debops.sudo default variables

General configuration


Enable or disable support for sudo management on a host.

sudo__enabled: True

List of base APT packages to install for sudo support.

sudo__base_packages: '{{ ["sudo-ldap"]
                         if sudo__ldap_enabled | bool
                         else ["sudo"] }}'

List of additional APT packages to install with sudo command.

sudo__packages: []

Enable or disable a workaround for sudo login session not having a $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR environment variable set. This allows control over another user's systemd instance.

sudo__logind_session: '{{ True if (ansible_service_mgr == "systemd") else False }}'

LDAP environment


The base Distinguished Name which should be used to create Distinguished Names of the LDAP directory objects, defined as a YAML list.

sudo__ldap_base_dn: '{{ ansible_local.ldap.base_dn | d([]) }}'

The Distinguished Name of the current host LDAP object, defined as a YAML list. It will be used as a base for the sudo service account LDAP object. If the list is empty, the role will not create the account LDAP object automatically.

sudo__ldap_device_dn: '{{ ansible_local.ldap.device_dn | d([]) }}'

The Relative Distinguished Name of the account LDAP object used by the sudo service to access the LDAP directory.

sudo__ldap_self_rdn: 'uid=sudo'

List of the LDAP object classes which will be used to create the LDAP object used by the sudo service to access the LDAP directory.

sudo__ldap_self_object_classes: [ 'account', 'simpleSecurityObject' ]

YAML dictionary that defines the attributes of the LDAP object used by the sudo service to access the LDAP directory.

  uid: '{{ sudo__ldap_self_rdn.split("=")[1] }}'
  userPassword: '{{ sudo__ldap_bindpw }}'
  host: '{{ [ansible_fqdn, ansible_hostname] | unique }}'
  description: 'Account used by the "sudo" service to access the LDAP directory'

The Distinguished Name of the account LDAP object used by the sudo service to bind to the LDAP directory.

sudo__ldap_binddn: '{{ ([sudo__ldap_self_rdn] + sudo__ldap_device_dn) | join(",") }}'

The password stored in the account LDAP object used by the sudo service to bind to the LDAP directory.

sudo__ldap_bindpw: '{{ (lookup("password", secret + "/ldap/credentials/"
                               + sudo__ldap_binddn | to_uuid + ".password length=32"))
                       if sudo__ldap_enabled | bool
                       else "" }}'

Local sudoers configuration

These lists define what sudo configuration will be present in the /etc/sudoers.d/ directory. See sudo__sudoers for more details.


Configuration which should be present on all hosts in the Ansible inventory.

sudo__sudoers: []

Configuration which should be present on hosts in a specific Ansible inventory group.

sudo__group_sudoers: []

Configuration which should be present on specific hosts in the Ansible inventory.

sudo__host_sudoers: []

List of sudoers configurations defined in other Ansible roles

sudo__dependent_sudoers: []

The variable which combines all other sudoers configuration variables and is used in the role tasks.

sudo__combined_sudoers: '{{ sudo__sudoers
                            + sudo__group_sudoers
                            + sudo__host_sudoers
                            + sudo__dependent_sudoers }}'

LDAP sudoers configuration

The variables below define the contents of the /etc/sudo-ldap.conf configuration file which is used by sudo service to access the LDAP directory and retrieve sudoers configuration stored in the directory.

The syntax of the sudo__ldap_*_configuration variables is the same as the ldap__configuration variable syntax. Refer to its documentation for more details. The configuration options supported by sudo can be found in the sudoers.ldap(5) manual page.


Enable or disable support for the /etc/sudo-ldap.conf configuration file management. If the support is disabled, existing configuration file will not be changed or removed.

sudo__ldap_enabled: '{{ True
                        if (ansible_local | d() and ansible_local.ldap | d() and
                            (ansible_local.ldap.posix_enabled | d()) | bool and not
                            (ansible_local.sssd | d() and ansible_local.sssd.installed | d()) | bool)
                        else False }}'

The contents of the /etc/sudo-ldap.conf configuration file defined by default in the role.


  - name: 'sudoers_base'
    comment: 'The base DN to use when performing "sudo" LDAP queries.'
    value: '{{ (["ou=SUDOers"] + sudo__ldap_base_dn) | join(",") }}'

  - name: 'uri'
    comment: 'The location at which the LDAP server(s) should be reachable.'
    value: '{{ ansible_local.ldap.uri | d("") }}'

  - name: 'ssl'
    comment: 'SSL options'
    value: '{{ "start_tls"
               if (ansible_local | d() and ansible_local.ldap | d() and
                   (ansible_local.ldap.start_tls | d()) | bool)
               else "on" }}'

  - name: 'tls_reqcert'
    value: 'demand'

  - name: 'tls_cacert'
    value: '/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt'

  - name: 'binddn'
    comment: 'The "sudo" service LDAP credentials used to bind to the directory.'
    value: '{{ sudo__ldap_binddn }}'

  - name: 'bindpw'
    value: '{{ sudo__ldap_bindpw }}'

The contents of the /etc/sudo-ldap.conf configuration file defined on all hosts in the Ansible inventory.

sudo__ldap_configuration: []

The contents of the /etc/sudo-ldap.conf configuration file defined on hosts in a specific Ansible inventory group.

sudo__ldap_group_configuration: []

The contents of the /etc/sudo-ldap.conf configuration file defined on specific hosts in the Ansible inventory.

sudo__ldap_host_configuration: []

Variable which combines sudo LDAP configuration from other variables and is used in the role templates.

sudo__ldap_combined_configuration: '{{ sudo__ldap_default_configuration
                                       + sudo__ldap_configuration
                                       + sudo__ldap_group_configuration
                                       + sudo__ldap_host_configuration }}'

Configuration for other Ansible roles


Configuration for the debops.ldap Ansible role.


  - name: 'Create sudo account for {{ sudo__ldap_device_dn | join(",") }}'
    dn: '{{ sudo__ldap_binddn }}'
    objectClass: '{{ sudo__ldap_self_object_classes }}'
    attributes: '{{ sudo__ldap_self_attributes }}'
    no_log: '{{ debops__no_log | d(True) }}'
    state: '{{ "present"
               if sudo__ldap_enabled | bool
               else "ignore" }}'