debops.postfix default variables

APT packages, version


List of the default APT packages to install for Postfix support.

postfix__base_packages: [ 'postfix', 'postfix-pcre', 'bsd-mailx', 'make',
                          'ssl-cert', 'ca-certificates' ]

List of additional APT packages requested by other Ansible roles via role dependent variables.

postfix__dependent_packages: []

List of custom APT packages to install with Postfix.

postfix__packages: []

List of custom APT packages installed on hosts in a specific group in Ansible inventory.

postfix__group_packages: []

List of custom APT packages installed on specific hosts in Ansible inventory.

postfix__host_packages: []

List of APT packages to purge when Postfix is installed, to remove the remnants of other SMTP services.

postfix__purge_packages: [ 'exim4-base', 'exim4-config',
                           'exim4-daemon-light', 'nullmailer' ]

The currently installed Postfix version. This variable is defined by the Ansible local facts and it's here for convenience, shouldn't be set manually.

postfix__version: '{{ ansible_local.postfix.version | d("0.0.0") }}'

The postfix-doc APT package modifies the /etc/postfix/ configuration file directly, therefore the role takes its presence into account during configuration. The package presence is checked by the Ansible local facts.

postfix__doc_installed: '{{ ansible_local.postfix.doc_installed
                            if (ansible_local | d() and ansible_local.postfix | d() and
                                ansible_local.postfix.doc_installed is defined)
                            else False }}'

DNS, mail next-hop configuration


The host's Fully Qualified Domain Name used in the Postfix configuration.

postfix__fqdn: '{{ ansible_fqdn }}'

The host's DNS domain name used in the Postfix configuration.

postfix__domain: '{{ ansible_domain }}'

Next-hop destination of non-local mail.

postfix__relayhost: ''

The name of this mail system, configured in /etc/mailname file. This name is used as the domain part in sender mail addresses that don't have one. See for more details.

postfix__mailname: '{{ postfix__fqdn }}'

Firewall configuration


Specofy the default firewall policy for Postfix services.

If True, any host can connect to the Postfix services unless allow restrictions are defined using the variables below.

If False, no hosts can connect to the Postfix services by default. You need to specify IP addresses or subnets that can access the services using the variables below.

postfix__accept_any: True

List of hosts/networks that can access the smtp port (25).

postfix__allow_smtp: []

List of hosts/networks that can access the submission port (587).

postfix__allow_submission: []

List of hosts/networks that can access the smtps port (465).

postfix__allow_smtps: []

PKI / TLS configuration


Enable or disable support for TLS in Postfix, managed by the debops.pki Ansible role.

postfix__pki: '{{ ansible_local.pki.enabled | d() | bool }}'

Absolute path to the directory where PKI realms are located.

postfix__pki_path: '{{ ansible_local.pki.path | d("/etc/pki/realms") }}'

Name of the default PKI realm used by Postfix.

postfix__pki_realm: '{{ ansible_local.pki.realm | d("domain") }}'

Name of the Root Certificate Authority certificate file used by Postfix, relative to the PKI realm directory.

postfix__pki_ca: '{{ | d("CA.crt") }}'

Name of the certificate file used by Postfix, relative to the PKI realm directory.

postfix__pki_crt: '{{ ansible_local.pki.crt | d("default.crt") }}'

Name of the private key file used by Postfix, relative to the PKI realm directory.

postfix__pki_key: '{{ ansible_local.pki.key | d("default.key") }}'

Absolute path of the Root Certificate Authority certificate file used in the Postfix configuration. This file should also be present in the Postfix chroot directory.

postfix__tls_ca_file: '/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt'

Absolute path of the certificate file used in the Postfix configuration.

postfix__tls_cert_file: '{{ (postfix__pki_path + "/" + postfix__pki_realm + "/" + postfix__pki_crt)
                            if postfix__pki | bool else "/etc/ssl/certs/ssl-cert-snakeoil.pem" }}'

Absolute path of the private key file used in the Postfix configuration.

postfix__tls_key_file: '{{ (postfix__pki_path + "/" + postfix__pki_realm + "/" + postfix__pki_key)
                           if postfix__pki | bool else "/etc/ssl/private/ssl-cert-snakeoil.key" }}'

