Getting started

When fail2ban is installed, an ssh jail will be configured by default (by the Debian package, not DebOps).

debops.fail2ban role uses iptables recent module instead of adding the banned hosts to the firewall directly. The recent rule will be added to the INPUT chain at specific location, to work seamlessly with the default firewall configuration managed by debops.ferm role. If necessary, you can specify the location of the rules using custom item.position parameter.

Example inventory

To enable fail2ban you can add a host or several hosts to [debops_service_fail2ban] group:


If you have many hosts which you want to protect using fail2ban, you can instead create a child group and add it to the [debops_service_fail2ban] parent group:



To manage jails, you use fail2ban_*_jails list variables by adding them in group_vars/ or host_vars/ directories. For example, to disable the ssh jail by default on all hosts, create inventory/group_vars/debops_all_hosts/fail2ban.yml file and add inside:



  - name: 'ssh'
    enabled: 'false'
    comment: 'Disable default ssh jail'

Example playbook

Here's an example playbook which uses debops.fail2ban role to install fail2ban:


- name: Install fail2ban
  hosts: [ 'debops_service_fail2ban' ]

    - role: fail2ban
      tags: [ 'role::fail2ban', 'skip::fail2ban' ]