debops.authorized_keys default variables
Main configuration
- authorized_keys__enabled
Enable or disable management of SSH public keys in a central location.
authorized_keys__enabled: True
- authorized_keys__path
Path to the directory where SSH public keys are stored.
authorized_keys__path: '/etc/ssh/authorized_keys'
- authorized_keys__system
If enabled, new groups created by the role will be "system" groups with GID < 1000, otherwise new groups will be "normal" groups with GID > 1000.
authorized_keys__system: True
SSH public key identities
These lists define SSH public key identities managed by the role with corresponding UNIX accounts. See authorized_keys__identities for more details.
- authorized_keys__identities
The list of SSH key identities defined on all hosts in the Ansible inventory.
authorized_keys__identities: []
- authorized_keys__group_identities
The list of SSH key identities defined on hosts in a specific Ansible inventory group.
authorized_keys__group_identities: []
- authorized_keys__host_identities
The list of SSH key identities defined on specific hosts in the Ansible inventory.
authorized_keys__host_identities: []
- authorized_keys__dependent_identities
The list of SSH key identities defined by other Ansible roles via role dependent variables.
authorized_keys__dependent_identities: []
- authorized_keys__combined_identities
Variable which combines all of the SSH key identities lists and is used in role tasks and templates.
authorized_keys__combined_identities: '{{ authorized_keys__identities
+ authorized_keys__group_identities
+ authorized_keys__host_identities
+ authorized_keys__dependent_identities }}'