Name of the hook script which will be stored in hook directory.

postfix__pki_hook_name: 'postfix'

Directory with PKI hooks.

postfix__pki_hook_path: '{{ ansible_local.pki.hooks | d("/etc/pki/hooks") }}'

Specify how changes in PKI should affect postfix, either 'reload' or 'restart'.

postfix__pki_hook_action: 'reload'

Diffie-Hellman parameters


Enable or disable support for custom Diffie-Hellman parameters managed by the debops.dhparam Ansible role.

postfix__dhparam: '{{ ansible_local.dhparam.enabled
                      if (ansible_local | d() and ansible_local.dhparam | d() and
                          ansible_local.dhparam.enabled is defined)
                      else False }}'

Name of the Diffie-Hellman parameter set to use in Postfix configuration. See debops.dhparam Ansible role for more details.

postfix__dhparam_set: 'default'

Absolute path to Diffie-Hellman parameters file which should be used for non-export grade connections.

postfix__tls_dh1024_param_file: '{{ ansible_local.dhparam[postfix__dhparam_set]
                                    if (ansible_local | d() and ansible_local.dhparam | d() and
                                        ansible_local.dhparam[postfix__dhparam_set] | d())
                                    else "" }}'

Absolute path to Diffie-Hellman parameters file which should be used for export grade connections.

postfix__tls_dh512_param_file: '{{ ansible_local.dhparam[postfix__dhparam_set]
                                   if (ansible_local | d() and ansible_local.dhparam | d() and
                                       ansible_local.dhparam[postfix__dhparam_set] | d())
                                   else "" }}'

Postfix '' configuration

These variables define the contents of the /etc/postfix/ configuration file. See Default variable details: postfix__maincf for more details.


List of options defined by the Debian postfix package when the default "Internet Site" configuration type is selected during installation. This list is used as the base configuration.


  - name: 'myorigin_example'
    option: 'myorigin'
    value: '/etc/mailname'
    comment: |
      Debian specific:  Specifying a file name will cause the first
      line of that file to be used as the name.  The Debian default
      is /etc/mailname.
    state: 'comment'
    section: 'base'

  - name: 'smtpd_banner'
    value: '$myhostname ESMTP $mail_name (Debian/GNU)'
    section: 'base'

  - name: 'biff'
    value: False
    section: 'base'

  - name: 'append_dot_mydomain'
    value: False
    comment: "appending .domain is the MUA's job."
    section: 'base'

  - name: 'delay_warning_time'
    value: '4h'
    comment: 'Uncomment the next line to generate "delayed mail" warnings'
    state: 'comment'
    section: 'base'

  - name: 'readme_directory'
    value: '{{ "/usr/share/doc/postfix"
               if postfix__doc_installed | bool
               else False }}'
    section: 'base'

  - name: 'compatibility_level'
    value: 2
    comment: |
      See -- default to 2 on
      fresh installs.
    section: 'base'
    state: '{{ "present"
               if (postfix__version is version_compare("3.0.0", ">="))
               else "ignore" }}'

  - name: 'smtpd_tls_cert_file'
    value: '{{ postfix__tls_cert_file }}'
    comment: 'TLS parameters'
    section: 'base'

  - name: 'smtpd_tls_key_file'
    value: '{{ postfix__tls_key_file }}'
    section: 'base'

  - name: 'smtpd_use_tls'
    value: True
    section: 'base'

  - name: 'smtpd_tls_session_cache_database'
    value: 'btree:${data_directory}/smtpd_scache'
    section: 'base'

  - name: 'smtp_tls_session_cache_database'
    value: 'btree:${data_directory}/smtp_scache'
    section: 'base'

  - name: 'smtp_tls_client_comment'
    comment: |
      See /usr/share/doc/postfix/TLS_README.gz in the postfix-doc package for
      information on enabling SSL in the smtp client.
    state: 'hidden'
    section: 'base'

  - name: 'smtpd_relay_restrictions'
    section: 'base'
    state: '{{ "present"
               if (postfix__version is version_compare("2.10.0", ">="))
               else "ignore" }}'

