debops.gitlab default variables

GitLab Omnibus installation


Select the GitLab edition you want to install or manage. The "community" edition contains only the open source components, the "enterprise" edition includes closed source components and can be upgraded with a commercial license. Set to "manual" to allow a manual installation of GitLab Omnibus package which can then be configured by the role.

gitlab__edition: 'community'

List of the default APT packages used to install GitLab Omnibus on a host.


  - '{{ "gitlab-ce"
        if (gitlab__edition == "community")
        else ("gitlab-ee"
              if (gitlab__edition == "enterprise")
              else []) }}'

List of additional APT packages which should be installed with GitLab Omnibus.

gitlab__packages: []

UNIX environment


Name of the primary UNIX account used by GitLab Omnibus.

gitlab__user: 'git'

Name of the primary UNIX group used by GitLab Omnibus.

gitlab__group: 'git'

List of additional UNIX groups which the GitLab Omnibus account should belong to.


  # The "sshusers" UNIX group permits access to a given UNIX account over SSH
  - '{{ (ansible_local.system_groups.local_prefix | d("")) + "sshusers" }}'

The GECOS field of the primary GitLab Omnibus UNIX account.

gitlab__comment: 'GitLab Omnibus main account'

The home directory of the primary GitLab Omnibus UNIX account. This path is used by default by the Omnibus packages and shouldn't be changed recklessly.

gitlab__home: '/var/opt/gitlab'

The default UNIX shell used by the primary GitLab Omnibus account.

gitlab__shell: '/bin/sh'

Application environment


The Fully Qualified Domain Name on which GitLab Omnibus will be available. It might be published as a SRV record for GitLab Runners to find the API endpoint automatically.

gitlab__fqdn: 'code.{{ gitlab__domain }}'

The DNS domain on which GitLab Omnibus is deployed.

gitlab__domain: '{{ ansible_domain }}'

By default, GitLab Container registry is published on the same FQDN as the main GitLab application, on a different TCP port.

gitlab__registry_port: '5050'

List of TCP ports which should be opened in the ferm firewall to allow access to the GitLab services.


  - 'http'
  - 'https'
  - 'container-registry'

List of IP addresses or CIDR subnets which are allowed to access GitLab Omnibus services, configured on all hosts in the Ansible inventory. If the list is empty, any host can access GitLab.

gitlab__allow: []

List of IP addresses or CIDR subnets which are allowed to access GitLab Omnibus services, configured on hosts in a specific Ansible inventory group. If the list is empty, any host can access GitLab.

gitlab__group_allow: []

List of IP addresses or CIDR subnets which are allowed to access GitLab Omnibus services, configured on specific hosts in the Ansible inventory. If the list is empty, any host can access GitLab.

gitlab__host_allow: []

The initial "root" account password set during GitLab Omnibus installation via the $GITLAB_ROOT_PASSWORD environment variable.

gitlab__initial_root_password: '{{ lookup("password", secret + "/gitlab/credentials/"
                                                      + "root/initial_password") }}'

PKI infrastructure integration


Enable or disable support for PKI infrastructure, managed by the debops.pki Ansible role.

gitlab__pki_enabled: '{{ (ansible_local.pki.enabled | d(False)) | bool }}'

The base path of the PKI infrastructure managed by the debops.pki Ansible role.

gitlab__pki_path: '{{ ansible_local.pki.path | d("/etc/pki/realms") }}'

The name of the PKI realm which should be used by GitLab Omnibus installation by default.

gitlab__pki_realm: '{{ ansible_local.pki.realm | d("domain") }}'

List of the symlinks to private key and X.509 certificate used by GitLab Omnibus by default, located in the /etc/gitlab/ssl/ directory. See gitlab__ssl_symlinks for more details.


  - link: '{{ gitlab__fqdn + ".key" }}'
    src: '{{ gitlab__pki_path + "/" + gitlab__pki_realm + "/private/key.pem" }}'

  - link: '{{ gitlab__fqdn + ".crt" }}'
    src: '{{ gitlab__pki_path + "/" + gitlab__pki_realm + "/public/chain.pem" }}'

List of additional symlinks to private keys and X.509 certificates used by GitLab Omnibus, located in the /etc/gitlab/ssl/ directory. See gitlab__ssl_symlinks for more details.

gitlab__ssl_symlinks: []

List of the symlinks to Certificate Authority certificate used by GitLab Omnibus by default, located in the /etc/gitlab/trusted-certs/ directory. Syntax is the same as the configuration for private keys and certificates. See gitlab__ssl_symlinks for more details.


