debops.locales default variables

APT packages


List of base APT packages to install for localisation.

locales__base_packages: [ 'locales' ]

List of additional APT packages to install for localisation.

locales__packages: []

Locale configuration

In the list variables below you can specify the localization definitions that should be installed on a given system. Alternatively, you can specify each list entry as a YAML dictionary with the name parameter that specifies the locale and the state parameter (either present or absent that specifies the desired state of a given locale.


List of default localization definitions to configure on all hosts.

locales__default_list: [ 'en_US.UTF-8' ]

List of localization definitions to configure on all hosts in the Ansible inventory.

locales__list: []

List of localization definitions to configure on hosts in specific Ansible inventory group.

locales__group_list: []

List of localization definitions to configure on specific hosts in the Ansible inventory.

locales__host_list: []

List of localization definitions to configure specified by other Ansible roles via role dependent variables.

locales__dependent_list: []

Specify the default localization definition to use system-wide, defined as the $LANG environment variable. If not set, the localization will be dependent on the client configuration.

locales__system_lang: ''