      - name: 'permit_mynetworks'
        weight: -300

      - name: 'permit_sasl_authenticated'
        weight: -200

      - name: 'defer_unauth_destination'
        weight: -100

  - name: 'myhostname'
    value: '{{ postfix__fqdn }}'
    section: 'base'

  - name: 'alias_maps'
    value: [ 'hash:/etc/aliases' ]
    section: 'base'

  - name: 'alias_database'
    value: [ 'hash:/etc/aliases' ]
    section: 'base'

  - name: 'myorigin'
    value: '/etc/mailname'
    section: 'base'

  - name: 'mydestination'
    section: 'base'

      - '{{ postfix__fqdn }}'

      - name: 'localhost.{{ postfix__domain }}'
        weight: 190

      - name: 'localhost'
        weight: 200

  - name: 'relayhost'
    value: '{{ postfix__relayhost }}'
    section: 'base'

  - name: 'mynetworks'
    section: 'base'

      - name: ''
        weight: 100

      - name: '::ffff:'
        weight: 100

      - name: '::1/128'
        weight: 100

  - name: 'mailbox_size_limit'
    value: 0
    section: 'base'

  - name: 'recipient_delimiter'
    value: '+'
    section: 'base'

  - name: 'inet_interfaces'
    value: 'all'
    section: 'base'

  - name: 'inet_protocols'
    value: 'all'
    section: 'base'
    state: '{{ "present"
               if (ansible_distribution_release == "stretch")
               else "ignore" }}'

  - name: 'html_directory'
    value: '{{ "/usr/share/doc/postfix/html"
               if postfix__doc_installed | bool
               else False }}'
    section: 'base'

The list of Postfix /etc/postfix/ configuration file options defined by default by the debops.postfix Ansible role.


  - name: 'smtpd_banner'
    value: '$myhostname ESMTP'

  - name: 'enable_long_queue_ids'
    value: True
    section: 'base'
    state: '{{ "present"
               if (postfix__version is version_compare("2.9.0", ">="))
               else "ignore" }}'

The list of Postfix /etc/postfix/ configuration file options defined by default by the debops.postfix Ansible role which configure TLS/SSL encryption.


  - name: 'smtp_tls_client_comment'
    state: 'absent'

  - name: 'smtpd_use_tls'
    section: 'smtpd-tls'
    weight: -500

  - name: 'smtpd_tls_cert_file'
    section: 'smtpd-tls'
    comment: ''

  - name: 'smtpd_tls_key_file'
    section: 'smtpd-tls'

  - name: 'smtpd_tls_CAfile'
    value: '{{ postfix__tls_ca_file }}'
    section: 'smtpd-tls'

  - name: 'smtp_tls_CAfile'
    value: '{{ postfix__tls_ca_file }}'
    section: 'smtp-tls'

  - name: 'lmtp_tls_CAfile'
    value: '{{ postfix__tls_ca_file }}'
    section: 'lmtp-tls'

  - name: 'smtpd_tls_session_cache_database'
    section: 'smtpd-tls'

  - name: 'smtp_tls_session_cache_database'
    section: 'smtp-tls'

  - name: 'lmtp_tls_session_cache_database'
    value: 'btree:${data_directory}/lmtp_scache'
    section: 'lmtp-tls'

  - name: 'smtpd_tls_dh1024_param_file'
    value: '{{ postfix__tls_dh1024_param_file }}'
    state: '{{ "present" if postfix__dhparam | bool else "ignore" }}'
    section: 'smtpd-tls'

  - name: 'smtpd_tls_dh512_param_file'
    value: '{{ postfix__tls_dh512_param_file }}'
    state: '{{ "present" if postfix__dhparam | bool else "ignore" }}'
    section: 'smtpd-tls'

  - name: 'smtpd_tls_loglevel'
    value: 1
    section: 'smtpd-tls'

  - name: 'smtp_tls_loglevel'
    value: 1
    section: 'smtp-tls'

  - name: 'lmtp_tls_loglevel'
    value: 1
    section: 'lmtp-tls'

  - name: 'smtpd_tls_security_level'
    value: 'may'
    section: 'smtpd-tls'
    weight: -500

  - name: 'smtp_tls_security_level'
    value: 'may'
    section: 'smtp-tls'
    weight: -500

