debops.ferm default variables

ferm configuration


Enable or disable iptables management by checking if cap_net_admin POSIX capability is set on the host.

ferm__enabled: '{{ True
                   if (ansible_system_capabilities is undefined or
                       (((ansible_system_capabilities_enforced | d()) | bool and
                         "cap_net_admin" in ansible_system_capabilities) or
                        not (ansible_system_capabilities_enforced | d(True)) | bool))
                   else False }}'

Should ferm-rules be flushed when ferm is disabled? The default is true, but you may need set both ferm__enabled and this to False if you are running in some container and are not allowed to change iptables.

ferm__flush: '{{ ferm__enabled | bool }}'

Enable or disable configuration of the iptables backend symlink using the "alternatives" system, supported on Debian 10 and later.

ferm__iptables_backend_enabled: '{{ False
                                    if ansible_distribution_release in
                                    ["stretch", "trusty", "xenial",
                                     "bionic", "focal"]
                                    else True }}'

Select which iptables backend should be used on the host. Known backends:

  • legacy - old arptables, ebtables, iptables, ip6tables

  • nft - new, nftables-based firewall

Ferm does not support nftables backend, therefore the legacy variant is enabled by default.

ferm__iptables_backend_type: 'legacy'

List of base APT packages to install.

ferm__base_packages: [ 'ferm', 'patch', 'iptables', 'arptables', 'ebtables' ]

List of additional APT packages to install.

ferm__packages: []

List of iptables domains enabled in main ferm firewall. Currently supported domains:


Enables IPv4 support (iptables).


Enables IPv6 support (ip6tables).

ferm__domains: '{{ lookup("flattened",
                          ((["ip"] if (ansible_all_ipv4_addresses | d()) else [])
                           + (["ip6"] if (ansible_all_ipv6_addresses | d()) else [])),
                          wantlist=True) }}'

Optional list of CIDR hosts which are not included in ssh port recent filter and won't be blocked by the firewall in case of too many connections. Entries are saved in the local facts on remote hosts. Remember to specify IP address from the remote host point of view. Format: "IP address/netmask", for example: ''.


If you are using debops.tcpwrappers too (or the DebOps playbook), mind setting its own Ansible Controllers variable as well. An easier way would be to use the debops.sshd role to configure ssh service.

ferm__ansible_controllers: []

List of ports which are opened for access from Ansible Controllers.

ferm__ansible_controllers_ports: [ 'ssh' ]

List of interfaces for the default Ansible Controllers rule. An empty list means all interfaces.

ferm__ansible_controllers_interfaces: []

Use iptables-restore for fast firewall initialization?

ferm__fast_mode: False

Use iptables-restore for fast firewall initialization?

ferm__use_cache: False

Additional parameters for ferm (like --def '=bar')

ferm__extra_options: ""

Default iptables policy for INPUT chain.

ferm__default_policy_input: 'DROP'

Default iptables policy for OUTPUT chain.

ferm__default_policy_output: 'ACCEPT'

Default iptables policy for FORWARD chain.

ferm__default_policy_forward: 'DROP'

Rate limit filter configuration


Manage filtering of ICMP packets using the hashlimit module.

ferm__filter_icmp: True

Rate limit when filtering ICMP packets.

ferm__filter_icmp_limit: '10/second'

Burst limit when filtering ICMP packets.

ferm__filter_icmp_burst: '10'

Expiration time when filtering ICMP packets in seconds. Defaults to 1 hour.

ferm__filter_icmp_expire: '{{ (60 * 60) }}'

Manage filtering of TCP SYN segments using the hashlimit module.

ferm__filter_syn: True

Rate limit when filtering TCP SYN segments.

ferm__filter_syn_limit: '40/second'

Burst limit when filtering TCP SYN segments.

ferm__filter_syn_burst: '40'

Expiration time when filtering TCP SYN segments in seconds. Defaults to 1 hour.

ferm__filter_syn_expire: '{{ (60 * 60) }}'

Enable recent filter in respective rules. You might need to disable it on certain hosts, like OpenVZ containers that don't have the recent module available.

ferm__filter_recent: True

Name of recent list to block early.

ferm__filter_recent_name: 'badguys'

Length of time in seconds to block recent offenders; if they try connecting before the time is up, timer is reset.

ferm__filter_recent_time: '{{ (60 * 60 * 2) }}'

Mark packets on invalid ports as bad guys (block port scanning). For more information check Block Port Scans.

ferm__mark_portscan: False

Logging configuration


Enable/disable custom &log() ferm function used in different firewall rules.

ferm__log: True

Select how firewall performs logging. By default, it uses normal syslog calls, there are other ways to log packets listed below.

ferm__log_type: 'LOG'

Dictionary map with actual firewall rules mapped to different log types.

