debops.nfs default variables

APT packages


List of APT packages that are required for NFS support.

nfs__base_packages: [ 'nfs-common' ]

List of additional APT packages to install with NFS support.

nfs__packages: []

NFS mount configuration


Enable Kerberos support. Currently doesn't do much.

nfs__kerberos: False

The default filesystem type used for NFS mount points, if a custom type is not specified in the NFS share configuration.

nfs__default_mount_type: 'nfs4'

List of mount options that are added to all mount points configured by this role. These should ensure correct operation for a network mount point.

nfs__base_mount_options: [ 'proto=tcp', 'port=2049', '_netdev' ]

List of mount options related to Kerberos security, added to all mount points configured by this role.

nfs__security_mount_options: '{{ ["sec=krb5p"] if nfs__kerberos | bool else ["sec=sys"] }}'

List of default mount options added to all mount point configured by this role if no options are specified in the configuration of a given NFS share.

nfs__default_mount_options: [ 'noatime', 'nosuid', 'nodev', 'hard', 'intr' ]

NFS shares

The lists of NFS shares configured on the hosts. Each list element is a dictionary which describes an NFS share. See nfs__shares for more details.


List of NFS shares configured on all hosts in the Ansible inventory.

nfs__shares: []

List of NFS shares configured on hosts in specific Ansible inventory group.

nfs__group_shares: []

List of NFS shares configured on specific hosts in the Ansible inventory.

nfs__host_shares: []