  - name: 'lmtp_tls_security_level'
    value: 'may'
    section: 'lmtp-tls'
    weight: -500

  - name: 'smtpd_tls_auth_only'
    value: True
    section: 'smtpd-tls'

  - name: 'smtpd_tls_protocols'
    value: [ '!SSLv2', '!SSLv3', '!TLSv1', 'TLSv1.1', 'TLSv1.2' ]
    section: 'smtpd-tls'

  - name: 'smtp_tls_protocols'
    value: [ '!SSLv2', '!SSLv3', '!TLSv1', 'TLSv1.1', 'TLSv1.2' ]
    section: 'smtp-tls'

  - name: 'lmtp_tls_protocols'
    value: [ '!SSLv2', '!SSLv3', '!TLSv1', 'TLSv1.1', 'TLSv1.2' ]
    section: 'lmtp-tls'

  - name: 'smtpd_tls_mandatory_protocols'
    value: [ '!SSLv2', '!SSLv3', '!TLSv1', 'TLSv1.1', 'TLSv1.2' ]
    section: 'smtpd-tls'

  - name: 'smtp_tls_mandatory_protocols'
    value: [ '!SSLv2', '!SSLv3', '!TLSv1', 'TLSv1.1', 'TLSv1.2' ]
    section: 'smtp-tls'

  - name: 'lmtp_tls_mandatory_protocols'
    value: [ '!SSLv2', '!SSLv3', '!TLSv1', 'TLSv1.1', 'TLSv1.2' ]
    section: 'lmtp-tls'

  - name: 'smtpd_tls_ciphers'
    value: 'high'
    section: 'smtpd-tls'

  - name: 'smtp_tls_ciphers'
    value: 'high'
    section: 'smtp-tls'

  - name: 'lmtp_tls_ciphers'
    value: 'high'
    section: 'lmtp-tls'

  - name: 'smtpd_tls_mandatory_ciphers'
    value: 'high'
    section: 'smtpd-tls'

  - name: 'smtp_tls_mandatory_ciphers'
    value: 'high'
    section: 'smtp-tls'

  - name: 'lmtp_tls_mandatory_ciphers'
    value: 'high'
    section: 'lmtp-tls'

  - name: 'smtpd_tls_exclude_ciphers'
    value: [ 'aNULL', 'RC4', 'MD5', 'DES', '3DES', 'RSA', 'SHA' ]
    section: 'smtpd-tls'

  - name: 'smtp_tls_exclude_ciphers'
    value: [ 'aNULL', 'RC4', 'MD5', 'DES', '3DES', 'RSA', 'SHA' ]
    section: 'smtp-tls'

  - name: 'lmtp_tls_exclude_ciphers'
    value: [ 'aNULL', 'RC4', 'MD5', 'DES', '3DES', 'RSA', 'SHA' ]
    section: 'lmtp-tls'

  - name: 'smtpd_tls_eecdh_grade'
    value: 'ultra'
    section: 'smtpd-tls'

  - name: 'smtpd_tls_received_header'
    value: True
    section: 'smtpd-tls'

  - name: 'smtp_tls_note_starttls_offer'
    value: True
    section: 'smtp-tls'

  - name: 'lmtp_tls_note_starttls_offer'
    value: True
    section: 'lmtp-tls'

  - name: 'tls_preempt_cipherlist'
    value: True
    section: 'tls'

  - name: 'tls_ssl_options'
    value: 'NO_COMPRESSION'
    section: 'tls'
    state: '{{ "present"
              if (postfix__version is version_compare("2.11.0", ">="))
              else "ignore" }}'

The list of Postfix /etc/postfix/ configuration file options defined by default by the debops.postfix Ansible role which configure mail relay and delivery restrictions.


