

The bind__*_keys variables control the generation of keys on the BIND server. The keys which are generated on the server can be transferred to the Ansible Controller and be used to authenticate clients which wish to perform dynamic DNS updates or to distinguish operations, including queries, which are to be performed on different views.


Keys control client access to the server, and are not related to DNSSEC keys.

Generated keys are stored on the server in the /etc/bind/keys/ directory and on the controller in the secret/bind/<ansible_inventory_name> directory (see debops.secret for details).

Key Types

BIND supports two different kinds of key types, TSIG and SIG(0) keys.

TSIG keys are symmetric keys, meaning that the BIND server and the client each need a copy of the same key. SIG(0) keys are asymmetric keys, meaning that there is a public key (known to the server) and a private key (known to the client).

TSIG keys are generally easier to work with, but SIG(0) have the advantage that they can be updated by the client and that the public key does not need to be kept secret.

SIG(0) public keys need to be published in the zone, which means that the name used for the key is significant. For example, if you create a key named, two files will be generated, which will be named<algorithm><random ID> with the suffix .private and .key. The latter is the public key, and its contents will look something like this:

# cat IN KEY 512 3 13 dVdLP...xhNNvF7A==

The public key needs to be published in the zone, e.g. using nsupdate (this example assumes execution on the host running BIND):

# cat nsupdate.txt
server localhost
ttl 3600
add IN KEY 512 3 13 dVdLP...xhNNvF7A==

# nsupdate < nsupdate.txt


Generate two keys which can be used e.g. in ACLs to distinguish between different views:


  - name: 'external-key'
    type: 'tsig'
    algorithm: 'hmac-sha512'

  - name: 'internal-key'
    type: 'tsig'
    algorithm: 'hmac-sha512'

See the zones/views example for a full example making use of these keys.

Generating a SIG(0) key:


  - name: ''
    type: 'sig(0)'
    algorithm: 13


The key configuration uses YAML dictionary keys as the configuration option name. Valid options are:


Required. Key name. This is used both as a basis for the filename and also to refer to the key in the BIND configuration file.


Optional. Can either be present or absent (other values mean the key will be ignored. Defaults to present. An absent key will be removed from the server.


Required. The type of key to generate. Currently tsig and sig(0) are supported.


Required. The crypto algorithm to use for the key.

Possible algorithms for TSIG keys are (see tsig-keygen):

  • hmac-md5

  • hmac-sha1

  • hmac-sha224

  • hmac-sha256

  • hmac-sha384

  • hmac-sha512

Algorithms for SIG(0) keys must be numeric (see this list) and the possible algorithms are (see dnssec-keygen):

  • 5 - RSASHA1

  • 7 - NSEC3RSASHA1

  • 8 - RSASHA256

  • 10 - RSASHA512

  • 13 - ECDSAP256SHA256

  • 14 - ECDSAP384SHA384

  • 15 - ED25519

  • 16 - ED448

Note that the supported algorithms for both key types can vary with the specific release of BIND which is installed.


Optional. The directory on the server in which to store the generated key. Default: /etc/bind/keys/.


Optional. The user which should own the generated key file(s). Default: root.


Optional. The group which should own the generated key file(s). Default: bind.


Optional. Whether the key should be downloaded to the Ansible controller. Default: True unless source is "controller".


Optional, string. Either "host" (the default), meaning that the key should be generated on the remote host, or "controller", meaning that the key should be copied from the Ansible controller to the remote host (in which case, source_path also needs to be set).


Optional, string. If source is set to "controller", the path to the (public) key on the Ansible controller. A relative path will be interpreted as relative to the debops.secret directory. The filename used for the key file on the remote host will be the same as on the controller.


Optional, boolean. Whether the key should be included in the BIND configuration file. This option only makes sense for TSIG keys. Default: True.


Optional, boolean. Whether the private key of an asymmetric key pair should be removed from the server. This option only makes sense for SIG(0) keys. Default: True.