HTTPS service, configured on hosts in a specific Ansible inventory group.
nginx_group_allow: []
- nginx_host_allow
List of the CIDR subnets or IP addresses which are allowed to connect to the HTTP or HTTPS service, configured on specific hosts in the Ansible inventory.
nginx_host_allow: []
- nginx_ferm_dependent_rules
Configuration of the iptables firewall using ferm.
nginx_ferm_dependent_rules: '{{ nginx__ferm__dependent_rules }}'
- nginx__ferm__dependent_rules
Configuration for the debops.ferm Ansible role.
- type: 'accept'
dport: [ 'http', 'https' ]
saddr: '{{ nginx_allow + nginx_group_allow + nginx_host_allow }}'
accept_any: True
weight: '40'
by_role: 'nginx'
name: 'http_https'
multiport: True
delete: '{{ nginx__deploy_state != "present" }}'
Configuration for other Ansible roles
- nginx__keyring__dependent_apt_keys
Configuration for the debops.nginx Ansible role.
- id: '{{ nginx__flavor_apt_key_id }}'
repo: '{{ nginx__flavor_apt_repository }}'
state: '{{ "present"
if (nginx_flavor in ["", "passenger"] and
nginx__deploy_state == "present")
else "absent" }}'
- nginx__python__dependent_packages3
Configuration for the debops.python Ansible role.
- 'python3-passlib'
- nginx__python__dependent_packages2
Configuration for the debops.python Ansible role.
- 'python-passlib'