  - name: 'smtpd_helo_required'
    value: True
    section: 'restrictions'

  - name: 'strict_rfc821_envelopes'
    value: True
    section: 'restrictions'

  - name: 'smtpd_reject_unlisted_sender'
    value: True
    section: 'restrictions'

  - name: 'disable_vrfy_command'
    value: True
    section: 'restrictions'

  - name: 'smtpd_client_restrictions'
    section: 'restrictions'
    weight: 10
    separator: True

  - name: 'smtpd_helo_restrictions'
    section: 'restrictions'
    weight: 20

      - name: 'permit_mynetworks'
        weight: -400

      - name: 'reject_invalid_helo_hostname'
        weight: -300

      - name: 'reject_non_fqdn_helo_hostname'
        weight: -200

      - name: 'reject_unknown_helo_hostname'
        weight: -100

  - name: 'smtpd_sender_restrictions'
    section: 'restrictions'
    weight: 30

      - name: 'reject_non_fqdn_sender'
        weight: -200

      - name: 'reject_unknown_sender_domain'
        weight: -100

      - name: 'permit_mynetworks'

  - name: 'smtpd_relay_restrictions'
    section: 'restrictions'
    copy_id_from: 'smtpd_sender_restrictions'
    weight: 40
    state: '{{ "present"
               if (postfix__version is version_compare("2.10.0", ">="))
               else "ignore" }}'

  - name: 'smtpd_recipient_restrictions'
    section: 'restrictions'
    weight: 50

      - name: 'reject_non_fqdn_recipient'
        weight: -200
      - name: 'reject_unknown_recipient_domain'
        weight: -100

  - name: 'smtpd_data_restrictions'
    section: 'restrictions'
    weight: 60

      - name: 'reject_unauth_pipelining'
        weight: -200
      - name: 'reject_multi_recipient_bounce'
        weight: -100

  - name: 'smtpd_discard_ehlo_keywords'
    section: 'restrictions'
      - 'dsn'  # Disallow Delivery Status Notification requests
      - 'etrn'  # Disallow Remote Message Queue Starting

The list of Postfix /etc/postfix/ configuration file options which should be present on all hosts in the Ansible inventory.

postfix__maincf: []

The list of Postfix /etc/postfix/ configuration file options which should be present on hosts in the specific Ansible inventory group.

postfix__group_maincf: []

The list of Postfix /etc/postfix/ configuration file options which should be present on specific hosts in the Ansible inventory.

postfix__host_maincf: []

List of the /etc/postfix/ configuration options defined by other roles through role dependent variables. The configuration syntax differs from a normal configuration, see Usage as a role dependency for more details. This variable will be merged with the persistent configuration stored on the Ansible Controller at runtime.

postfix__dependent_maincf: []

List which combines all of the variables and is used in the configuration template.

postfix__combined_maincf: '{{ postfix__original_maincf
                              + postfix__default_maincf
                              + postfix__tls_maincf
                              + postfix__restrictions_maincf
                              + postfix__env_persistent_maincf
                              + postfix__maincf
                              + postfix__group_maincf
                              + postfix__host_maincf }}'

This variable contains initial state of configuration options based on the contents of :envvar:`postfix__combined_maincf variable. It's used to dynamically assign Postfix options to configuration file sections in case that a section is not specified.

postfix__init_maincf: '{{ lookup("template",
                          "lookup/postfix__init_maincf.j2") }}'

List of configuration sections which are defined in the /etc/postfix/ configuration file. See postfix__maincf_sections for more details.


  - name: 'base'

  - name: 'auth'
    title: 'Authentication and authorization'

  - name: 'route'
    title: 'Message routing'

  - name: 'virtual'
    title: 'Virtual mail configuration'

  - name: 'tls'
    title: 'TLS/SSL configuration'

  - name: 'smtpd-tls'
    title: 'SMTP Server (smtpd) TLS configuration'

  - name: 'smtp-tls'
    title: 'SMTP Client (smtp) TLS configuration'

  - name: 'lmtp-tls'
    title: 'Local Mail Transfer Protocol (lmtp) TLS configuration'

  - name: 'postscreen'
    title: 'postscreen options'

  - name: 'restrictions'
    title: 'SMTP Server (smtpd) restrictions'

  - name: 'filter'
    title: 'Mail filtering configuration'

  - name: 'limit'
    title: 'Rate limits'

  - name: 'unknown'
    title: 'Other options'

Postfix '' configuration

These variables define the contents of the /etc/postfix/ configuration file. See Default variable details: postfix__mastercf for more details.


List of options defined by the Debian postfix package when the default "Internet Site" configuration type is selected during installation. This list is used as the base configuration.


