debops.freeradius default variables
APT packages, FreeRADIUS version
- freeradius__base_packages
List of essential APT packages to install for FreeRADIUS support.
freeradius__base_packages: [ 'freeradius', 'freeradius-utils' ]
- freeradius__packages
List of additional APT packages to install with FreeRADIUS.
freeradius__packages: []
- freeradius__version
The version of the installed FreeRADIUS package, gathered via Ansible local facts. This variable can be used in conditions to enable/disable parts of the configuration.
freeradius__version: '{{ ansible_local.freeradius.version | d("0.0.0") }}'
UNIX environment
- freeradius__user
The UNIX system account which is used to manage FreeRADIUS service.
freeradius__user: 'freerad'
- freeradius__group
The UNIX group which is used to manage FreeRADIUS service.
freeradius__group: 'freerad'
- freeradius__conf_base_path
Absolute path to the base directory which contains the FreeRADIUS configuration files. You most likely don't have to change this.
freeradius__conf_base_path: '/etc/freeradius/3.0'
Internal firewall and ports
These variables define the firewall configuration for internal FreeRADIUS communication, not intended for client endpoints.
- freeradius__default_ports
List of TCP/UDP ports which are managed by default in the firewall, for
internal communication. You can use port numbers or names from the
freeradius__default_ports: [ 'radius', 'radius-acct' ]
- freeradius__ports
List of TCP/UDP ports for internal communication which will be managed on all hosts in the Ansible inventory.
freeradius__ports: []
- freeradius__group_ports
List of TCP/UDP ports for internal communication which will be managed on hosts in a specific Ansible inventory group.
freeradius__group_ports: []
- freeradius__host_ports
List of TCP/UDP ports for internal communication which will be managed on specific hosts in the Ansible inventory.
freeradius__host_ports: []
- freeradius__accept_any
By default, internal firewall does not allow any connections from anywhere
and you need to specify IP addresses or CIDR subnets to allow for
communication to the FreeRADIUS service. If this variable is set to True
the configuration will be "flipped" - the role will allow internal
communication with FreeRADIUS from anywhere by default, and specifying IP
addresses or subnets will restrict it to only these hosts/networks.
freeradius__accept_any: False
- freeradius__allow
List of IP addresses or CIDR subnets which should be allowed to connect to internal FreeRADIUS service, defined on all hosts in the Ansible inventory.
freeradius__allow: []
- freeradius__group_allow
List of IP addresses or CIDR subnets which should be allowed to connect to internal FreeRADIUS service, defined on hosts in a specific Ansible inventory group.
freeradius__group_allow: []
- freeradius__host_allow
List of IP addresses or CIDR subnets which should be allowed to connect to internal FreeRADIUS service, defined on specific hosts in the Ansible inventory.
freeradius__host_allow: []
Public firewall and ports
These variables define the firewall configuration for public FreeRADIUS services, like DHCP, intended for client endpoints.
- freeradius__public_ports
List of TCP/UDP ports for public communication which will be managed on all hosts in the Ansible inventory.
freeradius__public_ports: []
- freeradius__public_group_ports
List of TCP/UDP ports for public communication which will be managed on hosts in a specific Ansible inventory group.
freeradius__public_group_ports: []
- freeradius__public_host_ports
List of TCP/UDP ports for public communication which will be managed on specific hosts in the Ansible inventory.
freeradius__public_host_ports: []
- freeradius__public_accept_any
By default, if public TCP/UDP ports are specified, the firewall will accept
connections from any IP addresses or CIDR subnets to these ports, and
specifying hosts/networks in freeradius__public_*_allow
variables will
restrict the connections to only these IP addresses/subnets. If this variable
is set to False
, the configuration will be "flipped" - the role will not
allow connections from anywhere to specified TCP/UDP ports, and you will need
to specify IP addresses/subnets that are allowed to connect.
freeradius__public_accept_any: True
- freeradius__public_allow
List of IP addresses or CIDR subnets which should be allowed to connect to public FreeRADIUS service, defined on all hosts in the Ansible inventory.
freeradius__public_allow: []
- freeradius__public_group_allow
List of IP addresses or CIDR subnets which should be allowed to connect to public FreeRADIUS service, defined on hosts in a specific Ansible inventory group.
freeradius__public_group_allow: []
- freeradius__public_host_allow
List of IP addresses or CIDR subnets which should be allowed to connect to public FreeRADIUS service, defined on specific hosts in the Ansible inventory.
freeradius__public_host_allow: []
FreeRADIUS configuration files
These variables define the contents of the FreeRADIUS configuration files
located in /etc/freeradius/
See freeradius__configuration for more details.
