Getting started

Ansible Controller requirements

Some operations performed by the debops.pki role are done on the Ansible Controller. However, DebOps roles are not designed to manage the Ansible Controller host directly, so they cannot automatically install the required software.

Software packages required by the role on the Ansible Controller:

bash >= 4.3.0
openssl >= 1.0.1

Initial configuration

The default configuration of the debops.pki role and the environment it creates is designed to automatically provide valid X.509 certificates within the DebOps cluster – a central Certificate Authority located on the Ansible Controller automatically signs certificate requests from remote hosts, which are uploaded by Ansible to the secret/ directory. Signed certificates are downloaded to the remote hosts and automatically enabled, when necessary.

All of the remote hosts managed by DebOps will have the internal Root Certificate Authority certificate installed in the system CA store. This will ensure that the hosts within the cluster will automatically trust each other and encrypted communication within the cluster should be possible without further intervention.

Because of the nature of how X.509 certificates are created and maintained (they cannot be "updated", per se, only new ones can be issued by the CA), it's a good practice to create a test deployment of the PKI, and check if the generated certificates are acceptable (correct Distinguished Name, certificate validity times, etc.). There are some important role variables which might need to be set in the inventory for best results.

Maintaining a secure Certificate Authority is a complicated process and to ensure secure operation additional steps might be needed. You should read the rest of the debops.pki documentation to find out which parts of the created environment are sensitive and require additional steps to ensure secure operation.

Useful global parameters

The environment managed by the debops.pki role is distributed between the Ansible Controller and remote hosts. Due to how task delegation in Ansible is designed, some of the variables that are important for the operation of the Ansible Controller are "sourced" on remote hosts. Therefore it's a good practice to define them in the Ansible inventory all group (usually ansible/inventory/group_vars/debops_all_hosts/pki.yml) for consistency between different remote hosts.

Most of these variables are related to Certificate Authority operation, the ones you will likely want to change are:


This is the DNS domain used as a base for the internal Certificate Authority Distinguished Names. If you use more than one domain in your environment, you should set this variable to your preferred domain on all hosts, through Ansible's inventory.

If you use VPS hosts provided by an external organization, they might be configured with no default domain, or the provider domain might be set up by default. Make sure that you check what domain is used by your remote hosts.


This is the organizations name used as a base for the internal Certificate Authority Distinguished Names.

pki_ca_root_dn, pki_ca_domain_dn, pki_ca_service_dn

These variables define the Distinguished Name or Subject of the Root Certificate Authority and Domain Certificate Authority. The value is a list of DN entries which define the subject.


This is the list of internal Certificate Authorities managed on an Ansible Controller.

debops.pki now supports the X.509 Name Constraints certificate extension by default. This may break software using old version of OpenSSL and multi-domain environments. Please see name_constraints and name_constraints_critical under pki_authorities for more information.

Example inventory

In DebOps, the debops.pki role is included in the common.yml playbook and is run automatically on all of the managed hosts. You don't need to specifically enable it in Ansible's inventory.

Example playbook

The debops.pki role requires a specialized Ansible playbook for correct operation. Additional directories required by the role are created in the secret/ directory on Ansible Controller, and this requires use of the special debops.pki/env role provided within the main role.


- name: Manage Public Key Infrastructure
  collections: [ 'debops.debops', 'debops.roles01',
                 'debops.roles02', 'debops.roles03' ]
  hosts: [ 'debops_all_hosts', 'debops_service_pki' ]
  become: True

  environment: '{{ inventory__environment | d({})
                   | combine(inventory__group_environment | d({}))
                   | combine(inventory__host_environment  | d({})) }}'


    - name: Prepare pki environment
        name: 'pki'
        tasks_from: 'main_env'
      tags: [ 'role::pki', 'role::pki:secret', 'role::secret' ]


    - role: secret
      tags: [ 'role::secret', 'role::pki', 'role::pki:secret' ]
        - '{{ pki_env_secret_directories }}'

    - role: cron
      tags: [ 'role::cron', 'skip::cron' ]

    - role: pki
      tags: [ 'role::pki', 'skip::pki' ]

Renewing Certificates

For renewing certificates, just

  1. remove /etc/pki/realms/<realm>/ from the remote host and

  2. re-run debops.pki against it, e.g. this:

    debops run service/pki  --limit=$REMOTE_HOST

This will create a new key for the remote host. If you use external keys, they will be preserved


You can use ansible-console to delete the file on multiple hosts at once.