  - name: 'smtp'
    type: 'inet'
    private: False
    chroot: True
    command: 'smtpd'

  - name: 'postscreen'
    service: 'smtp'
    type: 'inet'
    private: False
    chroot: True
    maxproc: 1
    command: 'postscreen'
    state: 'comment'

  - name: 'smtpd'
    type: 'pass'
    chroot: True
    state: 'comment'

  - name: 'dnsblog'
    type: 'unix'
    chroot: True
    maxproc: 0
    state: 'comment'

  - name: 'tlsproxy'
    type: 'unix'
    chroot: True
    maxproc: 0
    state: 'comment'

  - name: 'submission'
    type: 'inet'
    private: False
    chroot: True
    command: 'smtpd'
    state: 'comment'

      - syslog_name: 'postfix/submission'
      - smtpd_tls_security_level: 'encrypt'
      - smtpd_sasl_auth_enable: True
      - smtpd_reject_unlisted_recipient: False

      - name: 'smtpd_client_restrictions'
        value: '$mua_client_restrictions'
        state: 'comment'

      - name: 'smtpd_helo_restrictions'
        value: '$mua_helo_restrictions'
        state: 'comment'

      - name: 'smtpd_sender_restrictions'
        value: '$mua_sender_restrictions'
        state: 'comment'

      - smtpd_recipient_restrictions: ''

      - name: 'smtpd_relay_restrictions'
        value: [ 'permit_sasl_authenticated', 'reject' ]
        state: '{{ "present"
                  if (postfix__version is version_compare("2.10.0", ">="))
                  else "ignore" }}'

      - milter_macro_daemon_name: 'ORIGINATING'

  - name: 'smtps'
    type: 'inet'
    private: False
    chroot: True
    command: 'smtpd'
    state: 'comment'

      - syslog_name: 'postfix/smtps'
      - smtpd_tls_wrappermode: True
      - smtpd_sasl_auth_enable: True
      - smtpd_reject_unlisted_recipient: False

      - name: 'smtpd_client_restrictions'
        value: '$mua_client_restrictions'
        state: 'comment'

      - name: 'smtpd_helo_restrictions'
        value: '$mua_helo_restrictions'
        state: 'comment'

      - name: 'smtpd_sender_restrictions'
        value: '$mua_sender_restrictions'
        state: 'comment'

      - smtpd_recipient_restrictions: ''

      - name: 'smtpd_relay_restrictions'
        value: [ 'permit_sasl_authenticated', 'reject' ]
        state: '{{ "present"
                  if (postfix__version is version_compare("2.10.0", ">="))
                  else "ignore" }}'

      - milter_macro_daemon_name: 'ORIGINATING'

  - name: 'qmqp'
    service: '628'
    type: 'inet'
    private: False
    chroot: True
    command: 'qmqpd'
    state: 'comment'

  - name: 'pickup'
    type: 'unix'
    private: False
    chroot: True
    wakeup: 60
    maxproc: 1

  - name: 'cleanup'
    type: 'unix'
    private: False
    chroot: True
    maxproc: 0

  - name: 'qmgr'
    type: 'unix'
    private: False
    chroot: False
    wakeup: 300
    maxproc: 1

  - name: 'oqmgr'
    service: 'qmgr'
    type: 'unix'
    private: False
    chroot: False
    wakeup: 300
    maxproc: 1
    command: 'oqmgr'
    state: 'comment'

  - name: 'tlsmgr'
    type: 'unix'
    chroot: True
    wakeup: '1000?'
    maxproc: 1

  - name: 'rewrite'
    type: 'unix'
    chroot: True
    command: 'trivial-rewrite'

  - name: 'bounce'
    type: 'unix'
    chroot: True
    maxproc: 0

  - name: 'defer'
    type: 'unix'
    chroot: True
    maxproc: 0
    command: 'bounce'

  - name: 'trace'
    type: 'unix'
    chroot: True
    maxproc: 0
    command: 'bounce'

  - name: 'verify'
    type: 'unix'
    chroot: True
    maxproc: 1

  - name: 'flush'
    type: 'unix'
    private: False
    chroot: True
    wakeup: '1000?'
    maxproc: 0