  - link: '{{ gitlab__pki_realm + "-root.crt" }}'
    src: '{{ gitlab__pki_path + "/" + gitlab__pki_realm + "/public/root.pem" }}'

List of additional symlinks to Certificate Authority certificate used by GitLab Omnibus, located in the /etc/gitlab/trusted-certs/ directory. Syntax is the same as the configuration for private keys and certificates. See gitlab__ssl_symlinks for more details.

gitlab__ssl_cacerts: []

LDAP Authentication configuration

More information about LDAP support in GitLab can be found at


Enable or disable LDAP integration.

gitlab__ldap_enabled: '{{ True
                          if (ansible_local | d() and ansible_local.ldap | d() and
                              (ansible_local.ldap.enabled | d()) | bool)
                          else False }}'

The base Distinguished Name which should be used to create Distinguished Names of the LDAP directory objects, defined as a YAML list. If this variable is empty, LDAP configuration will not be generated.

gitlab__ldap_base_dn: '{{ ansible_local.ldap.base_dn | d([]) }}'

The Distinguished Name of the current host LDAP object, defined as a YAML list. It will be used as a base for the GitLab service account LDAP object. If the list is empty, the role will not create the account LDAP object automatically.

gitlab__ldap_device_dn: '{{ ansible_local.ldap.device_dn | d([]) }}'

The Relative Distinguished Name of the account LDAP object used by the GitLab service to access the LDAP directory.

gitlab__ldap_self_rdn: 'uid=gitlab'

List of the LDAP object classes which will be used to create the LDAP object used by the Gitlab service to access the LDAP directory.

gitlab__ldap_self_object_classes: [ 'account', 'simpleSecurityObject' ]

YAML dictionary that defines the attributes of the LDAP object used by the GitLab service to access the LDAP directory.

  uid: '{{ gitlab__ldap_self_rdn.split("=")[1] }}'
  userPassword: '{{ gitlab__ldap_bindpw }}'
  host: '{{ [ansible_fqdn, ansible_hostname] | unique }}'
  description: 'Account used by the "GitLab" service to access the LDAP directory'

The Distinguished Name of the account LDAP object used by the GitLab service to bind to the LDAP directory.

gitlab__ldap_binddn: '{{ ([gitlab__ldap_self_rdn] + gitlab__ldap_device_dn) | join(",") }}'

The password stored in the account LDAP object used by the GitLab service to bind to the LDAP directory.

gitlab__ldap_bindpw: '{{ (lookup("password", secret + "/ldap/credentials/"
                                 + gitlab__ldap_binddn | to_uuid + ".password length=32"))
                         if gitlab__ldap_enabled | bool
                         else "" }}'

Specify the name of the LDAP server displayed on the login page.

gitlab__ldap_label: 'LDAP'

FQDN address of the LDAP server to connect to.

gitlab__ldap_host: '{{ ansible_local.ldap.hosts | d([""]) | first }}'

The LDAP service port to use for connections.

gitlab__ldap_port: '{{ ansible_local.ldap.port | d("389") }}'

The encryption method that should be used to connect to the LDAP server. Available methods: start_tls, simple_tls, plain.

gitlab__ldap_encryption: '{{ "start_tls"
                             if ((ansible_local.ldap.start_tls | d()) | bool)
                             else "simple_tls" }}'

Set timeout in seconds for LDAP queries.

gitlab__ldap_timeout: '10'

Enable or disable support for ActiveDirectory servers.

gitlab__ldap_activedirectory: False

Name of the LDAP attribute to use for account lookups. On plain LDAP servers it's usually uid, on older ActiveDirectory installations it could be sAMAccountName.

gitlab__ldap_account_attribute: '{{ "sAMAccountName"
                                    if (gitlab__ldap_activedirectory | bool)
                                    else "uid" }}'

LDAP search query which will be used by the GitLab service to filter the available user accounts.

gitlab__ldap_user_filter: '(&

If this variable is enabled, GitLab will ignore everything after the first '@' in the LDAP username submitted by the user on login.

Example: - the user enters and p@ssw0rd as LDAP credentials; - GitLab queries the LDAP server with jane.doe and p@ssw0rd.

If you are using "uid: 'userPrincipalName'" on ActiveDirectory you need to disable this setting, because the userPrincipalName contains an '@'.

gitlab__ldap_username_or_email_login: '{{ True
                                          if (gitlab__ldap_account_attribute in
                                              ["uid", "sAMAccountName"])
                                          else False }}'

Enable this setting to keep new LDAP users blocked until they have been cleared by the admin.

gitlab__ldap_block_auto_created_users: False

If enabled, GitLab will convert usernames to lowercase before searching the for the LDAP user accounts.

gitlab__ldap_lowercase_usernames: True

GitLab backup options


When enabled, the role will configure the cron service to periodically perform backups of the GitLab Omnibus installation. If this parameter is set to False, the cron configuration will be removed.