  'LOG':   'LOG log-ip-options log-prefix "$msg"'
  'ULOG':  'ULOG ulog-nlgroup {{ ferm__log_group }} ulog-prefix "$msg"'
  'NFLOG': 'NFLOG nflog-group {{ ferm__log_group }} nflog-prefix "$msg"'

Firewall log target used in the &log() ferm function.

ferm__log_target: '{{ ferm__log_map[ferm__log_type] }}'

Limit the amount of packets logged by the firewall.

ferm__log_limit: '2/min'

Set the burst limit for the logged packets.

ferm__log_burst: '5'

ULOG/NFLOG group used by the firewall logs.

ferm__log_group: '32'

Firewall rules configuration

The variables below define what rules should be present in the firewall. Each variable is a YAML dictionary with nested dictionaries. They are combined in the ferm__combined_rules variable. See ferm__rules for more details.


Include legacy firewall rules. This variable should allow for easier transition to the new firewall rules in the future.

ferm__include_legacy: True

Enable or disable the firewall rule to allow Multicast DNS packets. Multicast DNS is used by systemd-resolved service to resolve the .local domain, also used by Avahi/Bonjour services.

ferm__mdns_state: 'present'

List of IP addresses or CIDR subneds which are allowed to send Multicast DNS packets to the host. If the list is empty, any host will be accepted.

ferm__mdns_allow: []

YAML list which contains ferm rules to manage defined by other Ansible roles using dependent variables.

ferm__dependent_rules: []

For now, some rules defined by other Ansible roles are incomplete. This template makes sure that all required information is added if missing. This variable will be removed at some point in the future, therefore you should not rely on it.

ferm__fix_dependent_rules: '{{ lookup("template",
                               convert_data=False) | from_yaml }}'

YAML list which contains ferm rules which should be defined on all hosts in the Ansible inventory.

ferm__rules: []

YAML list which contains ferm rules which should be defined on a group of hosts in the Ansible inventory.

ferm__group_rules: []

YAML list which contains ferm rules which should be defined on specific hosts in the Ansible inventory.

ferm__host_rules: []

YAML list which defines the order in which firewall rules are defined and affect each other. This list is then passed to the parser template to generate final dictionary with rules for ferm.

ferm__combined_rules: '{{ ferm__default_rules
                          + ferm__fix_dependent_rules
                          + ferm__rules
                          + ferm__group_rules
                          + ferm__host_rules }}'

YAML dictionary which contains all of the defined ferm rules combined together. This variable is used in the Ansible tasks that manage the rules on remote hosts.

ferm__parsed_rules: '{{ lookup("template",
                        convert_data=False) | from_yaml }}'

This is a legacy variable and shouldn't be used! List of iptables INPUT rules to manage. See ferm_input_list for more details.

ferm_input_list: []

This is a legacy variable and shouldn't be used! List of iptables INPUT rules to manage for a host group. See ferm_input_list for more details.

ferm_input_group_list: []

This is a legacy variable and shouldn't be used! List of iptables INPUT rules to manage for an individual host. See ferm_input_list for more details.

ferm_input_host_list: []

This is a legacy variable and shouldn't be used! List of iptables INPUT rules to manage in dependency to other rules. See ferm_input_list for more details.

ferm_input_dependent_list: []

Dictionary with mapping between "rule classes" and their desired weight.

  'pre-hook':            '00'
  'function':            '00'
  'custom':              '00'
  'loopback':            '01'
  'default_policy':      '05'
  'policy':              '05'
  'ansible-controller':  '05'
  'any-whitelist':       '10'
  'filter-icmp':         '15'
  'connection-tracking': '20'
  'filter-syn':          '25'
  'any-blacklist':       '30'
  'sshd-chain':          '40'
  'any-forward':         '60'
  'default':             '100'
  'accept':              '100'
  'any-service':         '100'
  'reject':              '900'
  'any-reject':          '900'
  'post-hook':           '950'

Dictionary with additional mapping between "rule classes" and their desired weight. This variable can be used to override weight for specific weight classes.

ferm__weight_map: {}

YAML dictionary with the combined default and custom weight maps, used by the Ansible tasks.

ferm__combined_weight_map: '{{ ferm__default_weight_map
                               | combine(ferm__weight_map) }}'

YAML dictionary with default firewall rules defined on each host.