  - name: 'proxymap'
    type: 'unix'
    chroot: False

  - name: 'proxywrite'
    type: 'unix'
    chroot: False
    maxproc: 1
    command: 'proxymap'

  - name: 'smtp_unix'
    service: 'smtp'
    type: 'unix'
    chroot: True
    command: 'smtp'

  - name: 'relay'
    type: 'unix'
    chroot: True
    command: 'smtp'

      - name: 'smtp_helo_timeout'
        value: 5
        state: 'comment'

      - name: 'smtp_connect_timeout'
        value: 5
        state: 'comment'

  - name: 'showq'
    type: 'unix'
    chroot: True
    private: False

  - name: 'error'
    type: 'unix'
    chroot: True

  - name: 'retry'
    type: 'unix'
    chroot: True
    command: 'error'

  - name: 'discard'
    type: 'unix'
    chroot: True

  - name: 'local'
    type: 'unix'
    unpriv: False
    chroot: False

  - name: 'virtual'
    type: 'unix'
    unpriv: False
    chroot: False

  - name: 'lmtp'
    type: 'unix'
    chroot: True

  - name: 'anvil'
    type: 'unix'
    chroot: True
    maxproc: 1

  - name: 'scache'
    type: 'unix'
    chroot: True
    maxproc: 1

  - name: 'non-postfix-sftware'
    comment: |
      Interfaces to non-Postfix software. Be sure to examine the manual
      pages of the non-Postfix software to find out what options it wants.

      Many of the following services use the Postfix pipe(8) delivery
      agent.  See the pipe(8) man page for information about ${recipient}
      and other message envelope options.
    state: 'hidden'

  - name: 'maildrop'
    comment: |
      maildrop. See the Postfix MAILDROP_README file for details.
      Also specify in maildrop_destination_recipient_limit=1
    type: 'unix'
    unpriv: False
    chroot: False
    command: 'pipe'
    args: 'flags=DRhu user=vmail argv=/usr/bin/maildrop -d ${recipient}'

  - name: 'cyrus-lmtp-note'
    comment: |

      Recent Cyrus versions can use the existing "lmtp" entry.

      Specify in cyrus.conf:
        lmtp    cmd="lmtpd -a" listen="localhost:lmtp" proto=tcp4

      Specify in one or more of the following:
       mailbox_transport = lmtp:inet:localhost
       virtual_transport = lmtp:inet:localhost

    state: 'hidden'

  - name: 'cyrus'
    comment: |
      Cyrus 2.1.5 (Amos Gouaux)
      Also specify in cyrus_destination_recipient_limit=1
    type: 'unix'
    unpriv: False
    chroot: False
    command: 'pipe'
    args: 'user=cyrus argv=/cyrus/bin/deliver -e -r ${sender} -m ${extension} ${user}'
    state: 'comment'

  - name: 'old-cyrus'
    comment: |
      Old example of delivery via Cyrus.
    type: 'unix'
    unpriv: False
    chroot: False
    command: 'pipe'
    args: 'flags=R user=cyrus argv=/cyrus/bin/deliver -e -m ${extension} ${user}'
    state: 'comment'

  - name: 'uucp'
    comment: |

      See the Postfix UUCP_README file for configuration details.
    type: 'unix'
    unpriv: False
    chroot: False
    command: 'pipe'
    args: 'flags=Fqhu user=uucp argv=uux -r -n -z -a$sender - $nexthop!rmail ($recipient)'

  - name: 'other-delivery-methods'
    comment: 'Other external delivery methods.'
    state: 'hidden'

  - name: 'ifmail'
    type: 'unix'
    unpriv: False
    chroot: False
    command: 'pipe'
    args: 'flags=F user=ftn argv=/usr/lib/ifmail/ifmail -r $nexthop ($recipient)'

  - name: 'bsmtp'
    type: 'unix'
    unpriv: False
    chroot: False
    command: 'pipe'
    args: 'flags=Fq. user=bsmtp argv=/usr/lib/bsmtp/bsmtp -t$nexthop -f$sender $recipient'

  - name: 'scalemail-backend'
    type: 'unix'
    unpriv: False
    chroot: False
    maxproc: 2
    command: 'pipe'
    args: 'flags=R user=scalemail argv=/usr/lib/scalemail/bin/scalemail-store ${nexthop} ${user} ${extension}'

  - name: 'mailman'
    type: 'unix'
    unpriv: False
    chroot: False
    args: |
      flags=FR user=list argv=/usr/lib/mailman/bin/
      ${nexthop} ${user}
    command: 'pipe'

The list of Postfix /etc/postfix/ configuration file options defined by default by the debops.postfix Ansible role.

postfix__default_mastercf: []

The list of Postfix /etc/postfix/ configuration file options defined by default by the debops.postfix Ansible role which configure TLS/SSL encryption.


