debops.secret default variables
Local storage of sensitive data
- secret
Absolute path to directory with sensitive data. It will be configured as relative to current inventory directory. Use this variable in file and password lookups.
secret: '{{ (secret__root + "/" + ((secret__levels + "/") if secret__levels else "") + secret__name) | realpath }}' # noqa var-naming[no-role-prefix]
- secret__root
Path to a directory in which a relative secret directory will be created. By default, it will be relative to Ansible inventory.
secret__root: '{{ inventory_dir | realpath }}'
- secret__name
Name of the directory which contains sensitive data.
secret__name: 'secret'
- secret__levels
How many directory levels to add relative to secret_root, by default 1 level.
For example, to go 2 levels up, set this variable to ../..
secret__levels: '..'
- secret__directories
List of subdirectories which should be present in the secret/
secret__directories: []
LDAP server admin access
The secret__ldap_*
variables are used by ldap_*
Ansible modules to
access LDAP server for the current domain with administrative privileges, by
binding to the admin account with specified bind DN and password. Because
these need to be provided with every task that uses ldap_*
variables below are used as a convenient central location.
- secret__ldap_domain
Domain used for LDAP base DN and to select default LDAP server.
secret__ldap_domain: '{{ ansible_domain }}'
- secret__ldap_fqdn
LDAP server hostname / IP address which holds the database. ldap_*
modules will connect to it natively, so it should be available at least from
the Ansible Controller.
secret__ldap_fqdn: '{{ "ldap." + secret__ldap_domain }}'
- secret__ldap_server_uri
URI used in tasks to connect to LDAP server natively, it should be used in
and ldap_entry
secret__ldap_server_uri: '{{ "ldap://" + secret__ldap_fqdn + "/" }}'
- secret__ldap_start_tls
Enable or disable STARTTLS for encrypted communication with the LDAP server. Should always be enabled.
secret__ldap_start_tls: True
- secret__ldap_basedn
LDAP Base DN used for to create bind DN.
secret__ldap_basedn: '{{ "dc=" + secret__ldap_domain.split(".") | join(",dc=") }}'
- secret__ldap_bind_dn
LDAP administrator account.
secret__ldap_bind_dn: '{{ "cn=admin," + secret__ldap_basedn }}'
- secret__ldap_bind_pw
LDAP administrator password.
secret__ldap_bind_pw: '{{ lookup("password", secret__ldap_admin_password) }}'
- secret__ldap_admin_password
Path to a file in secret/
directory which stores password for specified
admin account on configured LDAP server. This file will be populated by
role if a server is configured with it.
secret__ldap_admin_password: '{{ secret + "/ldap/" + secret__ldap_domain
+ "/credentials/" + secret__ldap_fqdn + "/"
+ secret__ldap_bind_dn + ".password" }}'
- secret__ldap_delegate_to
Each LDAP administrative task should be delegated to either localhost
(Ansible Controller), or to the LDAP server itself. This host will have
access to LDAP admin password, and requires installed python-ldap
secret__ldap_delegate_to: 'localhost'
- secret__ldap_become
Access through sudo is not required on localhost
, but if LDAP tasks
are delegated to different hosts, it might be required there.
secret__ldap_become: False
- secret__ldap_ou_groups_dn
Base DN for LDAP groups.
secret__ldap_ou_groups_dn: '{{ "ou=Groups," + secret__ldap_basedn }}'
- secret__ldap_ou_machines_dn
Base DN for LDAP machine accounts.
secret__ldap_ou_machines_dn: '{{ "ou=Machines," + secret__ldap_basedn }}'
- secret__ldap_ou_people_dn
Base DN for LDAP people accounts.
secret__ldap_ou_people_dn: '{{ "ou=People," + secret__ldap_basedn }}'
- secret__ldap_ou_services_dn
Base DN for LDAP service accounts.
secret__ldap_ou_services_dn: '{{ "ou=Services," + secret__ldap_basedn }}'
Old LDAP server admin access
The variables below are here to provide backwards compatibility with older Ansible roles that haven't yet switched to the new LDAP variable naming scheme. You should treat these variables as deprecated and switch to the new ones. Keep in mind that the old and new variables currently might contain different values therefore you should synchronize them using Ansible inventory if necessary.
- secret_ldap_domain
Domain used for LDAP base DN and to select default LDAP server.
secret_ldap_domain: '{{ ansible_domain }}'
- secret_ldap_server
LDAP server hostname / IP address which holds the database. ldap_*
modules will connect to it natively, so it should be available at least from
the Ansible Controller.
secret_ldap_server: '{{ "ldap." + secret_ldap_domain }}'
- secret_ldap_server_uri
URI used in tasks to connect to LDAP server natively, it should be used in
and ldap_entry
secret_ldap_server_uri: '{{ "ldap://" + secret_ldap_server + "/" }}'
- secret_ldap_start_tls
Enable or disable STARTTLS for encrypted communication with the LDAP server. Should always be enabled.
secret_ldap_start_tls: True
- secret_ldap_basedn
LDAP Base DN used for to create bind DN.
secret_ldap_basedn: '{{ "dc=" + secret_ldap_domain.split(".") | join(",dc=") }}'
- secret_ldap_admin_bind_dn
LDAP administrator account.
secret_ldap_admin_bind_dn: '{{ "cn=admin," + secret_ldap_basedn }}'
- secret_ldap_admin_password
Path to a file in secret/
directory which stores password for specified
admin account on configured LDAP server. This file will be populated by
role if a server is configured with it.
secret_ldap_admin_password: '{{ secret + "/ldap/" + ansible_domain + "/credentials/" + secret_ldap_server + "/" + secret_ldap_admin_bind_dn + ".password" }}'
- secret_ldap_admin_bind_pw
LDAP administrator password.
secret_ldap_admin_bind_pw: '{{ lookup("password", secret_ldap_admin_password) }}'
- secret_ldap_delegate_to
Each LDAP administrative task should be delegated to either localhost
(Ansible Controller), or to the LDAP server itself. This host will have
access to LDAP admin password, and requires installed python-ldap
secret_ldap_delegate_to: 'localhost'
- secret_ldap_sudo
Access through sudo is not required on localhost
, but if LDAP tasks
are delegated to different hosts, it might be required there.
secret_ldap_sudo: False
- secret_ldap_services_dn
Base for LDAP service accounts. For example GitLab uses "cn=gitlab,"+ secret_ldap_services_dn.
secret_ldap_services_dn: '{{ "ou=Services," + secret_ldap_basedn }}'