  - name: 'policy_filter_input'
    type: 'default_policy'
    chain: 'INPUT'
    policy: '{{ ferm__default_policy_input }}'

  - name: 'policy_filter_forward'
    type: 'default_policy'
    chain: 'FORWARD'
    policy: '{{ ferm__default_policy_forward }}'

  - name: 'policy_filter_output'
    type: 'default_policy'
    chain: 'OUTPUT'
    policy: '{{ ferm__default_policy_output }}'

  - name: 'firewall_hooks'
    type: 'custom'
    comment: 'Run custom hooks at various firewall stages'
    rules: |
      @hook pre   "run-parts /etc/ferm/hooks/pre.d";
      @hook post  "run-parts /etc/ferm/hooks/post.d";
      @hook flush "run-parts /etc/ferm/hooks/flush.d";

  - name: 'firewall_variables'
    type: 'custom'
    comment: 'Define custom variables available in the firewall'
    rules: |
      @def $domains      = ({{ ferm__domains | unique | join(" ") }});
      @def $ipv4_enabled = {{ "1" if "ip" in ferm__domains else "0" }};
      @def $ipv6_enabled = {{ "1" if "ip6" in ferm__domains else "0" }};

  - name: 'firewall_log'
    type: 'custom'
    comment: 'Custom log function used by other rules'
    rules: |
      @def &log($msg) = {
          mod limit limit {{ ferm__log_limit }}
                    limit-burst {{ ferm__log_burst }}
              {{ ferm__log_target }};
    rule_state: '{{ "present" if (ferm__log | bool) else "absent" }}'

  - name: 'accept_loopback'
    type: 'accept'
    weight_class: 'loopback'
    interface: 'lo'

  - name: 'accept_ansible_controller'
    type: 'ansible_controller'
    weight_class: 'ansible-controller'
    comment: 'Accept SSH connections from Ansible Controllers'
    dport: '{{ ferm__ansible_controllers_ports }}'
    interface: '{{ ferm__ansible_controllers_interfaces }}'
    multiport: True
    accept_any: False

  - name: 'filter_icmp_flood'
    type: 'hashlimit'
    weight_class: 'filter-icmp'
    protocol: 'icmp'
    rule_state: '{{ "present" if (ferm__filter_icmp | bool) else "absent" }}'
    hashlimit: '{{ ferm__filter_icmp_limit }}'
    hashlimit_burst: '{{ ferm__filter_icmp_burst }}'
    hashlimit_expire: '{{ ferm__filter_icmp_expire }}'
    hashlimit_target: 'ACCEPT'
    target: 'DROP'

  - name: 'connection_tracking'
    type: 'connection_tracking'
    weight_class: 'connection-tracking'
    chain: [ 'INPUT', 'OUTPUT', 'FORWARD' ]

  - name: 'filter_syn_flood'
    type: 'hashlimit'
    weight_class: 'filter-syn'
    protocol: 'tcp'
    protocol_syn: True
    rule_state: '{{ "present" if (ferm__filter_syn | bool) else "absent" }}'
    hashlimit: '{{ ferm__filter_syn_limit }}'
    hashlimit_burst: '{{ ferm__filter_syn_burst }}'
    hashlimit_expire: '{{ ferm__filter_syn_expire }}'
    hashlimit_target: 'RETURN'
    target: 'DROP'

  - name: 'block_recent_badguys'
    type: 'recent'
    weight_class: 'any-blacklist'
    comment: 'Reject packets marked as "badguys"'
    rule_state: '{{ "present" if (ferm__filter_recent | bool) else "absent" }}'
    recent_name: '{{ ferm__filter_recent_name }}'
    recent_update: True
    recent_seconds: '{{ ferm__filter_recent_time }}'
    recent_target: 'REJECT'

  - name: 'clean_recent_badguys'
    type: 'recent'
    weight_class: 'any-blacklist'
    comment: 'Reject packets marked as "badguys"'
    rule_state: '{{ "present" if (ferm__filter_recent | bool) else "absent" }}'
    recent_name: '{{ ferm__filter_recent_name }}'
    recent_remove: True
    recent_log: False

  - name: 'accept_dhcpv6_client_solicit'
    type: 'accept'
    weight_class: 'any-service'
    comment: 'Initial DHCPv6 Solicit message is sent to multicast'
    domain: [ 'ip6' ]
    saddr: [ 'fe80::/10' ]
    daddr: [ 'ff02::1:2/128' ]
    protocol: [ 'udp' ]
    sport: [ 'dhcpv6-client' ]
    dport: [ 'dhcpv6-server' ]
    rule_state: '{{ "present" if ("ip6" in ferm__domains) else "absent" }}'

