debops.influxdb_server default variables
APT packages
- influxdb_server__base_packages
List of the default APT packages to install for InfluxDB Server support.
influxdb_server__base_packages: [ 'influxdb' ]
- influxdb_server__packages
List of additional APT packages to install with InfluxDB Server.
influxdb_server__packages: []
Basic configuration
- influxdb_server__allow
List of IP addresses or CIDR subnets which will be permitted to access the InfluxDB server API. If the list is empty, nobody can access the service.
influxdb_server__allow: []
- influxdb_server__bind
The ip address on which this InfluxDB listens on. Leave empty to bind on all interfaces.
influxdb_server__bind: ''
- influxdb_server__port
Port number on which this InfluxDB listens on.
influxdb_server__port: '8086'
- influxdb_server__rpc_allow
List of IP addresses or CIDR subnets which will be permitted to access the InfluxDB RPC. If the list is empty, nobody can access the service.
influxdb_server__rpc_allow: []
- influxdb_server__rpc_bind
The ip address used by the RPC service for RPC calls made by the CLI for backup and restore operations. Leave empty to bind on all interfaces.
influxdb_server__rpc_bind: ''
- influxdb_server__rpc_port
Port number used by the RPC service for RPC calls made by the CLI for backup and restore operations.
influxdb_server__rpc_port: '8088'
- influxdb_server__default_directory
Default directory root for InfluxDB server.
influxdb_server__default_directory: '/var/lib/influxdb'
- influxdb_server__directory
The directory root for InfluxDB server.
influxdb_server__directory: '{{ influxdb_server__default_directory }}'
- influxdb_server__delegate_to
Inventory hostname of the server to which Ansible roles will delegate tasks. Using a FQDN hostname known to Ansible. Defaults to inventory_hostname.
influxdb_server__delegate_to: '{{ inventory_hostname }}'
InfluxDB configuration file
The variables below define the contents of the
configuration file.
- influxdb_server__default_configuration
The default configuration options which should be present in the main configuration file.
- name: 'global'
- reporting-disabled: 'true'
- bind-address: '"{{ influxdb_server__rpc_bind }}:{{ influxdb_server__rpc_port }}"'
- name: 'meta'
- dir: '"{{ influxdb_server__directory }}/meta"'
- name: 'data'
- dir: '"{{ influxdb_server__directory }}/data"'
- wal-dir: '"{{ influxdb_server__directory }}/wal"'
- name: 'coordinator'
options: []
- name: 'retention'
options: []
- name: 'shard-precreation'
options: []
- name: 'monitor'
options: []
- name: 'http'
- bind-address: '"{{ influxdb_server__bind }}:{{ influxdb_server__port }}"'
- https-enabled: '{{ "true" if influxdb_server__pki else "false" }}'
- auth-enabled: 'true'
- name: 'logging'
options: []
- name: 'subscriber'
options: []
- name: 'graphite'
options: []
- name: 'collectd'
options: []
- name: 'opentsdb'
options: []
- name: 'udp'
options: []
- name: 'continuous_queries'
options: []
- name: 'tls'
- min-version: '"tls1.2"'
- influxdb_server__configuration
List of configuration options defined on all hosts in the InfluxDB inventory.
influxdb_server__configuration: []
- influxdb_server__combined_configuration
Actual list of InfluxDB configuration options passed to the configuration template. This list defines the order in which the options from different variables are processed.
influxdb_server__combined_configuration: '{{ influxdb_server__default_configuration +
influxdb_server__configuration +
influxdb_server__pki_options }}'
SSL configuration
- influxdb_server__append_groups
List of additional system groups to append to the InfluxDB system user.
group is required for access to certificate private keys.
influxdb_server__append_groups: [ 'ssl-cert' ]
- influxdb__pki_options
Configuration of SSL support in influxdb, managed by debops.pki role.
