debops.machine default variables
General configuration
- machine__enabled
Enable or disable support for managing static machine information and MOTD.
machine__enabled: True
- machine__packages
List of APT packages to install with the debops.machine
role enabled.
machine__packages: []
Machine information
These variables manage contents of the /etc/machine-info
configuration file. See machine-info(5) and
hostnamectl(1) for more details.
- machine__organization
Human-readable name of the organization that's responsible for this machine.
machine__organization: '{{ ansible_domain.split(".")[0] | capitalize }}'
- machine__contact
Human-readable contact information for this machine - e-mail, phone number or an URL to a web page about a person or team responsible for this host.
machine__contact: '{{ ansible_local.core.admin_public_email[0]
| d("root@" + ansible_domain) }}'
- machine__pretty_hostname
Human-readable hostname for this machine.
machine__pretty_hostname: ''
- machine__icon_name
Name of the icon to use for this machine.
machine__icon_name: ''
- machine__chassis
Specify the machine type to override the autodetected value. Currently recognized chassis types: 'desktop', 'laptop', 'server', 'tablet', 'handset', 'watch', 'vm', 'container'.
machine__chassis: ''
- machine__deployment
Define the system deployment environment. Suggested values: 'development', 'integration', 'staging', 'production'.
machine__deployment: 'production'
- machine__location
Describe the physical location where a given system can be found, for example a city, or a rack in which the machine is located.
machine__location: ''
Configuration of the /etc/motd
- machine__motd
String or YAML text block with the welcome message stored in the
configuration file.
machine__motd: ''
- machine__etc_motd_state
Specify the state of the /etc/motd
file, either present
(the file
exists) or absent
(the file will be removed).
machine__etc_motd_state: '{{ "present" if machine__motd | d() else "absent" }}'
- machine__motd_update_dir
Directory which contains scripts that generate the dynamic MOTD.
machine__motd_update_dir: '/etc/update-motd.d'
Configuration of the /etc/issue
- machine__etc_issue_state
This variable controls if the role should manage the /etc/issue
configuration file. If present
, the role will divert the distribution file
and generate a custom one; if absent
, the role will revert the diverted
version and will not modify it.
machine__etc_issue_state: 'present'
- machine__etc_issue_template
Path to the Jinja2 template used to generate the /etc/issue
configuration file, relative to the templates/
directory of this role.
machine__etc_issue_template: 'etc/issue.j2'
Dynamic Message Of The Day
These variables control the shell scripts that generate the dynamic MOTD. See machine__motd_scripts for more details.
- machine__motd_default_scripts
The list of the default MOTD scripts managed by the role.
# This file comes with the 'base-files' APT package on Debian
- name: 'uname'
filename: '10-uname'
divert: True
content: |
uname -snrvm
state: 'init'
- name: 'ansible'
weight: 50
src: 'etc/update-motd.d/ansible'
state: 'present'
- name: 'tail'
weight: 90
content: |
if [ -f /etc/motd.tail ] ; then
cat /etc/motd.tail
state: 'present'
- name: 'fortune'
weight: 95
src: 'etc/update-motd.d/fortune'
state: 'init'
- machine__motd_scripts
The list of the MOTD scripts which should be present on all hosts in the Ansible inventory.
machine__motd_scripts: []
- machine__motd_group_scripts
The list of the MOTD scripts which should be present on hosts in a specific Ansible inventory group.
machine__motd_group_scripts: []
- machine__motd_host_scripts
The list of the MOTD scripts which should be present on specific hosts in the Ansible inventory.
machine__motd_host_scripts: []
- machine__motd_combined_scripts
The list which combines configuration of the MOTD scripts which is passed to the Ansible tasks.
machine__motd_combined_scripts: '{{ machine__motd_default_scripts
+ machine__motd_scripts
+ machine__motd_group_scripts
+ machine__motd_host_scripts }}'