  - name: 'accept_dhcpv6_client'
    type: 'accept'
    weight_class: 'any-service'
    comment: 'DHCPv6 responses seem to be neither RELATED nor ESTABLISHED.'
    domain: [ 'ip6' ]
    saddr: [ 'fe80::/10' ]
    daddr: [ 'fe80::/10' ]
    protocol: [ 'udp' ]
    sport: [ 'dhcpv6-server' ]
    dport: [ 'dhcpv6-client' ]
    rule_state: '{{ "present" if ("ip6" in ferm__domains) else "absent" }}'

    # Multicast DNS is used by systemd-resolved for '.local' name resolution.
  - name: 'accept_mdns'
    type: 'accept'
    dport: 'mdns'
    comment: 'Accept Multicast DNS packets from other hosts'
    saddr: '{{ ferm__mdns_allow }}'
    daddr: [ '', 'ff02::fb' ]
    accept_any: True
    protocol: 'udp'
    rule_state: '{{ ferm__mdns_state }}'

    # Avahi is usually installed by default on workstations and laptops where
    # it is useful. To manage Avahi on servers, you should enable the
    # 'debops.avahi' Ansible role which will set up the same firewall rule.
  - name: 'avahi'
    type: 'accept'
    dport: 'mdns'
    saddr: '{{ avahi__allow | d([]) }}'
    protocol: 'udp'
    accept_any: True
    rule_state: '{{ "present"
                    if ((ansible_local.nsswitch.conf | d() and
                         ("mdns4_minimal" in q("flattened",
                                               ansible_local.nsswitch.conf.hosts | d([])) or
                          "mdns_minimal" in q("flattened",
                                              ansible_local.nsswitch.conf.hosts | d([])))) and
                        (ansible_local | d(True) and ansible_local.avahi | d(True) and
                         ((ansible_local["avahi"] | d({})).enabled | d(True)) | bool))
                    else "absent" }}'

  - name: 'jump_to_legacy_input_rules'
    type: 'accept'
    weight: '-10'
    weight_class: 'reject'
    comment: 'Jump to legacy firewall rules'
    target: 'debops-legacy-input-rules'
    rule_state: '{{ "present" if (ferm__include_legacy | bool) else "absent" }}'

  - name: 'include_legacy_input_rules'
    type: 'include'
    weight_class: 'post-hook'
    chain: 'debops-legacy-input-rules'
    comment: 'Include legacy firewall rules'
    include: '/etc/ferm/filter-input.d/'
    rule_state: '{{ "present" if (ferm__include_legacy | bool) else "absent" }}'

  - name: 'block_portscans'
    type: 'recent'
    weight: '85'
    comment: 'Mark potential port scanners as bad guys'
    recent_set_name: '{{ ferm__filter_recent_name }}'
    rule_state: '{{ "present" if (ferm__mark_portscan | bool) else "absent" }}'

  - name: 'reject_all'
    type: 'reject'

  - name: 'fail2ban-hook'
    type: 'fail2ban'
    comment: 'Reload fail2ban rules'
    rule_state: '{{ "present" if (ferm__fail2ban | bool) else "absent" }}'
    rules: |
      @hook post "type fail2ban-server > /dev/null && (fail2ban-client ping > /dev/null && systemctl restart fail2ban > /dev/null || true) || true";
      @hook flush "type fail2ban-server > /dev/null && (fail2ban-client ping > /dev/null && systemctl restart fail2ban > /dev/null || true) || true";
    weight_class: 'post-hook'

    # Remove obsolete forwarding rules
  - name: 'forward_external_in'
    rule_state: 'absent'
    weight: '1'
    weight_class: 'any-forward'
    type: 'accept'
    chain: 'FORWARD'

    # Remove obsolete forwarding rules
  - name: 'forward_external_out'
    rule_state: 'absent'
    weight: '2'
    weight_class: 'any-forward'
    type: 'accept'
    chain: 'FORWARD'

    # Remove obsolete forwarding rules
  - name: 'forward_internal'
    rule_state: 'absent'
    weight: '3'
    weight_class: 'any-forward'
    type: 'accept'
    chain: 'FORWARD'

  - name: 'fix_bootpc_checksum'
    type: 'custom'
    rules: |
      # Add checksums to BOOTP packets from virtual machines and containers.
      @hook post "iptables -A POSTROUTING -t mangle -p udp --dport bootpc -j CHECKSUM --checksum-fill";
    rule_state: 'ignore'

Copy or install custom files needed by the firewall, usually scripts. The syntax is the same as used by the copy Ansible module.

ferm__custom_files: []

Copy or install custom files needed by the firewall host group configuration.

ferm__group_custom_files: []

Copy or install custom files needed by the firewall individual host configuration.

ferm__host_custom_files: []

Enable or disable fail2ban integration. ferm will send fail2ban a reload command after its own configuration is reloaded. If fail2ban is not present or turned off, nothing will happen.

ferm__fail2ban: True