gitlab__backup_enabled: True

Select the GitLab Omnibus backup frequency (either daily, weekly or monthly).

gitlab__backup_frequency: 'daily'

How long to store backups for, in seconds.

gitlab__backup_keep_time: '{{ (60 * 60 * 24 * 7) | int }}'

Absolute path to the directory where GitLab Omnibus backups are stored and managed.

gitlab__backup_path: '/var/opt/gitlab/backups'

Choose what should be excluded from the backup. An empty list means that nothing will be excluded from the backup. Reference:

gitlab__backup_exclude_directories: []

YAML dictionary with default environment variables which should be present in the GitLab backup cron job. Dictionary keys are the variable names, dictionary values are the variable values. An empty value removes the variable from the generated configuration file.

  CRON: '1'
  SKIP: '{{ gitlab__backup_exclude_directories | join(",") }}'

YAML dictionary with custom environment variables which should be present in the GitLab backup cron job. Dictionary keys are the variable names, dictionary values are the variable values. An empty value removes the variable from the generated configuration file. This variable is combined with the default environment variable.

gitlab__backup_environment: {}

GitLab Omnibus configuration file

The lists below define the contents of the /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb configuration file which manages the GitLab Omnibus installation. The role maintains the configuration file using the Universal Configuration system. See gitlab__configuration for more details.


The default configuration options for GitLab Omnibus defined by the role.


  - name: 'preamble-comment'
    title: 'GitLab configuration settings'
    comment: |
      This file is generated during initial installation and **is not** modified
      during upgrades.
      Check out the latest version of this file to know about the different
      settings that can be configured, when they were introduced and why:

      Locally, the complete template corresponding to the installed version can be found at:

      You can run `gitlab-ctl diff-config` to compare the contents of the current gitlab.rb with
      the gitlab.rb.template from the currently running version.

      You can run `gitlab-ctl show-config` to display the configuration that will be generated by
      running `gitlab-ctl reconfigure`
    state: 'present'

  - name: 'external_url'
    title: 'GitLab URL'
    comment: |
      URL on which GitLab will be reachable.
      For more details on configuring external_url see:
    value: '{{ (("https://") if gitlab__pki_enabled | bool else ("http://"))
               + gitlab__fqdn }}'

  - name: 'registry_external_url'
    title: 'GitLab Container Registry URL'
    comment: |
      URL on which GitLab Container Registry will be reachable. By default we
      use the same FQDN as the main GitLab installation with a separate TCP
      port; see the documentation to find out how to publish the Registry on
      a separate FQDN.
    value: '{{ (("https://") if gitlab__pki_enabled | bool else ("http://"))
               + gitlab__fqdn + ":" + gitlab__registry_port }}'

  - name: 'roles'
    title: 'Roles for multi-instance GitLab'
    comment: |
      The default is to have no roles enabled, which results in GitLab running as an all-in-one instance.
        redis_sentinel_role redis_master_role redis_replica_role geo_primary_role geo_secondary_role
        postgres_role consul_role application_role monitoring_role
      For more details on each role, see:
    value: [ 'redis_sentinel_role', 'redis_master_role' ]
    state: 'comment'

  - name: 'legend-comment'
    title: 'Legend'
    comment: |
      The following notations at the beginning of each line may be used to
      differentiate between components of this file and to easily select them using
      a regex.
      ## Titles, subtitles etc
      ##! More information - Description, Docs, Links, Issues etc.
      Configuration settings have a single # followed by a single space at the
      beginning; Remove them to enable the setting.

      **Configuration settings below are optional.**
    state: 'present'

  - name: 'header-comment'
    raw: |
      ##                Configuration Settings for GitLab CE and EE                 ##

      ## gitlab.yml configuration
      ##! Docs:
    state: 'present'
    separator: True

  - name: 'gitlab_rails'

      - name: 'time_zone'
        title: 'Set the time zone of the GitLab Omnibus installation'
        value: '{{ ansible_local.tzdata.timezone | d("UTC") }}'
        state: 'present'

      - name: 'backup_path'
        title: 'Absolute path where GitLab backups are stored'
        value: '{{ gitlab__backup_path }}'
        state: '{{ "present"
                   if (gitlab__backup_path != "/var/opt/gitlab/backups")
                   else "comment" }}'

      - name: 'backup_keep_time'
        title: 'The duration in seconds to keep backups before they are allowed to be deleted'
        value: '{{ gitlab__backup_keep_time }}'
        state: '{{ "present"
                   if (gitlab__backup_keep_time | string != "604800")
                   else "comment" }}'

