debops.timesyncd default variables
General options
- timesyncd__enabled
Enable or disable management of the systemd-timesyncd service using
DebOps. If the parameter is set to False
, the role will not touch service
timesyncd__enabled: '{{ True
if (ansible_service_mgr == "systemd" and
timesyncd__fact_service_state == "present")
else False }}'
- timesyncd__deploy_state
This variable controls if the systemd-timesyncd main configuration
file is managed on the host (present
) or not (absent
, default). If
deployment state is disabled, systemd-timesyncd will use the
configuration provided with the OS package.
timesyncd__deploy_state: 'absent'
APT packages and installation
- timesyncd__base_packages
List of base APT packages for systemd-timesyncd support. The APT
package is separate from systemd
APT package to allow for conflict
resolution with other APT packages that provide the time-daemon
timesyncd__base_packages: [ 'systemd-timesyncd' ]
- timesyncd__packages
List of additional APT packages to install for systemd-timesyncd support.
timesyncd__packages: []
- timesyncd__skip_packages
List of APT packages which provide the time-daemon
virtual package. When
the role detects that they are installed on the host, it will turn itself off
to avoid conflicts.
timesyncd__skip_packages: [ 'openntpd', 'ntpsec', 'ntp', 'chrony' ]
- timesyncd__version
Specify the version of the systemd-timesyncd daemon installed on the host. By default this variable is defined using Ansible local facts and can be used to alter configuration depending on the version of the service.
timesyncd__version: '{{ ansible_local.timesyncd.version | d("0") }}'
The systemd-timesyncd daemon configuration
These variables define the contents of the
configuration file. Check the
timesyncd.conf(5) manual page for more information about the
configuration options, and timesyncd__configuration for details
about the configuration of the role itself.
By default the configuration is not applied on the hosts, you need to set
variable to present
to deploy the
- timesyncd__default_configuration
List of the default configuration options defined by the role.
- name: 'NTP'
value: []
state: 'init'
- name: 'FallbackNTP'
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
state: 'init'
- name: 'RootDistanceMaxSec'
value: 5
state: 'init'
- name: 'PollIntervalMinSec'
value: 32
state: 'init'
- name: 'PollIntervalMaxSec'
value: 2048
state: 'init'
- timesyncd__configuration
List of the configuration options which should be present on all hosts in the Ansible inventory.
timesyncd__configuration: []
- timesyncd__group_configuration
List of the configuration options which should be present on hosts in a specific Ansible inventory group.
timesyncd__group_configuration: []
- timesyncd__host_configuration
List of the configuration options which should be present on specific hosts in the Ansible inventory.
timesyncd__host_configuration: []
- timesyncd__combined_configuration
Variable which combines all configuration lists and is used in the role tasks and templates.
timesyncd__combined_configuration: '{{ timesyncd__default_configuration
+ timesyncd__configuration
+ timesyncd__group_configuration
+ timesyncd__host_configuration }}'
Configuration for other Ansible roles
- timesyncd__dpkg_cleanup__dependent_packages
Configuration for the debops.dpkg_cleanup Ansible role.
- name: 'systemd-timesyncd'
ansible_fact: 'timesyncd'