  - name: 'submission'
      - tls_preempt_cipherlist: True

  - name: 'smtps'
      - tls_preempt_cipherlist: True

The list of Postfix /etc/postfix/ configuration file options which should be present on all hosts in the Ansible inventory.

postfix__mastercf: []

The list of Postfix /etc/postfix/ configuration file options which should be present on hosts in the specific Ansible inventory group.

postfix__group_mastercf: []

The list of Postfix /etc/postfix/ configuration file options which should be present on specific hosts in the Ansible inventory.

postfix__host_mastercf: []

List of the /etc/postfix/ configuration options defined by other roles through role dependent variables. The configuration syntax differs from a normal configuration, see Usage as a role dependency for more details. This variable will be merged with the persistent configuration stored on the Ansible Controller at runtime.

postfix__dependent_mastercf: []

List which combines all of the variables and is used in the configuration template.

postfix__combined_mastercf: '{{ postfix__original_mastercf
                                + postfix__default_mastercf
                                + postfix__tls_mastercf
                                + postfix__env_persistent_mastercf
                                + postfix__mastercf
                                + postfix__group_mastercf
                                + postfix__host_mastercf }}'

Postfix lookup tables

These variables define the contents of the various Postfix lookup tables which will be placed in the /etc/postfix/ directory. See postfix__lookup_tables for more details.


List of lookup tables which will be managed on all hosts in the Ansible inventory.

postfix__lookup_tables: []

List of lookup tables which will be managed on hosts in specific Ansible inventory group.

postfix__group_lookup_tables: []

List of lookup tables which will be managed on specific hosts in the Ansible inventory.

postfix__host_lookup_tables: []

List of lookup tables which are defined by other Ansible roles through role dependent variables.

postfix__dependent_lookup_tables: []

This variable filters the configuration defined by other Ansible roles to be usable with the rest of the lookup tables configuration.

postfix__dependent_lookup_tables_filter: '{{ lookup("flattened",
                                             postfix__dependent_lookup_tables) }}'

Variable which combines all lookup table lists and passes them to the Ansible tasks. It also defines the order in which the entries are processed.

postfix__combined_lookup_tables: '{{ ([postfix__dependent_lookup_tables_filter]
                                      if postfix__dependent_lookup_tables_filter is mapping
                                      else postfix__dependent_lookup_tables_filter)
                                     + postfix__lookup_tables
                                     + postfix__group_lookup_tables
                                     + postfix__host_lookup_tables }}'

Configuration for other Ansible roles


Configuration for the debops.ferm Ansible role.


  - name: 'postfix_smtp'
    type: 'accept'
    by_role: 'debops.postfix'
    dport: [ 'smtp' ]
    saddr: '{{ postfix__allow_smtp }}'
    accept_any: '{{ postfix__accept_any }}'
    rule_state: '{{ "present"
                    if ("smtp" in postfix__env_active_services | d([]))
                    else "absent" }}'

  - name: 'postfix_smtps'
    type: 'accept'
    by_role: 'debops.postfix'
    dport: [ 'smtps' ]
    saddr: '{{ postfix__allow_smtps }}'
    accept_any: '{{ postfix__accept_any }}'
    rule_state: '{{ "present"
                    if ("smtps" in postfix__env_active_services | d([]))
                    else "absent" }}'

  - name: 'postfix_submission'
    type: 'accept'
    by_role: 'debops.postfix'
    dport: [ 'submission' ]
    saddr: '{{ postfix__allow_submission }}'
    accept_any: '{{ postfix__accept_any }}'
    rule_state: '{{ "present"
                    if ("submission" in postfix__env_active_services | d([]))
                    else "absent" }}'