Default variable details

Some of the debops.apparmor default variables have more extensive configuration than simple strings or lists, here you can find documentation and examples for them.


The apparmor__*_profiles variables define which profiles should be enabled or disabled, following the principles of universal configuration.


Define the state of a couple of profiles:


  - name: 'usr.sbin.nmbd'
    state: 'complain'

  - name: 'usr.sbin.smbd'
    state: 'enforce'

  - name: 'usr.sbin.traceroute'
    state: 'disable'

  - name: 'usr.local.sbin.legacy'
    state: 'ignore'


The AppArmor profile configuration options uses YAML dictionaries with the following parameters:


Required. Name of the profile under the /etc/apparmor.d/ directory. Configuration entries with the same name parameter are merged in order of appearance; this can be used to change configuration options conditionally.


Required. The desired state of the given profile. Valid states are:


Results in the enforcement of the policy defined in the profile; policy violation attempts will be blocked and logged.


The policy will not be enforced (with some caveats, as noted in the aa-complain(8) man page, deny rules are still enforced), but policy violations will be logged.


The policy will not be loaded; policy violations will be neither blocked nor logged.


The state of the given policy will not be changed. This is useful to override more generic configuration.


The apparmor__*_locals variables define modifications to system profiles. The variables define file fragments which are placed under /etc/apparmor.d/local/, and can be used to fine-tune existing profiles to meet site-specific requirements.

In order to determine the correct name for an override, have a look at the profile which needs to be further customized:

# cat /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.nscd
  # Site-specific additions and overrides. See local/README for details.
  #include <local/usr.sbin.nscd>

Here, the relevant modification for /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.nscd would be /etc/apparmor.d/local/usr.sbin.nscd. The debops.apparmor role will automatically prepend the /etc/apparmor.d/local/ part, so the modification should simply be named usr.sbin.nscd.

This is the case for most profiles.

As noted in /etc/apparmor.d/local/README:


Keep in mind that 'deny' rules are evaluated after allow rules, so you won't be able to allow access to files that are explicitly denied by the shipped profile using this mechanism.


Define modifications for two profiles (showing three different possible syntaxes for a given configuration option):


  - name: 'usr.sbin.dnsmasq'

      - name: 'dnsmasq-allow-resolvconf'
        comment: 'Allow dnsmasq to read upstream DNS servers'
        option: '/etc/resolvconf/upstream.conf'
        value: 'r'

      - name: '/etc/hosts.dnsmasq'
        value: 'r'

  - name: 'usr.bin.pidgin'

      - name: 'pidgin-allow-home-plugins'
        comment: 'Allow per-user Pidgin plugins'
        raw: '@{HOME}/.purple/plugins/** rm,'


The AppArmor profile modification options uses YAML dictionaries with the following parameters:


Required. Name of the local modification file under the /etc/apparmor.d/local/ directory. Note that subdirectories are also supported, so if name is set to foo/bar, the result will be written to /etc/apparmor.d/local/foo/bar. Configuration entries with the same name parameter are merged in order of appearance; this can be used to change configuration options conditionally.


Optional. If not specified or present, the configuration file will be created, or a given configuration option (see options below) will be present in the configuration file. If absent, a given file/option will be removed. If init or ignore, the configuration file/option won't be created/included - this can be used e.g. to prepare configuration that will be activated conditionally someplace else. If comment, a given configuration option will be present, but commented out.


Optional. A list of YAML dictionaries with options which should be written to the modification file, valid parameters include name and state, as explained above, plus the following parameters:


Optional. A string which, if defined, will be used instead of the name parameter when generating the configuration file.


Optional. A string which will be used together with name or option to generate a line in the generated configuration file.


Optional. A string defining the operator used to combine the name or option and value in the generated configuration file. The default is a space (unless the template detects that a different operator should be used, based on the name or option).


Optional. A string which should be added at the end of the configuration option in the generated configuration file. The default is a comma.


Optional. String or YAML text block which will be included in the generated configuration file "as is". If the raw parameter is defined, it takes precedence over name, option, value, operator and suffix.


Optional. String or YAML text block with comments about a given configuration option.


Optional, boolean. If defined and True, the role will add an empty line before a given configuration option, to allow for better readability.


Optional. Positive or negative number which defines the additional "weight" of an option. Smaller or negative weight will move the option higher in the configuration file, higher weight will move the configuration option lower in the configuration file.


Optional. Same format as options above. An option which contains suboptions will be rendered as a configuration block with the option or name value of the parent option as the name of the configuration block.

The TL;DR; version is that options will generally be rendered in the generated configuration file as:

(option.option | + option.operator + option.value + option.suffix

So a configuration like this:

- name: 'usr.sbin.named'

    - name: '/etc/pki/**'
      operator: ' '
      value: 'r'
      suffix: ','

Is equivalent to a configuration like this:

- name: 'usr.sbin.named'

    - name: 'allow-pki-access'
      option: '/etc/pki/**'
      value: 'r'

And both will result in the following line being included in the generated configuration file:

/etc/pki/** r,


The apparmor__*_tunables variables are similar to the apparmor__locals variables, but instead define the content of file fragments in the /etc/apparmor.d/tunables/ directory.

The tunables which are supported depends on the profiles which are already installed, and covering them all is outside the scope of this documentation.

See the existing files under /etc/apparmor.d/tunables/ to get a better feeling for what is possible and not. Also, see the tunables section from the Ubuntu wiki for more details.


Define an additional path under which user home directories are stored:


  - name: 'home.d/site.local'

      - name: 'add-home-dirs'
        comment: 'Define additional home directory locations'
        option: '@{HOMEDIRS}'
        operator: '+='
        value: '/srv/nfs/home/ /mnt/home/'


The AppArmor tunables options use YAML dictionaries with the same syntax as apparmor__locals.

The only difference is that the default value for operator is = and the default value for suffix is no suffix.