debops.journald default variables

General options


Enable or disable management of the systemd-journald service by the role.

journald__enabled: '{{ True
                       if (ansible_service_mgr == "systemd")
                       else False }}'

The version of the systemd-journald service installed on the host. It will be automatically defined by the Ansible local fact script.

journald__version: '{{ ansible_local.journald.version | d("0") }}'

Journal storage configuration


Select the storage type of the journal logs. Supported types: auto, persistent, volatile, none.

journald__storage: 'auto'

Set the desired state of the persistent journal storage directory (/var/log/journal/). If set to absent, the directory will be removed by the role.

By default the role will not enable persistent journal if the /var/log/journal/ directory is not already present, but it will be kept persistent if it is used. This is due to slow journalctl and systemctl command operation with large persistent journals. See for more details.

journald__persistent_state: '{{ "absent"
                                if (journald__storage == "none")
                                else ("present"
                                      if (ansible_local.journald.persistent | d()) | bool
                                      else "absent") }}'

Forward Secure Sealing


Enable or disable Forward Secure Sealing done by the systemd-journald service. If enabled, the role will create the sealing keys if they are not already present on the hosts, and will save the verification keys in the secret/journal/fss/ directory on the Ansible Controller. See Forward Secure Sealing for more details.

journald__fss_enabled: '{{ True
                           if (journald__persistent_state == "present")
                           else False }}'

Specify the interval between log sealing as well as the sealing key rotation. The default is 15 minutes; shorter times may incur more host resource usage.

journald__fss_interval: '15min'

Directory on the Ansible Host where the FSS verification key will be stored. By default it's stored relative to the secret/ directory in the DebOps project directory. See debops.secret role for more details.

journald__fss_verify_key_path: '{{ "journald/fss/" + inventory_hostname + "/verify_key" }}'

The contents of the FSS verification key file stored on the Ansible Controller, used by the log verification task (not run by the role by default).

journald__fss_verify_key: '{{ lookup("file", secret + "/" + journald__fss_verify_key_path) }}'

Main systemd-journald configuration

These variables define the contents of the /etc/systemd/journald.conf.d/ansible.conf which controls the systemd-journald operation. See journald__configuration for more details.


The systemd-journald configuration defined by the role.


  - name: 'Storage'
    value: '{{ journald__storage }}'
    state: '{{ "init"
               if (journald__storage == "auto")
               else "present" }}'

  - name: 'Compress'
    value: True
    state: 'init'

  - name: 'Seal'
    value: '{{ journald__fss_enabled }}'
    state: '{{ "init" if journald__fss_enabled | bool else "present" }}'

  - name: 'SplitMode'
    value: 'uid'
    state: 'init'

  - name: 'SyncIntervalSec'
    value: '5m'
    state: 'init'

  - name: 'RateLimitIntervalSec'
    value: '30s'
    state: 'init'

  - name: 'RateLimitBurst'
    value: 10000
    state: 'init'

  - name: 'SystemMaxUse'
    value: ''
    state: 'init'

  - name: 'SystemKeepFree'
    value: ''
    state: 'init'

  - name: 'SystemMaxFileSize'
    value: ''
    state: 'init'

  - name: 'SystemMaxFiles'
    value: 100
    state: 'init'

  - name: 'RuntimeMaxUse'
    value: ''
    state: 'init'

  - name: 'RuntimeKeepFree'
    value: ''
    state: 'init'

  - name: 'RuntimeMaxFileSize'
    value: ''
    state: 'init'

  - name: 'RuntimeMaxFiles'
    value: 100
    state: 'init'

  - name: 'MaxRetentionSec'
    value: ''
    state: 'init'

  - name: 'MaxFileSec'
    value: '1month'
    state: 'init'

  - name: 'ForwardToSyslog'
    value: True
    state: 'init'

  - name: 'ForwardToKMsg'
    value: False
    state: 'init'

  - name: 'ForwardToConsole'
    value: False
    state: 'init'

  - name: 'ForwardToWall'
    value: True
    state: 'init'

  - name: 'TTYPath'
    value: '/dev/console'
    state: 'init'

  - name: 'MaxLevelStore'
    value: 'debug'
    state: 'init'

  - name: 'MaxLevelSyslog'
    value: 'debug'
    state: 'init'

  - name: 'MaxLevelKMsg'
    value: 'notice'
    state: 'init'

  - name: 'MaxLevelConsole'
    value: 'info'
    state: 'init'

  - name: 'MaxLevelWall'
    value: 'emerg'
    state: 'init'

  - name: 'LineMax'
    value: '48K'
    state: 'init'

  - name: 'ReadKMsg'
    value: True
    state: 'init'

The systemd-journald configuration defined on all hosts in the Ansible inventory.

journald__configuration: []

The systemd-journald configuration defined on hosts in a specific Ansible inventory group.

journald__group_configuration: []

The systemd-journald configuration defined on specific hosts in the Ansible inventory.

journald__host_configuration: []

The variable which combines all other systemd-journald configuration variables and is used in the role tasks and templates.

journald__combined_configuration: '{{ journald__default_configuration
                                      + journald__configuration
                                      + journald__group_configuration
                                      + journald__host_configuration }}'