- freeradius__default_configuration
The default FreeRADIUS configuration defined by the role.
# Enable FreeRADIUS control socket for the 'radmin' command to work correctly
- name: 'sites-enabled/control-socket'
link_src: '../sites-available/control-socket'
- freeradius__configuration
Definition of FreeRADIUS configuration which should be managed on all hosts in the Ansible inventory.
freeradius__configuration: []
- freeradius__group_configuration
Definition of FreeRADIUS configuration which should be managed on hosts in a specific Ansible inventory group.
freeradius__group_configuration: []
- freeradius__host_configuration
Definition of FreeRADIUS configuration which should be managed on specific hosts in the Ansible inventory.
freeradius__host_configuration: []
- freeradius__combined_configuration
The variable that combines all of the FreeRADIUS configuration lists and is used in the role tasks and templates.
freeradius__combined_configuration: '{{ freeradius__default_configuration
+ freeradius__configuration
+ freeradius__group_configuration
+ freeradius__host_configuration }}'
Configuration for other Ansible roles
- freeradius__ferm__dependent_rules
Configuration for the debops.ferm Ansible role.
- type: 'accept'
dport: '{{ freeradius__default_ports
+ freeradius__ports
+ freeradius__group_ports
+ freeradius__host_ports }}'
saddr: '{{ freeradius__allow
+ freeradius__group_allow
+ freeradius__host_allow }}'
protocols: [ 'tcp', 'udp' ]
accept_any: '{{ freeradius__accept_any }}'
weight: '50'
by_role: 'debops.freeradius'
name: 'radius_internal'
multiport: True
- type: 'accept'
dport: '{{ freeradius__public_ports
+ freeradius__public_group_ports
+ freeradius__public_host_ports }}'
saddr: '{{ freeradius__public_allow
+ freeradius__public_group_allow
+ freeradius__public_host_allow }}'
protocols: [ 'tcp', 'udp' ]
accept_any: '{{ freeradius__public_accept_any }}'
weight: '50'
by_role: 'debops.freeradius'
name: 'radius_public'
multiport: True
rule_state: '{{ "present"
if (freeradius__public_ports
+ freeradius__public_group_ports
+ freeradius__public_host_ports)
else "absent" }}'
- freeradius__logrotate__dependent_config
Configuration for the debops.logrotate Ansible role.
- filename: 'freeradius'
divert: True
log: '/var/log/freeradius/radius.log'
comment: 'The main server log'
options: |
rotate 52
state: 'present'
- filename: 'freeradius-monitor'
- '/var/log/freeradius/checkrad.log'
- '/var/log/freeradius/radwatch.log'
comment: 'Session monitoring utilities'
options: |
rotate 52
state: 'present'
- filename: 'freeradius-session'
- '/var/log/freeradius/radutmp'
- '/var/log/freeradius/radwtmp'
comment: 'Session database modules'
options: |
rotate 52
state: 'present'
- filename: 'freeradius-sql'
log: '/var/log/freeradius/sqllog.sql'
comment: 'SQL log files'
options: |
rotate 52
state: 'present'
- filename: 'freeradius-detail'
log: '/var/log/freeradius/radacct/*/detail'
comment: |
There are different detail-rotating strategies you can use. One is
to write to a single detail file per IP and use the rotate config
below. Another is to write to a daily detail file per IP with:
detailfile = ${radacctdir}/%{Client-IP-Address}/%Y%m%d-detail
(or similar) in radiusd.conf, without rotation. If you go with the
second technique, you will need another cron job that removes old
detail files. You do not need to comment out the below for method #2.
options: |
rotate 260
state: 'present'