      - name: 'ldap_enabled'
        title: 'LDAP Settings'
        comment: |
          **Be careful not to break the indentation in the ldap_servers block. It is
            in yaml format and the spaces must be retained. Using tabs will not work.**
        value: '{{ ansible_local.ldap.enabled | d(False) }}'
        state: '{{ "present" if gitlab__ldap_enabled | bool else "comment" }}'

      - name: 'prevent_ldap_sign_in'
        value: False
        state: 'comment'

      - name: 'ldap_servers'
        title: "**remember to close this block with 'EOS' below**"
        raw: |
          gitlab_rails['ldap_servers'] = YAML.load <<-'EOS'
            main:  # 'main' is the GitLab 'provider ID' of this LDAP server
              label: '{{ gitlab__ldap_label }}'
              host: '{{ gitlab__ldap_host }}'
              port: {{ gitlab__ldap_port }}
              uid: '{{ gitlab__ldap_account_attribute }}'
              bind_dn: '{{ gitlab__ldap_binddn }}'
              password: '{{ gitlab__ldap_bindpw }}'
              encryption: '{{ gitlab__ldap_encryption }}' # "start_tls" or "simple_tls" or "plain"
              verify_certificates: true
              smartcard_auth: false
              active_directory: {{ gitlab__ldap_activedirectory | lower }}
              allow_username_or_email_login: {{ gitlab__ldap_username_or_email_login | lower }}
              lowercase_usernames: {{ gitlab__ldap_lowercase_usernames | lower }}
              block_auto_created_users: {{ gitlab__ldap_block_auto_created_users | lower }}
              base: '{{ gitlab__ldap_base_dn | join(",") }}'
              user_filter: '{{ gitlab__ldap_user_filter }}'
              ## EE only
              group_base: ''
              admin_group: ''
              sync_ssh_keys: false
        state: '{{ "present" if gitlab__ldap_enabled | bool else "comment" }}'

  - name: 'nginx'

      - name: 'redirect_http_to_https'
        title: 'Enable HTTP to HTTPS redirection in nginx'
        value: '{{ True if gitlab__pki_enabled | bool else False }}'
        state: 'present'

  - name: 'package'

      - name: 'modify_kernel_parameters'
        comment: |
          Attempt to modify kernel parameters. To skip this in containers where
          the relevant file system is read-only, set the value to false.
        value: '{{ False
                   if ("container" in (ansible_virtualization_tech_guest | d([])))
                   else True }}'
        state: '{{ "present"
                   if ("container" in (ansible_virtualization_tech_guest | d([])))
                   else "comment" }}'

The configuration options for GitLab Omnibus defined on all hosts in the Ansible inventory.

gitlab__configuration: []

The configuration options for GitLab Omnibus defined on hosts in a specific Ansible inventory group.

gitlab__group_configuration: []

The configuration options for GitLab Omnibus defined on specific hosts in the Ansible inventory.

gitlab__host_configuration: []

Variable which combines all GitLab Omnibus configuration variables and is used in role tasks and templates.

gitlab__combined_configuration: '{{ gitlab__default_configuration
                                    + gitlab__configuration
                                    + gitlab__group_configuration
                                    + gitlab__host_configuration }}'

Configuration for other Ansible roles


List of custom /etc/services to configure for the debops.etc_services Ansible role.


  - name: 'container-registry'
    port: '{{ gitlab__registry_port }}'
    protocols: [ 'tcp' ]
    comment: 'GitLab Omnibus Container Registry'

List of APT repositories and GPG keys managed by the debops.keyring Ansible role.


  - id: 'F640 3F65 44A3 8863 DAA0  B6E0 3F01 618A 5131 2F3F'
    repo: 'deb {{ ansible_distribution_release }} main'
    filename: 'gitlab_ee'
    state: '{{ "present"
               if (gitlab__edition == "enterprise")
               else "absent" }}'

List of APT repository sources managed by the debops.extrepo Ansible role.


  - name: 'gitlab_ce'
    state: '{{ "present"
               if (gitlab__edition == "community")
               else "absent" }}'

Configuration for the debops.ferm Ansible role.


  - name: 'gitlab_services'
    type: 'accept'
    by_role: 'debops.gitlab'
    dport: '{{ gitlab__firewall_ports }}'
    saddr: '{{ gitlab__allow + gitlab__group_allow + gitlab__host_allow }}'
    accept_any: True
    rule_state: 'present'

Configuration for the debops.ldap Ansible role.


  - name: 'Create GitLab account for {{ gitlab__ldap_device_dn | join(",") }}'
    dn: '{{ gitlab__ldap_binddn }}'
    objectClass: '{{ gitlab__ldap_self_object_classes }}'
    attributes: '{{ gitlab__ldap_self_attributes }}'
    no_log: '{{ debops__no_log | d(True) }}'
    state: '{{ "present" if gitlab__ldap_device_dn | d() else "ignore" }}'