- name: 'http'
state: '{{ "present" if influxdb_server__pki | bool else "absent" }}'
- https-certificate: '"{{ influxdb_server__pki_path + "/" + influxdb_server__pki_realm +
"/" + influxdb_server__pki_crt }}"'
- https-private-key: '"{{ influxdb_server__pki_path + "/" + influxdb_server__pki_realm +
"/" + influxdb_server__pki_key }}"'
- name: 'subscriber'
state: '{{ "present" if influxdb_server__pki | bool else "absent" }}'
- ca-certs: '"{{ influxdb_server__pki_path + "/" + influxdb_server__pki_realm +
"/" + influxdb_server__pki_ca }}"'
- influxdb_server__pki
Enable or disable support for SSL in InfluxDB (using debops.pki).
influxdb_server__pki: '{{ True
if (ansible_local.pki.enabled | d() | bool and
influxdb_server__pki_realm in ansible_local.pki.known_realms)
else False }}'
- influxdb_server__pki_path
Base path for PKI directory.
influxdb_server__pki_path: '{{ ansible_local.pki.base_path | d("/etc/pki") }}'
- influxdb_server__pki_realm
Default PKI realm used by InfluxDB server.
influxdb_server__pki_realm: '{{ ansible_local.pki.realm | d("domain") }}'
- influxdb_server__pki_ca
Root CA certificate used by InfluxDB, relative to influxdb_server__pki_realm
influxdb_server__pki_ca: 'CA.crt'
- influxdb_server__pki_crt
Host certificate used by InfluxDB, relative to influxdb_server__pki_realm
influxdb_server__pki_crt: 'default.crt'
- influxdb_server__pki_key
Host private key used by InfluxDB, relative to influxdb_server__pki_realm
influxdb_server__pki_key: 'default.key'
Default root account
- influxdb_server__password_length
Length of automatically generated user accounts, saved in the secret/
directory. See debops.secret role for more details about passwords.
influxdb_server__password_length: '48'
- influxdb_server__root_password
Password for default root admin user.
influxdb_server__root_password: '{{ lookup("password", secret + "/influxdb/" + ansible_fqdn +
"/credentials/root/password " +
"length=" + influxdb_server__password_length) }}'
AutoInfluxDBBackup configuration
- influxdb_server__backup
Enable or disable support for daily, weekly and monthly snapshots of the database using autoinfluxdbbackup.
influxdb_server__backup: True
- influxdb_server__backup_mailaddr
Mail address to send messages to (account or alias name will be properly routed by the Postfix SMTP server).
influxdb_server__backup_mailaddr: 'backup@{{ ansible_domain }}'
- influxdb_server__backup_doweekly
Specify the day of the week to create weekly backups (1 - Monday, 7 - Sunday).
influxdb_server__backup_doweekly: '6'
- influxdb_server__backup_latest
Don't keep copies of most recent backups by default.
influxdb_server__backup_latest: 'no'
- influxdb_server__backup_directory
Base directory where autoinfluxdbbackup stores the database backups. The directory will be created automatically by autoinfluxdbbackup, if it does not exist.
influxdb_server__backup_directory: '/var/lib/autoinfluxdbbackup'
Configuration for other Ansible roles
- influxdb_server__influxdata__dependent_packages
Configuration for the debops.influxdata Ansible role.
- '{{ influxdb_server__base_packages }}'
- '{{ influxdb_server__packages }}'
- influxdb_server__ferm__dependent_rules
Configuration for the debops.ferm Ansible role.
- name: 'influxdb_http'
type: 'accept'
saddr: '{{ influxdb_server__allow }}'
dport: [ 'influxdb-http' ]
accept_any: False
role: 'influxdb_server'
- name: 'influxdb_rpc'
type: 'accept'
saddr: '{{ influxdb_server__rpc_allow }}'
dport: [ 'influxdb-rpc' ]
accept_any: False
role: 'influxdb_server'
state: '{{ "absent" if influxdb_server__rpc_bind == "" else "present" }}'
- influxdb_server__etc_services__dependent_list
Configuration for the debops.etc_services Ansible role.
- name: 'influxdb-http'
port: '{{ influxdb_server__port }}'
- name: 'influxdb-rpc'
port: '{{ influxdb_server__rpc_port }}'
state: '{{ "absent" if influxdb_server__rpc_bind == "" else "present" }}'
- influxdb_server__python__dependent_packages3
Configuration for the debops.python Ansible role.
- 'python3-influxdb'
- influxdb_server__python__dependent_packages2
Configuration for the debops.python Ansible role.
- 'python-influxdb'